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<br /> . .- .. , . ., vnr • ' .n7w.._ ...n:e�, s..s.:: sri:.,o.,aw'�u�• �1ir- n . '_!.��� �. � ,p'�.:tw.,.,.. �i.•Ji�1:v.
<br /> .ai�Y�.� ty}��JYlil�l� �.dY.f['tlL.,YS.1'd.a,...:+.._- -- ... .. . �
<br /> __ - ��, I . , —
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<br />:,,--�m�s;," �}(HI$IT ����� �'��'"'�.����9 .. .. ' .. �.
<br /> ,:���,..: ., �_
<br /> __-���±:� T act _,,,, T�+o ecre treat beginning et e �pol.nt 10�� W��r I . . =_
<br />---__TMa vi n poin� 264' Hor.th o!P tt�e 9outhenet Aue�rter -_=
<br /> - oi the eoutheest Quarter a! the Northena� pue�rte�� ""`
<br />'---�j'-��� 8�1 4 8E1/4 NEi/4), 8ectie�n Tk+irty-Thzee (3 3) , „ "�
<br /> `�""�"�•' Tows�ship �leven (l i), Renge �11ne (9), Wee� o� �''
<br /> y`W�a�.. kh0 6tt1� L9.M.r Ntl11 Couttty� Nebraekat � ' ��
<br /> �w. thence in a Nee�erl dizection fi:v the � `"'��-���'�''`'-°
<br /> �=°_-"� E9e�t li ne oL ee��c� saut4�eaBt �uarter of the '..�v...,. .. „�.�.
<br /> - 41�.b . $��' -.
<br /> �L�� Northeast Qunrter (SE1/� NEi/4) t thence in a k t�;�
<br /> } �`-�� Nartheriy direction alang the We�t line � ` '� ,,�
<br /> `y �`� diste�nce of 99°t �hence i» �c� �aeterly C -` # `-
<br /> _tt 1.:y: „e-�,.� �;i�';'
<br /> -- 7�'�� direction parallel to ��e �c4`h line of eaid �
<br />•_;,y'}.�,f.. .. �. �.gaat n���rtar 'fr.�i..-'•;--- -
<br /> :s z,s�E,,��;h,�: eouttx�ast Quarter of t�c� t�. r�t �:..� �"�'._' �::
<br />->;:,_,_ .:;���',,;� (8E1/4 SEl/4 NEl/4) to a pviant 180� West of ; ;.__� _
<br /> w�"�`�-'%� the Eaet ].ine thergof s thence in a Soutiher.ly � ��--�
<br /> ��.�..�----
<br /> '`_.;,.���:. direction a dietance of 99' �o the plaae of '�;%�;N„�,-
<br />���� beginning. _
<br />�==���� Trs�i+l� �r. A r.ee�anarular tract af land in �ho 8au�:h�aBic V-NS_ _ -"�
<br /> __.—.. ...----•- ,._ _--- .--_
<br /> =��•-�� �ua�rter of the Northeaet t�uarter (SEi/4 NEi/�) o�
<br /> :���; 9Bation Thirty-Three �33), xown�hip Eloven (11) °�`�'_
<br />^;���. No�tDi� Renge Nine (9) , West of the 6th F�.M. ,
<br /> „ t Nebraeke more artiaalar.ly
<br /> � Hell Coun y, r P
<br />-�;y'�r�'�� described ee l.ol lowe: Commencing et a point
<br /> --�:-�"-� on the Ea�t lin� of the 9outhee+et Que�ter '�; .
<br /> ..._�=�, � o! the Nvrthenet Qur�rter (BE�./4 NGi/4 ) of �,:
<br /> -�9��,:���` oaid S�eation Thirty-Three (33) , 363� North - �.z
<br /> -=•��t-.,�;.,,.=,,�. of the South�ast corner at the snid SoutheAe� �
<br /> ='�� - Quarter vf the Northeas� Quarter (SEl./4 NEi/�l� '����..�. �`�
<br />�-=�� ., ef s�id Section Thirty-Three (33)s ther�ce in �j�' _"'
<br />-c..:,:a.-�--n'.� R,-�...as��a��� ��
<br />- ,����: et Westerly dirpction para.Llel with the South
<br /> r��_,_t_u�,' � 11ne of the saf.d Southeast Quarter of the .�s� .:,����
<br /> °; Northeaet Quarter (SE1/4 NEi/4) of ea4d '" �,_„�,�_,,,,_
<br /> :._;,;,.-�-'?" Section Thirty-Thre� (3 3 j to the West 1 ino ..�`3�.:�`-
<br /> a"a`e. ,. �.. :'.;!1E_'�.`DS.'�mr�3�ir9r�t
<br />=n,;,{�,' thereofs thence in a Northerly direction at .+���_-�---- „W
<br /> right anglea a distance of 264� s tttencQ in �' `�'II'�
<br /> r. .:.��:�:��-�.-..
<br />_:,���;� an Easterly �irection parallel with the Soukh :=��tT�,_ .�;'�?,
<br /> •���-� line of the �outheaet Quarter of the Northaas� ;;:� ' `�__`',..�
<br /> -��r Quartor (SEl/4 NEi/4) of said Section Thir�y- "'^`-��g���
<br /> :„r•��„ -
<br /> .::,.�_. . .., ,'`�=,:-;��;_-
<br />�,"Y:�•1 Threa (33) to the Fast line thereofi thence �,• ,�y��,--
<br /> ?���°�+�- in a 8outherly directian a�t right anqleb a ,
<br /> .-.z.� . �:�.;_ .
<br />=��.�.:r���• distance of 246� to the place of beginn ing, l .�„1,•�. _
<br /> ::i�;.v:..•r � . .. . . . �
<br /> �J„•�•._.,.: containing e gax�e, a littla more or 1e��. ,
<br /> i�C,� ;�. �
<br /> �:�r� and, � �• '.,
<br /> ;:,�14��:� .. �'., ,.
<br />-��;:�;�'..:a�� : Ix�t Fovr (4) , elock Sixteen (16) , in South Gr��el
<br /> �.�zt�'.�;. Y ' Ie]and, lacated upon a par� of the Northweat Q�art�r
<br /> `��:���•. � (NWi/4 ) of Bection Twenty-7'wo (22) , Townahip Elev�n (11) ..
<br /> �.. ,,...:. -
<br />:'���:�:�., Narth, Rnnge Aiine (9) , Wast of the 6th P.M. , arand .
<br />_"';"`� I�1nnd, Hnll Cos�n�y, NebrAeke. ,;
<br />�:�1�.�
<br />__ _ ._ �_-____.
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