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<br /> �5""�.�Q��� �URVZ�lOAgffiI8� NJ4ltl�i�'X p�1��1 .�--_
<br /> 1►rdene A. S�hade r�nd DeZaree E. ,ahade, he��k►�rad ar�d wife; �``
<br /> celled grar�tor whether one or more, in conoi�exation o� �ixty-Threa ��'
<br /> Thoueand Dollara ($63,400.00� rsoeivQd fram grt�n�ees, dloeo grnnt, �'f\
<br /> barqain, se11 aonvey and aonfism unta Paul A� Wagner and Rondn M. ��'`��•
<br /> Wagner, hueband and wifa, ae ]o3.n� �sna�tr� with �igt�.t a� �
<br /> eurvivorahip, and not ae tenants i.n aommon, tho follawinq deecribed
<br /> real property in Hall. County, Neb�raska:
<br /> Lot Bi.ght (8) of Ed Ro�e Sul�ditri��an rT�. 3,
<br /> located bn the Narth Iialf of the rT��rt,lawc�t -
<br /> � Quarter 4N1/2 NWl/4) of Sec:tian Twon'�y Seve�n
<br /> (27) , in Townehip Twelve (12) N�:r.tYn, Ranqe
<br /> Nine t9) Wegt of tha 3ixth P.M. , in Ha1L
<br /> County, Nebr�eka. `� '
<br /> me have and to hold the abov� �io�ar3.bed gremises �ogether wittx
<br /> r�ll �enements, her�ed3taments and ap�ur�enanaos thQreto belonging
<br /> unta the qranteee a�d to their aseiqne, or �o �he heire and aseigae ;-
<br /> ot the eurvivor of them forever.
<br /> And grantor doee hereby covenant w3.th t:he gsantees and with
<br /> theix aeeignt� and wa.th the heire and aaaignr� of tha eurvivor of ^�
<br /> t�aem tha�t grantor is l�wfully eeised of said psemisee; that thoy ���
<br /> are free from �ncumbrance except eaaomentA arad reetriotione o€
<br /> record; th�at gzantor hae good right and 1t�wEul authvrity i:o c:onvey
<br /> r��,:�.;
<br /> tt�e eame; �nd that qrantor warrante �nd will ddfand the title t� ��:,
<br /> n.�-.
<br /> $aid prem3.se8 againet the lawful cla�i.mo of al1 parsone whomsoever. ��y;T��
<br /> �r�,Y��
<br /> Yt i�s the intentiun of all gartieo hQreto that itn the evont o� ` '�
<br /> ��.
<br /> the death of either vf the qranteee, tho entir� feo title to thie ;���;=
<br /> real prnperty ehall veSt in �he e�rvivinq gxantee. �t:=::
<br /> �,.,
<br /> Dated this _!7f� day of Eebruary, 199.�'i.
<br /> ; ::;�,:
<br /> —=—.;-��—�'f�_'n_ v?` - �� /�l� __.� I,r:!��rr.
<br /> Ardene D. Sahade, Gsantor � '
<br /> � I
<br /> DoYorea E. Sc a�dQ, Grasn�or
<br /> Se�ore trte� n notary puDiia que�iis"ied rvr aaid counLyo �
<br /> pezaonnlly aame Ardene L. Schade and D91or�e �. actlado, hueband And
<br /> wi��, knovn to m� to b� tho ident�cnl pereon or persona who eigneci I
<br /> the fosegoinq inet�unnent and aaknowledgeci �h� execu�ion thereof �o f.
<br /> be their volun�nry a�t and deed. �
<br /> witneos my inand and nozasiai neesi on tni� /%�z day cf !
<br /> �ebru�r�, 1995. !
<br /> I
<br /> `..�.�...�. ��.P� �� ���� :
<br /> OOIML��� Notery Publ a ;
<br /> �b01Ar�i�t011
<br />