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<br /> : . 7 I 1-4 FAll�ILY RIDER ` 95--�,(��;����3 1 �
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<br /> ,,:�`��z�•�� Assigncnent of Rents ' ;
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<br /> :,• . .. TH1S 1�1 FAMrLY RIDEit ls made this 16TH �ay of FEHRUIIRY , 1995 ,�d is �
<br /> ', ' . incorporatcd!nw and shnll bo dec:mecl to axncnd and suppPement the Morrgagc,Dccd of Tcust or Sccurity Dccd(Uic , {
<br /> "Security Inscrument")of the sacne date givcn by tha underslgncd(the"Borrawcr")to secure HorrowcPs Note to ��
<br /> � ��
<br /> ..!�.
<br /> pv;J . .:��y°::�-.
<br />;.-� .: ' (thc"i�ndcr"} -.,:wL�(.!n-�
<br /> of the same date and cavering the Property described in the Securiry Instrum�nt and located a� --_=_--- -
<br /> - , . 9A4 SdUTH PINE " ~',~��•"�,;'
<br />-- , .�::;_''•_-�r:
<br /> , G�iE1ND IS�•ANL, NEBRASIfA 68001 �. -
<br /> [Ptoperty Addreetj '�j�:k��i�=•
<br /> .� , �_
<br />- - `.�::I� � - ���'r�.=:�....
<br /> :,,;�.s�;,�,p,. lab FA1Vm.Y COV��I�NTS. In addition to d�e covenants and�groemcnts made in tha Security Instrumc�, :�_ � ��_'�°'�.�
<br /> ,� .� �,. .,:. . r , .,.'. . —
<br /> . :,;,y,�,��., Bnrrower and Lender fu�`�r covenant nnd agree as foLaws: , ,,,.'''-��
<br />?�++:,,;�`, • � A.ADDITIONAL PROPERTY SUBJ�C'd'TO'THE SECUkII'A'X INSTRUM�NT. In addition w the �'"�.;`� r-
<br /> Property descdbed in the Se�:urity Instrument,the following itcros are addcd to the Property descca�uon,end shall ::;'< <
<br /> ' � f� ' ,,. �rJ;
<br /> � � s1�m rnnc�ih�tr r?�r Prnnrrtyr rnvcmtl hy the$ernrity incir�imenC{uiilAinv mat�ritalG,annliflltCe9 ezlt�B[xldc of evCry • T�
<br /> ';, ��,,�'�;, �niure whatsoever now as Eaesrafter located in,on,oa used,or intended to be used in aonnection vrith the Propexty��. `;�`�����""�ss���'�
<br /> ''� ,�,tifi�'' including,but not lunited'�,those for the purye�s�s of ei��plyi�g or distributina heating,caoling,electricity, Bav, R�1,n�,s�'i '!,:,-
<br /> ,.,.:•;�, .,a!��,:,,:,;r�: .
<br /> •' ,�:' -.. water.air and light,fiue prevention and earinguishing appazatus�security und access control apprirltus�plumbing, r,��t�7?r-r,�.� ����;.�
<br /> �; .. a:•;',;�:�;
<br /> . .b. bath wbs.water heaters.watet closets.sin�s.ranges,stnves.ref�gerators,dishwashers.dLsposals,washers,drycrr�, • �.��:��;�;r�.
<br /> ?�.;,
<br /> � awnings,stonn windows,sWim daors,screens,blinds.shades.curtains and eurtain rods.auached mirrors,citbinex.e, ''° ';' ..
<br /> t
<br /> " ' panelling and atteched floor coverings now or hereafter atuiched to the Property, all of which, includ'ang '•�'�*'" '
<br /> ' � " . ` replacements and addidons d�eretv,shall be deemed to be and remain u part of the Property cavcrcd by the Secwriry '���'��� �'_ �
<br /> :" �� ' Instiumen�All of the foregoing together with the Property descriixct in the Security Instrument(or tho least:huld ��
<br /> e.ciate if the Scxurity Ins�ument is on a leasehold) aue rcferted w in this 1-4 Family Ridcr nnd tho Securlry � ,
<br /> Instrumc.�t es thc"1'roperty." , ,..
<br /> ". " �"- B.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIAN�CF.WITH LAW. Bomowcr shall not sec,{c. agree to or mul�e a , . ° .
<br /> . ' change in the use of the Property or its zoning class{tication,unless Lender hFts egrecd in writIng to 1he chsuiga .. � ;,. =
<br /> Boarower shall comply with all laws, ordinanccs, regulations and requiremcnts of nny govemmcntnl tvody :,��'��
<br /> .... , l�cable to the , �'. ``„'�*�.
<br /> ,� , �� app' Propeny. . ..•. ��+��� —
<br /> • ��°? C.SUBORDINATE LIENS. Except av permitted by federal laer.Borrower shall not allow any lien�nferior ` ,�
<br /> . . �u to the Socurity Insrr►unent to be perfected againse ihe Prnperty without Lender's prior wriuen pecmissian. .• � :�.:.. ., ,.
<br /> •. •, _....
<br /> • '=�" D.RENT LOSS INSURANC�. Borrower shall maintnin insurance against renc loss in addidon to the otliur � • =':=."- "-
<br /> hazards for which insurance is required by Unifoan Covenant 5. � u �"�` '' �
<br /> �f�. �
<br /> � E."BORItOWER'S RIGHT TO EiEINSTAT�"DELETED. Uniform Covenant 18 is deletcd. • _
<br /> � ° � � F.BOItROVYER'S(KCUPANCY. Urdcss Lcnder and Borrowcr othcnvise a�ce In �vridng, the first � � -=•:�
<br /> • sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 wnceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property is deleted. A11 ret�aining �
<br /> , _ covenants and egreements set fonh in LJni�orm Covenant 6 shall remnin in effecc. � �
<br /> 4 '•
<br /> MULTISYliTE 1-�/FAIMILY NIDER•Fannl�61aQ/Fndd[�AAao Unlform In�trument �orm 3170 9�93 �
<br />- •1 ., I Pnp�t ol 2 I ..
<br /> , , � �-57(8304) V1AP MORT�AOE FORM9•(313�20�•8�00-�800)621•7201 iMtluts: . � . --
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