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<br /> biOR'I`QI�GE � G�� �.�(�`�� . ' !
<br /> �Is Mortgage la entened inko between• L9�y��Slei n Anrl Rn�r?n� H_ K1 P�n Y � d
<br /> husbnnd and �ife_ (hereln"MartQtgor")and i ��
<br /> Five Points Bank,__;a Nebraska Corporation _(heretn"MortQaQeo•'). � �.,��
<br /> �
<br /> Rlort�tgor ia indebted to Afort�sQee in the principd sum of� 4505.50 ,evidenced by MorkgayoP's uoto � s
<br /> dated ��bYi�B�v �Q,� 1995 (►l�m�r,"Note")proviciinQ tor paymenW of principal m�d interest.wlth the balance of the � �4�
<br /> _ _ lndebtedness,it not aonor�fd,das cncd pay�blc on.. �• •���i�.,W �.Z, 2QA� . I • •
<br /> :� :�;�:
<br /> 7b serure tho p�yment et thr t�ata,�v5!?�lnCarent as provisled theruin,the payment�P.aEl Qebor sums,aith Intorest, � ',',�:�
<br /> advanced by Mortgsgec to protect thr securSty of Qteis Mortg�ge,�nd the perfotmarzce ot the covennnts And agreements ot � `
<br /> tho Mort�gor containod Aereiu, Mattg,agor dces hereby mortga�e and convey to Mortgaeee W�e following described ', �'
<br /> property located in NQ>> .—.r Cour�ty, Nebnska: I '
<br /> I.ot �elve (12) in lilock Three (3) in LaHeighte Second Subdivision� !
<br /> ' Hal� County� Nebraska, bc�ing part of the NW�NW� Of Section 11, . •.
<br /> Townehip I1 Norch� Range 10 West oE the 6th P.M. , ' „
<br />- 1 �
<br /> � .-,�--
<br /> ,
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<br /> ,. �,�{�_
<br /> ��r� _
<br /> r��� ,
<br /> _ �+�� : -=
<br /> �
<br /> • Together with dl buildinga,improvements,qxtures,etreets,elleys,pusagewaye, ea3r�nents,rights,privilegea und I �"`�`'�''�'�`�
<br /> , ,'1';r.��;;:
<br /> apputtenances located thereon or In Anywlse pettalning thereto�and the rnnts,Issues �nd pro�:fZs,mv,erslons and remUnders ;'���3;
<br /> thereof;Includiug, but not limited to,heaNng and coollnQ equlpment end such peasonal property that Is attached to the
<br /> Improvemente so as to constftute a ilxtum;ell of whtch,including mpl�cements and�ddltlons theteto,is hereby decluod •��, �
<br /> �� to be a par!of the real estate secur�e�l by the Ilen of thls Mortgage and Ul o?the totegoing befng referred to hereln u the ��'•'•'�
<br /> ,;�•;. �-
<br /> ��pro�rtY�,, i; �
<br /> Mortgngor[urther convenants and egrees,wilh Mortgagee,as tollows: : . � '. '
<br /> ; ` '
<br /> �tif
<br /> 1. P�ymenR 'fo pe y the ln�tebtedness and the interest thereon as provided in th[s Mortgnge anG the.Noie. ��` � . ;.,�;,'�, �
<br /> ';:.`i;{' . .
<br /> � 2. Tttie. Mortgagor Is the owner of the Property,h�s the dght and authority to murtgage the Property,�nd .�;�,, � ,�,.f�
<br /> ' wemnta that t!u Ilen ci+eated hereby is a tint and prlor Ilen on the Property,except es may otherwise be set[orth herefn. •;�ti' ' '-••-=�
<br /> ' �' -i rr,ys '�
<br /> B'I1ie Ropexty te subject to a Moztgage wherein F;��p Pa+axs Hw�ti ,'���<�'"^�-�'i`
<br /> Doc l�X�x 10�5 3 of the Mort a e Recoids of ufl�� Coun
<br /> b tho Mo:rtgegee,newrded at Bi61��c',Y� XK�YiI�_ B B �Y+ � f='
<br /> Nebraska,whlch Mortgtpe is a Ilen p�lor to the Iton created hereby. �
<br /> .i� •
<br /> �
<br /> O Othor prlor liens or encumbrances: :t;;,f
<br /> . �:
<br /> .�. �
<br /> ��::;.;
<br /> ;�.,:.,ti.���
<br /> f • _
<br /> ` � .I ��•!''Y�r�
<br /> ' 8. Taxes, Assescments. To pay when due ali tsxes,special essessments and all other clurges agalnst the Property �
<br /> ` . � and,upon wdtten demtnd by Mortgagee,to add to the payments mqulred under the Note aecured hcreby,such unount us
<br /> ` m�y br.sufficicni to en�ble the Morigagee to pay such toxes,essessmenta or other cherges as lhey become due. � � :.:�,• • , .
<br /> � I �
<br /> � 4. Intt�ance. To keap the ImproQOments now or hereafter located on the mal esiate desedbed herofn tnsured I , -
<br /> �gatntE danoge by flr�'and�ucG other hrzarde a�Mortgagee may cequira,tn amounts and wltl�companies cccenteble to tt�e � ` ' .;
<br /> � Mortgigee,md witl� doss pay�bl� to the Mortaagee. In caae of loas under cuch poltcles the Mortgagee is�uthorized to I
<br /> �djunt, wllec! md campromitu�ta ita discretton,all c�nlms thereunder et it�sole optlon, nutl�orized to eltiter epply the ;
<br /> , proceeds to the tr.stor�Uon of the Property or upon the lndebtednesa eecured dereby,but payments henunder shaU com �
<br /> L1nue•untll the eume secured her�by nre p�l�(n tuq. - �
<br /> ='� 6. O F,�crow For Teucea�nd Insurance. Notwlthstauding auything contained in pua�rephs 3 and 4 hereot to the � `
<br /> ;� contruy,Mortgi�or shtll p�y to the Murtgagee et the time of p�ylnp the monthly Installm8nte of pdncip�l and Interest, �
<br /> r � nna.turultth Ot�}1D veutv tncea_asarssments.6aurd Insurance oremiums.�nd�trouad rents(if anvl whlch mav attaln n
<br /> —� priotl4y over this MurtQ�ge,all es renson�bly eatimated tYom timo to time by the Mort�t�ae.'Thr amounW so paid stidl be �
<br /> �� 1 hetd by the Mart�aQee without Interest nnd epplled to the psyment ot the Items In mspect to whtch such emounts were �
<br /> I depostted.The eums p�ld to biortgagee Rurnundar are pledged ua idditlon�!securfty tor the fndebtedness secumd by this
<br /> Mortg�ge.Mortg�gorshdl pty to Mortgagee tlte amount oi any deficiency betwean the actu�l taxes,�ssewmenta, Insurance
<br /> ;:;.�_ � premiun�s and¢mund cunts and tlie deposits hernunder within 10 days atter demand is made upon Mortgagor requestfng
<br />'.�T � payment thereof.
<br /> } � 6. Acp�fr,Melntenance end Uee. To promptly repaSr, rnstorn or rebuild any buUdingu or Imptovements now or
<br /> - �,. • hereafter on the Property;to keop the t'roper6y In good condltlon nnd repair,without weste,end itce ttom mechanlc's or '
<br /> -, other Ilens not cxpressly subordinated to the Iten hereof;not tu meke,suffer or permit any nulaence to exlst,nvr to dimin•
<br />: i� lsh ox Imptlr the v�ue ot lhe Property by ony aci or omtsslon to act;and to comply wlth all rnqulro�nenu of lew with
<br /> I� [rapect to thv Ikoperiy.
<br /> 1 .
<br /> J
<br /> I��
<br /> -:7,
<br />