. .. .�+:. . � '�j�r' :,:i t'. .r.z�,�"%8il'tftY��_• . • •. .`�' .-�_•niir;...
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<br /> r ��`7t; 9;
<br /> _ -��r�: . .., '".��';�_�..._ . ^a'r4 �"����`�t� 5 �„�t'.
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<br /> a�.,..,.
<br /> iQ�963 �"�`�
<br /> T^;;•.- j J5- -=-
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<br /> °-�r 9. He��srdau�IKat�let�.7ruator ehall kee�lli�Propary In Con�IlancU�vllii all nppll�cnbic�Iae�o,orcilnnncoa anc! rcpulctlo�io
<br /> .-;°��: relatinq to Indu�trlal hy�lene or enviranmen!tAI prctsttion(COttectively reterred to horoin Qe"Envlronmontei Law9'1.Truetor ehell
<br /> __*;t, ke�p ths Property(ne tram all eub�tancee dosmsd to trs Nat�rdous or toxlc undar eny Envl�onmental Lawa(coflectiva{y ret�rred to
<br />_.���� hersln es"H�a�rdnu�M�4er►ele").Truotor h�rehy warre��ts�nd roproeeM�to Lender thet the�e r►re no Nezardous Mate►lal�f on or
<br /> _._� undwth�Pro{»rty.Tru�tor h�nby�prsa to Ind�mnity and liold hermisse Lender,Its directore,offlcera,empioyees and apents,end
<br /> _��.} any auccm�n lo L�nde'�Intero�t�trom ond s�in�t�ny and all cla�lma,demapes,lasse�and Iisbllitlea arialnp In con�ectlon wfth :::;;�
<br /> __�� the nresence,u�e.dl�poul or t�an�port ot mny Hezxrdoue Matarialo on, under,(rom or about the Property.THE FUHE�OINO �
<br />_�.�:r:.� ���
<br /> 10. A�em�nt ot R�nt+t.Truetar tiereby aealpne to Lender Iho rente,leaues end profite of the Proparly;providad thnt Trustar
<br /> `� shtll,until lhs occurrence of en Evmnt o1 Detault hereunde►,hnvethe rfflht to collect and reteln such ronte,lasuea and protite ea they �I�,
<br /> -�",�� hecome due and paymble.Upan the occurrence o1 an Event o±Default,Lender mey,elther Ir�paraon or by a9ent,with or without
<br /> -_.�• � brinpfn�any actlon or proceedlnq,or by n recefver eppolnted by a court and wlthaut repard to the edequaoy ol ite seourity,enter '`
<br /> _;;e;,:,
<br /> ���--���� upon end teks poaaeealon of the Property,or any pa�rt thereof,In It!own nnme or in the name o!the Truatee,end do any ecte whlch It `�.�`�
<br />�_:���,�, deema neCeasary or dealrabte to praaerve ti�e valus,marketebll iry or rentubiUry ol the P�operiy,�r nny part thereof or Intereat lheroln, ��•_F'�'
<br /> "-- ��� Increate the Income therefrom or protect tha eecurfty I�ereoi and.with or wUhout takinp poaaeaslon ot the Property,sue(or or t��"
<br />"_�n•-, �'�i2 r.
<br /> �, � othervulee collect the rento, isaues and profit�thRreof,InGludinp those past due and unpold,end apply the sflme,le�s coate ertd �
<br />`��"���,• expsnsea of op�r!�41�n end collecUon Including ett�meya'Teea.upon eny Indebtednans secured hereby,all In auch orderes Lender �..���-_
<br />-_�:�'. i
<br /> � , .. , mp�dcter�nine.The enterfnp upo�and takiny pos�esalpn ol tho f'ropdrtyr,the collontian M such rents,is�ues nnd pro(ite and tha � .,,.,
<br /> ,�:..
<br /> �__��� � npplicfltlon thereof ea atoreaeld.shall not cure ar walve eny delault or notice o4 default herounder or invalidata eny aCt dono In ��G•„
<br /> i eeponae to auch detautt or purouant to auch notice ot defauit and,notwfthetanding the continuance in posse�alon ot the ProFarly or -
<br /> - the cullecdon,recelpt end applicatlon o1 ronts.Isaues or proflt�and Trustee end lender ehall be entitled to oxerclse evE,ry rlyht �
<br />�..�i���,. provldadforinanyoftheL�anOcxur��e��t3orbylawuponaccurrcncsofenyEventofDelault,Incl��Aingwfthautlimiteti�ntherlphtto ---
<br /> T,, .�ti,....
<br />'::a�,�;;, , exerCise/he pawer of ssle. Further.Lender's riphts end remedles under thla paragraph ahall be cumutative with.and In no way a �.�
<br />-;-�•:�,. Ilmitstic►non,LendePs righta and remedlse under eny aaaignmentof leases end rents recorded againatthe Property.Lender,Trvetee
<br />_;;'..V,�, I end thp rdceive►Atrell be Ilable to accoant only those rente ectually recelved. �r�:�e
<br /> �.,,. 11. �wnk MOMsult.The followinp ahall consUtute an Event ot Deteult under thie Deed ot Truat -
<br />':��.•' (e) Faliure to pay any Inatallment ot p�inctpal or Intere�t of eny other sum secured hefeby when due; _,W
<br /> -�--• 1b) AbteachotordeteultursderenyprovisioncontetrtedlntheNote,thlsDeedofTrust,anyoftheLo�nDocurnent�.orsny �_�
<br />� other Iie�i ot encumbrance upon the Property; —
<br /> �� (0) A writ af executton or attachment or any aimUar pracesa ohail be entered ageinet Truetor whloh shell become A Ilen on
<br />.,�:� th��Piaperlyr or any portfan thcrcot or interest therein; Ew_:.
<br />--•� (d) There ahall bs ftled by or sgalnat Trustor or Borrower an ection under any present or future federal,stiate vr other
<br />.:��; stattde,law or r�guletfon relating to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other rellet lor debtors;or there shal)be appolnted sny truatee, __
<br />":� reGelver or Ilqutdatar of Trustor or Borrower or ol all or eny part o1 the Property,or the rents,issuoa or proflts there►ot,or Trustor - -
<br /> ���a.�����H,v�i,;,g�g gn�nv0(ZpfAI GAAI��nmFlnt for the benafit o}C�edltOfe; -
<br /> (e) The,eale,tranater,leeee,eselgnment,conveyence or further oncumbrence ot ali or eny part of or any iniereai ii�ii�o
<br /> �. PropeKy,olther voluntarlly or Involuntarlly, without tha express written consont of Lender; provided thet Truatar shall be _
<br /> v�� , _
<br /> pcxml11�6d to execute a leaae ot the Praperty that does not canffiIn an optlon to purchase and tho torm of v�hlch doea not nxceed
<br />�.-��;�5 onp year,'
<br /> :..,� (q Abendonment ot the Property;or
<br />��. (p) II T�uetor le not an Indluldual,the lssuanco,sale,transfer,�ssignment,convayance or oncumbranceof morethan a totel
<br />��� �'
<br />_---� ol,�..._ percent of(II d corporatlon)Its I�suod nnd outet�ndlnq tstock or(If a pannership)a total of po�cont o}
<br /> ==" :� pfrtaership intereats d�fring tha period thlR Dood of Trust remalns a Ilen on the Property. �;�
<br /> :K.—�:: 12. R�dMs;AccN�nUon Upwn DMault.In the event ot any Event ot Detault Lender mny,wlthout notice except ae requlreri by �.F�..
<br /> ° - tew,docl�re ell Indebtedneae secured hereby to be due end payable and the eame shali thereupon become due end Qeyable �,.�,
<br /> ,-_
<br />: :� withn�t any presentment,demand,protest ar notico 01 any kind.Ttiereefter Lender mey: r.y;•,,;
<br /> (a) D e m end that Trustee exerclee the POWER OF SALF granted herefn, end Trustoe ehail thereariar cauae Truator'e �_;�_,i•
<br />"�"'��- Int►r+rest in the Properiy to be sold end tho proceeda to be dletrtbuted,all In the manner provlded In the Nebraeke Truat D s e da �;;�==
<br />-__...� - }`r�.:,
<br />_.°,° - Ac� �,:_,_
<br /> �::-�� ,,_.
<br />__,;�.,; (b) ExerclseenyendalirightsprovidedtorinnnyoftheLoanDocumentaorbylawuponoccurrenceofenyEventof0efeutt; .t',
<br /> _=�- and �
<br /> = (C) Commence en actlon to forecloae thl�Oeod of Truatns a mortgage,appolnt n reCelver,or speniflaally enlorce any o}tho
<br /> - aovenents hereol.
<br />�_��� Nc�remedy hereln conferrad upon or reserved to Trostee or Lender fe Intendod to be excluslve of any other remedy hereln,In tho
<br /> �'� Lt�en h�ocumente or by law provlded or permitted,but a�ach shall be cumulative,shall bo In additfon to every other r9medy glven .
<br /> :�::;� her,en�nc}er,in the Loan Documante or now or hereafter axisting at law or In equlty or by atatute,end mey be exerciaud concurrently.
<br />'��;='� InC�Uondently or euccesslvely.
<br /> "�'' 13. TruetN.The Truatee may resipn at any tlme without cause,end Lender may et any tlme and without cauae appolnt e
<br /> �-i��« eu�cesaor or aubatitute Truatee.Trustee shali not be Itabloto c�ny party,Inciudfng wlthout Ilmitatlon Londer,Borrower,Trustor or eny
<br />,.��F{:::?` ppvcheser o}tF1e Proparty,for any loss or damage uniess due to reCkless or willful misconduct,and ehell not be requlredto teke any
<br />- TM•�� actlan In connection wtth tha entorcement of thls Deod ot Trua4 unless Indemnlfled,In wrlting, for ull aosts, compensatlon or
<br /> :�;,�,�` expense�whlCh may be aasoCiatod therewith.In addition,Truetee may become e purch�aer et eny salv ot tho Property Qudlctal or
<br /> �!`�^1� uR�'�r the power of sele granted horeln);postpone the sela o1 r�ll or eny portlon of the Property,ae provided by law;or eell the
<br /> �,�.�:rii-� Profwrty,as e whota,ar In eeparet�percels or lots nt Truatee's discretlon.
<br />_=;�,� •'' tb. Fe��nd Exp►nsN.In the evunt 7rustae eelle t�e Properry by exarclee of puwer ot sale,7rueteo ahnll be entitled to epply
<br /> � �" any�eale proceeds tirot to payment of all coata nnd expenses ol oxarcl�fng power ot sale,includfng all Truateo's tees,and Lender's
<br /> '�¢'.r� end 7ruett�e's attarnoy's tat�s,nctunlly Inaurred to oxtant porminod by rspplic��blo�ew•In the event Borrowar or Trustor exerals�es any
<br />�5;�:;�,�% ripHCprovided by law to curo on Evont at Dofc�ult,4ondar oh�ll be ontiU�►d to rocover from Truator all coats and oxponoes actunlly
<br />``•��; Inr,urred ae p reault o17raator's do�nult,InaVuding wit7�aut I lmltatton nll'fruste9's nnd attarn�y'S fe�s, to tha oxter�t porznNtad by
<br /> ""-'� eppliCeble luw.
<br />-��.;,;a . 16. Futur�Advane��.Upnn reryuest ot t3orrower, Lender may,nt its optlon,mnY,o addltional end futuro advr�ncna and re-
<br /> "�'° advancoa to Borrowor,Such edvr.naoa end readvancos,with Intereat thereon,shnll hsa eoourod 4y Mte Oeed of Trust A�t no tlmo Ehall
<br /> ' theprincipal emount ottho Indebtedneas eecured by thta Daed oT Trusf,not In I c In uma advanced to protect tho security of thla I :
<br />=v=�� boed of Trua�exceed the orlgind pflncldal nmount�tatod hereln,or� �� •� .whlchovee is tironter.
<br />._„ . . �
<br />_
<br />