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<br /> o=-,rr��;;:;;r;��•�: ThQ f�l.lowj ng tl�rea txacts oP real esta�e locate� n I�all
<br />'"='- :,�". '`�;'� County, N�sbraska: �
<br /> i Y';�� �
<br /> . ;r. ��.,
<br />;r;.},,:`�;'���,-�� A. Three lots shown in th� Original survey c�P Sectfon
<br /> :r.•�,�r�����;��� Six (6) a� lying South of the South Channel of f.�ac Pla�tte Riwe�r
<br />.i.���r;,�1L� .
<br /> _��.�:.z,m�� aa Tlota one (1) , Two (2) ar�d Three (3) .in seatf on s ix (6) ,
<br /> � �}"� Townehip Nine (9) YJorth, Range Ten (iv) , and
<br /> '�'"����� B. That part of the East I�alf (��) of Gection Seven
<br /> :.,.i,r,4�yh..
<br /> -::�'i�:^.� (7) , Township N�ine (9) Narth, Ranqo Ten (10) , wh3.ch liea 1North oP
<br /> � a line whia2a is 2, 687.6s feet in length and whi�h �onnec�s the --°•
<br /> -������;-�; east line of Seati�n &even (7) with the nartih-s-outh center line -
<br />` ��`�� � ' of Section Seven (7) and which begins at a poirit on the east
<br />��'.n�f"s`�.�. line of Section Seven (7) loaated 1,12b.t10 fea� north of the eas� -
<br /> �.:. ._ .:.: �a
<br /> -�_ ,, ; :�, quarter anrner af 9ection S�ven ('7) and �orms ax� angle of 85• 54'
<br />:;�;, , , .�,,;; 13�' with said eaet 13ne, �11 as shown �pon the drawing rah�ch is
<br />- '��� n �` maxked Exhibit 1, attached heac�s�o and m�tde a part hersof by this
<br /> ��r;�'�� �� reference, and
<br />_; ...t. . �
<br />;_. .
<br /> �=''����'"� C. The easterl.y 33' of ttie southerly 1, 124.00 feet of
<br /> . �.� � the Northeast Quarter (NE�) of ��ction Seven (7) , �ownship PJine
<br /> - �' = (9j North, Range Ten (10) , Woet of the Gth P.M. , —
<br />�5.;. .�-...�.,.4
<br />�:;`,c� r,•��;`- tage'ther wi�h all river �ights and accr�tlon ground appu�enant
<br />-.�1�:;N��-
<br />_.�• � 3 .x . to each of those thrse tra�ts of reaJ. e�tate but r�eerv�ng to
<br /> �-��;<�;,u Grantors and �ki�ir h�ire c�nd Gr�ant�es an easeraemt run:�inq w��lx
<br /> � `"�"' i:he land and appurtenant to that part of the eoutherly 1,12A.00
<br /> ::•.�,�.Y.�•:
<br /> _ '"�%��-r- feet of the Nartheast Quarter (IdB�) of Section Sev�n �7) , �
<br />,..,,5;_:r.:,:.•..��t
<br /> ::��.•:�; Township Nine (9) 2toYth, Range Ten (lOy , which is not b�ing �_
<br />' �•L� � � conveyed by thi� deed ta drain surfaae wratar thraugh two -�°�
<br /> 5�.-:,_.,.:.., . �.__
<br /> -=,,�+•.�.�: �L.• existing culverts located upon said tract C, one b�ing a aulvext �=-
<br /> �-'--��*� 16' by 18�' located 281� north of tbe Southeas� coxt3er of said �:�.:
<br /> T�`:.�.�:�:�°a•"= quarter seation and the o�her being a culvert 20' by 24'� �ocated �`1,
<br /> =`:'�'^ sY=.. 646.6 feet north oP the SoutY�east corno� of said quarter
<br />��_�_:tti.:_�::�; sec�ion. .
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