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_ "`ikl�+ •:'�" .-':}:::.�[���j Ff'{TA'1! ;4::1 .�v . . � .li w` i:;.;•.e� �� , <br /> ���.Yi!i:.�i�rl•�a�'n.MF�.<IPpT+'r.IT-�r-. . i7:f:.��' �;�µ+ _ <br /> R ... �...-.r.w.y,...�' ._�- ' �sl I i <br /> ,.. . . <br /> ti � �7�+�if�'��.j c� 'h" � - _. <br /> .. � . . __.. .... ( _ ., <br /> �Yx{•.. .����: .-... .� .... _. ~r., . .r�.t�:!t�raJ`L+K#.:.s�_._'_.... <br /> .__. . . . -Trn,,..�.- _'— <br /> . <br /> ...__'_„�...._.-�P,:'�r'M°•�••��i�'7YLY^J'._ <br /> _ � "' '--_:��1.�_��:_.-_T—._.—_—�_. <br /> "_"—_�—�.tl{QC <br /> ,r� ---.-+�ar.w�t.-���Y�f.:,;�.;n��� _—�,:c—�:��=�T"'F�?"r��_'�':r't:r'n'sRTKRT'.,-:-'qE •^�lir�:a'.r.x'tr,;.;�.us•r_ : - <br /> 'v�iat�3i{�'aTtt�.�e.�z �- . , . „ . • . , x,.- , <br /> —� m w'^.#TIPYY9'!�5w` �.•:Ns..�y.. . ;�i : . • ' � - � .. � ' ' .�- , . . . -ix�;�i� e- _ <br /> - - = ._ ..__ 'r,�.,. »,itwi.�.— .-.^�.'7�' ' --.. .__.... . . .... 'i `��+ehuuio�av's:��e+�J.�'�SW' �.�J. !'EP_!'l��c.:-m:i-'e:=-r.�;�.�.,.���...T...�...�:�:o ---. <br /> ' � g��1oo��e <br /> ._ 1-� FAMIL� RIDER - <br /> Assi�mnent�f Rents o020027253 <br /> Tli1S I•4 FAAIILY l2iDElt is n�:►dc tl�is 21 ST �{,�y�f p y � <br /> and is incorpar,ited intu and�hull be deemed to nmend und supplement the Mortga��^c;.UDeed of Tnist nr Secunty <br /> Dceci (the "Sccw•ity Instn�mcnt") of thc snmc date given by thc undersigncd (the "Dorrowcr") ro securc <br /> porrowcr's Notc to <br /> Tho Equitablo Building and l.oan Assaciation of Grand Is7and, <br /> Net�raska, � Federal Savings Bank (d�e"Lender") <br /> aF ths same clate and cuvcring thc Pro�tiny describcd in ih::'xcurity Iu�UU�uei�t and located at: <br /> 924 S LOCUST & '104 E SUNSET� GRA.ND ISLPND, �E�3RASKA 6�8�1 <br /> IPmpert�Addrc.s� <br /> l-4 FM11LY COVENANTS.In ad�ditic�n to the covenants and,�r,ements made in the Security[nstmnxnt, <br /> Rurcower cmd I.�ncicr funher covenant and:�;;ree as follows: <br /> A. ADDIT[ONAL PROPF.RTY 5UB,4�.CT TO'd'�F. SFGURITY INS'fitU111ENT. In addition to the <br /> P�aipeny Jc,��ibc�l in thc Sccurity Instn�ment,dle f011o��in�itcros arc addcd to thc Propt;ny descriQtion.and shall , <br /> also constitutc d�e Propeny covcred by�hc Sc-��riry In�[rurrtent: building materials,appliances and�ouds af every <br /> i�daUii: �iini5�n:�i 'i0:: ..� ::°.:£:F::: �:°.».ewf �n nn nr uvr� n� i1tt�D(�lY� t0 �1L• U\C(� in conras.rsion with thc .. <br /> Property, includin�, but uot limited to, those for the purposes of supplying or distributing h�;t��ing, cooling, <br /> electricity, gas, water, air antt light, fim prcvention and cxtinguishing apparatus, .ccurity nnd access control <br /> apparatus, plumbing, hath tubs, watcn c�atcrs, watcr clu,�ts, sinks, ��nges, stavcs, r�frigcra[ors, dishwash:a�, <br /> distwsals, washc�s, drycrs, :��vnings, storm windows, stonn doors, screcns, blinds, shadu, curt��ins and cunain <br /> rods,attarhed mirron,cabinets, panelling and artaciicd flau cavering�now or hemaftc:r attached tn the Propeny, <br /> all of which, including rcplaccmcnts and additions tlureto, shall h�llecmed to hc ar.d remain � p�n of thc ' <br /> Property ai�• by the Security instrument. All uf the famgoin;; ac�;tither with the Propeny c9escribed in the <br /> S��:urity Instruinent (or the Icasehold estate if the Security lnswment is on a Icasehold)arc referced to in this 1-� <br /> Fumily Rider and the Security(nstrument as the"Property." <br /> B. USF OF PROPERTY; COR1Pi.lAIVC[i WITH LA��'. E3orrowcr shall not scek, agr�e eE�or muke a <br /> change in the usc of thc Propeny or its roning classification,unlcs� L.cnder has agrccd in writiR�,�the change. <br /> Barni�ver thall comply with all lawa, ordinances, rcgulations and reyuirements�of any govennmental twdy • <br /> applicablc to ihc Proper�;;. <br /> C.SUBiDRDINATE l.IENS.Execpt as permittcd by fcdcral law,Rorcowcr shall not ullow any licn infcrior <br /> to the Securiry Instrument to be�xrfected against the Property�vithout Lender's prior written perrnission. <br /> D.RENT Q.OSS lNSURANCE. Hormwer sltall maintain insuni.^,.e against rcnt lo�;s in add�tion ta the other <br /> ha�ards for�chich insura�ur is rcquimd hy Ui�ifomi Covcna�►t 5. .-. <br /> E."B02tR0�4�F'.R'S RIGHT TO REINSTATF.°'UELE7'E@). ��niforn�Covenant IR is de:c�.ed. <br /> �'. Q30RRAWFR'S (KCUPANCY. Unless I.rnder and L3orrowe�othcrn�ise •rgree in �vriting, the fi.r�t , <br /> sentence in Unifomi Covenant 6 concerning lBorro�ver'. accupancy af th� Property is deleted. All re�n'snir� : <br /> covcnauts ar,d.�_+mements act forth in iJniform Covcnant b�hall mm��a in ctYcct. `� <br /> OJtiILTISTATE 1 •4 FAMILY A1L`•EFi-Fannle MaeiFreddie Mar CSnSform Inatrument Form 3170 3/93 " <br /> �•57�93041 O1 VMP�IOPTGAGB Fp�LV�$.180015I1 7291 � N.ntcO tx�RtqUCO P:ptr -� <br /> O <br />- I1������� ''� <br />_ i <br /> I <br /> _ - ,,,�,�.....,,-.:..-.._. ;..,..r.,s....�-K.�. -.. _.-,-�,-.�.�.�.,,r,..�.,.. ::�,-r...-.� --- .... -------- <br /> i^�� � . .. - .. . � � . � _N t�nx NP'�'� � .. <br /> � o1rZ. <br /> , . .. .y :�-a.' .. .. .. �j ��_ . <br /> -•�... .—�as-f�rna-�.�Pr r^� ' `_ �_T-_.—.�—��_— <br />,._� . .. <br /> —� 1 <br />___..r. :'. . '�. .. . . . -�.-..� - <br /> -_�l .� . .. ... `. :.1;"'q�-��.�w.�'� - <br />. . ., ' ' .. .. . ' _ " �- ..�•_ •� �. �� . , <br /> . . .. . ' .. .r-�Yi: � . . .. <br /> , . .. � ,. .. . , �4.:'.w- <br />�=`� ,r . , . ,. .. . .. .:�;. , , <br />_ ~`��r,�,l'��t.. �,.• . • .,.._ ' . 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