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<br /> r. TOGETHER P1iTH all thc impruvemc��ts now on c�rcaft�r crcctcd on thc property.and uli cuycnunts, .+ppurtcnaurc�,ancf . .��• :
<br /> , ..,�..
<br />�_-y��_.,''` � f ixtures now on c�r c a f t c r a p a r t o f t h e p r o p c r ty. A l l r c p l u c e m e n t s a n d n d d i t i o n s ti h,d l u lsu h�: covcmd b y this Sccuriry �,.,Y'�;:=•---°
<br /> " 1 �� "� ' � [nstnimcnt.All of tlu forcgoing is refcrrcd to in this Sceuriry Instrumcnc ns thc "Praperty." �"``�_ '
<br /> ` "� --.."'`,°: � IiORROWER C�VENhN'fS thnt I�urrowcr is I.�wfully sciscd of the�slotc hcrchy wnveycJ nnd hnr �lic ribht lu�;r�mt mtd �`�`�`�° .__
<br /> ��::�
<br /> ---�--- ; �r�i'��_
<br /> ,.
<br /> '"`"� " �''� c�mvcy the t'roncrty rmd thnt tl�e Pritperty is unencumbered, except fiir eitcun►►tirmiceti ��f recurd. Hnrrower wnrrim��, un�i w
<br /> - ,.aai�;z.�:::^:_��.,, • g�iceally thc titic ti�[hc 1'ruperly uguiu,t ull cluimti:�n.l d�mandti, ,uh'cct tn an� cucunthran�cti i�f e�rnrd ±•'"kr°""�----
<br /> a�r���a �.� i 5 .-_ -
<br /> —,:�"�:-;�;��"•�:x� THIS 5F:CURl7'Y INSTRUMf?N'f rnmt�incs uniYurm covcnunts fi�r mnlunal usc tuid nnn-unitittm c��vcnnnts �vith Ife»pcd --
<br />—; .••. • vnriiiticros hy juri,Jictfi�n tu cimslitutc n uniform�ccurity intitrumcnt cuvcring real p�•uperty.
<br /> :`��'"- .�,,_.i�y� UNlrl)ltbt CUV[iNAN'fS. F�urrowcr nncl I.cndcr cuvcnoint.ind ogrcc ns ti,llows:
<br /> `' :.`�,�:;���_�-_ 1, I!'nymc��t oP Principul imcl 6ricrest; 1'�•epuyment nnd l,ut� CI�u�Xcv. F3nrruwcr shull proinptly pay whc» du�Ihc _
<br /> ,;.• , .
<br /> —... � .,,,�,.
<br /> �;-� �''; •�, princip:d i�f c�nd intcrest un thc dcbt cvidenced by thc Nc�tc und.u�y prcpaymcnt und latc churges due undce dic otc.
<br /> �.�,. .,�P�. q, .,
<br /> =--
<br /> , •R`.,, ,;,,.:; , 2. �unds for'Tnxes �md lnsw�+ucc. SuUject to applicablc law or to u�vriuen�vaivcr by I.cnticr. Flortowcr siu p:ry ta __:______ ..
<br /> • "M � L.cndcr on ihc day monthly p:ryments arc duc under thc Natc. until the Note is paid in f'ull,a tium("�unds")for:(a)ycarly taxes
<br /> '��'� '� und ussessmcnts which may attain priority over this Securiry Instrument i�s a lien on the Property;(b)ycarly Ieasehold payments
<br /> �.. " ',• ' or gr�und rents un the Propeny, if any;(c)yearly ha�ard or property insurunce premiums;(d)yearly flooci insurance premiums, —
<br />_ • if any; (c)yalrly mortgngc insurancc premiums, if any; und (� any�ums payublc hy Aorrowcr to Lcndcr, in Accord�nce with
<br /> ,::°y::�;"..���. . the provisiom of par.�grapl� 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgnge insurancc premiums.Thcse items 1rc callcd "Escrow Itents."
<br /> �` [.cndcr may, at any timc, collect and hald Funds in an anwunt not to excccd the maximum amount n Iender far a fcdemlly
<br /> �::�_,�. .
<br />, � ' • related mortgagc loan inay requirc far Horrower's escrow accowit under the fe.deral Real Estnte Settlement Prucr,�luec:s Act of �
<br /> !�' '" 1974 ns amended from time ta time. 12 U.S.C. Sectinn 26Q1 et seq. ("RESPA"), unlcss anothcr law that applics to the Funds
<br /> '���� .• sets a Iesser amount. If so, Lc:nder may, at any time, coUect and hold Funds in .in amount not to exceed the lesser amaunt.
<br /> `°- :,��;_;�; Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of currcnt datu and reasonablc cstimutes of expenditures of futur�
<br />�v ' Escro�v Htcros ar othenvise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> - � ,.;t:: • 7'he Funds SIIP.II bC hcld in an institutiun whosc dcposits �re insured by a fcderal agzncy, instrumcntality. �r a:ntity
<br /> � . ' (includins Lsnder, if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Homc Loan Bank.l.erzder shalf lpply the Fmids tu pay the
<br /> 't'°��`'�-' Escroo�Items.L.ender may not char;e Borrower for halding and applying the Funds,annualfy analyzing th�escr�w account,or
<br /> ° '4'� verifying the Escrow Items.unless I..ender pays Borrowcr interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such
<br /> ,�,;,y .
<br /> �� "-'�' a charge. Ho�vevcr, Lcnder may require Borrowcr to pay a one-time charge for an indc�xncli:nt t�al estat�tax rcportin�scrvice
<br /> `` ;;. .
<br /> �� ,;;e,_�•„ uscd by l.endcr in conncction with this loan, unless npplicablc law provides otherwise. 'Unless nn ugrec;mcnt is madc or
<br /> ' '`�"19' npplicable law requires interest to be paid. Lender shall not be rcquirca [o pay Borrower auy iiiicicii i��ciuTiiig;�r.tt:.Fr�a3o. -
<br /> . �G�' Borrowcr and Lcndcr may �grce in writing, howcver, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. L.ender shall givc to Aarrower,
<br /> .,�;.�
<br /> i without charge, un unnunl accountin�of [he Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose fnr�Which each
<br /> � • �.,,,� debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledgeci as additionAl securiry for all sums secured by[liis Security�nstrument.
<br /> ,. ��• If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by upplic;able luw,(.ender shull account to�3orrower
<br /> -, ., for the excess Funds in nccordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount oi'the Fun�is held by Lender at any
<br /> •• . . time is not sutficient ta pay the Escrow Items�vh:•,n due, Lender may su notify Bon•ower in writing. and, in such case 8onower
<br /> _ • , -�• � shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall mal:e up the defiiciency in no more than
<br /> •- • :�,� � twclve monthly paymenGs, ut L.ender's sole discretion.
<br />� � '�. Upon paymcnt in full of all sums securcd by this Security Instrumcnt, Lcndcr sh:ill promptly refund ta Borrotiver uny
<br /> �.+ • `��'�.1 .. Funds held by L.euder. If, undcr puragraph 21, Lcnder shall acquirc or scll thc Property,Lender,prior to tlie acquisition or s31e
<br /> - _ � � , of the Properry, shall apply uny Funds held by Lender ut the time of acquisition or sale ns a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> • ,� � -+ this Security Instrument. _
<br /> • "'� 3. Appllcation oF Puyments.Unless applicable Ixw provides othcrwisc,ull payments reccivcd by Lendcr undcr par�bnphs ___
<br /> . 1.;+� ,� " 1 and Z shall bc applicd: first, to uny prepaymcnt chargcs due undcr thc Notc; +ccond, to amounts payablc undcr par:agraph 2; �=m-��__
<br /> . ��°�';�'• third.to interest duc; f�urth,to principal duc:and lust, to any late chargcs duc undcr thc Nute. ��"'=`==:�.�
<br /> y� 4. Chn es; Liens. Borrowcr sl�all pay ull taxcs, asscssmcnts, churgcs, tincs and impositions attributablc to the Property -°°-- -
<br /> — � which m:iy a�in prioriry over this Security Instrument, and Icasehold payrnerns ur ground rents, if any. [3orrower shWl pay E�T=="----
<br /> � ' .' S; thcsc obligutions in thc munncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that tnanncr, Dorcowcr shall pay thcm on timc dircctly ���;;::
<br /> ' � to the person owcd paymcnt. Eiorrower shnll promptly furnish to I.cndcr all notices of amounts to bc paid under tliis paragraph. ¢:.°`s�"
<br /> -_ .:,•;.''• � �.}�.''
<br /> � ' o If I3orro�ver makes thcse paymcnts direcNy.Borrower sh.dl promptly furnish to Lcnder rcceipts evidencinc the payments. '!•t�i';'����,"_
<br /> -. . ;,�;��
<br /> ?!^�• „ " ., Borrowcr shall primiptly discharge i+ny licn which h,Gti prioriry ovcr this Scccurity Instrumcnt unlc�s Bo:rowcr: (a)agrccs in -,';,,;_-�
<br /> -��� .. • - writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptttble to l.ender. (b)contetits in�;ood faith the lien •:'^��;''�=i
<br /> :.s,.-���
<br /> by, or dcfcnds against rnf'urcement of thc licn in. Icg.d pruccedings �vhich in the Lcnder'ti upinion oper.UC to prevent thc ,
<br /> � �': �� cnforcemcnt of thc licn:ur(el sccurc�ti frum Nu holdcr of thc licn,m agrc�mcnt ti.uisl'accory ta Lcndcr subordinating ttic licn to
<br /> _ � . this Securiry Instrument. If Lendcr�iecerminr� that any part uf thc F'roperty is +ubjcct ta a licn which may attain pri��rity over '
<br /> ;Gj�.� . this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borro«•er a noticc idcntifying thc licn. Ciurrc�wer shall sutitif'y thc lien or take une vr �
<br /> �'-'-� morc of the:utions,et forth abovr within 10 da�:ti c�f thc giving of notirc. •
<br /> . » i
<br /> — Form 3028 9/fl0
<br /> _ ' � P.�e 2 al 6
<br /> - . . �
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