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<br /> r.�a �d., ._..- . _... .....•-- . _. _ .. '{ o� .
<br /> ..F�' :':rII:i'�rv:'G'=�—_'�.lh • '° _—_.. . . . -'"'. _
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<br /> '_;��i,p���i-^ . .... __
<br />..�,rr'k�/:as.le:+%-. c � . —
<br /> _�- -�--�� THI9 INDENTUR2�, madQ t.Yiis _„�, day' o£ Febru�ry, 1995 ° _
<br /> ��`°� between MENARD, IN�'. , a Wi�cor�r3�.n corpor.ation, heretnafter ., , . .
<br />-°���x:�_ rEEerred to ae Gr�nr�x, an� TIi� I(TT CO•, INC. , a Nebraska I . __ _
<br /> =:�':;�_.�+lr+:�a,�.
<br />=--�,���-��:. corporation, herein��ter r�f�rrecl to ae Grantee. __
<br /> -'�+�,�^�mr-d:{ -_(_�
<br /> �.`!'::�'.'va..r �•.
<br /> ° ' �� �� The Gr.antor, fA� an�l in cc►n�►iderdtion of the dum of one , , �
<br />,�ryT7,� ^ir '�' , ,.� .
<br />= r'"�`�a,y`"^�ys` dollar (S1.00) and oth�r valu3b].� coneider�tian to it paLid . -.�.�.. . ; ��•;;
<br />_�. ...i.AF4.,.p .. L1C�8 . 1`�,"'J
<br />�'�.,�•r,�:��� '''}�� b�/ 4rantee, thE receipt wYi�xe�£ ia hereby acknowledged,
<br /> :_�,�`7: , [, Jr �' '.:i°`` _
<br /> T-l..''.•:: givPn, granted, ba:cg�ined, �uld, remieed, releaaed, aliened, �_ � '.��,-,.—
<br /> ����'�:`•'F��� and con£a.zmed, �nr.1 by �hese preeente does gi�ve, �.�=y___.
<br /> �.� .� convcyed - - _—
<br /> ..L'_'•r;::`• -
<br /> � grant, bargain, sa��.� ren�i.ae, xeleaee, a�iez�, convey ar�ci �,i: , �. jj���G .
<br /> '��::`�`•�r„�� confirm unto Gran��e, th� fo].].owing deecribed real estaze �� � ; ,��
<br /> " (the "Praperty") , A:���xated in tYi�a C�un�y Af Hall, State of : ;;t �.r=:°r.=,:.
<br /> ��:::�+?t,�:, �,.,YA na�r��eularly d�^c�e:�ilbed ae followa: ,,���'_�_"-E'�-=--_'�'--=�
<br /> _ ^'�. i3nLra�:;w, ,. S.— _
<br /> .j.i�N:.L. ,��s "�����'.�"-':'-
<br /> :., Lo� k'our (4) , M�n.ard Subdi��iaion, in the Ci�y of .;'',`;�'�.`°-
<br /> Gxand Island, Ha11 County, �Tebraaka. ��F.�,'�;�r;x�-=�
<br /> �.� '`-'� --
<br /> ���i..wny _.
<br />., - j .� �•. W" .
<br /> Together wi.Y,h al]. �ncl siii�ular the hereditamenL-a and ,.;.,�:�:,� „!
<br /> '. r ` appurtex�ances th�:xeunto be].onging or �n any way -:;;.�. � ; '� .,�,�:
<br /> •*'.•. �Fr�r�aininc,t. ��'a :�rt•
<br /> .. ��• r/tt�9�J1 ,. �ra�..
<br /> " _�� To have and �o hol.d �lac� I�roperty ae above deecribed �-.
<br /> •• �'�,• with the hereditam�nt� and a�pLi�^tenancee, unto Grantee and �'�"��'=
<br /> �.�:;
<br /> .,��,��' to ita eucceesors aizd ao�igna fnrever. ry`
<br /> .,: ;.,�.�
<br /> . :.,���,�{ . •
<br /> +� ��'"�`���g This conveyance ie make ��.1b j ec� to building and zoning ���� �
<br /> ,�.;� ..
<br /> -`"'�''�'01'�'" l�wa, county ax�d munic�.pa1 ord3nance�, etate and fedexal � _
<br /> ,.�.,,�; ��; .,
<br /> regiilations, e�e�m�nt�►, covQnante and restri.ctions �f ,�,, ,,'
<br /> Y�'y�����.��� record, and the fQ],lowi.z�g
<br /> cavenant which Grantor ahall .,;a,y ;�,
<br /> � � - �;:.� reser�e for ita u�e and tYiQ use o� its eucceseore or �� . . � '
<br />..:;^'. �.��,.�� aeaigne, ae an ap�uxt�nanc�r� ta the Proper.tY: �;:=-� �
<br /> w_:��_�:��.�,.�, � + . �.�.
<br /> ..,r..�.�:_--
<br /> ""�""`f'"�'"a`"''�' ` Approval anc'a 3ite Dave.logm��nt: In order to ineure
<br /> 1.���.
<br />=�`'`�A'"�'�-�y��.�'� that the axea con�istinq of Grantor's adjacent ..�..,;,,,;.� �
<br /> "-��°-�~��° � �rty ie developed and ��'�'�"' �
<br /> --_.rt�.�'��__ pxaperty ana tho Prop . .,�- :� .�:
<br /> _,'w_Y;�,�,� . .
<br /> . maintained ac� a cohealvQ development, that the �,I , ,� ";
<br /> - '��' deve].opmen� of th� ProF»rty does not have a `.,,, ., ;'��;
<br /> ma�erial advexse impact u�on the vieibility of �he �"� �.�
<br /> -.� � I ' Gz�antor'e p�:operey aizd that the parking, access �•- �►„ . ,_
<br /> ``� +��.'� ; a n d c i r c u l a C i o n a r e�a c�n accommodate an orderly � � �""
<br /> _ , + :�..,. =
<br /> -.., ..::5r
<br /> �" `- , �..; flow of tr.affi.c to �►xi3 f.rom the respective i �� �
<br /> ;-:�•� ���•�� �� itr� successors and
<br /> ;_ �.,�,;�:,_ .�• properties, the aranr.or., , ,
<br /> -.�•:.M'�`��"�, reae�rve the right to approve or � .
<br /> asaigne, ` .
<br /> .�.:�"` `,; dieapprave, in writing► the plan� and
<br />` ,,,,: ���. '� e�ecificatione�, for C3xan�e�'s developm�nt of the ;
<br /> �4;:;�� ����''t,:°�� ° property. Hc� bui.lding, aL•ructure� J.andecaping ar
<br /> •� � � = `� o�her improvement shal.l. be e�ccted, matcrially
<br /> •� �' altered ar placad uZ�on �h� Praperty unle�s the '
<br /> _.:"'j�-:"�� - " plane, epea�.Eicationc� �nd ��.tie development �lana �, :.
<br /> ;;.�;;`t�:�,�. _,� °-� � are compatibJle in sL•ylQ and agpearance with the 'I
<br /> �;�JGA!'•�`` /"� .� Menard etruc:L•ur.n and �re of good qua�ity and
<br /> .., �. . � .
<br /> ;'t'i-. ,;�_�.: et�u�turally sourid. Grantor ahall approve or
<br /> --' � - - �.�•" - digappiove C3�ari�ee's p1�nB or epecificationa '
<br /> ,••': '
<br /> �.�,�� _'_�� ' ��thin thirtv (30) c��+ys after such plang ar
<br /> __::,.�� �
<br /> .:;�:��,- � s�,QCif icatiazie� have b@en �ubmitted to it and --_------ - -�
<br /> -��' �� �ailuY�e to a�prove �+r�a:l.l constitute approval .
<br /> _=,;_... .�.
<br /> - � Thzs reetrir:Lion shall run with the land for a
<br /> � .;x„- period of tw�nL-y (20) yQaro.
<br /> .. >,
<br /> -_��� � _
<br /> �_.
<br /> _ ,,,
<br /> ,.,, : . .
<br /> : , . „ ,,.. .
<br /> :��tt ;.:`;, . .
<br /> ,a.�'�•,� � !
<br /> :: :•t
<br />_``
<br /> .. , _ -` � . _...J.
<br /> i.:� . + ... . . _ _ .
<br />