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<br /> � ' S.H�u�rd or Property Insur�ecc. Borrowcr shuq kcep 1ho improvcmcnLv now caisting or h�.reuftcr ercctcd on thc ProPcrty `�
<br /> insurrd ogainst l��,v by Cue,hnztuds incladed within thc term "extenc�ed covcmg�" and any other hnr�rds, including flt�ods or ±_.
<br /> �' floaling,for which Lender requires insurnncc.This lnsurar►ce shall bc maintained in tha amounts nnd tor chc pr.riods that Lcnder � � �:
<br /> mquires.Ttie insurnnce carrier providing th�insuraRCC shall be choscn by Bonrowcr subject tn i.ender's upproval whlch shnli not I �� _
<br /> • ' , � be tinreasonably wlthheld. IF Borrawer fails to malntain covecnge descdbed above. i.cnder m�y, at Lender's opdon, obtain • ��
<br /> � �-. coverage to protect I.ender's dghts in the Property in accordnnce v�ith paragraph 7. . �;i_:
<br /> All insurtu�ce pollcies and renewnls shall 6s nccept�blo to I.ender end shull include a stnndard mortgage clnuse.i�ender shall _
<br /> hnvo tho right to hold che poli�ies and ccncwaLz.If Lcndcr requlres, Borrower shall prompdy giva to I.cnder aq receipts of�aid -.,,�
<br /> � premiums and renewal nodces.In the event of lass,Bamower shull give prompt notice to�he insurance curricr and Lender.I.ender I ���
<br /> , m;►y make proof of loss if not made promptiy by Barrower. ''
<br /> Uc�f�:s.s Lendcr and Borrowcr othen�vdse agree ln wridna.in�iunncc procecds shull bc applicd to restotation or repair of thc .�
<br /> Progerty dnms+�ed,if the ressomdon or repair is economicnlly fcacibla and Le.�der's socurity is no3 ie.4sened.If thc reswrettan or =.
<br /> � • re�air is not eco�nics�lly feasibla ar Lender's security would be lessened,the insur�ance proceeds shall be ap�lied to the sums j�;
<br />-.� � stxured by ihis Ssxurity Insuument, whether or not thcn due, with any excess paid to Bnrrowcr. If Borruwer ubandons the ' . . ,;;i�`'
<br />-Y�� o•;•.�,.,,_•�•-
<br /> Pro�:ty,or doss nos enswer�vi�n 30 dAys a nodce from i.�nda that the insurance cur�ier has offered to seule tt claim,then ,..„ __
<br /> �'- I,cnder may wllect the insuran�c�z�oceeds.Lender msry use Ihe pro�.,eds w cepair or restore the Property or to pay sums secured ����"--°'_
<br /> - ° by iMs Security Insaumeat,whether or not then duc.'It�e 30-day perEod wIll begin whcn tha notrce Ls given. • �.,.��?;f�;.�-,
<br /> � Unl�ss Lender and Borrower othe.rwise a�e in wrinng,any npplication of proceeds to principal shallll not extend or postpone '��
<br /> - tho due date of the monthly pa}nnents refured to u�parogr�phs 1 and 2 or chunge the am�unt of tho payments.If undu parngraph � �._,�_;'°`�';'x"�`"'
<br /> 21 the Property is aequIred by Lr.nder, Borrower`s rigat to any insurance�rulicirs�u�u pcua�ccis rwuiung uum ci;ur�age to U�e ;,c,•„���"`.
<br /> ,•� Fro�.rty prior w tha�cquLsi6on shall pass to l.ender w the extcnt of the sums secured by this Secruity Ins�sument in::mediately � :==_�
<br /> . prior to the acquisidon. , _ -`�-,„w,��
<br /> : .' .� 6.Qccupancy,IPreservatEon,MaiOteaance and Protectlon ot the P'rr�rty; Dorrower's 1.oAn Applkatbn;I.zasehokls. , .-_ _
<br /> ' Boaowci shall or.cupy.establish,and usc the�'aoperty as Bormwer's princi}�al res}dence within suty days aftar the execution of ` � � __
<br /> , . ,,,��;.
<br /> � this Sec�uity Instrument and shal�continuo tn occupy the Prop�ty es Borrowea's principal nsidance for at l;zst one year after the � N�� � �:{��
<br /> _--- — a P ��rrgra,nr�����Ir_.ce T r�tirr �thetw't.ee agte�c in WfltiII¢, WEtiCh consent shall not be unreasonablY withheld, or unlaas ��"� � .�"'.
<br /> . extenuatinng circumstar►ces exi.st wl�ich are beyond Borrower's canuol.Borrowei shall not destroy,damago or impair tl�e Propeity, �°`;�.•._� „'�!"-
<br /> all�w the Pmperty to dctcriorate, or camm�t �vastc on �he Property. Bocrowcr shall be in default if eny forfeiWre actbn or t.�..,,�i.: � �_� �� '
<br /> - procecding,whethar eivil or crinur+al,is be�n�at in Lender's good faith judgrnent could result in forfeiture of the Propaty or `'�°;ti" ,i�r`1t,.
<br /> � otherwise matetially impair nc�lie�c3eated by thls Securiry Instmment or I.ender's security interesi.Borrowcr may cure such a ,�';,��;•�
<br /> • , default nnd reinstate, ag providac� in�ua�mph 18,by csiusin3 the ac�on or proceeding to Ixs d3nmissed with a ruling that,in �'°'t�,�,�',
<br /> � ,,,i�•.:�j4,,
<br /> L,ender's good fai�th detcmiina8ur�,precludcs forfeitu�of t�c�orrower s interest in the Propc�ty or othcr material impaiancat of ±;�,�,.r"
<br /> tha lien crcatcx!by thL�Sec:uity Insuument or Lcnder's security intesrst Bnrrower sh�ll aLso be in default if Borrowu,during 1he •
<br /> Ioan application process,gave materially false aT inoccurate information or statements to I.ender(or failed to pruvide Lenda with ,•����.
<br />_ any material iaformatian) in conn�don �vith the losui evidcnccd by thc r1ot�. including, but not limit�;d W, rcpresentations '' '`"`"''"� �
<br /> conceming IIotrowe�'s occupanc;r af the Property as a principal residence.If this 5ecuriry Instnunent is on a icuSehold,Borcower :����� -:.
<br />. ,''%, shall comply with ell the provisior�s of tha le�ue.If Borrower acquires fee dtle to tha Pro -,�.��,`}'' .
<br /> perty,the leasehold and the fee titl�e shall �"t��.,, —�,�
<br /> i ;1�:;; .�
<br /> not mergc unlcss I..ender agrees to the merger in writinB. � �
<br /> 7.Protectan of Leeder's Rights in tlia lIf'��perty. If Borrower fcWs to perfoTTn tha covenants and agroemenu contained in � y�.�r°!���'<'�°�-�'„-
<br /> tt�Securi Insorur�en�or there Is a le al �caediu�a that ma si icand affect Lender's ri hts in the Pro such as� ,: ":;s. r'����
<br /> y;,. ry 8 Pr Y 8�►� Y 8 P�Y( .�1�
<br /> '" ' preaeot�ing In bankruptcy.probnte,for condemnadon or forfciwrc or to enforca luws or re�a7adons),then L„nda naay do and pay •,�.�' ` h'��
<br /> !�1 - R' �'L
<br /> .�•'>>•:� f' .�•. for whataver is necess�y to prot�ci tho vnlua of the Prope�ty and I.ender's rights in ihe Property.Lcnder's acaons may include ':�`;�'' , .., ;<�-
<br /> � ° .,,., ,.� ti .. .
<br /> ��tir;� � , : � �
<br />_ ' %�' , P�Ying a�y sums secund by a licn.which has priority ovar this Secu.�ty Instzumen� aPPearing in mourt� PaYing reasonable . . �rsr��.,....:-
<br /> �; attomeys' facs and entering on the Property to meke repairs.Although II.cncier may Wce xdon undcr this paragraph 7,Lcnded � . ��'�'��`���'�'
<br /> �� does not havc W do so. ���i";:�.�.".:
<br /> . My amounts d'ubursed by 9rander under this paragtaph 7 shall bocome addlaonal debt of Bo�rower secured by this Security � ;.�r;y?q ��a�-�� '-
<br />- ' , Inswment Unless 8orrower ��cl I.ender agree to other u�ms of paymen� these amovnis shall Ix�ar interest from the datc of �,� �� ,
<br />_ � dlshursement at Ihe Idotc rnte s�nd shall be payable,widi intcrest,upon notice feom Lender to Bocrower requcsting paymenG � `
<br /> � 8.Mortgage Iesurauca If Lender requiced martgagc insuroncc as a condition uf making the laan sccurcd by this Sacuriry �
<br />�„ Instrument, Barower shall gAy thc prcmiums rcquircd to maintain the mongct�e insurancc in effccG If� for any reason. thc � �
<br /> '- .. " � mongage insurance covera,ge�o3a�ired by Lender lanscs or ce�ses w be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br />�" � o b t e i n w v e r a g e s u b s t a t�q u ll y e t i�ivalent to ti�u mo rt g a ge U�sitr,ance praviousl y in effect,�t a cost substAntially eq�ivalent to the '��'�,
<br /> s .� •� ' cost to Bomowcr o�ckse mrnztgage insumnca previousiy in effect, fran an ultemate mortgage ins�er�cr approved by Lender. If - •
<br /> , substantiully equivu4ra�t inort,gage insumnce coveragc is not availoblo,Bmrosver shttll puy to Lender each month a sum eqcuil to i .
<br />" • ot�c•twclNt of the yearly mortga�e insuranca premium being p�id by B¢mvwer when ihc insurance onvuegc lnpsad or ccascd to
<br /> bc in eflEcct. Lcnda will aoc�r;t, uso and remin thcse paymcnts as n loss n;scivc in li�u of mortgage insurancc. Loss reservc .
<br /> ,. ,
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