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<br /> ICI�Ois ALL MEN SY THL�SE PRESENTS: Chat GAIL. L. t4AT.TKLi A t4�l.AAif�t� PLRSON � ,, •-
<br /> _o hereinafter r�f�arred to ao ehce "Txuotor", to i •- ,
<br />, ,� aecure a Note bearing ev�n date herewi.th £or the �r.lucip�]. amount o�: s IxTY TH�US,AtJD � . ;; � . � �•�_
<br /> ' �TVR N1i n un NTNF.TY;Tj�(f��ND 76/100 - - - - - - - - - D'L1�.;�IST9 (S,6(1,;592�� ) Payab�.e ; .�
<br /> •� - to Che order of GRAT� ISLAND INVESTI�NT CO!�AN'1, E�.�r�ei.unftsr refex�ced �o AA ehe • __
<br /> . • ' "Beneficiary". providing f�r pa,ymernt of the entirrv pxiucipal b�.:l���r.c;, toQether ; `�; : r,_
<br /> " ° with �.nter�et at the xate of TEN p�rcent ( ��•� X} per annum� • �
<br /> �'
<br /> in monthly inE�tal�mente of �rl�ru N�jNDRED EIGHTY-TI£F1FB ANI) 7G/Ip0 t.S,.: ' �:{.:_ ,; ;' `
<br />. .. Dollare ($ SA3.74 ) each un4:il PEARUARY 9 , 19 48 � at ���.. -' i`•'..•'':�:�. y
<br /> " which t9.aie all princi al aad interest rovid�d ���r. by thia l�oce si�a..l1 b.�.ve been paid. '�i��,�`'''�`"r�Ka �''-.
<br />� - � P �a n �-t9 �(�'���a.s, ::,
<br /> do hareby gran� and convey until AREND R. HAACK, Art�rn�y at Law, th� rraaatee . ,,,,..••��*�-��-'
<br /> .. �•e� .r..:-- -
<br />_ the following-d�scribed property: �,.�—
<br /> . � ,..�,�.=---
<br /> :�=: _--
<br /> " .l�"rL1G:+�--
<br /> •f._
<br /> ;,�� Lok Thr��e (33 , B�ock L�ightCB), t:icbe's Additi�r�, Rrand Island, t�;n11 C��uav�yr Nebraska. h��---- _ _
<br /> �:_.:._�.
<br />-� ��..� --
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<br />. - TO HAVE ANA TO HOLD tlie eame, togethex WiCIi a11 appurtenanr.ea, ixr, tcru9t -- -
<br /> • nevertheless. sn�l in ca9e oL deiault in the �x�pmenc os' auid rioc� o�s a.n.y �*�r.ic _ --
<br /> thereof or iaterest thereoa or in the performa.ace of any covens.n.t h.�.re1n•�ft;�r �;;�;;`��
<br /> ., set forth, then the xruetee sha1Z have the �cra�r trr sall thQ abav�e4det►csibed -
<br /> property. and upon requeaC of the Heneficiai�� th� TL�uetee sha�l file fnr recor�
<br /> in the Regiater o!� Deeds' Office of Hall_ Countq. Nebra�l�s, a. bi�t3.ce of �
<br /> . Default. settin6 Eorth that a breach of an oL�L9.�ra�iun, for which th� suid rroperCy 3?'3 -
<br /> �- � was conveyed as s�curity, has accurred. anu� eattiug forth the na.t�e ct �uch , y
<br /> breach and ti:A TrueCee's elecCion to sell tlxa pxo�erty to saCisgy chrz �bligution; ,
<br /> -• and after the lapse of not leas than oae (1) mpriC�i. the Truaxee ehnll a.i�vL r�
<br /> wrieten notice o£ the time and pluce of salc� wl�ich mtsy be betw�ea 9:(}4� m.�. and "'•�
<br /> � 5:00 p.m. at the preffii.ses. or at Che Hall County Courthaune� a6r3 T�s�ticularly __- -
<br /> � describing the property to be sold; said Nc�tic� to bQ publiahed in es sxm+spnpar of " •_.-
<br /> a general circulatioa in Hall County, Nebraoka, once a. week far five (5) � ����� �=•-
<br /> p•. ,.,....: .r.-._` -
<br /> ; • consecutive Weeks, the laet publication to b o a� leaet ten (10) daye Uut not f- �. �.y�-� � "�"'" --
<br /> mnre than thirt (30) da a prior to the salc�; and tha TruatPe aha11 tha�n eoll said ;
<br /> Y Y � � __ '�"•;�
<br /> property at the t3me and place deslgnated � th� Nfltice� in th� mnnnur provided ' . '����'
<br /> . .�:•;..�--;;•
<br />- by law in ef£ect at the time of fil.ing said No�ice. and public aucrion to Che + , M��,;� ,
<br /> � � �� highest bidder for cash and shall deliver tu suzh purcha9es a d�ed ta the propert� � ' �__�
<br />- ,,;,,�;;r sald, coneiatent with the law in effect at ttiaG tirne. Additiozirslly, '1'rustee ehall ' , �.
<br /> • "' mail Truator �a copy of any Notice of Defaule aa� Notice of eale hcreux►der ��;;
<br />- upon default addressed *.o them at 1923 W L,�uisc� Grand Island M's Out o€ the ��
<br /> proceeds of said sale� the Trustee shall ret�in and pay firet u11 ����, c�:-argea •'
<br />— ' S`t..
<br /> _ •.,� and coste of sale nnd all monies advsnced i�x ttim exercioe of tl�n pawccr of sule,
<br /> ��`����� inclu�ing the paymment of tlie Trustee'e fee�� actually incurred, and pay second
<br /> ,.. .
<br />� '"'� ,. the cbligati.ons secured by this Deed of Z9:u.�r; an� tha balance. if any� shall be
<br /> _ � " paid to the pesson or persoas lega�lly entil•lc:d th�reto. Anq pereun, including the
<br /> ��''�' Benef3ciary� rasy� �urchase said progerty at a�acka e�ile.
<br />-- ' r
<br /> � 31ie trustar Covenanc� thsx at the t3stm of delivery of thar�� prenents, �
<br /> they are selzed o� sciid property in fee sirs�r].e. aQCI that eaid praparty is free •
<br /> ' of encumbranees, except encumbrances, euaemaxiC�, rights-of-way, rentricCions und
<br /> ?�� ` . re�ervatione of record, and they will propez•ly wminta.isi the prnpQrty� keep all �
<br /> - . build3ngs insured for fire and extended cov�rng� 3n an niaoiint equnl t� the
<br /> �J-. unpaid balance o£ thc aforesaid Note, with lns� payuble to the Beneficinxy, and
<br /> — -
<br /> - _ `-,�--- -
<br />- wtll pay all taxes and assessments against s�ic! prop�rty und n�aunts due an prior
<br /> - encumbrances. auu ti they ahall, fail ta par iii�.Yrance prers�oi�s c: :�:;c� c:
<br />�y • amounts due on prior encumbrances, the Benef3ciury m�:y pny the sauzQ and ull
<br />- ' ' amounts so paid shnll becoae additlonll indel�tc�dusrs� due hereuudesr; and in case
<br /> � of fcrec:�s�r�, �'►uo�u� ii�ii NGY t1LLY iCa1t5�111eiuii:. ��viitC� LCCt1 lIl(:IALLC4 Uy
<br /> '- Benef•iciary or Truseee in such fozec.�osure pr�ceer�ing�.
<br />�
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<br /> Nnc
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