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<br /> �iceiods IB+u I.�nder rri�ulres, 'I'hc li�surunc�eurri�r pmviding die insurimcc shnll be chosrn by Borrawer subject to Lenderti •-��--
<br /> u���rovnl witiich tihs�ll��ut Ix�uurcnsunnhly withheld. If Barrowcr fnils to maintuin covcruge describcd above.Lendcr may,at
<br /> � l.cnd�r's�cptl�m,obOnin c��vrru�;c tu�;rutcct Lcndcr�;righ[s in thc Property in nccardnncc with paragraph 7. ,�,'�;:-
<br />` A{I Uis�n•iince�wUcics t�nd renew�ds�hidl be ucceptablc to Lender�nd shull includc u stundard mortgugc cluusc. Lc�ider �-
<br /> Hlicdl lurvc Ihc right tu hnld�he pulidcs nui!rcncwnls. If Lcnder requires,Borrower shnll promptly givc to I.,ender all reccipts =
<br /> oP pnhl prenitums nnd r��ne�vnl nuticcb. In Ihc event of loss,Burrower shall givc prompt notice to thc insurnnce carricr and -
<br /> I.cndcr. L.endcr mciy inukc�ei�uof of In,s if'mm m�d�promptly by 8orrowcr. �
<br /> UIIII`ti4 I.cndrr nn�) 11uri�nw�r utlicrwisc ngrce in writin�,insurnncc procecds shaU bc upplied to restoration or repair of .-
<br /> Ihe f'�•uIieny �lan�ngcd, if ihc rc4lur��Uon nr repnir is economicaUy feasible :md Lendcr's security is not Icssencd. If the :=���-
<br /> r��titoratlon or rc��ilr ih n��t ecnnumicnlly fe,iSiUlc or Lendcr's security aould be lessencd, thc insurance proceeds shall be `��,;
<br /> nppfied tn U�e tiumti sccured hv Ihib ticr.in•Ity Instrument, whethcr or nat then due, with any exccss puid to Borrower. if �--?-
<br /> l3ormwer nbaudony Iho Ihopeuy, �►r d�MS nul auiswer within 30 days a noticc from I.ender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> offercd to setilc n��Inini,lhcn I.cndcr imry cullect the insurunce procccds. Lendcr may use the procceds to repair or restore 6'-.�_..
<br /> �u—
<br /> thc Nro�x:rty or�o p;�y nuun+ccurcd I�y�hiti ticcuri►y Instrumcnt,wl�ether or not then due. The 30-day period will bcgin when
<br /> Ilic nuticc iv givcn. -
<br /> Unless Lc:nder m�d Ilorrnwer utherwise ugrce in writing,any applicution of procecds to principal shaU not extend or
<br /> postponc thc di�c dntc ot'tDc mnnth�y piiyntcmc rcfcrrcd to in parugraphs l aud 2 or change thc amount of thc payments. If --
<br /> uudcr purugrapli 21 ti�c Pru��crty I� ��c��uln•d hy I.�+ndcr, Rotrowc�+right to any insur:uicc policics and procceds resultine
<br /> froai dim�iige to Qic I'rnperty prliir tu�i►c ucqui�itlun+hull p,isx to I_cnder to the extent of the sums secured by this Security �
<br /> Insreumcnt immaliutcly prlur to thc a�:qulsitiun. -
<br /> 6. Occup�mcy, 1'reservutlon, Mi�lntcnamet� nnd {'rntection of Ihe Property; Borrower's Loun AppUratlon; E�°
<br /> I.euseholdy. I3orrower shnU�x:cupy,e:;ti�blinh, tmd u+r,ihe f'roperty us Bonower.l•prmcipal residence within sixty dayti xfter k'tt`-�
<br /> tite execution uf�hls Security Inytnuncnt aiid tihnll c�nuinue tn cecupy the Propeny as Borrowcr's principal retiidence for at `
<br /> �:��
<br /> Icast one yci�r after the dntc uf ucrupiincy, unicsy l.cndcr othcrwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be �.,
<br /> unrcasont�bly withhcld,or u�ilcss cxtcmimiti�:cirrum+tnmcs cxist whicli iac heyond Borrowcrs control. Borrowcr shull not --
<br /> dcstroy,duuin�;c or impair�hc Nroper�y,ullow thc Niy�p�ny�o deterioratc, or commit wuste on thc Property. BOffOWCf tiI1pU E�
<br /> bc in dcii�ult if nny foif�iiu�c ncilun i�r�uorccding, whcthcr civil orcriminal. is bcgun thai in Lcndcr� good faithjudgment C;;;.�-
<br /> cauld result in f'orfciture of the Wr�epeny or u�hrrwi,c mntcriidly impair the lien creuted by this Security Instivment or �
<br /> �,-.�..
<br /> Lcndcr's sccuriry intcrest. liurc�xvcr miiy cure su�h ��dci:wlt eind reinstute, as providul in paragruph IS,by cuusing the acHon �._;,
<br /> ��prc>cccding to be dismis,cd wi�h ci rulfn�th;��,iu Lcndcr'ti�uod fnith detenninntion, precludes forfciturc of the Bo�-rower'v ;-:.,.
<br /> ^- - �-- • � • �___ �._ r.... a y.. ti• c • ...�..,...,. �., a...�. ........_. �.,----
<br /> tUlCltbt tt1 IIIC t'IUF/C17Y lq tiUll't Illitt�Ilnt ilii�riilutt�:iii ii� iu�. u�u �u-iiiCu � tul:i .���ui��y ��i:iuuuwu� uT �.i�......, owwi�y �.
<br /> interest. f3o�rower xludl ulsu lie in dcli�ull if liurrower, ituritig ►he loan iipplication process, gavc materially Culse or �.°°_
<br /> inuccurirte i�iformntion or�ti►temcnts tu Lender 1ur Ilillyd u�provide Lcnder with any muterial infortnation)in connectian with ~-.._
<br /> tl�e loan cvidenced by the N�>te, iairludin�;, hui nu� limi�cd iu, representationn concerning Borrower's occupancy of the �tr;.`:;_-
<br /> Property us n princip�d residcncc. !f tl�i,tircm•ity b�htrun�rnt i�un�i Ic:uchold. Borrowcr shall comply with ull the provisions frf-�
<br /> of the Iciise. If'13nrruwcr iuNuires fec titls tn ihc Ih•�qxity,�hc Iriitichnld nnd the fce tiUe shaU not mergc unlcss Lender ngrces �.ie��°-�:
<br /> to U�c mcrgcr in writing. `^;•'•�;:,..
<br /> 7. Prulectlun oP I.ender's ltlµht:+ in �n� r�•��i��r�y�. If' I�utruwcr fails to pedorm thr, covenants and agrcements �`;iu�e�;
<br /> contnined in this Sccurity Instrun►rn�, ur tl�cr� iti n I��;;d �►roaxdin�; th:a may significuntly afFcct Lender's rights in the ,�
<br /> Property(such ns ei pnxeedin�;in hnnkruptcy,�►ruhute,G�r ruudrntnnlion or fortciture or to enforce la+vs or regulations).then �'"s=.
<br /> Lrndcr miiy du imd pay fur�vhutcvcr iti necc+tiury tu�naic�t thc valuc ut'thc Propeny and Lcndcr's rights in the Property. ,_�
<br /> Lender's uctluns mUy inrlude p��yln�t nny rumti �ccure�l hy a Hrn which hns priority avcr this Security Instrument,uppearing
<br /> in court,pi�ying rcasonublr ntturnoyr'tceti �md ciuc�in}; �m Il�r I'r�qh�-ry lo mukc rcpairs. Althou@h Lcndcr mny tuke uctian
<br /> undcr thls paro�r;iph 7.I.rndcr d�KZ nut hnvc tu du�u. ;.�;,,:'
<br /> Any �nnounts dir�bur+rd by L�ndcr tn►dcr thi� pun�µrnpli 7 tilmll Ixcunic additional dcbt of Borrowcr sccurcd by this „ _
<br /> 5ecurity Instruancnt. Unlcss llurrowcr nnd Lcmlcr u�;rcc tu uthcr tcrmti uf paymcnt,thesc umounts shall bcar intcmu from thc
<br /> dnte nf disBurscmcnt nt thc Nutc rutc and �Iwl1 b�• payiiNlc, ailh hncrc+t, upun noticc front Lendcr to Borrower rcyuesting
<br /> paymcnt. .
<br /> 8. Mortga�c Insurnncc. If l.cndcr rc��idrr�l muitFtiigc insurio�cc as a condition of muking thc loan securcd by this
<br /> Security Instnimcnt,f3orrowcr shi�ll piry dtc prcn►iumti r�quir�d tu maintnin thc mortgagc insurnncc in cffect. If. f'or uny .
<br /> »c�son, the enortgngc in�uruncc cuvcriigc rei��dre�l hy L��mirr lupyrti or cca,cti tu bc in cffcct, Aorrowcr shall puy thc .�r`;
<br /> premiumti reyuired to obtnin rovcrii�c +ubetnnQnlly cquivulcnt tu Ihc m�nlNiigc insurancc previously in effect,i�t ii cost ���`
<br /> substantially cyuivalent to�hc cutit tu Nu�•ruarr ul' ihr m:n��!a�!e intiin�nncc prcviou+ly in cffect,from un nitemate mortgnge =
<br /> insurer npproved Uy Lender. lP subslnntinlly c��uivulcnt mm I�;u�:c in+ur�mcc cuvcriige is not uvuilable,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> Lcndcr cach month n sum cqunl u�unc-twclfih ��f ihc ycnrly muu�,n�;c in,unuicc pnmium bcing paid by Borrowcr when thc '
<br /> insurance ec�veroge lupsed nr ceased�o Ix in efli�c�. Lcndrr will,arcr��t,u,�nu�l rctnin tl�ese payments as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> of nturigu�e insurnncc. Luss rescrvc pnymcniti muy nu lon�!��n c�rc��uirrd,iU thc uption of Lender,if mortgagc insunmr.e
<br /> coverage(fn tlie i�mount�md Fur thc�kriud that Lcudrr rcqi�i�ryl piuv�d�d by iui insurcr npproved by Lender again becomes
<br /> nvi�ili�blc nnd i5 obtiiincd.Ilur�owcr�h��ll pny thc�nrroiunn rrquir�d lu mninmim m�rt��u�;c insurancc in effcct,or tn providc a
<br /> lutis reserve,until the requiremcnt tix nwrt}tn�lc in+uruncc cndti in urcuiJnnrr +vitli nny writtcn agrcemcnt betwcen Borrower
<br /> tind Lcndcr or upplicablc Inw. '
<br /> 9. Insp�cdun. Lcndcr��r itti ugcut mny mnkr iru,unnhlr��uuir,u��un smd Inspcctions of th�Property. Lcnder shaU . ,�
<br /> givc Boirowcr noticc nt thc timc of ur priur to nn h�s�x��liun�.�kcityiu�: i�u�,unuhlc cnu�c fiir thc inspection.
<br /> lU. Cundemnatlatn, '1'he prneeetl9�if nny mvurd��r rluhn f��r�Ineua}�cr,�lirec�or rnnsequential,in conncction with nny .
<br /> Sinplclinufly-•F'pu�def►1btIF1'eAdlrMxcURilI�11HM111Nti'IH1�11F:N'1'-I�nifomtCovcnanla �90 (pagel�jbp�grsl
<br /> Grwt I.ntw ti•.�Inca.a Fan��,hx.�
<br /> Tn lNdcr CoII: 1�OD6300303 U PAx 010•70t•1131 '
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