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• _.__ ..('� _ .. _ . - <br /> . ..�,,,�: <br /> .�:. _ „ <br /> ., i� <br /> � . <br /> , > ,. ,,,.:�- � � '' . ., • , '.,�r,,a;,,^ '. <br /> � ., �, � „ <br /> , � - . .._ .. . � ; 9,5.� �oo��� ., . <br /> " r,�y������t,may nu longcr h�rcquirc� tlic��ptiu�i uf l.�ndcr. If I110I1�;U�'l'IIl5Uf3U1CC l'lWl't:l�i4 UO llll`;mu�unt and tiu thc period ., � <br /> � that l.citdcr requi►c41 pmvidrd hy :ni in,urc►- appruvcd hy Lcndcr ,i�ain hccunuti .rv.iilahlc anJ iti��bt.iincd. Horrowcr shull pay . _ <br /> • ��� thc prcmiums rcquircd to ivainlain murt�tagc imur.mrc in cticct.ur to pruvidG,�lu„��+c�r c. until Uic rcyuircmcnt far nu�rtgiigc ., , <br /> insur:urce cnds in.icrurdancc with any writtcn a�rccmrnt bct«cen Burrowcr anJ l.cndcr i�r applicablc IciN�. <br /> .. ' . 9. los�xctlon. Lcndcr or it, agc►�t may makc rc:uimaMc cntricti upuu and in,pertiuns uf thc Pruperty. Lcndcr�hall givc . <br /> • Bi�rru�vcr nutirc at thc tinu��i�ur prior tu an inspectiun tipcciiying rcasunahlc �au�c(ur thc intipcction. - <br /> � _ - 10. CondcmnnUon. TItC prc�cccds „f uny awacd ur claim for �lamagcs. dircct ur cunticyurnlial. in runnecui�n with anY . .. <br /> . . � randemnatirn�u�,ther iaking uf any p:u�t nf the Property.ur fur com•eyancc in licu ut rondemnatiun. :u•c hereby assigned and . <br /> ,• <br /> shall bc p��id to I.endcr. . ::...,`. <br /> • [n the evcnt uf u tot��l taking uf Qic Pruperty.thc pruc�eds+hall bc applicd tu the wm.,ccured hy thi�Security InsUvment. • , •�, ;... <br /> whcther or nut then Jue. �vith any crcesy puiJ tu Burrowcr. In thr cvcnt ui a pani��l �aking of th� Property in which the fair „ , �x.r'r_..i <br /> ��.. . :y.r:,z.,.� <br /> market v:duc uf thc P�opcny immediatcly bc:fore the takinF i.cyual tn or gr�:itcr than thc amuunt al'thc sums s�cured by this 41'.,: . �--�1'�� <br /> J . ..e_J�e_"_"_ __ <br /> �� , Security In+trument immediately hefore the takin�,unless B��rrowrr und�ler utherwise a�rce in writing.the tiums secured b �-,� ,�s�'�' <br /> this Sccuriry In.ttu�ncnt shall hc rcduced by th� a�nount ut'[hc pn�cc�Y1s multiplicd by thc following fraction: (a) thc total - __ _ _ <br /> � amount of Qi� ,unn +ecurcd innneciiately trefarr the a�kine. dividal by (U) the fair market value of the Property immediately �..;.,: <br /> � bcforc thc taking. Any balanrc hhall bc paiJ to Bi�rrowcr. In thc evc�u of a partial tuking of thc Nroperty in �vhich thc fair ���.� <br /> market value of the Propeny immediately hefnre the taking is less than the umuunt of the sums sccured immediately befare the _ <br />�� . - taking, unles, Borrowcr and �.cnder athcnvi,e agrce in wr►tinz,ar unless applicablc law uthcrwisc provides, thc pmcceds shall ��:;n� __ <br />;q bc upplicd to thc sufns sc�ured b} this Security lnsm�mr.nt whether or not tlic sumti aro then duc. <br /> ��=�:-:.: <br />'. If thc Propeny is,ibandoncd by Burmwcr, ur if.�iftcr notirc by 1-cnder tu Borrowcr that thc condcmnor offers to make aii <br /> award �x settle a claim i'or datnages, Borco�ver fails w respond to l.ender within 30 days aftcr the date the natice is given, <br /> � � Lender is authurired to collect and apply the prucecJs,at its option. either u�resturation or rep�ir of the Property or ta the sums _ <br /> .�;��� s�curcd by this Securiry lnstrumcnt.�vhcthcr or not dicn dua `�- -�---- <br /> � Unless Lciidcr und Borrowcr��thcrnisc :�brec in writing. any application of proceeds to principal shall not extcnd ar <br /> ' postpone thc duc date of the monthly payments refcrrcd to in paraSraphs I anJ 2 or change thc amount of such payments. <br /> ,. .,.. ��. n��a,T�•rnrhearaticC 13V Ixnder Not n Wuiver. Extension of the time for E�ayment or moditicatian <br />� .. -- ta.uo�a""Z.�:: - -- <br /> * of ar�artir.ttion of the>usns secur�l by this Se�uriry lnstrument granted by Lender to any successor in inrcresc ui nvc-�vwc� Si�u1� � <br /> r�� • not op�riite tn rcicase thc IiabiVii� uf thc original Borrowcr ur porrowcr's succcsson in intcrest. Lender shall not i.�rrs�uired to <br /> • � com�rmnce procc:::dings against xn}�+uccessor in interctit ur mfuse u�extend time for payment or othenvise modify a.�unizatioii <br /> •' of the sums seca�cc:� by this Security 1nsYrument by rca�un uf uny demand made by the original Sorrower or Borrower's <br /> � tiuccessors in intere.t. Any forbuirance by Lcnder in exercising xny rikht ur renudy shall not be a v:uiver of or preciude the <br /> " , exerrise of any right or remedy. <br /> � �� 12. Succassors nnd As.53�.ns IloUnd; Joint and SYrrral l.i:�bility; Co-signei�. Tlie covenants and agreements of tliis 4L1Y� <br /> • Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successo�� .{nd assigns of I.ender and 6orrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> paragr.tiph 17. Borrower's covenants and a�n:ements shall he joint and several. Any Borrovrer;vho c�nsand conve uth t <br /> ' Instrument but doeti not execute the Note: (a)�ning this Security Instrument only to mort���e. g Y <br /> Borrower's interest in the Proptrty under thc tcrms o(this Sccuriry Instrumcnt: (b) is not persaiallp obligatcd to pay the sums <br /> ``�� ::ecured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that l�nder and any other Borrower may agrec to extend,moditti•,forbear or <br /> ma}:e uny accummodation�with regard to thc tcrms of thi.Sc�urity Instrument ur the Ka�e without tnat Borrowcr's�ronsent. ��- <br /> � 13. I.oan Ch�trg�.If thc Ioan secured by this Securiry lnstrument is subject to a law which setc maximunt loan charges. ��"-- <br /> ,md that law is �'inally interprcted so that thc interest or othcr loan ch•��;;es coll��cted or to be cc�ll��•'.ed in connection �vith die <br /> � loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (al any ,uch loxn rl�aT��e sha'1 b:reduced by the amount neirssary to reduce the charge <br /> � to the}xrmitted limit: and (b)any�ums alrcady ccillected I�urruwer which exce�Jed perniiued limits�vill be refunded to _-_ _ <br /> �``., Bor�owcr. Lender may rhui�,c ca mukc �hi� refund by re�lu:ing thc principal o�ved undcr thc Note or by making a dircct <br /> � puyment to Borrowcr. If a refund reJures principal. Uie reduction ��ill bc trcatcc{ as a parti�_l prcpayment �vithout any � <br /> prepaymcnt chargc urdcr thc Notc. __ <br /> ,, ,.i. � Dq. Notices. Any nutic.:tn Bnrro�ver pruviJed far in thi�Security Instrument shall bc given by dLlivering it or by mailin� �_ <br /> � ;,, , it by tint dass mail unle�s applicable la��� reyuires u�e oi another methud. The notice ahall be directed to the Pro,.xrty Address ^ <br /> '' a, anv othcr address Rorco��.r designatcti by nutice t�� l.eiidcr. Any notice to Lendcr shall be givcn �y first ctlss mail to �N.--�� <br /> � Lcndcr'c zddret� �iatcd hcrc�n��r any ��thcr addretis lxndcr Jcsi�nares by noticc w Bon•owcr. Any noticc provid�d cur in tIus �-:=�„�iT�.---- <br /> .�J Srcurity Instrument�hall bc dccmcd tu ha��beLn givcn to 6orn����cr ur[.enJer when given as provi�±cd in thic para};raph. r�`1�`-.z''�::��.�T=. <br /> 15. Governin� L:ltV; tieverabiUt}•. T�is 5ecurity lnstrument �hall he governecl by fat�eal laa and the law ��f NTC :•;�:�-},,,.��,�_.- <br /> ....,,:..r;, : <br />' � jurisdi�tion in which thc Propeny i+ locatcd. In thr evcn2 that an}• provi�ion or clausc of this S��arity Instrumenl ut the Note d:� ,. � _ <br /> - ror,tlicu with applicablc law.wch run(lict +hall not affcrt othcr pruvitiionti of this 3�rurity Instrmtt�m or thc Nuu:cr,l�ich can bc <br /> givcn effert a�ithout thr con(lirting provitiiun. Tu this cnd thc�rn�•i+ic�ns c�f thiti Security Instrumrnt and the Nute are declared `=,_ <br /> ro bc sevcrable. • <br /> iG. l3orrn�tiee's('upy. fi��rrrnscr+hail bc giv�n une c�mti�rm�Y1 rupy uF thc Nute and of this Scrurity Instnimcnt. <br /> , Form 3028 9/90 <br /> � v„qo a�,i c � <br /> _ __._ ._.__•.r._ _ <br /> ._-• <br /> _ ._".__. "_ .__ <br />— ' <br />.�.. <br /> •� � <br />