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<br /> ,'*.u:•,r,r�� Ft � -- • -
<br /> _—1Y��'�C' � � 1 t '.. . �' �
<br /> __ r.:��,......�. „ �-� �,•,� ;_ ', g . -
<br /> R�'._-=..�,k,.�i_ `' � i �� u � r i- �0w� C __.
<br /> ___ 4 � `ti �AI � . ._
<br />.. ..�...�..t. � �Y N '_
<br />_ .�.� Y��{/ I+ � � �, `(`�,` O /� � r . L"
<br />'_.�er"$hR�'YMf�4 1 � � ��+�r . .
<br /> ,°,�--m"""�r� t DEEn OF TP:UST "' ~ �
<br /> �`.- •
<br /> i���,�'� PAATIE9:Thb RoeJ of Trus'r.ir mado an.._�S�y,�n�►R`L3_p.� �9�F ,emong the Grontor,�'�$ytN r. HApATC � �
<br /> _ �� �c.i�=.'--;i: 1'Borrower'L .
<br /> -;,�' -. r.rct► n ti9EHr8� Fit1SHl�HIi_nrun wzp8 . —
<br /> ..�+ti.,�v;r:. �,
<br /> �-?t�cat;:'llj+y��.��, AF�„Prfil R �1.��:Ks._.A1:�b:N��� - .. � - -
<br /> whow ro�idence addrosa ia, _an ao�,..7.9n,,.,lirnqr][alnurl.»u�ll County, Ne6raske I"TruFtae"►, nnd the Beneticiary,%
<br /> � �1� � ,u corparation arpanixed o �'� ,
<br /> �,�� :;_,r� �.,� unM� RFl]RRAT. Ggy:tI3CS..�..LiL21�L.11.S,.�t1�7.Fl;s":Jt:1AL � ' . . -
<br /> -�'-`�' ,:.�: '' end extctirp under the Isws�f,_,_SII''iF1ItE1Eii:F►....�._._—whose eddr6sa Is 22i �rrt� Lnnrrcm emoFr..x, `� . . ,ry,�,•��� . ,
<br />--- � � .�l'.i ('Lender'I.
<br /> -=--�=-�:a:.�. M ��SI�*m. rrRa�i1�3I{l��f1E1I1?tc:].A.0.�1.. °�:: '�.�'�i�'*`'�"<:" _
<br /> ^�:'f.li:�!wJ-i'�.
<br /> a, e,r�: CONVEYANCH:Fa valun ra,,:r,tvad,9anawar IrrQVaqM��y Arenta end convey�to Trustee,In trust,wlth power of eale,the real property,ot whlch ;�r�%������-
<br /> `�"�°j'�' E�rrower !�s lawhdy s�izad, descri6ced helmrl end t�'1�au�ldings,tlxturea,end existing and tuture Improvaments thereon and ell riphts-o}-w�y, �ii���"°'��''"
<br /> a;�a•:=�i4� ' �`�P
<br /> eu�menn, rents, iasues, ;xofite, inc�me, tonamofrl�, heredi4ements, privilegea antl ar.�}+ eppurtenences tiierounto belnnpi�i� 1a{I c�Neci the , ,_,9,.�s,_
<br /> �,,,�t�:' r� °
<br /> _- ;-�'F,:.�`;'�� ��0���' . a � TCT.ATii) ,Nebraake r,aae�_�a�4 �_•���..-------•---
<br /> r PROPERTYAOCflESS:r1r�0.4.�LSTC7,�IaF'►S_yT.'i1�lK.....Il . SzRA_ �zinCoeu w�",,'',"__-
<br /> .�� �{�� LEtiAI QESCflIPT10N: �sv�"� tc�ry� �7•"�=-=-
<br /> - ','^;�r`"�..t� THE EA.^aT I'Z�o r+^a�:T :5'? QFl LC17�' SIXTEBN (16I AND ALL OF LOT F3:FTEBN _��'��`=�
<br /> �,�' , � '• t` (15) , IN HACGE`0 SUE3IIZVZSIOtl QIl d�x1RT OF T�3E NQRTHSAST QUARTBR lDIE1�4) @�,°.�.--�:_---
<br /> : �+�:• O F T H B N O R T H W B i 3 T Q U d 1 l 2 T��1. (N i 1 1./9 1 •�a A 1 A A PA£tT OF THB NORTHWEST QUARTER fi����i�+=�---
<br /> _:;;•=� :+1��; °.����..
<br /> TOWIJ18HIP S VENNNORTIi�(11N')J.��l211Zi0Fs NINFs, (9F,S4l�ST AFTTF�6THIPHM.(2IN� �
<br /> ,���
<br /> .�':' -
<br />__� : HALL COiJNTY� NkJ3T2d1SY..A. --•-�1°':.��—
<br /> . ., '�'� �s—�`_
<br /> .m — -
<br /> , �,��y� �.t.
<br />.:..J�- ',�.'�Vh _
<br /> .C': 1¢
<br /> ";� `.� `i''"'"�••""� locatod ln. c3RADITI_.I3IaI:V!YC2.-.Bat.r. Caunty.Ne6raskr.
<br />��iVy• .•i„!1�'" — 1
<br /> :•zv' +�� TITIE:Borrower covena�tt�and wnrr�ntn tidcl to thn prApnity,except for._ ;
<br /> r�Tf� ,
<br />••`ra�-J��':�'. ' N.
<br /> �"`"''��"' � � SECIIltED DE�T: 1hls dead nf trunt ear.urnn to l,ondar repayment of the securod de6t and the �parformance of the covenante end �qreements
<br />:_ ..r.�..�:�.�:•''.��
<br />_'{'.__ _,_,i=�� cont�Ined in thta daed of tn.�at nnd in nny othnt ttom�me�t Incorporated heteln.�ecured debt,ea used in thle deed of trust,Includee my�mountn
<br /> _ �" Borrower owes to Lender under thin dead�f trunt M�nder eny initrume�t sscured by tfili deed o!uust,end dl modificotwnc,�axten�IO�e�nd
<br />-�° .:-.' `�`°'} rernwal�thereof.
<br /> }�� . .. . ,�,t� -- _
<br /> :;,, __ ; , ,_= Tha securod debt Is evldenG�d by(Lfit nll Int�trumnnm end egreements aecured by thla de�d of tru�t and the datet tharoof.l:
<br /> -_- ...n.�,l�,�.. �_a PR[N�iSl�L2FZY�IIC1�...IlTIR..SFG'IIBITY.B�3BFz'•Ml'+NR' nATFi� T NTTARV �n_ i.�oG . _
<br />_`�-�� � Cl - � .,� .
<br /> -{?�.,.�..�r -- ---_- --
<br />� �"_�_��;`� �Futuro Arfvancer Th2 ebovn amount Is Becured even thouph alt or part of it rtsay nvt yet be advenced. Futurs �dwnce�Ke ___`__°"-- _
<br />?=�r Z*;� contempl�htd ensi will t�o recurod tu thn 9ame extent ea If made on the date this desd o4 tru�t ia executed. �__,_�_
<br /> ���;,^,t.�'s: �---- �.,_..
<br /> y� ❑Revolvinp Ifrw�o}credlt npremm�nt dntnd...—_ ,wlth initlaf ennual Interest�ate nf 96 . __ _ Y�
<br /> ''"'. �"'•�'° All�mounu owsd undar thls�aUrnement are eecurod eve�n though etl emovnta may not yet bs advanced. Future�dvenca�under - _
<br /> ths eproemeM.ero r.ontnmpinmd nnd wlll be secured to tha samo oMent aa if made on the d�te thla deed of trust ie oxeautad. ""'T"';'�`
<br />=� ..... ,,...,
<br /> �n �`!e'.: .: _ __
<br /> The ebove oblly�tton,is dun nnd pnyab'a on _8,ir�t�s�' �, �oQ� If not pald eadier. �,�,�� -"
<br /> �� . -.;,p�: The totU unpald balnace socurad by thlc doad o4 trust et uny one tlme ehall not exceed e maxlmum prfnclp�l emount ot__ ,�` __
<br /> u t- � �, TttORR Afrn + nn _Doltare 14 ���9_.__� 1,plua Interost, �t'
<br /> _�'• �`_.- . �:��. _R?�f�Sti4[rcrvn �ix tttnlOflEtA_T1SI11 _-El.a 11�
<br /> R '.,,:.•;��.Y; ,`sR"vrs
<br /> =���%!'�.i•': : plus any em4vnts dlo�urttnd undnr tho tarme of thfs deed ot truat to protect the eecurity o}thls deed o}trust or to perform eny of the Z--,r�;; �; �,
<br /> '�'�'.:' � covenents contalnad!n tAls dood of Uvot,wlth Interest on such dlshursemonts. _
<br /> i_: • ' a,^. ,t:'•��_
<br />. ,'��..�'a,ti,.�. - ,"'�:f:•.:/:}�.1�:....:.
<br /> '•'��5-�:`" �`:� ❑V�t1�bN R�t�:Tha Intnront rato an thn obllgetlon secured by thls dend of trust moy vary uccording to the terma of ihat oblieetion. . �,-.T,.-•- •
<br /> ` •��o° ❑A copy of thy loem nflrnmm�nt contelning the terms undor whlch tho inmrest rata may vary is attnchad to thls deed of truct end " ,4:•
<br /> " ..' �? mads o part haraof. .' '
<br /> . , `� RIDERS: ❑Commerclal �;._&Sfl7.4l1hll3tIT.1JLBF�L�G � � ,
<br /> �
<br /> �-. . . . '. ��...�� QESIQNA710Ni CF HOMEST�AD � � ,
<br /> '". �. . �'.;�- . Pursuent to the Farm Harnns.too�Pratoction Act,designetton of h�moatead ❑ ia etteched to thlo daod of trust nnd made o port horoof
<br /> =;+;_ .. ,...��` • ❑ hae baen disclalmed;t0io dlscir�innr Irt atucfied to thl�deed oi trust and made a part hereot.
<br /> .�.:;_..:.,�: b: I .�
<br /> .. .�� . S I(i N A T I I R E S:B y sl p n i n s p M1rtow,3a�rc�unr�ptN to tf•+e tarm��nd eown�nt�coot tN�dNd of tru�t.I dinp tlwN on p�p�2, and in I
<br /> ' �r►y dd�rs d�aedb�i'ebo�re rJgned hy Barowa. . �
<br /> �/�� �•_ � ✓�j� � �j�"�'c--� �
<br /> M,:::iC��y ��,6f1�-i�'*i`-t---E��---f-Y.s'�!.!L�S.`_Z, ' -- I
<br /> -_ - �
<br /> -°--•'.-_�„'�`-' RF'sVIN L F�1RRI8 -a�Ioaa n riuiiaa:��
<br /> . :.��, . . — ; .,
<br /> � ��` ACKNOWL[QQMENT:StATC.qf NC•EIRiASKA, c�RAt�m i4T.11Nn. t3Ai.L __ Caunty ss: ;
<br /> �; Tha toragol�inil�umnnt wns ecknawladfled beforo mo on this A_�0�_ doy of T NC7 uY���39�� _ _
<br /> .. -- bY_.K[i1 1Lf��Sl�_A..It ta, un�Anxn nnm wirx
<br /> r�w��yyYyy. IY�Nlefl
<br /> � .. f1�M'�'R117� �
<br /> '-- ' CaponU w Ot �L�� IM�m�01 Corporatan or PufnMWP> .
<br /> .. � O�rtnM��O --
<br /> • ectna.+iedQmm� e ~ �1yR QK, I�_ _ nn bnhntf of tho corporntion or gannarshlp.
<br /> � � My cosnm!7tlloYi It�7�roe: 12/29/9G
<br /> �.�� INotuv PMLCt •
<br /> �. �. .�!' . tSNq ['1IRrc r. v CKIP -
<br /> �. `' Thle Instrument wae propared Dy_ ��+nrc r. vncvrc ___.__ — .--�----.,,+ '�----- •
<br />� '' ,. `, 0108��'IREn3GVptfMJ,I�iC..GT.ClOUD.MN6090111�800397Q��11RORMOCP�1►1T0-NEOI1�J791 APPLA 00003628 ��egs/DI21`�'��AASKA �
<br /> �
<br /> - CCD# 0000000000 I
<br />