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<br /> �«�:�-:: � qs'��p o 9s"6 :_`�`,`_� ;.�"���
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<br /> -.:z.�.- ti...�- �— . _
<br /> . _.:,
<br /> � cover�nn�r� .--.�,�,.--
<br /> J ,
<br /> y, paymar.4o. L'mrowsr oUrcaa to rnoS�•� n!I payrnonta on tho ecaured dt.bt v�h:n duo. Unlcao 9nrraere.� csrtJ l�en�sr r.�ree otherwise, nny '
<br /> ° pa'Jr�i�nto I�f:nsi�i rcccivca froi�� tlorra��c.i ur to► Oolrarlcr'o honalit Nill hn re�plicd firo!to nn�emuunte Covra�v�i ovrce nn thn eoeurod d�3bt „
<br /> not�riduce or�xeuee im�aeF�dulid p+�iymi t untN tAs aeuied debt la�peld�in fu11�1 p«�aY���"nt of tho cccurcd d:he occ�r_io Pur miy rcc�o:�,1¢rr,!1
<br /> j r�. . . .. '
<br /> h�.4 a� � . Z, W�Ap�t Ttqa.&x►ow�r w�pay��1 ti�a�n�aummt�,and ather chupn ettrlhut�ble to tl»proryerty whm c1w�nd wlll dntend title ,�' y „
<br /> t9 tl»pfOpftlY ap elnn�ny cl�lm�wi�fch w4uld IMp�ir th�Il�n of thl�dsed o}tru�t.L�nder m�y r�quln BarruwN to nsipn any riphtr,cidm�or ,�,
<br />-a _�,. ..�,� ,, d�t�ns��whlch dorrow�v m��hava�prin�t pxtw�wfio suppiy labor or mstorielr to Improva or mdntaln t1�s prop�rYy. .
<br /> r'=�:'�."�Fk•.-f�...��' , .
<br /> n :=,.u,..,._-��.
<br /> 8, tn�ur�nc�. Bwrown wfil kwp th� proputy Inwnci under terms accopt�bt� to Lender st Borrower'r exp�no �rd 9or l�nd�r'� ben�tit.k!1 � ��?�_-'__
<br /> . iru�ur�nc�policie�theil Inctude�otendard morlpape cleu:e I�fevo►o}Lencfer.Lender vri'I 6e ramed a�lose pnyee�r ee tho insured an any nuch ' �-..•--�
<br /> Insurone�poticy.Any insw��ico yroew�do mAy 6a applicd,withtr�Lcncl::r'a dlacretlon, ta eithcr tho rcr.t�fGtian nr r�p�b nf thn dereie�ad property I �•.� � --•-• •
<br /> ��1•,yq}� a to tM s�curM Gbt.If LRntNr nquk��morty�p�Inwr�nc�.Barower�pro�s to m�intNn wcl�In�urencr for st lonp�s l�ndw requir�o. . ' �•���•
<br />. lt; ,a�Y-"".' � h�,i__`'.���.��. _-"
<br /> �',,.y�„•" � 4,1'rcp�rty,Bonower will keap ttro properry Ir�paod conditlon and mtke dl rep�tr�roetonat�ty nacenary. , -=••�;�^ __
<br />� ;y1�'"�'��� 6. E�p�►�M•�rrow�r��r�e�to p�y otl Lender's expanse■.Inclu�lny re�somhle sttarneys'fees,if 9arrawer bre�ke eny covon�nta In thi�d�scf ` �
<br /> �� .'�:� . � � a f t r u�t a�n u r y o bii p�t on secured b y thfe deed of trust.Borrower w�il psy theae emauMa to�endbr�a provtd�d in Covm�nt 9 0}thb desd of , •+'<�"'�•-'
<br /> trwt.
<br /> 6. p�a�r seCixKy k�twwt�.Unl�a�Borruwer firet obt�ins l,ender'�written cantent,Borrower vaftl not meke or permit any chmyet to nny prior � ' :
<br /> _-1���:'�, • j^ciu�tli p�8oirower'i cowninti t m�k p�yment�s when dus btipetlons under any prior monaeye, deed r�t¢ruet a ot:�er secwiry sQresnsni.
<br /> �.t.k+�.hlK[�i:' •"•
<br /> �.� - --- . ,,.•'.
<br /> �.���t a}p{�U�nd Ptoftt�.dortowe�est.ipna to Londer the ronts and profit� of the property.Unlea� Harower and Undar h�ve�flroxl ;o,�e '�;'.:,,_p
<br /> ,:,•l;• , ',' othuw�e In writinp, Borrowe may collect end rota�n the rente es lo�y a�Borrower lo nnt tn d�fault. If Borrowu doLutt�,Lend�r, lender'� s' ; �,-
<br /> �y�nt,a+court eppointed eecalvu m�y Uks po�sa�eion end manipe the proparty end colloct ths rent�.Any ronti Lerxler cNla�ta rh�ll b� ,\,;,r���°� °
<br /> ,� . , d �i+:�;`"�_
<br /> appllsd fkat to th� nasts of man�pinp the property, Inciudin0 court cocts end sttos�eyA' feo�, comm:aslons to rental�panti, en nny athor
<br /> ' .' ; Me�pary rst�tYd exponta.The rsm��niny amount n}ronto wlll then apply to paymeM�on the eecured debt ss provlded In Covsn�nt 1. , ��r_._.�.-
<br /> .�,u+,-:.`=----
<br /> ' • . p�����•Ca�domf�w�w;Pl�d Udt Ow�rbprtf�nR+.Borrawer apreea to eompty wit'h the provislons of any tcaee ef this deed of w�t is o� :.:,:'';`;fi�--
<br /> � � a I��s�iaid. t�thic d::d ot trust!e on a unit In e concem�nium or e plenned uNt davelopment, Oorrowcr wfil Dertorm ell ot Borrqwer•m dutlea ���:_
<br /> unde the covenrnte,byd�wa,or reyul�tion�of thn corxlemi�lum m•plannod unit deve(opmenL _ :;�,��:;�-_
<br /> ei L«�dn to P�(orm tor latow�r. If Borrower fafls to pertorm eny of Do►rower'e dutiea under thi9 deed of tru�t, l.endsr msy ���•`'•'•�t==a���.•�a�
<br /> - 8. Autho+kY `.•,i4.•,°.
<br /> pertorm the dutleu ar cause them to be performed. Le�der may aipn E�rrower'e nema or pey any emount if necasnary}or perfarmn�ce.If eny • ;�s°-�,r,-,�;y-
<br /> '� ' eoneu�uction on th-Frop4rt;•le dlscont!nu�m rtot cerried on fn a reasanabie mannnr,Lender may do whetevar la necesory to ptoto;�i I.nrader'o • r.,,+me -,�•.�
<br /> � t s�curity Ints�est In th�prop�►ry.1'hl�rnry Includs completinp the comtivction. �'�'w"�"-='"�
<br /> ...;,:-�._ —
<br />- .. . -� �•;--iva-'.°---.
<br /> �0� Lende�'�failure to porform will not preciude l.endor from exetcfafng eny ot ite othor rtghts under the law or thls doed of trust. . ��i�f.���
<br /> Any emount�pald by Lender to proteet Lender's seeurity intereet will De eeeured by thle deed of truat. Such�mounts will b�due nn dama� ` �
<br /> � . . ' •� prsd wUl baer intcra:t irom the dete of ihe psyment until psid I�full st c5e interost r�te In eHect on the secured debt.
<br /> �1. �p,p�{�t�nd Aecdor�flan. If Borrower fafls to make any paymu�t when due ot broake any cavononts undor t1�ii deed of r.uat or eny I ����
<br /> ��� '� � obtipatian tecured by thi�deed ot trust or any prior mortpape or dead of truat,Le�der may accelerete tM mtturity o}the aacunnd dett and ;
<br /> demand Immadi�te payment end m�y invoke thn power of sate end eny other remedlas permitted by appNcable Uw. ,,'.�
<br /> `9' ��,gequ�at fo�Plotic�of D�t�ult`It is hore6y req��ated that copiea ot the noticeA ot dofault end sele l�e sent to each persan who I�a party ( ' - �
<br /> .. n�ti.. . IN��tO�8T L�N fO0f�i1 OI Oii.i�GilGn jiv�ivip u6 oot..•iC.�t:.:fv:... . _ --_
<br /> y� ( ��-. ,twv'.
<br /> 1x.PowK of S�N. If the Lender Invoke�tha pov�e�of sale,the Trustna shell first rocord in the oftiee of the regiater of deeds of ench county l `'
<br /> wh�rsin the truit property o�6ome part cr pnrcel thereof fa situeted a noilce of defeult conYaining the intormation required by Isw.The Trustee ;ti
<br /> �� ' � shaA alw ma!1 copie�o}the notice of defauit to the 8orrowor,to e�cA person who le a party heroto, and ta other pena���sln�eacribad by
<br /> eppliCabk law. Not lea�th�n one m�nth efter the Truaiee records tha notice of det�ult or two monthe if the trust p�operty Is not in any :�++
<br /> � ' lacorpor�t�d city or villagH�nd is uisd in fuming operatione carri�d on by the trustar,tM fructee th�ll piw publie notic�of r�te to the person� , ,
<br /> ' � �nd In the m�nn�r preaaibrd by�epppHo�ble law.Truntee,without demend on sono�tbr,5hN1 sell tha property�t publlc svctbn to the hiphest � � ;
<br /> • ' bldde►.If rsqukb by the F�rm Homeste�d Protection Act.Trustee shsll oftar the property in two seperate eal��a�reyulred by�pplir,�bt�law. ,
<br /> Trwtc�msy po�tPor��de of ell a eny p�rcel of the prope►ry by pubiic ennouncement et the time and R�ace ol eny prevlouity echsdutad ade. , �
<br /> � . ...,. L�rd�r or It�d�tlynN may purchae�tt►e property et eny cola. y
<br /> { :;ti't�l'
<br /> " Upon ncelPt o�f p�yme nt of iM pric�bid,Tiustoe ahdl deliver co ths purchater Trwtee's dead conveyinp the properry.TM rocitia�a contaln�d In ; �
<br /> • • •• . T�wt«'�tl�W�haA b�prims facJ�evidience of the truth of tho st�tementa contalnad tlieroln.Truatde�hali appty the proceedt of tM sale tn tha � �� � .
<br /> foftowinp ord�r: (a) tG ell expensos of the oula, includinp, but not limited to, roasonable Trustoe'e ices, roasanablo ettorney'e fees end ' �'` �'"� �;
<br /> � reimtatement te�o;Ibl to atl sums secured by this dond ot trust,and(c)tho boinncn, fi eny,to�ho persons lepalty Antilled to tecetve ft. ; ' `;+'°
<br /> :,,p..,,.,.. : ; . • 13.Fa�ldowr�•At Lendet's option,thls deod of trust mey ba foreclosed in tho manner proWda by aFplfcabla law f�r fcreclosure of mortgagee � � �� � ti.
<br /> on rs�l propsrqr• �'Y,
<br /> . . i '
<br /> `�"'rI 'k"' �4,�nsp�etian.Lender mey enter tho property to inapect it IF Londer pivos Borrower notice betorshsnd. Tho notice must atato tha roasonabte �
<br /> , -• � cau�e for Lender's Incpection. .''' .
<br /> : 16.ConQ�don•Borrovror easigna ta Londor the rocoeds of eny oward or clalm for tlemaaoa connoctad with u condamnetfon or othor teking „��
<br /> of�II or�ny part of ttvs property.SucS�procrede wiP be epplied Bs provided fn Covonant 1. This essignmont Is su�joct to the terme of any pricr
<br /> .. � :: aecurity epreement. ^ . .
<br /> .:`��`
<br /> --�,;. � � 18.W�IvK.BY exerclslnfl eny remedy avellablo to Londor,Londcr do.,g not pive up eny righte to leter use eroy other remedy.6b not ex�rciein� , ;•�
<br /> i eny romedy upon Borrower'o deteult,l.ondbr doee not waive any ripht to loter coneidor ihe event n default if It happens apei�.
<br /> • . � " •' �7,Jokit�nd 9�v�rN U�bility Co•�i�n; Succ�non �nd As�l9ns �oiu�d. All dutieo under this deed of vust are�ofnt and several. Any
<br /> �-� •���� •• •� Borrowor whcr co-algna thf� deed of truat but doea not co•sipn the underlytng debt insuurnont(o)doee sa only to prant and convey that
<br /> :,�.,, gorrowsr'�Infen4t In the proparty to the Truatee under the terme of thie deed of truat.In eddition, such a Borrower eproea th�t the Lendor end
<br /> eny otMr sorr�wsr under thla deed of truat may oxtend,modifv or make eny other chengea in the terms of ihis deed of truat or tho secured
<br /> .. de6t wtthout that Borrower'e consant and without reienatng that Borrower from tho tarms of thia deed of trust. ,.
<br /> • , , The dutiea snd benefits of thl�doed of vust shall bfnd and bonelit the succossore end essigns of Les�der end Borrownr. ,
<br /> ' 16,Ko1k�,Unl�t�othetwlte required by law,any notico to Eiorrowor shall be pfvon R�y delivering it or by mtfling it by cartified meil eddressod to
<br /> � ' ,� Borrowe K th�propertY addreas or eny other eddress that Dorrower has given to L�orxlen. Borrowur�vili givo any notice to Londee by cnrtifiad
<br /> mali to Lend�r'��ddroDe o�pape 1 of thta daed of tn�sa,or ta uny othar e�ldro�s wt�ich Lander Naa dostpnated.Any other notice to Lender shell
<br /> - be�ent to Lender's eddrnse n ateted on papo 1 of this�Aed of truat.
<br /> �� Any cfuttco ehall bo deemed t�heve been given to DorrowYr or Lender when flivon In 4he mannor slated nbove. �
<br /> iC
<br /> ' 19.TrentifK of ih�Raop�rty a�BMfNlci�i UnK�at fn tM Bortowv.lf all or nny part of the propertv or eny Intereet in it is sctd mr uenaferred
<br /> :�: without l.ander'� prlor written con���t, Lend�r rnoy damand Immo:iiate paymont ot the secured dabt. Londer may al;o Ce:�:arxl immedfato ,
<br /> - payment It the Borro�ytr le not a natarel percon end .a Aeneticlal interest in the Borrower fa sotd or transferrevi.liowever, L.ender mey not
<br /> � � � demand p�yment In the aDOVe eftuetlona(t it Is prohf0!:ad by federel law as of the datia of chia deed of trust,
<br /> 20.R�CawW�nc�• When tho obligation sacurod by thla deed of tn�st hea been paid,end lender he�no tunhor ablifleUon to ma4o odvnncua
<br /> und�r the inssrumenta or apreemarres ancured by thle Aeed of trust ihe Trustae ehall,upan writton requrtnt 6y tho Londar,recanwy tho trust
<br /> •:`��'•`� {xoperty.Tl�e Lender shall dd(ver to cE;o Borrowar,or to 8orrower's svccoccnr la fntereat,tho uusY dond and thn note or othar evidonco of tho
<br /> --- ' � oblpetian so satiefied.Dorrowor ehail pay any rocordatlon costs. 1
<br /> ._-:.�.�:__
<br /> ' Z1, Succusw Truetts. l.andor, at Londor's optlon, may rnmove Ttustt� end nppoln'� o succeasor tru�tcse by firca,mailinp n copy of tho
<br /> -•• � .+ � 6ubititutlon ot truct�e ea requireG by applfcabie law,and thun,�y tiling the subctitution ot truatao for rocord In tho offlca of tho raq;star of daods
<br /> of eeth county In which tha uust property, or some part thoreot, is situatod.71io successor t�uelee,without convoyonco of tho proporty, shaA
<br /> ", succe�d to all the power,dutiea,authonly a�d title of tho Trusteo namod in tho doed of trust nnd of eny succossor trustoo.
<br /> ''.t _�
<br />—"_ ' , � rn.p.To�1�
<br /> , � ' OANBER9 6Y6TEA19,INC..GT.ClOUD.MH 6l30�I1•!Otl•S47•17111 FOAM OCV�MiIi-NE el10/�1
<br /> • -- '
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