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<br /> • � 7qsls Me:2tl•�1�enbrrid lAtn tY.t'wEen� K1 rk .i_ Nnlann_nnd.Amr C_ �1n1 nnn •.
<br /> ._ .. c�', - , �
<br /> � _h�ehand..�,D,(�._FL1.fE' . _.._ .,.(heroln"Mortga�oz")snd v
<br /> �� . F11�e�,�.C.E�.9�tlk._S.E�S'�12r�a Co�P.4..�.G.�SLf} Qhereln"Moytq��es"). �'
<br /> �
<br /> P�orto�gor�e Inda6ted Ro biorigAgce In tho princlptl cnm of� 14,SS�.32 ,Rv�denced by MartQogo:'s note '�`
<br />- a:
<br /> � ��d Februcry 61 1995 �hexrin`°Note")provldin�4or paymenb ot prin�ip�l�nd I�tcreri,with tAe b�l�nce ot tRe
<br /> _ indet►todness,it not sooner paid,due�nd pay�blo on IIaGemU�r. 1S, 1997 , � „
<br /> To�ecuce tho p�►yment of the Not�.wtth Interest w pravided thenln,the ptyment ui all ath�r syms,with Intereat,
<br /> adr�nced by Mort�ee to protect the secuHty of thiz Mort�Ye,and Ehe perfotmince a1 the covenants and��reements oi
<br /> fhe 1►4nrtg,agor coE�Wiued hereln. ?.Sot4�a�or doca horoby most�e�: and convey to Mo�ge�ee the f�►Ilowing deacNbed
<br /> pioy�erty lnc�ted in H°�1 County� Nebnsiu: - �� '
<br /> s .
<br />_ � ., '
<br /> t 1Lot on� (1) Kamy Subdivision� City of Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraoka :.• .
<br /> _� , j ' •. ;�,,�::+��..:^��.:.
<br /> i �{�=�-
<br /> �.� . . � '���=�-
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<br /> � �:
<br /> "�, . � T'"y,, r
<br /> � � Togethcr with sll buildings,impravPmenta.flxtums�streets,elLeys,pas.wgeways, easementa.dghts,privile�eq�nd '
<br /> appurtentnces located St�eteon or in anywisr pertaintng thereto, a�dl��rents,L�sues �nd proAts,rev,entonc�nd rem�fndetc �`
<br /> ¢.aei�eof;tncluding,but not Iimited to,k+eating and cooling�quipmen� rnd such petson�property thaL Is athched to 2he ���'
<br /> ' Ftr,p.rovements so as to constakutr a tixture;ell of which,inciuding roplacementa and addittona thereto.i�hem�y s�eclared `.,;�j
<br /> Co`bo a part of tltc real estat�sECt��d by the Hen o4 this Mortga�e�nd all of the foreQofj�g bctn�refetred S�hon�3n ss the yj",` �
<br />_ • aa�Q��n ,;�d•;.
<br /> ,�.: �
<br />- Mortg�gor[larther convennnts and agrees,with Mortga�ee,ns[ollows: A ��
<br /> ..:.r.-
<br /> o�
<br /> 3. �e}nn�t. To pay.t�e tndebtedrsess and the i�ttereet theman es grovided!n!�is Nlorigsge and the Noie. „
<br /> . 2. Title. Moitg�gor is tde owner of the Property.has the right e�id�uthodty to murtgage the Property,and „ �,�,_��
<br /> warnnts thnt tde Ilen creatad heieby fs a fltst attd prior Ilen on the Peoperty,except as m�y otAeswise Ue set for►h hereln. ,
<br /> �i :•`_y
<br />` ., „ � [�J'Il�e Property Is subj�ct to e Mortgagc whernin Nomo Fedpral SavinRS and Loan " •9?�1,��..�-•
<br /> . ����,�,,,a
<br /> � 3s the Mortpeca.t+rco:ded tt Book_ ,Page ot t�e Mo�tgage Recoids of Ha l l County,� y ,
<br /> � ° �� Nehx�slu,whlc6 Moriga�o Is�Ilen prlor to tha liea created hereby. �;;:`• . �
<br />"� , C7 OtAer prior Iitns or�ncumbrnnces: — - -- . � � ;
<br /> � ' . ti�� .
<br /> � �
<br /> :
<br /> ,� _ .. ,
<br />-,�; ;, � 3.'a`axes,A�essmentt. 'I'o pey when due all taxes,epeelil assessments and all othcr r.hataes agdnst tlae Property
<br />_:� � '� tnd,upon wntten dem�nd Iny Mortg�gee,eo add to the payments required undet the Note se..ured hereby,scch amount es
<br /> may t�o autiicfent to enable ihe Mortgtgee to pay such taxes.�sessmenta or other charges as they become due.
<br /> . I
<br />���" 4. Inauranrc. 'Ib keep the Improvements now or here�tter located on the re�! estate descxibed hem9n insured I
<br /> �'?� �afntt damaEe by tire'end such other hezntds es Martge�ee may�equire,ln unounta and with mmnmEe�accepYable to tkie
<br /> �`�' � Mort��,ac:�with loss payable to the Martgsgee. In case ot lael rsnder such pol[cten the MorBqtgee is tt�thotixed to I
<br /> ' ! �djust�coilect �nd compmmlxe�tn its dlacntion.aU cl�ms themun�ier at ita solu optlon, autb.cuizedto elthnrapply the l
<br /> -� proceed�to the reetontio�ot th�Y'mperty or upo�the IndeStetUitnr cecu�ted heTeby�but paymen�l�emundor r,hall con• '
<br /> tlnue�uetU the su�e sectin�+3 Ae�by aee g�td fn tutl. �
<br /> - • • i
<br /> � 6. l'J Eecron Fo�Tuca�nd Insuimce. Notwithst�ndlnQ�ny,�hinQ conqinod ip ptragmphs 8 end 9 hereof to the �
<br /> rnntnry� Mort�u�or eh�ll pay to the Mortgegeo Rt the tlme oi piyip�the montiily�nstdlmentfi v�'principd Rnd interest,
<br /> ��' one•t�reltth of the yeuly taYes.assessmenta,h�zerd insurance presnlums,and gcound r�nts pf aaiY)wAtch may attatn a '
<br /> -_. �-. -�.._-__- .._ � .. ..... _...�_._�a.__.s_'._ a��_W.u.�fi • 7�.e�....u.n�omn�tdah�llhu '
<br /> i-}' ---- --___-- - ➢l10I1Ly dYli Lill6 IAUCI(A��ell O R�VI��OIy CJHtIIiKtI tIWO NtuC w oi,aao v�•uQ m....p6 a. ............�...��r__�_' , . -
<br /> r held by ttte Mortgt�ee without interesE �nd eppited to the p�yment ot the Items In reapect to which such emaunts were
<br /> _, � depoetkd.'It�e sums paid to Martre�ee hernundar are pledged es�ddltiontl security tor tUe indebteAncss sc,:ured by this
<br /> _-�'' M�ttFpee.Mortgsgorshdlpsy to Mortg�geo the emoun!of eny deflclency botween the actud taxes� aasessments. fnsurance
<br /> � „ " pretaluma eud pound rents�nd the dai►oeits hexeunder within 10 d�ya atter demend ls mide upon Mortgtgor mquesting
<br /> uc!!Y�ruvivv�
<br />. r;lt. ___.,' _—__—"—__ ��� •
<br /> - �� !i. Repatr�Mat6tmance md Un. 'Pa promptly eepdr,restorn or rebutld any butldings orimprovementa now or
<br /> hett�tter a� the Property;to kreW the Property fn good cundittoa tnd►Ypair,without wa�te�md fcee trom mechenlc's or
<br /> ;� other liens nut expnssly eubordinated to tho Ilen hereof;not to mtke.sutfer or permft any nuicsnce to extst,nor eo dinrim
<br /> Ish or Impiir the value ot the Propercy by eny act or omis�tan to act;anci to compfy wlth ell�uquirements of law witi► _
<br /> _I�-- - reapect to the Proyecty.
<br /> �I� `
<br /> _�•
<br /> , .
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> _ . .. .. .
<br />