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,T. . . __ __ . . . <br /> ««..,, . , � , <br /> , .,..�,�,., _.. . <br /> pt'"x� ' ..a -. . <br /> f� � - .. „ . . ... . . .. .. ; ' <br /> . 11ir: i� . • ,. _ s Y.� .�..�. • . . . . .,."..!AY�c^:�J-.. <br /> :�+ � �a..i..�r..i � -_ <br /> iS!".4 !blu�f""Y '1 I�/�� tf" i .4� _... ..�M•,�.�.. ;, - ' ... <br /> 4 p .�:.F��,. t"'"�"*t�+x"�-' -- -- ---- T <br /> ;,. .. � . , _... ,_ ._� ._. <br /> ., - <br /> - .. .. a�; ..r�,,; .. .. . ... . . .. <br /> -..W__�._�.__._ - _. �_-�.,,`_....� �._...�� _ <br /> . , <br /> -'—"��. �__�__.�___' ...... ._._. _ . _ . .,�a.e. _ ._. ..... . a.:..�..�...���.. __ - 1- (i.' <br /> , _ -_�:..riyiiw__i�•w.v� �__� l _ r(O0. <br />__ _--_"',y.�T....T'ri-- � . G.^..-:. <br /> f• <br /> 11. tf ttnqr.r cu�r.r vo�uat_rf:y nr lnvo.`,mtcti.y 6ccomce o perry to any t.�:t or la��l procccC:a{� rcl;Cn�ta thn Frcp:rty,Nota or Ihla Tru;t DecE,lhcn 8orrovxr�:t!I <br /> �� . rcin6uroo I�n LcnA:r tor r.:l coe[a [nd rea^an�4ia nttomcy fcca incurrctl hy 1�a Lcnycr «'�ttn� ta ueh [u:t cr Icg�l procr.cA:np� nntl 6slq eum� eh�q con:�tuto . <br /> - � ndY.tlon�l I.�pcptc���;a� Uy[Y.a Iiu:t pettl nnr7 bea�Ir�:ert:�nt IRa mto p]Y�b�o un�9er t�o t�ote,urA���.l�. <br /> •• 12. fl0 Otld•[I0��1 e:cwiry Bor�a�•:cr nn:o nncpy n1.!Q71.f�Cf191cr cn0 act ovcr to l.cnC:r. �n coeo ot d:Lu:t m t�a pr.dormsneo oT eny o1 tho terru�m ecnU,:ons �e;, <br /> � af ih!�Tru�t Occtl,thu �loto. or Iho t[rm�o}a�y mticbtcrinca9 cccuic0�srcby,c��ot N9 rcnt�, icvcnuCa ana nny u+comc�of a�y rypo�vrutaaovcr to Oe ticNvotl hom �,� <br /> - "=�7._+f'` ����''• tho lhe iRoperry.Indudnq 11nd eontrnet poymcnts.Lcntl:r.�n per[ apcM or by rceelvcr,w,tlfout rcpard ta t�o achraney or IneoMCney ot tho porrpwcr or tha vnluo - <br /> `'��;�-.<�..n+�,,x.,�� 01 tho P:operty, chall Ou cnllt:r.a Io tnko pes�caa:uie o},rr.patr. rcnt untl mnnego lho propercy nnC to coacet Ino rcMa,rcvcni�ea nnd Incomo therehom end It m�y pay �' <br /> ' out o}cnld Incoma o'�cxpcnac�o} rc{ralr rnd co.•,t9 IncurrcC in rcn;.np untl man�pinp I�o RoRcrry antl co::ccdnp rcntnb ond to�paymcrrt ot Incureneo prcmlume�+itn �y' <br /> � -``-L?�«� - en nm�kWn bWnce to ba aFD��d to l�e kst m�tudn p+�mente of Iha debt accured hueb Upon prenemB n c� o}tNe Tmst Decd�nd demtntl lo un les5eq, -•--�- <br /> —.3_�,��i� Y 0 0 Y Y• U PY N -_- <br />_ :�,��•.�� tenant or eontrnct purchastr o1 1RO PropeAy,nuch peroon[f�il pay oll rcnis,p�yment� end proMe netrocd ot thtitoRer accrutng to tho Lender untY furt�er notice(rom <br /> �:� tho Lcndcr. 'r..� <br /> - �p <br /> �f=���+'`' �' � Wl�n ten (10) d�y�aRer requect, tne dorrowcr ehan PurNah LenCer o ncnetlue,cciCAed to Oy 8orrcwe�, natUnp 6�rth ail moses covenny Ne Property Tor a�y --- <br /> --�...�.�„�"tR4,'!��. <br /> �---� ,t porllon Mereot, entl thu termo uW condf�lon� of aai0 lusee nnd auch nlher Informetlan en0 documer�te wM respect to cuch la�sae �nd tenu�cl�� u LenGr m�y <br /> �"�,;;'.?;��`+���•� � � repueet.Wlltiout tbe prlot coneent q}I�o Lcndcr.the 8orrown eh,iA nat,rFrecUy or ind:raUy.vAth re�Deq to ony Icaso of eAaeo of tho Ptoperty.or nny portlon Nereof, <br />. �ti' � wheth�r ouch Iea�a b nav� on c�renRcr In e�stc�co: (a)ncccpt or permit any pr[paymcnt,OfscouM,ei aCVanco rcrtt payablu there�ndzr In oxcass oT ono monlh(4) __ _ <br /> �.ti,�1 " canccl or termNato the sifine or eccept any cnnccl4llon,terminatlon or currcnder tbaeol,or Feimit uny event to occur,wlwcb woUtl entNle t�o Lessee to terminate or =�'-- <br />;;,.9�,_____ � � cnnr.r,l thn neme, (c)omentl, or mod�y tho cumo ao oa to reGUr.o tho term thcrcot,tl�c rent payabio tncrtunder, or lo chanyo nny rer.uwal provis�ons thereln coMLned, �;--�. <br /> �-..�Rryj��y�"]�d � (tl)vralvo nny detaiat t�ercunqer or orencn mercol. (o� avu nny consent walver o�nppr�vy thtrcundtr or tako any other eCUon in eomCGtlew�therewfM Or wllh the =__ <br /> '� � lenneo Ihcreundor,wRCh�vo�Ad havo tho eHCCt ot im tu�n t�n vaWO of Lescor'a intcrcat thcrcunQc�,a tho ro t J pa inq p <br /> .,_t}a.ia°;•:;,� �_ P 0 p D KY tub ect lhcreto, or oi im M tno osRien or _ <br /> � . Inicrest ot tha Tru,tee or Len�er or f0 ccll,nsc�pn,pledQC, mort�apo nr othervASU tli,posn of nr eneumter Ils Interost In ony cuch Ica�n or eny rrnt�. Issues or proMo -__ <br /> ':;�;,..• � � � I,ulnp or atlsfnp thcrcundcr. '� <br /> �� ' ' � •+r 13. 11 tha Trustor If n corporntlon nntl ia a chnnpa In otimcrsMp o}Sp7P,or r,iora at tno corporntlon'a stack or If tho T�ustor I�e partncrship and there 19 n <br /> � ch�nQo In tha memDerefNp or a tllnsolutlon of lho partncrshlp or If all cr uny part oi tha Property or ar/InTCre,t Ncrcln 1�deedc0,aottl by land contrect or odierwl�4 <br /> ,,„ . _ �, eon��eycO, nllenatN or futher cncumberetl ctthe�voluntnrt�y or�nvalunteriy�N:houU Lenqer's f�lor writtm conscrtt,excluar.p(a)a van;ter Oy operatlon o11aw upon tha <br /> .. . '°" deaUi ct a�alnt tCnarrt o�(b)tha O��t of any Ieuseheitl Inttrtst not contNnlnfl en optton to purr.twsa vAth a Iease tcrm o}two yesrs or Ime, or(e)tha cr�etlaa eT a <br />� -� ' �.' �' purcha6o money cecurlty Intercst In houae�old nppl;nnces, then Lende� muy, at Its opUOn,deduo n1 tum�cecured by �h1� Trust Dced lo Go Imr,leQ�tety duo ond -- <br /> ,`;�'_�!+.�,�tJ '- }t peyedle.In lho everd t1e Lentler[ons!nta to any cueh ehenpa In ovmr.reh;p, eontrol or dsaokrt7on or Uanster o!en or nny port o1 tho Property.then L�Mx may at Ita <br /> b4'�•~� y'` opllon sA st lhe Interest rata to tAn ruvaJin retu o1 Intcrest vut Is char etl en nnw sowred Ican�at the tlno 01 lDa chan o In ov+nrf <br /> � W P p p p Mlp,corRrM.diascWAOn or <br /> '-;;.'ib'•-r• transfer nnd may elso durg0 a lrnn,tn fce. <br /> • . ' 14. Upon Borrower'a breach o1 uny covenant or apreement of Bonower In thls l'rust Oeeu,tre�':•r..g Ltia ecven�nts to pay when tlua any sums sscured Uy HM� <br /> , �� TYust Decd, LCItdCt Gt IM Opt10�tnUy AcG010 all ot the 6um9 3eCUrCO Uy iNS Trust Dectl to ba ImmcS:ta�y auo and CayaGia witheut futher demand md may Nvokq <br /> .. the powcr o}5alo anC/ar nny other remcdies permltted by upFnrnUlo law Including the ngM to t�edose thls Tn:st Dced In thr, memcr provlded by larr lor Me <br /> �• Lerecloscre ot mortgages on reN estnte. Lendr.r ah91 bo crNUed to co9ect n!i rcosonmm�co�ts¢+,d c�ense� mcvxea m pursu�ng sucA temedes Intkrti:y.but not <br /> ,.� •• ilmtCtl t0.reLSCnab�a attanoy'e fcc,. <br /> _ " �"�Y'�� 'L 1T ttfo po�ier of sa�e Ir, �nvoketl,Trustco slwG rerord a notica et defauft in rat�lt ccvnry In vR1U�tna Property or soma part ih^reuf la IDrated anQ pro+Ada nodee __ <br /> �, M=t¢of[n tna mnrner preSCriCetl by cpp'icnolo lavi. After rno Inp;c ef such Oma as muy be requircal hy app7cnblo law,Trusteo chall fllva pubNC notieo oT eald to lbu <br /> _ � Ferson9 a�c1 In tha mertner prescdbeG hy appllcabla law.irustee,c�•tha attomay tor thn'frustee,v::'_*r�ue demond on DOROWCI,EIUII 6EY lhB ROpCIiy at QUCNC iutllOfl �, <br /> „ �•a� �'�! ta the hls/test bldder nt t�e time and place and under tho trrma d:s:p:�ted In tho noUcc o}eale in e_x ar rnore purccl�ond In su[h ordev es Trusten mey determ!ne. <br /> ., - ,f,�;,y� TrusVte n�ay po3tpono eNa of d�or any parccl oT iho i'�operty Cy Crblic nnnouncement et tho tlma and pWCe of nny prudowly schedul¢A sNe.LCnCer or Lcn6er's <br /> � aes�eo m�y purcRl,e tna property at uny sala ���- <br /> Upon recelpt of pnyment of tho prlcu bld.T�USiCU Gh:ill dCli1'C�t0 t110 pUICt19SC� U TfUS�DCCd, WNout wnrrmty, conveying tha property�.:na�s n me <br /> .r,�y�. Tmst Daea aha!I bo pdma fado eNdrneo ol tha truth ot tl�e st3tement5 mndo ihcreln. Trustco ch¢Ii apply tno procecors �f tto eale In Ne faxovMp orJ�x; �a)to the <br />. - • • cost3 nnd o�znse,of acercl,Nq tha power oi aalo n��d ot Ne s�le inclutllnp iho payment of Trustce'e iee�,uttomey feea, costo ot litle eNdunr.e an0 Me feae�nd <br />- ' r^ � erpense3 01 any audloneer enpaged to a5slst In Iho cnln,�b)to atl sums eecuretl hy thi�Trust Decd,�c)to tha peyment o4 Junlw tru,t deeds,mort�pee,or ottxr Nen <br /> .. .._ -_-.n _.. . <br /> hnlAOre wrVl fAl tha av.ocn M nnv em m�.�n�eM�v.. .v�c enoC��nHeluw 1Mre�n . <br /> . . ""' " " ' "• '' "'_""' _•' " _._�..__.._. ,.^•_.._ ..r. _.."""""' . <br /> •t�':r�..', . <br />': '� 15. Any fotbearERCa by LCnOer In exercl5ing Cny Agt1!or rCmetly hcrcunder, or o�herwtsa etforaca 6y aAA����o Inw,chBll not Oo s walVtf ot or pro47WE U�e <br />- . :.�;_� C1tCfCf6U OT Qlly 6UCh�IQM 0�fC1I1Cdy 10 Ib0 CVCIIt O�COfrtrtlul(1g Of h(N�0 hfCeChCO by lhU BOrtOWCt. <br />. - �%.lf 16. AI�remedeE3 proNded In thls Tru;t Decd nre Cist�nct antl cumulativa to any other r!{�t or romcAy un0er tNS Trust Oeed nr eHorded by lew or cp�N•y,eVxl may <br /> �_ bo exerWSed concurrently.Independentry or success�very. If Oonovrer haa piven Le�ticr a Uuttel mortpfpe,or securiry aqreement on peraorbl property rrn�add�lonal <br /> rn <br /> . • �' cecurky tor tAO debt ceeuted hereby,In tha nvcnt of dclaWt hnrc�:.G:�or thercundar,L•:nder shall huvo No �iqht anC optlon to first foreeiosn on wld persanal.pcaperty • <br /> � � wflhout prcJutlltu to IM rlpht to Ihercaftcr scll or foretloso tho F?operry or to purs�o�11 aaeunry at the sama timo or to pursuo the peteonol property aMer the sNe or <br /> � � '��.:� � toreclo5uro of tho Properry. <br />--'��� • 17. U on nn ment ot eu�ume aecvrcd b thie Tru9t Dced, Lentler nnan re <br /> _ __..��,„����,k P Y y cryost Trusleo to reccmiey tho Fhoprrry nnA sMN eurrender We Trust Dontl ond eM .-- . <br /> - notes ovldencing InCebteehess eecuratl by thlo Trust Oeed ta Trustca.TNStea anali raconvey tha ProDCrty vMhout�varr.�nty tu tha pe�con or pttaon�tsgaYy entltled <br /> • • � thereto.Such person or person9 6hall pay all costs of recor0ation,It eny.Trustea mey bo Lender'o couisel. Trustee eYmO nat Do IleGle tor eny ectlon teken In qood hltt� <br /> , .. ' .��,,,�, anC tho partles hereto ehou intlemnify ond hom narmiess Tmstee tor all ncts or omisstony except lor ncls ot gro3a neg:iganca or uad farth. — <br />. � ' � •! 18. Lentler, at LenCCr'a aptlon, may hom time to tlme removo Tru;teo and nppolnt a cucce3sor tru;teo to nny Tru,teo appo:nted hereunder �y nn Instrument <br />-� • � ,. rccorded In Me Cointy In whlch this Tru,t Deetl is recCrtled. +A'�tl�out cornoyanco of the �roperry, me cuccaccer tru:iea shnll succoed to NI IIUe, p�Krr pnd dutlee <br />_ . conTerred upon tha 7rustea he�eln an0 by app�icahlo Ww. _ <br /> ' . . `' 19. Borrower rcQUests that coA�es of ony nqtice ot dr.fault antl noUCO of 6Na bo mnlle0 to 4054 Cannon Rd Grand Island. N� 88803 — <br /> . . C . <br />.__-_'".v� .Y;'.h,..: . P� L`� <br /> ,,: " �' It the�enowor wotRS t0 ehango :,uch adtlress or tho person doolgnatetl to rCCave Such notieo then Borrovrer mu5t Wo u separata requaet for aucA noUCO �NN thq F��� <br /> ;_ y n d".'� tt� <br /> ••" }'� •7"'%i��.'.��r- RCg16tCI 01 QOOtl9 0?CCGh COUMy IIl vfilCh IhU PropCrty 17 IOtatCd. 9Crihtg forth Ihe n�mC anO udOras�of tfiu persOn Yo whOm notlCO IS t0 hC ccnt antl Nontityln4 thls -_ <br />:'tn�±', ir�l'�'�,���'•�' Trust Daed Ay etatk�g thn namea oT Ma partle3 hereto,tha dato It waa recortictl antl tha InauumonY numher cr baok antl pago Nerenf. it no scch acporote request la <br /> -y��`L�r+ � flleA thon notice meltetl to lhe 9�Y�d adCmss sut toM nhovu c�all ba ticemetl iepNry eonclus�r as notice to t�o Bonower�tanNnp n�y aubsc7uent dtath.n �_ <br /> �� •-�! f� InWpecRy or cVSnqlYty,O�thnrt9e ot ntldrC��.rnnrttel ctatus,name,cupaclty or mcmbcrch!p. - <br /> ! <br /> . ��'�S Bonawnrs wartaM and reoresrnt thut no hunrEOUS muteriN has bcon p'accU,hctd, locuted ar mspused of on, under or at tho RopCrty ond oo undetpround - <br /> ' stomqe tnnRa nuvo Deen io,tntled.usud or cxlst on tAC Property antl thcro Is no InvesugatloR orticr cr ctlgaCOn vnth respect to huzurdous sub�tancc� ar undesgrountl <br /> - � � �" storape taKm rMaUnp to NC Property. Borrower aprce3 to not use,peneiuta,store,or 6spose of cr Ocrmlt tne use, pmeratlon,stornge,or disposal ot nny hazerdou^, � <br /> " ;�'�`' mntcAN abovo,In,on,or unticr Ne Roperty now or at nny tu[ura timu untl vAil not mstaA un0crgroun0 Storngo tanka upon tna Property.It tt Is dctermine0 nt eny tlma � - <br /> -' � � ,: that thCta aro ha7arUUUS materlats locntetl aboae, In, on, or untler the Roperty, whic�untler ernr.�rmentai iaw requ:ro n,peNal h;uitllNg, u3e, eollcdlon, atoruqe. <br />- • • � ircetmcnt or dispo5al,thu��rrowcr r,�all r,ommence wlthln thirty {;0)Aay9 ntter notite Ncrcot, at fFS scle capcnse to compty wnth al:�uc�enWOnment�l requlrements. <br /> ' -- fnlNru ro eompry w1M evch enWOnmeMW req::iremcnts shnll ecnetmrte an even; of delnult untler Mi�irust Deetl. @orrow4r ngrees to indemnHy and�old twrmles3 -- <br />-- -- • ' � Lender ngalnst nnG from nny and all clalms,costs and proceeding3, vfilch may be us3crteG agninst Lender rclating to ar nnsin4 from enHronmentul mctt^rs, laws or �� <br /> .;-;�.n�, repulIIUOrrs. <br /> - " -' '.� Extenalon 04 tl�a Uma tor paymcnt or modlflcatlon oT nny amortlzaUOn of pny i�o IntleblcOness to uny svicea,:cr�n uACrast o}Mo Borrower shall trot operota to ( <br /> . .: .�,t�'?'�� refcase In any mnnner tha ItapWty ot Bonowar. bYllnout nifecting tnp Iiabllity cf an� other pereon Ilable lor tha payment ot ony obliqatlon hercin ment7onc0,antl wfNOUt � _ <br /> _ .., ��.y nHeMiny thu Iien or chnrqe oi Ws Trust Oeed upon ony�ortion of thn Property not tnen or tncrcafter rcleuacd a�seeunry for t�a f�:l amount ot all unpaW obiigation3, I <br /> � , �• '• ' Lender mey,Trom tlme to Umo end vnUOU[noUce.(7)rcle�9e ony per.fon so�iable. (2) edcntl the matutlry or oltM Uny oi the term6 ot Such obllgaUoR'3.171 9rnnt olher <br /> -� �•��'� lndulpencee.(4)�e�enso or reeonvey or cuuse to he reconveyetl at ony umo ut I.enticr's optlon nny parccl.portlon o�all ot tne P�operty, (5)tnlee or releuse uny oNCr or I - <br /> c " � '�,Jo adtllUOnol cecuriry tot wy oblipellon hercln mennoned,or{E)maha comnosRion,or other orrongemrnt�Mih tlCOtOrs In reiatton thrreto. <br /> . � ThI3 Trust Decd shall eonsGtute a ,CCUMy agreement nnd Oz[mo fll�np under tho pra�lslon5 of Nn Nebra;kn Unitorm Commercl¢I Code wtth respeet to tnose I <br /> ' " ' flx[urce const�tutln a art of t�a Pro c <br /> __ ; ;, . �w g p p rty,toc::8er with cl other properiy DorrONw�nOw or herealMr lowtetl nt or an the Froperty, Lender Ghnll havo oli iho nqhto nnd <br /> ' . rcmcacs ot a 6C[WCO p,^.tty u0tic�(hC UNfO�r.7 Commnrclpl Godo In pd0iU0n�p Iho�vght7 enE remedics crcat�a unOCt Or,tl ItCCQ�tl:OCO t0 LCOGC�put'3UII�1 t0 Utl9 Tfuat I <br /> _}�.i.•,,,::..' ..�',J DccO. <br /> _ _ ,�;��.,i,' ThI�Tru,t�ecd sha�be gorcmctl 6y tne Inw,of the State ot NeGrn_k�. i - <br /> _ _ •;,A.•-'.' ' 20. Tha covcnanto and ngreemento hereln cOntNnCd ShNI Olnd. a�d Iha tlghlo ne�eunAer shall mure,ta tha respectWn helre, reprc,entotives, cu:caccors and � <br /> - _ � -:'.�.� aasign�ot tho(urtloo.All covenantc anU ogrcemcMO ot Borro�vcr chnn be Jaint antl sevcral.Whenevcr�etcrcnce u mado to ttic smgu�ur hercunticr.�t snan �nuuac tna � <br /> �7,,{d� pWrlJ pnd We Awrd tha:i Ncludo tnc_ingulv. n <br /> � .'�'�4f. �N WIT:V�$S WHEREOF, BOftOWC�h99 CiCCqt.G itL'3 TtU.t Oa[d / <br /> ._l}«'��;,,...u-___ ._:_ <br /> �_ ��`', _`: ` � �� � <br /> - -, .,�� . . � ����� � s'"`'� <br /> = �` ;� ��no�« MiGh�l L Connan <br /> , <br /> :.,f:^ --_ _-:�1 . <br /> �;F, - - �.,��� ' C' -- <br /> _ .. � �n�,�„�� <br /> ��«��v�� D�bn J Cor an <br /> � <br />— ' , �,r,.��� � FSOfi9.LM0 16I941 Pagc 2 of J <br /> � <br />, '� ._._._... � a . <br /> I:{i-• ' �~ � � <br /> tU3G5 <br /> 1 <br />