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<br /> �ti.' 'POOE'I'HL+Ii W[TH rJl Ihe+improvements now or hercatter crccted on the propeny,artd a11 c�scments,c�Furcenaz�ces, tutd 4 , " '' -
<br /> . f�ca:s;,�roti�or kcsc�'tcs n F^st of the pm�ny.All ren!!+��mcnts�nd ndditions shell nisa I�c covcccd by this Security[nswmcnt. � _
<br /> � All of the foregoing ts rcferraf to in thic So�urity InstrurtK:nt av thc"Fmperty." I .. -
<br /> RORROW�R COVENMi'I'S Ihat Borrowcr is IawFuUy seiscd o�'tha estatc hcrcby conveycd and has the right tn grunt nnci ; � . ,�
<br /> convey I�e Properiy smd tt�t the Property is unencumbered, except[or encumbmnoes of record. SorroHCr warrants nnd weA _'�
<br /> '��.:� detenA generally tha titla u�the Pc�nperty ugainst ull cl�ims t�nd demnncls,sub}oct to any Grtcambrances of record. (
<br /> • THIS SECUItITY INSTRUMBNT combines unlfocm covcnant9 for national use and nnn-unifmm wvcnants with limite�7 � � ---
<br /> vnriadoi�.s by�utisdiction ro consritsitZ a aniform r,ecuriry instrume�it covering real propeny. � . _-
<br /> iJN�ORM COVENANI'S.BArruwcr and Lendcr covenAnt and a�rEe as foUows: ���,:�
<br /> 1.Payment otPrincipal�nd Interest;Prcpayment and Late Chavges. Bonowcr sh�ll prompUy pay when due tho , �.;�.�
<br /> principal af a��d lnterest on the debt evideaiced by the Note anci any prepuymer�t and lute charges due under thc lYoto. . „�;:,��,;�;.,,�:1,..,�
<br /> 2.Fun�s tor Twxts�nd Insurana. Sub}ect to eppUcatble luw or to� wriuen waives by Lendcr, Borrowcr sha�l �ay to �!,;.;°•,:,�r,_*,3r��_
<br /> �� d..enckr on th�day nionthly payments are due undc.�thc Note,until the Notc is pald in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yeatly taxcs ' ,,_•�
<br /> nnd assessments which msy nualn priority over this Sa:urity Instntment as n liea on thc Propaty;(b)Yeatly leaschold payments '��'h.�=_.-._- —
<br /> , or und rents on the Pro �P au :(c)Ye�ly ha�s►d or ►o � Insurancc r:Nums;(d)Y:afly fiuud insurr.ttce remiurns�i# ' `-�"'' � _
<br /> R� P�'•' Y [�' P��Y P F 4 �,•.�
<br /> �'�: ` ---
<br /> ;�,s�� .. �Y: (�)Y�ly mongago insurance p�emiums.if ony;tuid(�any sums payable by IIorrowet to Lender.in accflzdaace wid�ti�o .,�,,p,,,_
<br />°�4;�� - mvisions of h 8, in lieu of the m�nt of rn4 � c insurance rcmiums. 'll►ese itcros suc called "Escrow Items." _-
<br /> �.;;. ,i.. P P�P P3Y �a8 P '>"ra.Y.�,:�-...
<br /> ��j`;.;• . - L�n::r mtiy,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an am�r��t not to cxrecd the maxlmuin amount n lcndcr for a fedcsaUy rclated , �_i.;.;;�' -
<br />- � � � r.��age loan may requlre for Borrower's escrow accour.l under the federal Re�J Esttiie Seukment Ptocedurts!#.ct of 1974 as ;:;::.___
<br />• i s�mended�um time to time.l2 U.S.C.Sectia�e 2601 u seq. ("RESPA"),unlc,s anathcr iaw thaa applios to the�lmds sets a lrsser ' �: --`---
<br /> ��:::;.;° ----
<br /> -,�.,��� �� amoun� If so, Lender may, a�any 6me, c�t,�zct and hold Funds in an cunount no:to excea! the lesser emoun� L.ender may ?�,r=R-
<br /> ,�, •.
<br /> ' � • esdmate the amount of Funds due on the bacis of curacnt dnta and m.aso+�,�rle estunaus of c;�pendiwres of future Bscrow Items or �j�==°
<br /> �y_.„, otheiwise in accandancc with apgli.cavle law. ' �;---��#�
<br /> '�;�' ° 'Itic Funds shall be held in an insatuti.on whoso deposits are insured by a federal agency.instrumentaliry,or cntity(including -�,-�•;�_• _
<br /> Lender,if Lender is such an insdtution)or i,:+eny Fedcral Home Loan Bank.L.cnder shall apply the Funds ta pay the F.scrow � .
<br /> �---n--'-- c.V�.a A.e Gwwo 0 0 o hw o.,,c„�rmu���n mF ya.ri v'no �'_�°`°'
<br />� I'tCnu.i.ctiucr iitu"y iui i,om�v nuuuwcl�w.�,�SSiy�3tI.�o"j3�fl�L'Sy^.+.... �:.fSAL'�f..Sl..l�:.SSla L !.» QI .f� _:Ys:' �
<br /> �:,; . • thc Escrow Items. unless Lendcr gays Borroyver intcrest on the Funds und upplicub2c law permits Lender to make such a charg�. :�,
<br /> I�eta�cver.Lc,�der may require 1Borrawcr w pay a onc-tia�e charge for an independent rcal estatc tax rcponing service use�l by '°`;
<br /> L.cn�er in connection with thi9]oan,unless applicuble law�rovides otherwise.Unless an agroement i�m�de or�pplicablc law „ •••�^
<br /> requires intemst to be paid,Lendcr shaU no2 Ue re�nired W pay Borro�vca nny interest ar eamings Qn the Funds.Bonower end �3�, -
<br /> � Lender may agroe in writing,howevcr,d�ai irctaest shall bc psid on tltc Funds.I.cndcr sliull give to Bortawcr,without charge,� i�•�
<br /> � annual accounting of the Funds,showing cse�its ead debits to the Fuac�s�nd the purpose for which e�,ch del�it to the Funds wz�s ?�, ,.•
<br /> made.77�e Funds are plcdged as Addidnnal security for all sums secured Uy�}�is Securiry InstrumcnG ' "�
<br /> • , If the Funds held by Lci►der excced tite amounis permitte3 to be held by f►pplicuble law.Lender shall account to Borrower for ` '�"j
<br /> - the excess Funds in accordance with the cequiraments of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any time is '`�� � �:�
<br /> � �� not sufficient to pay the Escrow Item�when due,Lender may so notify Bonower in writing,and.in such case @orrower shall pay �
<br /> ' � � to L.ender the omount ncxessary to make up the deficiency. Borro�ver shall mak.e up the deficierscy i�n no morc than twelve :_ ��` �-
<br />_ cssary
<br /> � mocethly payments,at Lcndcr's solc discrction. { `-
<br /> ..i:; a'�''�7�'
<br /> Upon paymcat in full of ull sums securcd by ihis Scnurie^j L�strument,Lendcr shall prompdy reEund to Borrowcr any Funds . _ '��='��:_-
<br />� � �i�'�!'. �"•�e
<br /> �ti"', held by Lender.If,�ndcr puYa�^�r�ph 21,Lender shull t�cquire or seU the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition or salc of thc �
<br /> . `.�-;,.�
<br />- �� Property. shnll upply any Funcls held by Lender at the time of ar�uisipon or sale a9 a cm.ciit ageinst the sums secnmd by this �•. i-�,;,. .�;���-
<br /> � • ���.'.�� Security Instrurne�G '' '`q,;`,..�� -
<br /> �' "' 3.A lication o!Pa ents. Unless a licablc law rovidcs othcnvise.ail payments received b Lender under ara hs •�'�'=���-�"
<br /> �, ... pp' Ym PP P Y P 8n►P .��.,�.�,�
<br />- �. 1 and 2 shall be applied: Fast,eo any prepayment charges due under the Note;sc;cond.to amounts payable under paragruph 2; z�
<br /> ., third.to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to nny late chargcs due under the Note. i`••;;:,� �' " --��°
<br /> � 4.CE�arges;B.i�.ns. Borrower shall pay all macs,essessments, ch,uges, fines and imposi�ions auributable to the Prop:riy `''-"�"`�' `
<br /> � which rnay Attaic��rioriry over this Seciuity Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any.Borrower shall pay these � ,
<br /> . . � obligudans in thc maiuier provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,BoROwer shall pay ihem on time direrctly to the !
<br /> p^,.rson o�vcd payancnt Horrower shall prompdy furnish to Lcnder all notices of amounts to be pvd under this paragraph. If ;
<br /> - Bormwex malces these payments direcdy,Borrower�hall p:amptly fumish w L.ender receipts evidencing the paym:n2s. ,
<br />� Bamowcr shall prompdy dischargc any licn wiuch has priority ov;,r t1�is Security Instrument unless Borrowcr. (a)a�rrc�s in ; �
<br />- writing to the payment of the obligution secumd by the lien in a manner acceptable w i.ender; (b)contests in�ood faith the li�n !
<br /> - hy, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proccedings which in the Lcnder's opinion operate to prevent tlie ,
<br /> '� . enforcement of the lien;ar(c)s+xures from the holc�.:r af the licn an agrecmene satisfactory to Lcndcr subordinating the lien to , '.
<br />- thls Sccuuity InstrumenG If Lendcr dcte�min�that any part of thc Property is subject to n lien�vhich mny attain priority over this i
<br /> _ Sccuriry lnstrument,Lcnder may give Borrawcr a nodcc idcntifying thc lien. Bannwer shall satisfy the ticu or tnke onc or more �
<br /> of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> • Form 3020 8l9� �
<br /> � ��ww.. i
<br />— .�: �•eR�N�(OTt2) PaQaaote innlalo:
<br />�ir . ., .. ., � ... .
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