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<br />• +�!t�►atw-..:�.;:..---.. ... ....�. .._... _...__._ . . . ....: ..........._�__.,�«ar+n _.
<br /> __.�. .. .. . ... ....--__. ... . _. _ ..
<br /> ` ' i.—.
<br /> lte-recoaded to correc� ackao��ledgm�nt on p�ge 2 �
<br /> �?o�:C�aQox'a a�.anaeu�c wna noe n�Ea�•ized. pyi��`AYjt�G� �e�e�^^ �{��'�l�� � �'
<br /> . r,��i �� ������ �
<br /> j ':.
<br /> � 'TM�Moet����a��n' Thon�as C,_,Relsdor�6� anci Kathleen A, __—_ : � .
<br /> �� � g�j e.{�o rn l'► t i u s h a o a r l d W(f e (hercln"MorE q�Qor"y ra�d � .•
<br /> . �
<br /> ��.
<br /> � Ftve Polnts Sank. a Npb a�Jc.� Cor[aoratMn ____��(hemin"Mort�,p�tp"). � �.
<br /> � Mort�or is fndebted to Mort�e ln the prtnctptl sum oi$30,63b.50 ,avidenced by NilortQ��ar'a natu I }
<br /> a,�s�a F e���a�r�-�—(f�ere1n"I�iote")pxovldina tor piymenCs of pdncip�l and Interest,wtth the balmca af tl�o � r
<br />` .. "' ir�debtedness�if nnt aoonex pald,due and payable on�F��iHY'T y� Q�Q�• �
<br /> To secure tha�Sayment ot the Note,with tnlerest as prorrlded therein.the payment of all other sums,with intaNsat. � - "
<br /> � ' advtnce� Dy Morta��ee to�rotect the sFCU�tty of this Mox¢�age,aiul the peYtonnanra of the coveaents flnd egreesrirntr ot i
<br /> t'ae Motty�gor contafnLd heaetn� Mort���or does hereby mortgage and conv�y to Mortg��ee tAe [ollcwing�Stacritnd i
<br /> c.
<br /> property located ie Na�l . _�ounty, Nebrawka: ,
<br /> Lat Eleven (11), Block One (1), Ponderasa Lake Estates Subdiviseort, iro the :
<br /> � City of Crand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. � "
<br /> .,,
<br />_s � N ' . 1 .� r • �-,� '.:' . _
<br /> � .� 1 � R�.e,� r.�
<br /> ' , � ,� , , � , ' + a� �j� � �" �+ � ���t —
<br />; � /� � � rn .':'j rn C,71 "'� ,�.
<br /> � (_ ('\ r; �� . � ' � .rt �1 ..c o. � cU�
<br />-�_5.,�� . K.J1 V_ \ w� -1 � �� � ,� N. _ ..--..-. ..._.-----.,. -7�'.
<br /> " V t � -
<br /> G, �.�i �� ; � � � ., � -a ..,9 :.. r,, � �� y�,
<br /> -� � ..w �.� a ';„��,:.
<br /> ._ ;! � � �� � ; � f �� ,�„� �.` � �;,. �:� a � , .. ,,� ��
<br /> �;� ,...
<br /> - �'' � � r� { 1 � ! f ,T � �+ � r- r,. 0 c� .� �._.
<br /> I � (t> �
<br /> �( � �� t + � � , � '` ^' `~ � � , • /
<br /> �oo` N rn� � .' ' i I � `'' ;,~-, �;. � ` ''��
<br /> , .._, ,
<br /> ��° � i � -- �
<br /> . . - .-� �� ; � : �
<br /> �• � Togetse�with tll buildings.imp:ovements.fixt�ares,strerts,elleys,pissageweys,euements,dghts,p�itit[gF.3 end ���• .,
<br /> �ppurtenances tocated thercon or In any�r.�pert�ining thernto,�nd the rents,issues and profits,�ese�sions au^td taantjnders `y` ,�, �•.
<br />- � G:�ezeot; incinding,but not I!..*5ted to,he��ag and coolfng equfpment aad such persond proper�y k�tt iasRtur.hE�l tn the �
<br /> v
<br /> improrements so as to cons�l;ate a fixturn;e!1 of whtc�,i3cludtng rnplacements nr.d er�dtttons thereto,ia he�ob3 declued I�'• � .�
<br />: �� . Yrn be�put of the reN estate secured by the[ien of this i5lortgage and atl ot ttte foregoing betng rePened to keYe�n as thr
<br />. "Dr�»rtv".
<br /> • Mortgegor Nrther convenmts and tg[ees,with MactgaQee,as follows: , Y„�, �
<br /> , � � � ,..
<br /> 4 �: 1. P�ymen� To pay the indebtedaeu�nd the intcrost thereon as pioviaed m tnts I�iortgage ann ike IVo o. �, ,
<br /> � � �:�
<br /> 2. Titte. Mo:tg�gor Is the owner of the Properiy,ha�tho riglit end au�hodty t�mortgage the 3'to�sry,and I� k� . ..
<br /> aamnts that the t[en created hereby is a ft�st and pdor lien on the Froper•ty,except es may otherwise bo se�torth herein. `' � �:��
<br /> s.✓l..._:::
<br /> f�'ITie Ptoperty is subject toaMortQage wherein���r?_Buildirta & L'o s�irn.. � ,4 • 7P',"p'•' :�
<br /> �-,. . poc f9 1 0 ` •`� �� r`
<br /> is the Martgagee,recorded a��to�ioL'�cS[�t�G��of t�e iYlortg�e Rscorsl9 oi Ha,�1 County�� �; �
<br /> Nebreska,which Mortgege is�Ilen pr[or to the Iten crenCed mereby. `
<br />_ _ �;:
<br /> y � ,:.. Y.
<br /> � p CIN:Cser prtox ltens or encumCra:.^.es: " �
<br /> •`1►. ,
<br />:w �
<br /> � .
<br /> �' •,�,��, g,'i1�xs,Asse�cments. To Ray when duc all taxes.spec[al nssessments and all other ch.�ageo agplc�i tli�Property ,
<br /> �nd,upon wri.�en demmd by Mortgagee,to add to the g�y�nents requlred under the Note secured hsreLry,s¢ih uvount e.s
<br /> msy be sut6dent to enaDle tAe MortQ��ee to pay such taxes,issessments or oUier charges ns they bernrar du� •
<br /> 4. Insurence. To Iteep the Improvements naiv or hernnfter locat4d on the m�l estate desc:it�acl hsroEn InsuTed
<br />- '� a�fnst dunage Uy 6m'�ad such other Ii�srds as Moxtgagee mny t+equire,in unounts and wtth comp�tia�acceptnble to the ��
<br /> � Mortgaaee. and �ritti loes p�y�6le to tlLe IVlort�agee. In case of tos3�ader such poltclas the Martgr.gee Is antUvrizcd to �
<br /> �just, colIect �ntl compzomise�fn Itc cHGscretion,�ll cldms thereurcler at ita sule optton, auth�►tltxhSCOa°.4h�aapp3y thc �,j.
<br /> � � �' � frocecdn to�he r.st^rsNon ot t!!e Properiy or upon thp ledeht.�dnes+6ecured henby,but payrnenis ha.rrE:ndea ah�ll con- ;,
<br /> : pnue•unttl thg aum�secured De�by rre pdd f��Nl1. .-•:�;
<br /> y d('pjt"` y`!t 'p�►�{r nM ne } hs S and 4 h[trevf•to the
<br /> ,�+�, . � 6. ❑Escrox For Tuces snd[nsunna. Notwithetali .Y�y "_ �Si M1n P��P
<br /> coe�tr�ry,Mart��or shill pay to the Mort�agee at thQ time oF��iyLa�thf���M'��menta of ,...-,�p�]wcl3ntorrst,
<br /> ��-_ � '-- - . .. ..-�' ---�.� _L •.r..a�tt1 �nvl a..LIwA ia:ar alfnin a :
<br /> � _ ^� ORC•ZWl�R71 of the yerdy t�es,ataraamencs.I11Z1IU I[�SU[u�ct pmmvno�uau g+wa�v.a..��.. —i�----—u --- _ .�
<br /> � priorfiy orer thLg 14?ort�e.al]na ne�sonaDly estimnted(tonn time to time by the Mnrtp,�gee.'It►e unountn so pt1A�E•etll br .
<br /> .� held�y the Maxt;a�ee wltAout fnterest and applied to tlie p�yment of tha itema in rnspaci to whtch such amnwits werr
<br /> � deposfted.'Ihe suma prfd to MortgaQee hereunder sie pledged as n8ditlonxi�secudty for 4he fndehtednc�ss seca[ecl by this
<br /> w MortY�te.b4ortg�gorsh�ll pay to Mortg�gee thr emoant otu�y de[ictency betwcen the�ctuv tues,assessments. �►n�tmice
<br /> �. _,__ ___ __ �mn..,,�.n�t gm,�nd rne,ts.nrt thn dnonasts hernunder Klthin 10 dsys aiter demtnd i�mtde upan Mortgagor rnqttto8ing
<br /> payment thereof.
<br /> g, Repafc�MafaLenynce�nd Uae. To prompt3y repafq rnstore or rebuild cny bui�dings or Impxo�emenis norr or
<br /> � hentfter on the Property;to keep thQ 1'toperty in gc►od condition and repdr.without waste,nnd trea fxom m�chmiZ'�o:
<br /> '�� uilserllens not expressly subordinsu�d to tho Ilen hercnf;no�t tu make.sut[cr a-r Ge���d�eny nufs:nce to vxict�nor to dimjn•
<br /> � tsh or impsli tlir v�lua of the Roperty by any act or omisslon to act;aad to comply wfth�II�+equirem�nts of law with
<br /> I'� reapect tu the ProperLy.
<br />-1�
<br />. ..d_ . � ' ..
<br />