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h7; ( j.( . , .. . . .. , . <br /> ��:11111 f�Y�tF�F�� , � -: <br /> . � - . 1. - :..'^T1h��;�� <br /> ,1 . � <br /> . .s � . . -� ' ' .; :t �'vi1'�:�;�):�,�+rfrr;,:t _._.. <br /> . , .. ..�,�: . �. _. <br /> t• <br /> . .. `4i' �i`Y�ri� <br /> .. • - _ <:ir;,.S:�E•;. , - _. <br /> ' c.i ' .. - . � . . ` ' ,. . .'l'�`.�" <br /> .! '� .�. , . .. . ,. " . , ' �.�y <br /> �-.I�__ . �"aLI !'.i1.1i...•. ._ �•IiM1.�::l\:. �� •. . . vM\�� :T�� ' <br /> .. . ... - 1 <br /> .. '.. a• . ...• _ <br /> .. . r ..,.._.� �- ....._ `� ... _ ._ _. ......... .. �. ........__...__....---..._ .___....... .. . . . ....... ... ... . - <br /> - - .�-:n�cu;_ . _ ---.,_ ..._.... ... _. ..._ <br /> acu <br />-- -;t:��,�j;ty+�Qlp i. n �� - � <br /> � COVENANI'H <br /> y� �.����+� '� <br /> 1. Doy,-ae��EO. Qorrovrcr cprcoo to molc� pil �aymnnto on th� r.oc��rcd doht ��han dua. Unlocu F3orrowcr ond Londcr oprco othcrwiso, any � <br /> , , pnymonte Lender reCelvee from Dorrowor or or Borrower'n benellt wlll he ap�ilad Ihet to uny omounte Borrowor owoe on tho socurod dobc _ <br /> � excluelve oT Interest or principal,�eannd ta Intureat,end ther to prinal�R1.If pxrtlel prepnymont of tho eecurod dobt occure for any ronson,It will �= <br />'•s",�'• " � not roduce or excuss�ny Rctwduhd ptiyment until thre acund deDf I�prld In full. -• . <br /> '�„'r'` � � 1j 2. CI�Irt��Apdn�t TItN.Aorrower will pay ell t�x��,��te�amnnts,end other r.herpe� ntirlh��tobte ro the�a rap�rty whon duo and will defend titlo , .,, <br /> to tM property� dn�t my clelm�which woutd Imprlr th�Il�n a�f Ihle dand�i U�i�l.�.ander m�y requlre Borrowor to Qnalpn ony rights,clelme or <br /> r'4;`'��„�• ,. ••�. detan�ea which�orrower m�y h�ve ap�lnat pNtIM wia�upU1Y I�bor or mrterlNe t�Improva ur rtulntaln tho propnrty. � <br /> •� • 3. In�}:renen. 6mrowm will keep thn property Ineurod under term� ecceG�tehln In I etcder nt Borrower's exponec� and for Londer's benefit. Aii • <br />�"��rn'-�= �`� � � Iniurinc�poticv�Ashiy�inwrance proc,ido miyr bi ipptlid�withln Lendi�M�illicretlqlr i II'bhorthirsitorationaorropair of tha damaped propeny . ,' � <br /> � � �M.�� or to the tecured debt.II Lender requlro�mortq�p�In�ue�nr.a,8orrowor s�r�r�to melntdn�uch In�uranca for as lonp na Londor requires. � <br /> ^ 'y»�"`' � 4. Prop�rty.Borrower wlli keep th�propsrty In eood con�itlon and mek�ell i�p�Sr�nKtpn�bly nece�ury. - <br /> �.:+��',,,;w�rf+�. , <br /> : ,.�-� rv:n•�'-° ' 6. Exp�ntei. Borrowe►eproai to pAy e6 lender'�exp�neer,Includiny nernn�bl�attorn�y�'fi��,If Borrower breakn any covonants In this doad � <br /> .• � of Vust or In ony obllp�tlon tecund hy thls dead o}tru�t.8arrowar will pay th����mount�tn Lender n provided In Covn�ont 9 of thie dood of � • <br /> ''�:>�� tru�t. <br /> 8. Pdar 9�curftv lnteHt�. Untet�Horrawer flrot obtaln�Lender'�wrlttsn comsnt,8arrowar will not mmke or parmit eny ohunges to any prlor '� <br /> ' eecurity Interea��. dorrowar wiil pe��torm all of Borrower'c oblipulon� under nny prinr mortp�pe, deed of tru�t or other eacuriry�flreoment, <br /> Inetudinp Bor�ower'�covena�te to make paymante when due. �l' ' ., <br /> "'•,t`,•;.%� 7. A�slpnment of R�ns��nd Protit�. Bmrower n�lpns to Lendor iha renta md pro}It�af t��property.Unteon Qorrower and Lencior have apraed � �` <br /> '• • ��• ; othorw xe In wrlting, Borrower me collect and rotein the renta u lonp ��tlorrower b not In default, If 9orrower de}aulu, Londer, Londor'e .,�+::•. �'��""'.` <br /> ,.., ,. . 1 Y �.�,.��. <br /> �°�'�''• � ayent, or a court eppolnted recelver msy teka poseeallon�nd mnnape the propetty end collect the r�nt�, Any rente Londer coliects shell be .r',,;i.•.' � <br /> ap ��t:��� <br /> ��a,�.�� , � °�� nece�eeary relet d expennea f The remsfni ng emount ot rent�wili thenipply to pl�minti�on tb iociri�debt ei p°v ded In�Covenan d'eny other ,• ,c�.��:�;;,9;�� <br /> .. � 4 ��... rA . f --�w. -_ <br /> r'�' 8. Uauhcida•Condominlumr, W+wxud UMt qwNopm�nt�.,8orrower epreee to compty wnh the provlUOns o}eny le�ae if tMo duod of trust le on ;: �, <br /> r� ��;,_ o leaseho!d. 1�thie deed of truat la on a unit In a condom+nlum or e plonnad unit dav�lopment, 9orrovror�vill perto�m sll of Borrower'n dutiea ,y�;, , ��r''?' <br /> under the covenant�,bWlawe,�r roguiatlon�of the condominlum or plannod unit devnippment, ,(�������� <br /> . . , � �L �+�9°. Yr�. <br /> . �{•t.�' �. <br /> ' 9. Authoriry of l�nd�r to P�rfam fo►Borrowsr. If Dorrower }eilo t���rform any pf Qorrowu'�dulin under thq deed of truot, Landor mey I .,•'�!--:-+ <br /> _x� , parfurm the dutles or c�we them to be pertormed.Lender moy dpn orrower'�n�mo ar psy�ny ernount If n�catary for parformance.If any �a-z{' ::�• <br /> P`� „ " canttruction on the property Is dUcontinusd or not earrled on In a rsatonahto mrnnn, L�ndir mey do whatwa la nece0�ary to protoat Lan�or'c ,s"�qj,*.a. {�: <br /> security Intorest in tha pw�erty.Thls mey Inctude completinD the conetruotlon, .�el�;� <br /> '�:+�:' Lendor'a felluro to erform wlll nat proclude Lsnde►irom sxercbin sny of It�nther rl ht�und�r th�I�w or thl�doed of trust. °";"�A'- - <br /> P 9 0 -:Y,_ugr.�-- <br /> c,�� fr�:r'';===- <br /> ' • AnY emounts pald by Lender ta protect Lender'o�ecurity Intsrest wlll bo cncur�d by ttd�d��d uf tru�t. Buch unount�wlll bo dun on demand ��.),�,`,� <br /> .Y�� end wfll beer Intereat from the date of ths pryment untll psld In tull et the Inten�t rue In�ff�ci qn th��roured d�bt. • <br /> ".�r'r�L�— <br /> ��`•'rr;°,.,.�_` <br /> 10.D�f�Wt rnd AccdwtQon. If Borrower falli to make eny paymont when due or bresk�any cavsn�nt� undn thl� deod of trust or eny �;.�;,�,_;';�`.�c�;R <br /> obllgation s�cured by thle deed ot truit or eny prlor mortgepe or deed of trwt, Londer m�y accel�nt� ths m�turlty of th�securor! debt end <br /> ' demend Immedlate pdymen4 end mey Invoko the power ot eale and eny other remedle�pe►mltt�d by appllo�bl�bw. `•���,`p; _� <br /> . y <br /> .,'}.`�;S <br /> .` ,y,t�: 17.R�tryut far Hotla�of UH�ufL It la hereby roQueeted that coples of the notice� of dehuit end uU ba unt to uch pe��on who la e perty :K <br /> �• • .i. hareto,atthe addrees of eech auch person,ae cet forth hereln. <br /> e� <br /> ��b 12.Pow�r oi S�I�.If the�eeder Invokes the pawer o}e�le,the Tr;iatoe �hali fint record In the oiflce of tl►a npl�Nr of d�ids of eech county ~ <br /> �•r., - �K wheeeln the trust property or Bome port or parcel thereof le�Ituated �notice of defeult contalnlnp ths Infarm�tloi�nqulnd by I�w.The Trustee � <br /> . , ahell also mall copios of the notice of de}�ult to tho �orrower, to sach p�non who lo� puty h�r�ta, �nd to othir p�non���pr�acribed hy , ��' <br /> ' oppl!cable law. Not lea�then one month �iter tha Truttee records th� notic� ot def�ult or two montlu If tlu truit prop�rty I�not In any '7K. �;,: <br /> �� � � incorporated city�or villape and le used in farminq operailont carrl�d on by 4ha tru�tor,the fnnta�sh�!I ptw pubUa natico af e�ts to the pertone �.� .••�: <br /> ' and In the manner praacribad hy_appplioabla law.Trustee,without d�mand on Horrower,�hell o�ll 4h�prap�rty�t publlo�uctlon to the hiphnet �, <br /> ' bidder. If required by the Farm iiome�tead Protectlon Act,Tru�te��h�ll offer the prop�rty In two�opunt���I�� ��raqulnd hy�ppllc�bls�aw. <br /> . •� Trustse may poatpono cale of all or eny pe►cel of the property by publlc ennouncement et the tim� �nd ql�c�n}�ny pnviowly ach�dul�d teln. <br /> ' . Lender or Ito�ealpnee mey purchtte the property et any ul�. <br /> � ••~•� Upon recelpt of p�yment of ths price bld,Trustee thall delivar to the purch�ser Truttee'�d��d convaylnp tM proputy.Th�ncltlat�contUnnd tn �'; <br /> � - Truetee'e deod ehall be prlme facle evldlence of the truth of tha et�tement�contelned theretn.Tru�te�}hMll�ppiy tli��ac��d�cf tlH s�le In ttw <br /> . �•• }ollowtnp o�der. (a) to ell expeneea of the eele, lnaludlnp, bat not Ilmited to, rouonebte 7ru�te�� te��, n��on�bl� tltorMy'� fea• end ?!-._ <br /> , '." ro:�statemant fcos;Ib1 ta all aumo socured by thie deed oi truot, and(01 the belni�co,If any,to tl�e peno�sw lep�lly eniNlW tu��celv�It. rr ; ' <br /> ' � .. ''�. 'r -' •=_.r. <br /> , . ,. , _ 13.Forecbsun.At Lender's option, thla deed of truat may bo forecloaed In the menner provlds by eppUo�bls lew fur for�cl��ura of mortgepes �_ ,.� <br /> , on real praperty. , ...,. r.r--- <br /> �` s���..;. <br />�"°'- '�^•� w•�.; �+�: 14.Insp�ctlon.Lender mey enter tho praperty to Inepect It If Lender pivea Borrower notice 6nforohend. Tha notice mu�t et�t�the rooeona6ln �`"^��•"`;�'�� <br />,.,: ; .. , <br /> .�,. • .�'�'� ,• cause for Lendor'a Inspectlon, ' .. <br /> 1��,r. �'.�,a;r J;- <br /> �+"'•i'! + �• - 'se�--=.._.. <br /> , • 16.Cond�mn�tlon.Borrower aealgns to Londer the�roceada of eny oward or clelm for damago aonrnctad wltli e condemnatlon or pther takinp ,..�,,s;--,._. <br /> r ot all or any part of the property.Such proceeda wi 1 ba applled as provided In Covenent t.7hle etslpmnenr le eub��ot to the to�me o}any F::or . �••�:_�7'r,ib.?;` <br /> ,..�. security agreoment. ,�;��: <br /> :�� <br /> �..; t r; <br /> . .� 16.W�IvK. By oxersialnp any remedy eveliebie to Lendor,Lendor dooe not pive up eny rlphte to later uae en othlr rem�dy.By not oxerclniny �M~,r`{�„_y; r;;.�:. <br /> �• any romedy upon Borrowe►'s defeult,Lencler does not weive eny right to leter conolder the event e default II It K�ppen�ep�in. �� �. <br /> '�'"����ii: <br /> , �', •':.N•s- <br /> • 17.Jo1M�nd 9�vud LlabiAty;Co-slpn�n; Succaton �nd AsNp�s Bound. Ail dutlet undn thl• d�nd of tru�t are�olnt �nd tev�r�l. Any •�•' ::_^"�.''' .� �y <br /> ! .�; � Oarrower who co-sipne thia daed ot truat but does not co•siyn the undedYInfl debt In�trumantld doe� �o oniy to �nnt rnd convey that '�' '•' �`� <br /> 8orrower'e Intereat In the properry ta the Truatee under the torme of thla deetl of truat.In addittan, such a��rrower epree�th�t the Lender and ` <br /> , <br /> , ,. . . <br /> � ••••' � �'� eny other Oorrower under thle deed o}truat may extend, modlfy or make any othor chenpe�In 1he term�of thl�deed of 1ruf4 ar the eecured � ��'� ��, <br /> , debt wlthout thet 8orrower'e consent end without reteasing thet Bonower irom the terme oT thle dead ot vwt. � ;''` " <br />,:��. '" Tha dutiee end beneffte af thle deed of truot ehall bind and benefit tho eucces�urs and esdpn�of lender�nd Borrow�r, . <br /> .i. <br />._ '��• - 19.Notic�.Uniesa othorwf5o raqulrod by law,any notice to Borrowor ehell bo pivon by doliverinp It or by o�ntinp It by ceiUlleA mp:l eddre�eed to <br /> . Dorrower eY the praporty eddresu or anV other addrese thet Borrower hos gIven to Lend�r.Borrav«r wlll plvr eny nutire to Lend�r by certl}led <br />— ' mall to Lender'e eddroa�on pepe 1 of thle deed of truet,or to eny other eddrees whtch Lendar h�t dollpnit�d.Any bthnr notica to 4e�da ehell �.� <br />— � j,:<. �'�� bd eent to Lender's eddresm ee ateted on pape 1 of thla deed of truat. . <br />-- ' Any notice thall be deemed to have been Aiven to Borrower or Lender when plvon In ths menner �t�t�d�t►ava. � <br />..�a i. �� 19.Tramt�r of ths Propr»y or�B�nMal�Inannt In th�6orrowN. If ell or eny put o1 the property or eny Inbn�t In it I�iottl or trar,�fsrnd ' • •, <br /> '•��.- without Lender's pdor wrtttan consent, Lender may dcmand immedlnte psyment of the eecund dibt. lmid�r m�y N�o d�m�nd Imm�dl�U • <br /> ; • -�:_;,•,;;'f+;� p�ymerrt It the Bcrrower le not e neturnl pereon nnd e beneHc�d fnteroat In the 6orrower le eold or trenefennd. Howevai. Lende� may not � <br /> ^;� �;t:�•.;`, demend peyment In the ebove oltuotiono if It Is prohlbitod by todorel law es of the date of thl�deod of Innt. <br /> ��..',�y.�,._ �;3 . <br /> _•-:- 20.Reeaiwy�nc�.When the obligntlon cocurod by thlo deed of trust has boen peld, end Lender he�na furthor obllpetlun lo mxk� xdvencer ��' �' <br /> �_- ._ t1 .,__.�!.f-_'=.- OtaGOf[11eTh LCOd6!Bhdll��eliverntothn Borowerthm to Boiowors euacoenor�lnenteroat.�=huvu i d:�d a�wdK:��iuie nr��.�,i�suU�l nnanf�ltw� �—,� � . <br />:.�,_ . <br /> ._ _.�.:•.,.. . <br /> `;�;°°�""°� � obiigatlon ao setiattod.Borrowor shall pny uny rocordntian coate. � - - -- '-�-' ' ' �—'�--°�-�:;` <br />_ �'�.` ' � 2t.Succc:�ar Trustea.Londor,at Londm'n optlon, may romovo Truatoo ond nppolnt a cuccaecor truntoa by flrct, molllnp o copy of tho � � •' . - <br /> subatitution of truatao ae roqulrocl by upplicablo law,and then,by filinp the suhatitutlan of truatee lor record In thu o1P1ca of 1ho�opl�te►o!Uond� � <br /> of aech county In which tho truet property,or somo pnn thoroof,Is oltuntnd.The euccoesor truateo,without conveynnce o�t1�e proporty, Aliall <br />—� J.� auccdo d to a l l t ho powor,dv t los,nu t har i t y an d t i t te o f t ho Trus tao nnmo d In t he doe d o f truet an d o t any succo�oor trueteo. � <br />_ - , =�"= =� <br />_ .. .� � <br /> rac�o:!o�7l . <br /> , �A.111IElIS 6YBTEMS,INC..GT.C10U0.A1N 68301 fl•800487$9N1 FOIIM OCP•MTO�NC e110/Dt � . � <br /> ; <br /> I. • . � <br />�'�.a r <br /> � � . <br />