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L - ,. <br /> '{� A. DI�LAIN[!1 d��RIGHTTQ DESIGtNAT[HOME�?QAD: <br /> TM Barowsrf�)�ck^owNdp��hal lh�y�n�boul to eKeeuta th�foitowlnp Oee4 0�Tro�t upon tM reel�ft�te d�fe��E�d�Mn�n.TM 8orro+wt(fl.��'�d Nch ol lf�n U <br /> mon Ih�n OM,do hrr�by dlttl�lm lAN r rlyht t00Rlfprtate e hom�dud D�irw�nt liM�ela-Nb paH o1 th�R6mef1�W o1 NtMr ol ttw Ba�o+rtr(q i�prN«+Ny a wfl!In tM <br /> lutun b��dua1M upon ald roN�tl�i�.Thr Bor:pw0�lt)undarsf�nd l�d II e�ths:�st�D:tsM��homeel�ad on�ny 0��1 ul Ntd re�t�dote duNnq Ihs Nrn tta ONd ol Trw1 <br /> rfmslnf um�IH�Nd��C�Ih�uPOn wid nd�al�ts.ln��a�hall b�no ripAl to m�k��d�talpnatlon o1 hom�rt��d In IM�renlol�IOr�elosunor tru�iN'�s�Nwith nspsct le <br /> Niq 19Nd OI Trufl <br /> [� e. w�uvee or eiGHT TODEt10NATE K09AE�TlIID: <br /> TMBo�rowr�t�)�cknowhdp��n�ttneya�sabouttoeKecutolnetoltowing0eedolTrusluponlhereale�irfedeacNDedlhsre�n ThaBorrowev(q,�nd�NholltMetN <br /> �nOH Ih�n O�».do Mnby w�IW ttY��riqhl to deslqMta e homeflla0 putautnt lMtrEtO Tha BarrOwerfe)Und��iMnd lA��ihEy h�v�IM rlyht lo mNcR�dn�pna�bn a <br /> �Om�31fld��+d�h�!�y qlClltln0lhllwtiv��,lhey erE wt�vinp�Ip�is olherwiSO�va�lab�e f ot tha pyrpo3C 97�IlO�ding I��m Ihs op�ortunity to etl�ln thNr hanaKb�d�n►fN <br /> �wnt 01 e dMYU�I Upon Ih�DE�d 01 Truit. <br /> � C. ifEGCO�AT10yC9H0'�E�T!l1D: <br /> Punuanl lo IM fum Nemseio0 Piotecllon Att(Sectton 79•190t e.seq.Rev�sed Ste�ute�ot ihe Stote of Nebrash��.lhe�orrawtr�sl,do he�eby doalti���t�C`C ree! <br /> prpp�rly afcdb�d In IM"M��9nsibn ol Homeste�d"atuehed hernto�nd fncorporNed hersin Oy lhia reierence. <br /> � � . �� Y <br /> �1'�1O111aS r• r'c3j�'cUlOwer <br /> � <br /> Borrower � _ <br /> DEED I.1F TAUST VNITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br /> iNIS OEFO OF 7' madc as ol ihe .�CY�ay ol .�C.'�xU�Ty9��•bY end emong the Trusto�. • <br /> Thom�.s� E� Fa 3 ___,_ ,_.____ .. ._ �vnoec�+mnngeeareseis ��.G� 1'tE'St AbUot� l�d. <br /> .--,-.,- -T---��zz----�-- <br />_ C airo, ,eTi ras�ca � ._.L'an:i_.9f__.1aniFha,n.�—- <br />- _ �hCrom'dorrowcr'►.IhoTrustea. . «_ <br /> who�mNllnq�ddress�s�•�s�Ox I3�. Joniphan�_��.E�i'a?.lia_h$u�� ^„ (herEln"Trullee'1. <br /> •�+a�n.e.�,�k�s�y. F3anlc o£ 1)oni.phati..-----.--.- _-__ <br /> P.Q.I3ox � Uoni.� h�n :'eUraslca <�F3$32 ._.__ �n��e��°�e�e.r•� , <br /> KhoHmvlllnpWdnse�s _______-•----�'-•--�--� - --_- - �-°-----•-.. -•-- <br />'- FUAVALUABLECONSIOEBATION.Intludingtham0ablednese�dunld�edhere�nnndlruslhoreincreatCA.thereceiptolwnlchiehe►EDyaCknowfedqed.8o�rower _____ <br /> he�eby Irrevoub��nste�a.convoys and nssi9n�to Trusiee.�W TRUST.W�TH POWER OF SALE.�a�he benel�l nnd ae�unty olLender,underand sub�ect tolM �—_ <br />- tnrms�nd eonditione herelnelter set lorlh,lho rcal pwperly.desw�bed os laiiows �r;„,- <br />- �.c.- <br />,� SEE ATTACHED LEGAL D�SCRIFTION =- - <br />� :��=r <br /> er•-- <br /> ec-.. <br />= r .' <br /> F;�++�� <br />- � y � <br /> = v}.?;. <br />��`� Toglthet with ell building�.Improremo�W.I��oye.paesngownye.oasoment�,r�ghls.priniaqra end eppuMOnenccs loceted Ihereon or In qnYwise �C�'�� <br /> �'� pertelnlnp Ihereto,md the renis.Iseuee end prof�t�,revere�om and remnmdoro Ihereol:mduding,bui noi I�mued lo.heating anG cooling eCUlpmenl end�uch penanal � <br /> properly lhsl l�*tl�ched to the Irnprovemenf�eo n9 to con�t�tuto n lixturo:nnd loc�othnr with tho homostead or mar�lal inlerest�,il any.which interente are hereby retetsad <br /> �nd walved:ell of wnlch,including reD��coment�and additicns tno�etu,u horeby doc�arQd to be a par7 01 tho rea�ostato socured by ths�uon ot thie Oeed o1 Trust nnd ell o11he <br />'� forepoing helnp retorred to horef n u Ih0"ProPCrty"- <br />.'� t�p�ted�ot Trp p1 socuro(e)Iha pnymont of Iha pnnc�pai sum anA�merest avidanced by Borrowar�no�e antl/or credll ugruement dated <br /> FeUrt�.uxy ����.��7 � hr�uar (� ?.')�r � �7 eneen endetl � , <br />-� _.�.hndn�e mntunly dalo ol�-e---.-- �!../-9--.-1.In Ihe Origtnel p�mGPrl nmounl ol 3�� Y <br /> modlllcedon�.Oxten�lon�and renowale tnnreol o�thereto nnd any nnJnU luww fulvnncos nnd�ead�nncos r�erountlor yuyuant to o�e oi moro prom+�sory nolof or cred�l <br /> � epreements�heeelncnned"NOto"I:Ib�thopnymenlo�6Uiorsum�ndvancadbylentla�oprotecUhesacuntyo�moNOta.Icl�hoperlormencaellcovenentesndegreumonl <br /> - oT�OrrOwer�M futlh h�roln;en0 101�II Indoblodno�e and obl�Qauone ot 6orrower to Lendm whothue dlrect.�nd�ract,nbsoluto or conhr.go�t end whelhtr nrleing by�ote. <br /> - gu�ranty.overdrdl C�plhorwlse. <br />±� 6tltrOwer.10 protECt thE!leCUdiy ol thle Dcod o�Trwl,covennnle nntl ngrcae wilh lendor ae lollowe. •. <br />=; �. i+i��nen+lelMMCIpN�adlnlert�l.Sto�rowerehallpmmpllypaywnonduothe0rincfpelolendinlcroslnn.andanytooeorehergosprovideA�n.lheNOteo�inthle �F <br />_� Oeodo77rufl. I <br /> 2. TNk.BO�rowulstheownorollhuProporty,hnelhorighlandeuthorltytocomnythoF:oqRrty.enuwerrantstnntmenenemeieonorcbr�aeC;:6ie>���::'v::�+•a.-. �-�--- <br /> t„e Property,exeept e�mny otherwise be ao�lorth hereln.and lha oxecuUOn end dnllvory ol this�Doed ol Truei doea not v�o�ate nny eoNrac�or other obltpatlon lo wnieh <br /> ��rrower 1�eub�ncL <br /> 3. T�x��,A�N���I�.To OAy N�en duo ell�oxoa,special assossmente end nll olhe�charges egeinst Iho ProSerty and,upan written demand Dy lender,to pnp lo � <br /> L�ndv�ueh�mawtl n mey b��ullielml lo mabl�Ihe L�nd�r lo p�Y�ueh lu��,o��nem�ntt ov othtt Charpu��9n�y Oetom�du�. I <br /> A fnwrR�ee.YOheeptneP�apertylnsurodegalnaldemepCD/11re.�ezertleincludedw�lhinthsl�rm"exl�ndedcovere�,e`.�ntltuCholh�rh�drde��LSnEermpy <br /> r�uin.�n�mounU�ntl wltn eomp�nq��ecept�m�ro Lender.�ntl wnh loo veyau�e�o ms l�nuec�n ee��ol�on unaer�uen puuc�e�.m��e�tler i�wtnori:ed to�a�uu. <br /> Co��aet�nOCOmpromne.etre�ain.s�nerounu���nu���aiitt:.::`:,avt•-'=�-.^.^�:�^eiOnrnit1nf1ti^�^�urencoproenede1111oenvindenieA�wuReeuredhereDVentl�nwch i - <br /> o�der ee lender m�y dete�mine.pq to lhe Oorrower tu be uced Im tho reD���or ronroretion ol tho Proporly or(uq lor�ny other purpo�e o�ob�ect eane�ec�ory to Lender I <br /> withoul attee�ing I�e lian ollhis Oced ol Truet lor tna IWI erounl eecwed�+eraDy beloro such peymant ever taoM place.Any eppucotion o�p�oeQade to indeb�edneae shn�l � <br /> not sxtena or po6tpone Iha due dele o�eny psymenle under Ihe Note,or eu�e eny dolaull�horeundor or horoundor. i <br /> 6. MNit�n�na Repdn�nd Compll�nc�w11A l�ww Uorrower unall keop Iho Propo�ty in good condmoa entl ropalr,shnll promptly rou���•or rcptaee ony <br /> I��tiDro:G���cnl�'�hlch�acyhod�maptdmdee�roycd:eha11no1commHape.mllnnywasteortloter�oretionnithoPropertyahennolromovo.dnmolishoreublinntleliyeltar � <br /> - �nyollhelmU�ovementeOnlhlVroperty:eh�IlnOltommlLsullCrorpermllenyocttobddonelnaruponMeProportylneiolatfonolenylaw.ordlnaneo,ormqutanon:nnd i <br />:.� sh�Ilp�y�ndprom0ltYdieeh��qeelBorruMer'��ostsnde�pensee111iens,encumbrance�andcherpes�evied,�mpoeedo�nseessaCOgainsttnePrapertyo�enypertlhereof <br /> ..= <br /> — <br /> _.,--,-.- . _._.._._.. .. .... ....._ - ----_.._ - -- -.........,_ <br /> -----���...-��,.-r•i:;<�--° <br /> -°--- •�-�- ��. <br /> . <br /> ._....----"--- -....__..r... ,... . � . <br /> F-.,._. __._. .. .. _ . .' . ' ' �� .. , . � . . <br /> , � <br /> .. .. ... . .. .. <br /> ,.U .. - • .. . <br />