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<br /> �--�--
<br /> �-ro��-•,�:,A�=� --_--.
<br /> - CdVENANT9
<br /> " �� � 9. FM�.;=;-33. Cmr�a+::r c;rco� 4o rnaho r.11 4��:y�r.cn4o 0o thn eoci�rcd dc7t v�hcn duo. Un!o�a narroe�cr artd Lcnd�r a�rc;a oth�ro�iso, m�y
<br /> � R���,�;n7o �.cn;Wr r�ccSv�a froi�i t'.crro��l�r or or f.lnrrov:cr'q hr.nof�t ��III h:�n�pllcel t►rat to ony omoimto ^orror�cr o��es un Ih� cocurcd debt
<br /> oxcluvlve c�4 Int�rca3 or�?rinclpal, aor.niid to U;;arefit,nnd thon to princ�pol.If UmUnl prcpc�rncnt uf tho oCCUrcd dcE�1 occuro lor eny rooaon,It uill
<br /> • no[redute or extuss tny cchedulerl paym4nt us•�ttl tho e�cured deht Is palA In full,
<br />��.v,_.,n . ,� r .
<br /> 4�i•ti`�'�h � •• �
<br /> a��.,,.r�.r. 2.C!�AyNrn1 YiW.Horrow�r wlll pay all tnx��,�u�nm�nt�,�nd oth�r cherp�t�ttribuhble to the property whan due and will d�f�ntl tiUe
<br />- .K to th�{xop�rty�q Rintt�ny cldms which waul�Imp�k the H�n of thf�d��d of tru�t.Lsndu may rrquiro Borrowa to u�lpn eny rfahu,olaim�or
<br />_v'M_1'y,.,,;;�,�_„ deton�ei whlch Oarrower may have sp�ln�It pritle�wha euppiy lebor or m�terie!r to Improve or melntatn tha property. I +�
<br /> : . � ),�,.,,
<br />__- �°�+'�° 3.h»w�na�.Borrowor wlll kup th�prr�tv inturad und�r nrms �cc�pUbb to L�ndu �t Borrowar'��xp�nn�nd for l.ender'�larwflt, All ' =-
<br /> " °�`�`�' �"r Inw►enc�c.ailclu shall fnclude�atu►dud mortp►.g�ci�u�o In favor of I.end�r. Lendu wlll b�n�med a�10�9 payee ar e�th�Irs�ured an eny such `�"'"'
<br />--;;,;�,�R��. , inoura+�c��ral+cy.A:cy t�c:ur:nca wross.0.+���y I�o«1.•;����cl,wlliili�LciZd:.r'c dl.:t:rctlon,to cleh.r th�rc�tarcdon or rcp�:r�f th� d�m�pcd praperty f_,,:=�-
<br /> --- --- or to th�Hcund d�bt.If L�nd�r nquk��m�rtq�Qe in�w�nc�,Borrowu�prns to malnuln such Intunncs for�t lonp u Und�r requires.
<br /> t� —
<br />-`� 4.RWpKty.8orrowa will ka�p th�propRrtV In pnod condition eitid maks ail repau�renomblN nocauary. �",��ti�;tl
<br /> •��.^�iircl.
<br /> 6.ExpivwN.BarowN�pno�to p�y ull 4�ndtv'�s s n�a Includlrtp roa�onahN�ttornays'fN�,if Fs�rrowor brsako my coven�nt�in thl�d��d ;t-�
<br />�"';� ' of trosi or in my obilyatlon v�curad 6y thin dMd of�ust.fSorrow�r wlll pay tM���mounts to Lsnd�r u provid�d in Covenent B of this dud o} + =
<br /> -,_K��,j'j�'.JL� -� f�-a'�-•:-
<br /> •� tru�t.
<br />-'im�;?��.`i.� �;-,��C
<br /> " 4�:;' �,Prior Eacurtty kttw�ab.Unleas Barrnwer flnt obt�ini Lender's written con��nt,Borrower will not maks or parmR sny ehangna to eny prior ,;r.;-
<br />.=�T�' � - ' '� " �• ��curity In2M��t1, �arow�r will p�rtprm nll ot Liorrow�r'� oblipatlonf under �ny prior mottp�ge, da�d ot trust or otfier aecurliy apreemsnt,
<br /> :'%;�.;���r� ,,; • Inckxlinp HaxrAwN'�cowninU to m�k�Payment�wMn due. �r`yLL"
<br />�.�}in�,iy,'vrr. ._�ir: ��:.;�.,._•-__.
<br /> �� . ���,; . ry a.A�ol R�nts�nd hMft�.Rorrow+N�eCSiQn�ta Lender tho nntt end proflU of the property.Unieu Barrawar and Lander h�ve epreed „3�,
<br /> - :...�..,..., oth�rw u m wriqnp,Eiorraw�r msy colleCt t�nd retdn tha rorts eo tony��Borrower la nut In def�ult. If Borro�ver defaults,Lender, LendsY� ,,..__
<br />`i�:`°.r.��������•p� �nt,or s court�ppointad recel�nr msy Uk�popa�sipn �nd msnay�the property end collect tM r�nt�.Any renY� Lnndsr colNcts�hslt Gs �tiR,
<br /> � •c}' Eppiied first to tM► cost�of msn�!n�th� property, Inciuding caurt cost�and attorn�ya' q�s, commis�lone to rent�! eyente, bnd any other n-�-
<br /> $''`�'`" c • n�c�raary ni�t�d sxp�ntas.Ths romsfn(nQ�mount of rentR wlll then apply to p�yments on tM s�cured debt��providad in Covensnt 1. -
<br /> .h::°��M�.��-�
<br /> .•v]t'_�,;'�'::-�a".d
<br /> ..• .�, ...,. S.Lw�s�hWtN•Cnndart�inhxn�:PlannM!Unit p�Ydo�xrMrKS.Borrowsr sorea to comply wlth the provi�iona of any IuQe if thfs d��d of truat li on
<br /> 1 • a laaa�ho!d.I�th!e deed of truet le an e untt In n cortdominivm or e pl�nneA unit development, Borrowar wlll paHorm all of Borruwer's dutlaa
<br /> • ���� •:' undo►tM covm�nta,bylawn,or reyutst{on1,at tha condominlum or plmned unit dsvelopment. ��•
<br /> ..:..::rr��,y�� �`_'--
<br /> - •?,;,ti 8.Atr�t►oeity of l�r�lw to Peform for Qt�rt ww. I1 Borrowar bila tope rtorm��y of Rorrowv'e duti�s under thit d�ed ot trust, Lender may _
<br />, periorm the dutin or caiisn th�m to be►x.r�armed.Lender may algn Borrower's nama or pay any amount If necesaary for performance.II eny
<br /> _ . contuucUon on the Prnperq�la dlRCantfnaAC1�r not cerried on in o roa�onabie mmner, Lender may do whatever ia nacetsary ta protect Lendor's ��'_�"='
<br /> �.. . v ,�-{'�;�. ��curity ini:ii:.a 6�i�w Niupe�cy.This�n:y inc;uda complatiny the cons�tructlon. _�__
<br /> .�, Lender'�faiiure to pertorm wfll not precluclm Lcnd6v trom exerclaing eny of ite other dghts under the law or thls doed of tru�t, ' '=•-
<br /> �`I��::
<br />'` � '� Any smount�pald by Lender to protect I.e�xler's eecuriry Interest will ba securod by thle deed of trust. Such emounts will be aue on demand s,_.-ti�_
<br /> and will b�ar Interest from ths date of th�payment until psid In full et tha Intere�t rste in effect on the eacurod debt. `s a�—
<br /> .. 10. O�huit�nd Ace�r�tla�. If Elorrowet fails to make eny qayment v�hen due ar breako any aovenanta under thia deed of truat a eny •��'`-
<br /> oWipstbn aec��reA by tht�dend af trust or any prlor mortgepe or dead of trust, Lend+�r may acceterete the matwlty of ths eacured debt end
<br /> ' � � demand Imrn�dfaa��yment�nd m�y iav�Ws ths pawx of sate and any othur romedies pa�mitted by epplicabla law. �-!�'°"
<br /> �- �•1-��►r 11.R�qw�t fa NoUa of D�fautt.It ic htv�Liy reqaesteA that coplea of the noticea of defnult and eale be aant tA each person who la a parry =_
<br /> At�,«�:'�:..�'w�«�!sa�:�s=l:;,:r�. ..o!lartl:!:��r..
<br /> �� y_ ,^�_.,�
<br /> , ' , '� 12.Poww o}SaM. If thn Lender invAket the power of se[a,tha Truatee chall first record in the ottice of the re{�istor of d�ed�of each covnty �_t+�;:�;
<br /> �' whereln the trust p�aperty cr e;om�part nr parcel ihereof is situated a notice of defeutt wntdning tha Information roquired by lew.The Tru�to� =:-.�_,._
<br /> " ?�} sh�ll al�o m�ll copia�pf�ht�r.otico of default to the Borrownr, to eaeh person who ia a perty hereto, end to other pe�aona as pretcribed by ,'"�.�.,:
<br /> • � applicabN lew. Not leas tf^�r.r one month ntter the Truatee rocordt the notice oP defHS!r„or two months It the trust property Is rwt In nny '� '�rt'•
<br /> Incorpontsd clty or vfll�o orQ Is uiod 61 ferminp opentbna cxrled on by the Vustor,the 7iu�tee chall piv�pu6lic notice of sak ta tho pereena �'""
<br /> . �s,' ��,'��*� . and in th� mirn»r preaCnbe6 by�apppHcrl�:,Sn�aw.T r ustee,wlthout demand on Borrower,shell aail the property at pu611c auctton to the higheat ':'��r
<br /> _�.. .,..�j,7 bldtN►.II requlred by the Farm Hamaete�F1'o:ection Act, Tniatee shall offer the proparty in two separate�etes ee required by epplicabls law. `.'..4t
<br /> �.,.-, . •.: Trotts�may po�tpons ute ot all or n�y par.ovt of the properry by public nnnouncement ef the ttme end plsce of any prsvlousty bchsdul�d sal�. ._, ��w
<br /> ..:_-Y:..,,,. ., I.endu or Ife Aeelpnee mey=varchane the�xo�ertv at eny eaie. ,,.__- .-
<br /> -'•?; '•�•'-�-nb • Upon ncelp t of p�yment ot itw price bW,Trustee sh�ll doi'nror to the purchater Trustee's deed convey(ng the propertq.TRe rocitisls cont�ined in lM -?
<br /> ,;;..,,,,�,-,;„u,,... Truste�'�daed sh�ll b�prima taalo evidiance of ths truth o4 7Ae etatemente con3al�nd therein.7►ustee ahall nppiy the Fro�aeds of the sala In the ,,` ,
<br /> , tollowir�p otder: UI to ell axpeneea o4 the e�le, Including, hut not Ilmited to, roasonable Truatee'e fees, reasonarile ettorney'e feet and .
<br /> _ ' .". ' rltn�t�t�msnt tee1; (b)to all sums aecurod by this deed of truat,and(c)tho balance,if nny,to tha persana logally entitled to recelva it.
<br /> . �j,
<br /> � r: '^ ' °� 13.Fa�dosun.At Lender'o optiqn,thin daed of truat may be torectosed In the manner provide by eppitcebla law for foreclosure of mortgege�
<br /> - -� •'- on roal�xoperty.
<br />- ,�+.,Y,fG'r?f?�
<br /> ,:-;=•,,;_�-,=;�.•-- 14.In�pation. lendor msy enter the property to Inspect It if lender givea Borrower noNCO beforohand. The notice muat state the reesoneble
<br /> ._� cause tor LeMaYo inepoc:`.�n.
<br /> ..'T-�°,�y,.'f�
<br />;ti�,�`-; . ." 76.Ca�d�nxwtlon. Oorrpwer eaeipne to Lender theproceeds of any award ur claim far damages connected with a condemnation or othor tek(ng
<br /> ,' ,. . o}�fl o►nny patt af the property. Such proaotds will bo opplied es provided in Covenant 1. This essignment is Eub�ect to the torma ot eny prior
<br /> '�,,,:,•,•.� aecurtty�yre�m�nt.
<br /> :a,.,..:•:�.;,,.
<br /> �•'�•'``'"`•�° ' 10.WMwr. By oxescisinp any rrsmedy nveilable to Len�a�,Londer dooa not give up eny righte to later use enY uther remody. By not�xorcislnp
<br /> ;�4jk ��'��`•�� , any remedy upon Borrower's dcfauit,Lentler doea not wai�a any right to lator constder the ovant o defauit if It happens a�otn,
<br /> , . �� .:�.
<br /> -'"�';�s,•?,;; '�r 17, Joint rnd Sw�r� LIM�iiiry; Caflpn�r�; Succ�na�end Asaqn� Bound. All dutiea under this deAd of trust oro joint and several. Any �
<br /> ��- +�• Barrower who co•siqna thia deud of Vuet hut doee �oi co•slpn tho underlyin debt lestrument(s) doea so only to erant and convey thet '
<br /> .��'�-��Ru`+•'�! Borrowet'E (rrtero�t in the
<br /> property to the Tn�atee under thn terma of thia deed o�trust.In addittan,such a Borrower egrees that tho Londer nnd
<br />.:,::�;1;;;:;•: . en othcr Gorrower undor thio deod of L uuz mey oMend, modtty or meke any other chan ea In the tarma of this deed of truat or tho socured
<br /> �•"�� '- de�t witMut that Dorrower'e conoent nr.c!without roleaeing thet fiorrower irom the Mrms o�thfa deed of truet.
<br /> .� �:.��,... _r{ The dutles and hnnefits o!thle deod of ttuat eh�ll bind end benefit the succossors end essipna of Lender end Borrowea i
<br /> .� . :•��. 10.Notk�. Unlen otherwiam raqulrod by law,eny notice to Eorrowor nhall be piven by delivering it or by mafling it by cartified mail addroasod to �
<br /> - Barower at the property addre�s or nny 4ther eddeesa thet Uorrower has fliven to Lender. Borrower will give eny notice to Lender by cvrttfied
<br /> . � mdl to Lender'e eddr�s�on pape 1�f th"ra Cead of trust,or to ony othnr addrosa whlch Londer has dasignated.Any other notica to Lundur shall
<br /> _ (o�eent to Lender'� addreee e�otated en�nae 1 of thfe deed of truat. -
<br /> ;:,�� �
<br /> � • �'a Any notite ehell I»deemad to have heen yiven to Uorrower or Londer when given in the ma�ner statod ubovo. i
<br /> .t.
<br /> `��' -. � . ;�� �� 19.Tnrnise of th� Propeet�+cY�BltiMCIN(MNHf Ire��nttow�r.If nli or any part of the property or any:nterest in it Is sold or trans}ormd •
<br /> � t without lendtr'e prlor wY,x^vs c�i�eent, Lender may dmr.land Immedi�te payment of the securod debt. Lender may also demand immedinta i
<br />, ^-�,"��»'���'�' p�ym�nt If tfle Borrow�r f� not e na.tur�l �wn end a 6enetfclal(ntnreat In the Borrower Is sold or transferred. Howovar, Londor may �ot
<br /> ;t-•`?;�:'�i*,'.�.• dfmnxl pryrnent In the ubove dtu�tloi�s lf i,Y is prohiEltad 6y tedenl law es of tM date uf thia deed of Vuat. i
<br /> T0.R�eaiv�y�nee. Wh¢n th�oblipotlon eecured by thfa deod of trust haa beon paid and Lender has no furthor obligation to mako aJvanr.os
<br /> • under th�Inetrumenta or uqreem�nts secured by thla deed of trust, the Trustee shalf upon written requost by tho Landor,roconvoy tho trust �
<br /> - property.The Londer shell aelivur to the Ban•ower,or to Borrower's succossor In fntareat,the trust deed nnd thn notu or othm ov{danco of tho
<br /> '' ,r _�� oblid�Uon so e�tlefleH.Borrower ehell pay eny rer,ordetlon coete.
<br /> T•.c:.:=�� 21. Suce�asa 7mst�s. I.ondar, ot Lender's optlon, mey ramovo Trustae erid ��poirtit a{successor irustoe� by Hret, mailing � copy of tho ,
<br /> _✓- . " , . :. � subetitution o}trustoa on requirad by applicab�o low,ond thon,bY filinq tho aubhtitutian af truetoo for rucord in tha atiico of thc rc�iatcr ot dncds
<br /> of each county In whlch tha tru�t proparcy, or somo part theroof,la situoted.Tha succossor trusteo, without cnn�oyanca of tho proporty, ehnll
<br /> �.�;� c u c C e n d t o a l l t h a p o w n r,d u t i a a,a u t h o r i t y e n d t l t t e o}t h o T r u s t e e n a m e d t n t h o d e e d o f t r u s t a n d o t n n y s u c c a s s o r t r u s t u o.
<br /> - .,r�ill
<br /> - —.i
<br /> ::"._--T.�=._�
<br /> ;i, �
<br /> ,
<br /> _ . �
<br /> • . ' fpayo I al 21
<br /> • �1HRU5 uYSTE.�9.INC..9T.CIUUD,IJN U6b07 11-�tl0•33)•29t11 FOI1M OCP�MT6-N0 6/18/91
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