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<br /> �'�`,.: .��. . .� , ACKNOWI�EpGLMF.NT OF' DELD Qb' xRUkiT —
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<br /> ;�' `' ' HQRROit�ETt ���� �1��is HErO� F3YaLi�1VC�t .h .
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<br /> r°�,I�,;;� ::•,.r�r�..
<br /> �. ;jJ����� ��� . " _
<br /> �f'��'� ��� Horrower, whe�her ona or mure, under�tandA thaC the documant ,. �� __
<br /> :,. -,:�.v'r.:�.�,^a'k�'' ,�
<br /> .�-:'a���`�r�^�`""' `� tha� the Borrowex is about to exeauL•e i� n Ui�acl o� Truat and not , , ' �
<br /> � � a mortgage ana �hat the p�wer o� eele provic3e�1 L'ox in tihe Oeec9 0� , '""
<br /> � �i°ruat psov�.des subet:anLia].ly dl.fforon� �ight� and ob�.igat�.ane �o .� : ;,:....�.�:`_
<br /> � � the Borrower �h�n a mortigAgc� in �h9 avant of A �lofau].t or breach y. ., j.,:., �,:,,•f��r�, �
<br /> � � of obtigation under L•ha Dood of' Txudt, inQludtug, bui: nat limited i�,..,�,.� ;,�,.i;:'.�;:;u;.;:;.,-.�-
<br /> -.r .n,.y.di,.:.�:-.._.
<br /> � . to� �ha Lender's righti to have the Pro�a�x�y Aold by the Trustee ,.,.:,r.,�:�;�.�a.�._-
<br /> .�� c�ithout any judici�l pxoce�ding. Aarrowar rop�e+een�e and _ ' ';'-���,�- ,:_-�:
<br />_ �,.;��::�. warranta that thie acknow].adgement wdn axeauted by it boforo �he �. �::;�-�•��`
<br /> ''��°` • exeaution of the Deed �� Trust. ��`�""��`�"'
<br /> � ��;t. � f
<br /> _,��r�,j�.,,:•,� �Kn�""' S-= ---
<br /> , ( ''=�� '�r :: --
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<br /> CONSTRUCTION 9ECURT�Y AGIt�EMENT �'f ��,'�Y;�,y
<br /> � � DEEI3 �F TRt3^oT `,_.1��'a..c.<<
<br /> _sA �
<br /> Y� =ntending to cxeate a Cnne�ruation 3ocurSty In�ereet in :,,� �,
<br /> , �� accordance with the Nebraeka Cor�etruction Lien Act, thi.e D��D OF ;�;
<br /> �r � ' TRUBT ls made as of the 22NjLs day of ,rt�rt . r 19��(f(►, bY An� ;::;
<br />.�'"� ' • ' among the TrustArr GARY CILENSTINE ANTi IINAA r:�'NSTTN�� whnee .
<br />- . . , mailinq addlrea� is �'�;U WIFR ;_ ,
<br />' (here3.n "Borrowar" , whet er one or more , e tee, ''� � �' ''t .;' '
<br /> �.,::'t,..;..
<br /> �.�•� n�t�ID s[wcx , A�torney at Law, whnee m�ng � ,.;,
<br /> a rese a � c�n n �iaan� �here�in � ;:-;.';;;
<br />''{ � . "Truetee") , and the Henef c ary, THE OtI�RLAND CVATIONAL�iAN�B UF � .�• _,.,'
<br /> " GRAND ISLAND, whose mailing addrea� ie 30a Wes� Thirc� 8treet, , � ��
<br /> - �; P. O. Box 1688, Gxand xaland, Nebraeka 688�02-1688 (herain �•;�;���•�_:
<br /> . . ..., ..,,,�,,
<br /> . � .. •.;,�, "Lender"). �,,,�,,.:.,.`,�,.
<br /> .. '�;c.,.j,: _
<br /> FOR VALUASI,E CONSIDEItATTOr�, includinq tho indebtedneee �<:� ",
<br />-�'°� '�. � � ' identified herein and trust herein cr�ea�ted for tho purpo�e o� '-��", .;�,.;,
<br /> making almprovaments tio the re�l estate hexainaftar desaribed. �he . ����•,., �
<br /> •�� receipt of which is hereby acknowledged� Boxrower hereby ''"�:::.�
<br /> � " • i.rrevocably grants, i:ranafe�s, conveys and Assiqno to True�tee� zN .� . ' .. .... .
<br /> THUST, WITH POY+1�R OF SALE, for the benefi� and security of �
<br /> '`' � �' ' Lendar, u�ider and subject �o the t�xme and conditione hereinnftior � . •
<br />'," � � '' set forth. the real property, deacribed as followss ,
<br /> � . '`.
<br /> �.^�,':.'-.. LOT 2, BLOCK 2. PI�4'.RBR b__BARFlS ADDLTIUN TO Tt1E C,�„OP � .
<br /> � !�1[iAxrn isx.krtp, HALi:._COIiAiTX N�AIPIISRA '
<br /> ,'; . ,
<br /> � "'i;• ..�_ �f ..
<br /> ,:.:• ��;:r v
<br /> . .. ':���/:y�q+
<br />. � "' `� '.� Tnc�other wi�A a11 buildinqB, impxovements , £ixturon,
<br /> " mt:reetis, all�ya, p�as�c�eways, easements, righta� privilogon and
<br /> �� appurtenances loc�t�d th�reon or in anywiae pa�taining thorotio,
<br />- , • ::; .
<br /> -�y��.>`�-��_ a„a +�ha rpn+�A. issuQS and nrofite, roversions und rdmaine��ars
<br /> --:.�.,.-....:<.--_ ---- ---- ------•
<br /> thereof, and such personal ��ropez�ty that is a�tached to tiho - - � -
<br />_ � J � irnprovQmen�s so as to consti�ute a f3.xture, tnclud�ng, but not
<br /> _,; ,� ?imi.hed to, he�_tinq und cooling equipmentt �nd �ogoth�r. with tha
<br /> � homes�ead or marita�. int�re�ta, if any, whir,h i.n�Qreot� aro
<br /> .. � � Yiexeby_released anc3 waived= all of which. including rQplacQmen�s
<br /> --�__- - ani� adaiiionr� thereto, is nereby neclared Lu i,e d Nd'a i. oT t:�
<br /> � real estata seaured by the lien of this De�d of '�ruati And Al1 of -
<br /> °� the foregoing bei.ng refarred to herein ar� tihe "Proporty".
<br /> ... ,
<br />_ �1�-
<br />- � �
<br />