. . �::q n :� , : _ . . .n•;'.i, '.). . . .-� . , . » . . . . .
<br /> �;.j;�:�' . .. . ... ,. i.. . � r�+. � • �
<br /> J.
<br /> .. .y ., . . . � ' f 1`t'�fi;%r' ..c. � , , .f-�
<br /> . ��an • , •;i', • �.��.�,,r�;.• .. �
<br /> i ro . . ..,. . . . `. . , `.�� �:j�,��.: .:�w�ti-r. . '�+ir?'��:9 rak.t�r����'�+�` -_� Jr.`.
<br /> ��"_:v�TF�t•� . . ��l!+�sT�.A87�A�!L�� ---•--�.._�.._.-----�-� - —• ���; .
<br /> -°_u�b`ti?�:�F�?i! Q!'
<br /> � —
<br /> -��. _�r_-�:_� F � j G,;:.
<br /> ---� .'_+[}'_�f.:`S , �.s'.
<br /> - . . .. .n. , I �
<br /> , ., . �'�V c (iV����
<br />.�o.;,:���,, � Lenoler. mhe foxegoin�p warrmn�ieo ana �epre�entationc, and
<br />_,;.._'=`�a°;�g Borrowc��'c� obligations purouanti to th� foxegAing indenznity, ehall , ,
<br /> __. �: ,;;„,,� r�uxvive repa�ment of the No�e and the xer,onveyaiice of thie Dood
<br /> ..,.�-_--.'- vf Trust. '•
<br /> �� -- .--�• �r•.
<br /> . r,: �:
<br />=�=�.�''�`;=�:�; 9. Aaei nmer�� of R�n�s �9ena ement of pxa ert . l4s --�'"
<br /> .,�.�.a.�,: --
<br /> �'�" add3tional sacuz ty ereun er, Horrawer ere y asa gns to I�ender. ���--
<br /> �'�.�z� the rento, issuos and profits of the Propertiy, provi¢led that �t=�
<br /> -p�''•. � Borr.awe� shali, prior to acceleratinn under paragraph li hereof �:�:
<br /> - :.�,�:�:nt�d• �;::
<br />- .,� a,,, c or aban�lonment oE the �roperty, liave tha right to collect and _.
<br />;.'_.,s;��;�- retaiiz such rants, ise�t�s and profi�r� as they become due and pay- �`"�
<br />-��:=��"�L.-x.._'�+ able. Upon accelerat3o� or abAnc�oa�msnt of the Pxoperty, Lender �'•-
<br /> w -�'�°" *.nay, eithe�c in persna� or by dqe»t, with or without bringing any
<br />-_..��., ; , -�_
<br />"_,'`��;`r�Nl action vr proc�ediaag, or by a receivQr uppointed by a court aia� �`°""
<br /> x��; .4. . ��:;_
<br />•X��•-��;;:��{' withau� reqard to the adequacy of ita security, enter u,pon and �,��,
<br /> ""��:x��;�;:�., �ake pQSS�s�ion oS th� Proper�y, or any �part thereof, im ita own ------
<br /> �::���.��-:�• name or in th� name of the Trus�ee, and do any acta which it
<br /> ��`5::�<'..ti��=`�t deems naceaeary nr deairable to preaerve the value, m�rketability
<br /> .. ,;,.. ..... . -
<br />`-''�'�`�s���''��s:� �or rentabilitx of the Praporty, or any p�rt thereof or interea� �;�
<br /> `,-`�,:;;;,,��� _
<br /> ,.nh�yr �,�,� �hexein, increase �li� income thereErom or protect the s�curi�y
<br /> ,``�r{,��i hereof and, with or withnut taking pnssession of the �ropexty, ���-
<br />°=��i'•;'•�. L sue for or otharwise collect tlae rents, iesues and proFits �"
<br /> : {t��,` �.. .
<br /> ,:'�� � �hereof, �nclu�ding thoae �a�t due and unpaid, aa�d appl.y the eume, �'t""
<br /> •-'���::�'`'�� lese costs and �xpenses of operation and coll�ction, including �"
<br /> a�ctorney�' fQes, u�pon any indebtedneas securerl hereby, all in ��
<br /> � auch order as I�ender may determine. The entering upon and taking
<br /> y` posaession oF the Property, the collection of such rents, iasuea �r
<br /> ;�'��t' �' ' a�nd pro�i�s and the application thereof as afQSesaid, shall no� ���=
<br /> � " cure or waive any default vr notiae of defaul� hereuneler or —�.-
<br /> � inva�.idate any act done in res�onse to such default or pursuant ;yz„
<br /> _ . "� � ' to such notice oE defau3t and, notwithatanding the con�inuance in ��
<br /> . . .�• _� possess�.�on of the Property or the collec�ion, receipt aa��] applica- -�_�-
<br /> .. : :;;,��,��� tion of xents, iesues or profita, and Trustee and Lend�r ehall bo �'��
<br /> -�'��>%��+�� - entitled tn exercise every right pxavided for in any of the Loan °-
<br />;�,-:;�����,';,'Yc��: Inatruments or by law upon occurrencd of any Event of Defaul�, u,�;�
<br />-�.��'�i'.:}:w� ;: 3ncluding, withnut limitation, the right to exercise the power of �c;''
<br /> -��•-,������ sale. �rther, T�ender'e rights and remedies under this para�qraph
<br /> `� 9 shall be cumulative with, and in no way a limita�ion on,
<br />,.:.,�,,.';�::�,.,,�. -:
<br /> . . ,:����,••�`� :
<br /> ;,�;.��.;,�,,. , Lender's rights and rem�dies under any Assignme�t of Leases and ;�
<br /> �'fr;:).:. �: Rents recorded against tihe Property. i.ender, Trustee and the
<br />_ ,t��w�.�,.�,..N►•,
<br />_°��,,s„�.,,�,„*,,. receiver shall be liable to account only for tihose rents actually �
<br /> .�. �.;�.�:�..�e.� received.
<br /> - .;,r.;��ry; .
<br />-,�<�,��{�=;��.q 10. �vents of Default. 2he followinq ahall cunst3.�ute
<br /> •• `•�-���i !� an Event of Default under t � De�d of Trus�:
<br />. , ,r;,... {
<br /> �c
<br /> �.�;.s;;` � (a) Failure to pay any installment of
<br /> '..0�:.•,;; pri�cipa�. or interest or any �thez suan secured hereby
<br />`�;;•�l`',�h•�---: � when 8ue, or Failure to pay when due any othex i.ndebted-
<br /> ,� ��4��`��`�� ��'" neQ e of Borrower to Lender=
<br /> _.r�.<;...�:�
<br /> •��;Fi�.�--
<br />-�:l.'!'.��.�n .1.
<br /> - � �!�• -•- (b) A breach of or default under any provi-
<br /> `'`' �'�="'�:;,;� sion con�a3ned in �he Note, tihis Deed af Trust, any of
<br /> ;:-:;�;;�_ :"�,, the LoAn Instruments, or any otiher encumbrance upon the
<br /> r"'`::;•��,�:`;,•,c,�� Property, after giving effect to any appl3cable cure I
<br /> �'-�'.�u�;�"'` �;� period contained thereinj ,
<br /> ����' �
<br /> �'��� `����°''�� (c) A writ of execution or a�tachment or any I
<br />-�`�x.6:,Y;!,:1:.••. .�
<br />_;;:rs?;;��:;?'�c;;�,; ". nimilar process shall be entered againe� Hoxrower which
<br /> .�_�;�,;�,;r�:5��'� ehall beCOm4 a l ien on th� Property ox any portiion ' ,
<br />- �rn':<„k;f�... �th�reof or intarest thare�.�t
<br />::.;;;�'� , .
<br /> �""� _ � _f (c�} There shall be Ei�ed by or ayainst �
<br /> -- , ..--_�__ _�:_ _�_�
<br /> -„�;-, ,- •=�7 DNL iV1�CL aia ua:�..�vTi uutav-� ctuy NielnciiL Vr IL1tIIT� Le(I6Shc� 'T'
<br /> :���f•��`•� stiate or other s�atute, law or regulation relating to
<br /> �....r�.;�,,�
<br />=-Rt�:�,;... •:�.,• bankruptcy, insolv�ncy or other relief for debtorn j or
<br /> - �_=.t�:i�� tl�ere ehal�. be appointed any txustee, receiver or �
<br /> -_ •;;,.,�`R� ligu�da�or ot- 8o�rower or of a�l or any part pf th� . �
<br /> _',;_.��•:.•. -�:� Property, or tihe renta, issuee or profit� thereof, or �
<br /> �--^—�� Borrower ehall make an �
<br />.. �. y general asslgnment for the �
<br /> .. . benofit o£ creditioret
<br /> ,, . � . ,
<br /> -,
<br /> �;•�� .���� ' �
<br /> •,,�
<br /> ,;.�%�°'y�:rtai", ;#� i
<br /> - -4_ ;
<br />- �,
<br />-- • i
<br />::� . .
<br />- � -- - . . ._._..._.... - ..... -_ .. . . ., _ .. . .
<br />