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. _ . ' ' . .:.1; `J' ,.,,,, _' <br /> ' � . <br /> � 4 . ° ' <br /> ` 'a � <br /> i' � <br />_ �•��_ '�t..�.. .. ._. .. r _..._..._............._..... . ._ . . .:L9L4�M <br /> • --•----...._......_....._......_... . ....... .. _ � <br /> -__ ..., :.,.� . . -- <br /> ::ii�i�*,;,,�h''"�'.�'i;!'��!' ' ,. . . ._` <br /> - � , ° : 9 5-��095'� � <br /> „ cave��na7s . , <br /> 1. f��};�:es�to. Dorrovrcr c�rcc� to molro nil pcym�nto on t�a oocurcd dobt e+ticn dua. Unloos @arrov�cr cnd Londor oproo nihr.rwlqo, nny <br /> p�ynl��rtn l.ontic� ror.olvoo Iro��.� Oorrowr.r or tnr flnrn��u,r'a harafit w�u i�o onnu^tl lirot to nny nmaunto [lorrowa otivnu on th�nocwc[I dcht <br /> oxcluoiva o1 Intoroet or prfnr,ipal,oecund to Intoraet, and thon to principnl.If pertirl propnymcnt of Iho nocurod dobt occuro for uny rooaon,u will ' <br /> � not reduce or excuee eny schecluled payment until the eeaured dobt le pold in full. I F� <br /> � �� � Z.Cl�krf�Apdn�t 71Ur.Borrowar wfll pay ell t�xaa,a�Qeaemena, end other charpen ett�ibutable to the Prope�ty when due and will Qotend tilte � <br /> � � to th�proparty a�palnst any cleim�which would Impslr the lien of thi�daed of trust.Londer mey repulre 8orrower to a�nl�n eny rluhts,Glalma or I <br /> •� detense�which E3arrowet mey hevo apalnot putles viho supply labor or matoNals to Improvo or mainYain ihe propnrty. -- <br /> ' �.In�ur�rfe�. Aorrower�viil keep the property In�urcd undnr torms ecceptablo to Lender at 8orrower'� nxpense end for Lend�r'� benefit. All I ! <br /> ` ., Insurancn policiao�he'I Inctude :etendord martp�pe cleuae in favor o}I.endnr.Lendor will ba namod ae losn payee or ea tha inwrad on erey eueh •. <br /> meurance poHCy.Any msunnce prqcaeds may be�pphed,within Lendor'�d�icrotion,co erthar tne restaraUOn m repau oi the d�me�ad prope�iy � �� <br /> '_,F' �r ta tM s•cur•a debr.If Lender wquire�mor►gapn imuren�e,Borrowar eprea�tu maintNn such insunnce fw es lonp ai lender require�. • • <br /> "'_-:ti, - �.Prop�rty.Borruwor v�fil keep the property in gaod carMition and meke ell repaln reasonably necossary. - <br /> , , � '' 6.Exp�nt��.Horrower apree�to pay dl Lender'e axpeme�,including rea�onable attorneya'feee,il Horrowor brneko any covensnt�in this deed <br />• '. �� of trust or!n nny oblipation�ecurod by thla deod o!truct.Borrower wiil pey these emnunta to Lende�ce prnvided in Cnvenent 9 of thia deed o} I <br /> � , tivat. j <br /> ` 6.Prior S�eudty IntetatR.Untett Borrower Hrot obteins Lender'a written conse�t,Borrowor will not maka or peimit any ehenget to eny prtor � <br /> security Interosta. Sarrowor will perform all qf Borrowor'e oblipetions undor uny prior mortflrpe, deed of tru9t or otho� necuNry apresment. I . <br /> _ Includinp Oqrrawer's covenmtR to make paymente:vhen due. � , <br /> ' 7.As�1p��nt of R�nU�nd PnofiU.Borrownr asstgne to Londor tho ronte nnd profite o}tha praporty.Unlnsa Borrownr end I.onder havo aprend <br /> , � otherw(ie in writing, Uorrower mey colloct and rutaln tho rente ae lonp as Bon�awer ie not in defoult. If Oorrownr dofnuite,Londnr, Londer'c .ti : • <br /> apent, ar a court appolnted rocefver may take poaaession nn0 mena�e the properry and collect tho ronts.Any ronte Lencler collecte shall be ,k� � <br />'=� appiied first to the casta of manoging the property, includin�l court coste and attomays' foec,commiscions to rantel apeM�, end eny other . <br /> recesssry related expenses.The rem�fniny omaunt of rents w�ll tNon epply to paymente on tho sewred dobt ea provlded in Covemnt 1. .�Sy�..�`-�_ <br /> dua�R• <br /> — t.L�u�hdds•Condomk�k�mr,PI�»d Udt Qwabpm�nU.Borrowor egrees to comply wlYh the provisionn af eny Iearo if thit deed of vu�t ft on •c�t+,,,�- <br /> -��• ° •. �• n leasehnld. tf this dce�t+f iru^.t Is on a unit in a condomfnium or o plannad unit dav.^,topmoni,Borro:rcr 1:i11 p�rform cll ol Butrotvet'a dut��s ;',::.;�,,s'-�- <br /> _ u�der the covenente,bylowe,or repuietions of the condominium or planned unit dovelopment. T <br /> - . t • rl.- <br />_- „ 9.Autbority of L�nd�►to ��rhKm fa Boaow�►.If Bmrower faits to porform any of Barrawor's dutioa under this deed ot trust, Lender may ��•��:.;. � <br /> „ porform tho dutios or caur,a thom to bo pertormnd. Londor may sipn Bnrrowor's namo or pay any nmount i}nocessery tor performanco. If any �, ,�!;�,�,. �'.�_*_ <br />�' conatruction on th�proparty is discontinuod or not carriod on in a roasonabto mannar,Londpr may do whate�er i�naceasary to protect�ender's <br /> , secvrity intoinat�n the praportyr.This may inciude complotinp the consUuction. , �?����' <br /> '"?;',�'yi�l�i <br /> Londor'o faiture to pnrform will not pracludn Lnndor from oxarcisinp nny of i[s othor riflhte under tho I.�w or thia deod ot irust. �� .- <br /> �� ��"� Any amount9 paid by Lender to protuct Lendor's sacurity lntorest will bo socured by thls dood of t�uat. Such amounte wfll be duo on demand �� <br /> '� ' and wiil 6ear intcrast trom the dete of the payment until p�,x9 in fuli st the interest►ata in eNect on iho seeured debt. ° ��j = <br />_ 10. [1�fwlt �d Acc�luayan. If Borrower failn to make any peymant when due or breake any covenants under this deed of teuet or eny � <br /> . obilpetion aeCUred by this deed of truet or any prlor murtflape ot daed o} trust. Londer may accelerete the maturity of the Recured debt and <br /> demand immedl�te payment and may Invoke the powar of ealo and ony other remedio9 pormitted by opplicahle lew. ;� <br />- � - 11.R�qu�rt fa Notie�of O�tauft.It is hnreby requestod that copfes of tho noticoe of default and sa!o bo sent to oach parson who la a perty ' <br /> : •� - iioibi4,ei iii6 uudioea ui aacii nucii poiauu,aa aoi ioriii iroivin. , ;,;� —" <br /> �� 12.PowK of 9r�.If tho Lendor invokos tho po�ver of sr�lo,:ho Truatoo shail first rucorrl i�tha offico of the roplster of deede of eech county ' �1 <br /> wheroln the tn�et proparty or some part or parcel the�oof is sltuatod a notico oi dofeuit coniaining tho Information raquired by law.Thn Trustee " <br /> shall aleo mail copiea of tiie notice of dnfault to tho Barrower,tu each porson who is a party lieroto, and to other perso�i as�rmsesi«ed by ,' <br /> applicahiu {aw. Not losa than ane munth nftar the 7rustea recorde tho notice of dofqult, or two montha it the trust property 9 nct in any • <br /> • ' . incorpor�tod city or villeBo end is used in far•.�mnfl operetione cerriod on h•y Cria trustor,the Trustoe shall�rive public notice of sele to ti�e persons • �{�, � <br />- . . . atid I�tho ms�nner proccribed by appplicabto law.Tru�tea,without demand on Barrower, ahail sell the pccaorty at publla uucNon to the highest �'"y!�-,• <br /> _ 6ldder.If reQuirad by tho Form Homestoad Protoction Act,Trustoe shall oNor the property in two separate salos as requtrod by epplicabte I�w. ��;'`•'�. .• <br /> Trustee may po�tpone cale of all or any parcel of the propor.ty by public nnnouncement at the Time and ptece of any prevloutly schedutcd�ale. ��{ <br /> 4onde►or its dasiflnee mey purch�sa tne property at eny eolo. _ <br /> 1.'..�i t <br /> iJpon rncNpt of payment of the price bid,Trustae shell deliver to tho Rurchaser Trustoe's dood conveyinp thv proporty.The recitfale conteined In a � 4� <br /> Tru¢tee'�doad choll be prim�facle ovidienca of the truth ot the stetemente conteined thorein.T�uttee ehell epply the proceeda of the�ala in the ,�..' <br /> fotiowtnp order: (a) to afl expenses of tho sole, including, but not Iimitod to, reasonabte Tructoe's foes, reasonabte attorney'a (eas and ..'•�! � �, <br /> reinuatomeot feea;Ibf to sll�ume socured by thit deod of trust,and Ic)tho belance,it eny,to the persons logally entitted to receive it. I '1,�y,- ,�'� <br /> 13.Fqnclocun.At Londar's optlon,this dood of trust may bo foraclosod in tho monnnr grovido by appiicnblo Icfw}or foraclosurn o?mortpag�s I �" �� ; <br /> on real proporty. � ,".yj <br /> "• 14.irttp�ction.Lender mey entor th4 property to inspoct it if Landor pivos Bortowor nacr�boforohand. Tho notico must stnto tho ronsonabip <br /> cauce for Londer's i�spectfon. � <br />_ „ �- 16.Conderrma8on.Borrower essipns to Londor tho procnods ut any ownrd or claim tor damogos conrtociad with n condemnation or othn►tnkinp . <br /> o}oll ot Any�art of tha proporty.Such pror.oads wili be eppliod aa provided fn Covonant 1. 7his assipnm�nt Is subJoct to tha torms ot any prior � • <br /> � I security agrqoment. <br /> � 18.WNv�r.E3y oxorcisinfl eny ramody�vaiiebte to Londer, L�dndor dooa not givo up uny riphts to lator uso any othor romady.By not oxorcisi�p I �6, <br /> • any remedy upon Oorrower's dofeult,Londor doos not waiv�ony ripht tu lator considor tho ovant a dotault if it happons epain. i <br /> � 17. JofM�nd S�v�ral LIaQ�IAV; Co•tiyMn; Succra�on and Atsipn� Bound. All dutiva undor this dood of trust oro �oint and sovornt. Any <br />-. Eiorrower who co•slgna th(�deed nf trust but doos not co•sipn the ortderlying de6t instrumentls) doos so only to prant and canvey that ' <br />- Borrower's intorost In tho propQrry to tl�o Trustoo undot tho torms of th�s dtstid of nust.In addition,such e Qorrowor opreos that tho Lortdor end <br /> � eny other Borrower under tNs daed o}trust may oxtond,modify or mako any other ch.qnpos in th9 tarma of this dood of trust or tho sacurod � <br /> - detrt withuut thnt BorrowoT'e consenY end without roleasG��tlmt Uorrowor(rom tho ter�s at this dood of trust. , . <br />;3: The dutlea end bonofite o4 thls dood ot trust shall bind ond bonefit tho succossore ond es�;gns ot Londar and Borrowe►. � <br /> �� 18.Notk�.Unless otharwiso required by lew,any noticn to Borrownr sha;l bo pivan by dolivorin��t or by moiling it by cortified moil oddroused to ' <br /> " Borrower et tho property nddro3s or any otfior cddrosa that Borrowcr has gfvan to Londar. Bonower wl1 plvo any notico to Lnndor by cortitiQd <br /> -- m�il to Lender'e addreca on page 1 of this deed of trust,or to any othe�eddrose whlch Londcr hae dosignatod.Any otnor�otico to Londor shall <br /> t�e sent to Lander'e oddrese oe stuted on pago 1 of thls dor.d of trust. <br />-� A�y notico shafl ba dcemod to havo boe�pivtn to Borrovses or Londor whon given in tRc n annor etotc3d obnvo. <br /> 19.Tnntf�r of tM i'ropaty a a BenaRclY Intere�t In ti»Barower.If oll or any port of tho praporty or ony intnroat In it fs cold or tronsforrod <br /> ,, wlthout Landor's prior writtan consent, Londor mey demand Immodfato paymant of tho cacurod dobt. Londor muy al5o domand Immodiota <br /> peymnnt i1 tha f3orrower is noL a natural person and o boneficlal Inturoct in tho fiorrowor is sold or tronsiorrod. Howaver, Landor may not <br /> � ° demand payment in the above situationa if it ia proh�birod by fodornl lew os of thu dato ot thls dnod of Vust. � <br /> 20.R�eoewyanes.When the ablipatian secured by thls dnnd of trust has been paid. a�d Lunder has no furthor obligation to moko edvoncee <br />_ __,� un�4tr tho Ins[rumonte or agreomente cneurnd by thls deed of truet,the Trusteo shall, upoa writtan reQuost by tho Londor, roconvey the trust <br />= p�OpO�ly.The LOnde►5hs:f dclivU�t0 tho Eiorrower, or to dorrower's succossor in inroroct,tha tru�t doed nnd tho noto or other ovidonce of tho <br />= obl:gotion so satfsfiad.Uorrower shatl pay eny rocordetion coste. <br /> _ , Zt. Succofl�a Tru�tN. Loodor, ot londer's optlon, may ramovo Trustoo nnd appoi�l o succrosor trustco by flrst, mailinp n copy of tho <br />_,- � 6ubstitution of trustoe as roquired by applicabto law,and thun,by filin�tha substitution of trustce lor rocard in tho oftico of tho rop�star qf doCds � <br /> o}eech county In whlch tho trust proporty,or somo pa►t theroof, is s�tuaYCd.Tho succos�or trustco, without convoyance of tho oroparty,cha�l <br />— . � <br /> eucceed io all the powor,dutles,outhonty ond title o}thn 7rustun nnmod fn tho dond of trust nnd uf ony succos5or trustau. <br />- -- � <br /> _:„�= <br />