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<br /> 7'OGF.TH4iR W(T!!�ill thc impruvcmcnt, nuw un c�rcaftcr crcctcd on thc prurcrty. .�ml;dl ra+enunts, uppurtcnanccti. �md �--
<br /> ' .. fixtwc, nu��' ��r hrreaticr u ��art ��I' the pmprrly. All rcplaccmcntti and ��dditiunti +hnll al+n bc �uv�rcd hy this tircuriry ,
<br /> F�
<br /> ' Imlrumcnt.All uf lhe linc�:uinu i+iulrnrd lu in IIiiS Sccurity In+irumcnt�i+Ihr "Nrnperlv-" ' --
<br /> . , "I BORHON'ER COVI:NAN1�5�hiit Nurr��wcr iti lawfidly ti�i,ed uf thc c,tat��hcrchy runvcy��f and h��+ihr right to grant and ., ,
<br /> .�i.
<br /> j cunvcy thc Prup.rty and that thc F'ruperty i, uncncumhr.rcd. cxcept G�r cncumnr:ui�:, uf rrcur�l. Burrua�cr warrant, :uid will �+
<br /> - dcfend gcncrally lhc tiU�tu thc Pruper�y again,t all claimti�uid dc�nand�. +ubjcct to any cncumbr,ancc,ul rccurd. $
<br /> " � THIS SECURII�Y INSTRUMEN'I'cumhine� unifurm ruvencmts ti�r uati�mal u�c and nun-uni(urm cuvcnantti�vith limitcd ,^'�'
<br /> , vanatiun� hy jurisdictiun tu cun+titutc a unifi�rm,ccurity instrument rovcring rcal property. ' , �1°'�
<br /> u UNIFORM COVEN�'lNTS. Borrowcr:u�d L.�ndcr ciwcnant.+nd agrcc us follows: .'�
<br /> L Payment of !'rincfpul und Interrst; Prcpayment und I.ate Chur��. Brn•rowcr tih:all prompQy p�y w���� duc ►hc "a
<br /> principal uf and interest��n thc Jebt cvidenccJ hy the Note anJ.�ny prepaymcne ana iate charges eluc undcr the Note.
<br /> �� 2. Funds for 7'uxes and Insurancc. Subjcct to upplicablc law or to a written wuivcr by Lendcr. Burrowcr shall p;sy to �� �
<br /> . Lender on the duy monthly payments are Juc undcr thc Note, until the Notc is paid in full,a sum("Funds") for:(al ywrly taxcs • � :..
<br /> and x,sctisments which may attain prinrity over this Securiry Instrument as a lien on the Propeny:(b)ycarly Ieasetiold payments ••,,�-,�;��
<br /> or ground rents on the Properiy, if any: lc)yearly hnzard ur property insurance premiums;(d)yearly fl�iud insurance premiums, ;•�`,.����-,_„�
<br /> F i if any: (e)yearly moregag�: insura�ue premiumti,if any: and (�uuy �ums payable by Borrn+:�e� to Lender, in accordance with ; � __._ __
<br /> 1� , . ! the provisions of paragraph R, in lieu of the paym.:nt of mortgage insurancc premiums. These ieems are ralled "Escrow Items." '',r ` --,__ � -
<br />� :�, .� :;,,� '''� Lender muy, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amaunt not �o e:cceed the maximum amount a Iender for a federally •;;�'+' ,,.�_� —
<br /> rt,:'•ir.:�-� `�-==°_:.
<br /> �,,,:�,. '',• � reluted mortgage loan may rcyuire fnr Borrower'ti es�:ro« �ccount under the federa! Real Estate Settlemettt Procedures Act of ,:, __ _�
<br /> , ,.:,,� ..r• " i—
<br /> �, ""
<br /> 1974 uti amended frmn timc to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 25t�1 rt crq ("RFSPA"�. unfess unoiher law that applies to[he Funds ��d;,,t„_
<br /> ` .,..s..
<br /> •.. ;:���''��� �� „' sets u Iesser umount. If so, Lender rnuy. �t any time, rollect and hold Funds in an umount not co excecd thc lesscr �unoune. _.�t.•y;���:
<br />, �t,+;`i�%�;,•' , Lender may estimate thc amount of Funds duc un thc basis of currcnt data and reasonable cstimates of expenditures of future ��_+_.^
<br /> ,...,. . '--
<br /> • Escrow liems or atherwise in attordance with applicable law. ____
<br /> `{� ' °' The Funds �haU be held in an institution whuse �eposits arc insured by a feder:+l aga:ncy, instrumcntaliry, or cntity --
<br /> '' (including L.cnder,if I.cndcr is�uch an instiwtion)or in any Fedcral Home Loan Bank. LcnJcr shall npply Ihc Funds to p.ty the �. �
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not rhargc Borrowcr f��r holding und upplying thc Funds,annually�nalyzinb the escru;v account,or p�� _
<br /> � VCf1� II7 thc Esrrow Items,untc�� Ld:RUCi d �U��[fuwc� tiiicPC+a vi�2'i�F::���•«��{����"�:S��In I:�w nrrmil4�.CI1dC�l0 RL'1{CC 11IC�1 —
<br /> y �+' P'Y. Yr••'
<br /> . a chargc. Huwcvcr. [andcr m:p' rcyuirc Borrrn�•cr tu pay.►onrtimc char�;c for an indcpcndent real c�tatc tux rcporting scrvicc
<br /> • u��cd by Lcndcr in cu�incrtion widz thi� loan, unlrss applieable law providcs othcrwisc. U nlcss an agra�n:cnt is madc or
<br /> upplic�blc law rcyuir�ti intcrc�t t��hr paid. LcnJer +hall nut bc rcquircd to pay Horrower any intcrest ur carnings on thc Funds. _
<br />• ° � Burruwrr and I.undcr may agrec in writing. huwcvcr, that intcrctit shall bc paid on thc Funds. Lendcr �h�dl givc t�i Borrowcr, _
<br /> - " •, withi�ut churgc, an ai�nual a�cuunting uf thc Funds, shi�wing credits und dcbits to thc Fuuds .uid the purpasc far�vhich cach �
<br />' debit to the F'unds�va,made. The Funds are pl�dgeJ as udditionul security for all sums,ecureJ by this Sccurity Instrumcnt. �
<br /> If the Funds held by L.�nder cxcecd the umount� permineJ to bc held by upplicablc law.Lender shall account to Borrower ���i�__..
<br /> for the excess Fund� in uccordance with the reyuirements of applicable law. [f the amount o(the Punds held by C.ender at any —
<br /> time is not suffirient to pay the Escrow Rems�vhen duc, l.ender may so notify Borrower in writing, and,in such case Borrovrer — --
<br /> shall pay to Lender the:�mount neces�ary to make up the deficiency. Bortower shall make up the deficien.:y in no ma�e than
<br /> twclvc monthly payments.at Lendcr's solc discrctian.
<br /> - Upon payment in fuU uf all sum� securcd hy this Sccurity Intitrument, Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower uny �,,,�,r
<br /> Funds hcld by Ilender.N�,undcr puragr�ph 21,I.cndcr shall acquire or scl l thc Property.Lendcr,prior to the acqu�sition or sale ���ti,���.--�_r.=�
<br /> „ of the Property. shsll apply any Funds hcld by Lendcr at the timc of acquisition or salc xs a crcclit against thc sums sccured by �
<br />:f . ' this Securiry Instrwnent. _
<br /> � 3. Applicution of Payments.Unlesx applicable law provides othenvise, all payments received by Lender under paragrnphs -
<br /> r �� 1 and 2 shall be applied: tirce, to any prcpayment charges due undcr thc Note; sc:cond,to amounts pay�blc under para�raph 2; �,.____ _�
<br /> third.to interest due: founh, to principal duc:and last,to uny late charges due under the Note. �"�`�
<br />� " 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower +hall pay all taxcs, assessments, chargcs, fines und impositinns attributablc to thc Property � , �_
<br />� which may� attain priority over thi� Security Instrument, and I�asehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay -�_s--------
<br /> p, thesc obligations in the manner pruvidcd in panFraph 2.ur if not paiJ in thut manncr, eorrower shall pay thcm on time direstly �_.°,`" __
<br />� ro the pencm oweci paynunt. Borrower shall prornptly furnish to Lender all notice�of amounts to be puid under this paragrnph. ,�•T -r
<br />- � ' (f Borrowrr makes thc.c paymcnts directly. Borruwer�hall promptly lurnish to Lender receipt�;evidencing the payments. F �.�
<br />,:� �..._.»�=
<br /> . Burrower shall prnmptly dischargc:my licn whiGh has priuriry over this Security Instrument unless Burrower: (a)agrees in � i..�;;��`.
<br /> writing tu thc paymcnt af thc ubligution sccurcd by thc licn in a mam��r arccptablc tu [.cndcr. Ib)rontests in bood faith thc licn i '-'::%a:;,z;:
<br />,_;� by, or dcf'cnJs agaimt enforccmcnt of thc licn in. Iegal procccding� which in tl�c L,endcr's �ipinic�n uperatc to prevent the . , ��_;;;°"�.;.
<br />_� enforcement ut tlie licn: ur(cl ticcurcti frc�m thc holder of the licn an.+greement satisfactory tc� Lender subordinating the lien ro �:•
<br />`�� this Sccw�iq� In�trumrnt. (f Lcndcr dctcrniina diat any part oF thc Property iti tiubjcct to a licn whirh may auain prioriry i�vcr
<br />�.•� ; thi�Scrurity ln�trunun►. Lcndcr may �ivc Aurmw�r a nuticc identifyin� thc licn. Borrowcr�hall hativf'y thc licn ur talcc unc or
<br /> N mnm uf the action.r��t tiirth abirvc within I(1 day�ol thc givinE uf noticc.
<br /> = Fo►m 302U 9/90 �
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