. ;,..•,+.,�.,,.��.. ,___ . If1��M1M�-
<br /> .� �. ,. . �y •�fW«�����•
<br /> '�;��.��.�i A;va�+F'.'S: '- . '�1 " . . . . . ...•.'. _
<br /> � a�s., :,+4'yq��+�N�^:'tat���-. .i.' '., t^�;y«.: .,,
<br /> ' �,�, .�� .. -- --- -- }::y-=- � -
<br /> ____..r. .e..-,.,�.:, __��'�'.�'�`�:�._'��._
<br />-— — ---- - --
<br />___..�__...._�.__�.,--_�.u$...art*'+a'n"ci%_...�':;'i:TM.r'� ..°�=:f�,:.."^'.�.`�..= '��rf-�n.r.t!�w._r.,r� .,,�-_-
<br /> gnK�aw�a��x�:u���tt�r�'onee�anisn: ���'��►� j.��.,
<br /> Corrc.°.�o '�ri,:!:�in►�.iaiicrete�;d11i111;eU_cunionUhellha[Sarrcr.aronraRDOU11oo�ecut�i�nOceAcfYn!alendncterort�ep��ndthRtlheDCwrroleelopro•rl�aA
<br /> f0►lil lhi l?11Ft1 a1�niKl ptr,rFdOAtvullt.n141lydifUr�n�riphte anll obllp�tl0iu to l�!E30rr6+t�ra ohrn e mDSipepe lnliiee�•¢r.1 p1 p doi¢uIi or h�sT.�h nt o;:"�stlan unC:.r iRa
<br /> po�il u�T�utt,l�t�ili�df��i�,bui no111m1!eA lo.4n�l�nd�r's rlphl lo hrve Ih�Re�l Properly soid by Ihb Tru�t�o withoul eny�udlc��l p�oCtedln�or foraClo3uro.HorrOx•tre
<br /> npr�nl MW w�:rnnl thlll t►il�kknowl�dQ�morA w���x�cutW t,y Ih�m ONoro ltw e.r�cutlon oi lh!DMd ol Tru�l. '
<br /> `:,..
<br /> ���
<br /> ��^ Rprfovr�r ��� ���_
<br /> 1r.•.r
<br /> Bo�rown d°��
<br /> ����
<br /> PREFACE TO QEEQ OF TqUST �°��.,..
<br /> ,. �,`_':1".'
<br /> COk1�4RY!k.M�NotltM ONI.Y N Me nN preperry due�l]�Y oon�bM W IMDIV7pUA1.LY QWN[D AGIIICULTUIIAL LAMD. ��
<br /> H appllsabSs,ca:r.pMl�O!!LY OM!Rtkttr A,S.a C: F'^�'
<br /> �I�ii�
<br /> Th�Oprrow4rp)nr,knowNApNMllheyw�houlloex�cutemeloNowlnpD��dolTru�tupanth�real�ctat�d�tcrlbedlMnln.TMBorrow�r(e),[nde�chollhemll _ -.
<br /> mar�IhRn oM�dohtrqbYd�at���m 1h01r ripht ta 4�slpn�l��homealead purau�ni fh�reto.No part of Ih�hom�staid o1�ilMrot lh�8orrower(t)Is pnNnliy e�will Inl�� __
<br /> �ulunb�fiiu�IMUpun�R�dre�Uat�te.Th�Burrowu!�)underat�ndthalllelthereatabllshee[homeste�don�nypnlol��idredesUtsdudnpihetlm�IMDeMolTrud =_.
<br /> r�m�In�untPtl�fFW�nA�U�n u W n�ald ntl�st�t�.lh�n thall b�no rlpht to make a deeipn�tlon ot homestecd In f�e event o1�lonctotun or tru�t�e'o��N with ntpat to
<br /> wIJ ONd o9 Tru�l
<br /> U 0. WMV�11 MlIfCiMTTp D0f1�dNATe HOMLtTEAO: -
<br /> Th��errower�»�r.Krtowt�dp�lAallh�yaree4ou11oewecutotnelollowing0eedolTrustupont�ereale�tetedescribedtnereln TneBOrrower(��,end�achotlhemll
<br /> mor�lh�n��ne,do hpr�pY������hNr rlphl ta doalpn�le e hort�esteed pureuant thereto.The Borrowor(a►underst�nd Ihat Ihey Aavs th��Ipnl to r�ks o d�llpn�tion ol
<br /> �qme�tarnandth�lbynxeCUt�nplhlnwalve�,Iheynrew�ivinp��gntootnerw�aeovaiiabtofor�hapurposeolallortlingthemtheopportunitytore�e!�lhetrhomef�a�dlnth� _�,—
<br /> �venl 01�,1N�u11 upOn thq,pesd o1 Trual.
<br /> Pl r_. nsw�nNaT�q�i ne HOM�STlAD: __---
<br /> PurOU�nttpStMfp�mHOmastendProtoeNonACt�Soction76•1901otaeq.Rev�sedStatuteaolthoStateolNe��esk��,theBorrqNer(e�,doherabydesl�n�atelh�real �.-
<br /> propfrty d�S�r10M)In 1tM"plflpnatl0n ol Home!!!ed"etl�thed her8to�nd IncorporatOtl reln Oy lhis relerence
<br /> 8 �owar
<br /> �ordon D. ira�
<br /> � n n n �0 i
<br /> S�lly . Gr�e� �
<br /> THIS pEF.D dF 1RUST,re ma0e ae ol Iho g�day o� _rt'bbn 1Ji�14� by antl omony�ne Tru�Mr. _,_,
<br /> ��or.don D. �r�f and Sally ���. C�raf fius ct c� T�if'e --- -
<br /> wKO3o�nil�ing 0 drA !n �.�.6 �'�_���L,�_ --
<br /> llo�hnn, �� E?h]'���r�n�W��'I.IheTrustee. ._.]�'�1�F--G?�--�D17- �1c7T-��---- -_.-
<br /> whosvmtliingaddret+�s �s�.a.'34�_J?a._Doniphan�_"'ebraska_.��$�2 ,� �ne�e��•�Trostes7. �`-
<br /> andltl��en�l�c�ery,_i�11�L-Af-�OX1L �Yl —�----.---- �. �•_
<br /> P r-..----�----- � / r!� �:,:
<br /> whor.P m�fling addrou i� P.,Il.Ac�3F...�o1la.pb.�n�_?'����,i:L�SL�c���_ (h�reln^tenaar"�. ���
<br /> FOfl VALUAf�IQ GONSIOERATIpN,lncluding Ihe�ndabtedne�s identd�ed herein una Iruat herem crea�ed.lhe recetpt 4f which Ie hvreby eeknowledged.Borrower
<br /> he�67ytrrovqt�hl��p�nnt�.Ueneleie.conveys and ass�gne to Tru,tea.IN TRUST.WITH POW[R OF S.4lE.�a Iho boneW nnd aocunly o1 LOndo�.undertnd eub�ect to t�e �''
<br /> le►m��nd COndittOn�hEminatler nol foith,lno reat D�apaitY•desc�ibed es 1o11ows �'���
<br /> �;:._
<br /> �..
<br /> 'i'he; aotith�aest QuarL-er {S?�l;) of SFct.i.on Thixteen (13), Tovmship '�_
<br /> �!:i.nc (�) ''ox��h, Rari�e 7'eiz (1�)� '�Test of thP 6th P.��I., 1ia11. County� ., ����•
<br /> i'ebra,�lca. znd '�
<br /> ��� �
<br /> 'I'hc '.�lr-„,t ira�.f a� thE '!ortheast �u:�rter (T:r':�'�;�) of. Section T:�irteen (i3), �� °
<br /> Torrnsh:l.p :'i.ne (9) :orth, Ran�e T�n (1�)� :°,est of the 6�h P.:d., Jialt
<br /> Cqianty� '!ebraslc�.
<br /> Tnp�Iher wllh etl bulldings.improvement�.IIMluree,streete.nileye,po�sapowoya.oesemeNS.r�ghrs.pr+vtle4o�end appurtonencos loeatod Ihereon or In enywiso
<br /> pQ/telnlny lhMelo.�nd IhOrents,ialu!!enA profib,reverelon!nnd remulnden Ihereo�,inch�dlnp,bul not umiti?d 1�,honting and cooling equlpment e�d{uCh perbonat
<br /> pro�rty th�l le�H�Ch��l tp Iho Improvamente�o eS lo conalltute e 11 Kturo:nnd logelher wiih U�e homesleed or marllal Inlero�ts.II eny.whtch ir lero�ro ere he�ebv�eteaeed
<br /> �nC w�lr�d;n1191 whkn,inctuding repl�cembnt�end addluon�theroto,i�horeby decla�od to be a part o11ha real estata socurod Oy the lion of this Oaed o1 Truet end ell ol Ihe
<br /> IorEpOing bNny.WErte�110 flerein AS lho"prope�ly".
<br /> Thlf Deed of Tr4a1 ehall eeCU�a(e)Ihe payment ol�he principel eum and intorosl ovl0oncad by BO«owor'a noto end/or cradlt�ag/re�emenl datod �b ruF11."�
<br /> b.r.i;,c;z�.__..__,hrv:n.q a mnturity dato ol�t3'1._S.'I17�L-'�,.�I�.l;��Ip fho orlglnal ar�nclp�l nmaunl ol S.._.Lilil.}.�-�.a.a2�nd sny�nd sll
<br /> mc�Ul�e�li0n�,lMl�nllqnf in d rYne�vatl Iheieot ur Ihorziu and ai�y und atl 1 W wo odvnncOS ond rCAdvnncos hareu�dur pmmm�t to ono br more proml�sary note7 or Credlt
<br /> �hr�ifm�tnb(hNeln r.AItRC'�Mole"�:(b)Ihe Dnymenl of W har�um�ndvnncad by Lendor to prolect tha sacur�ty ol lha Nota.�c)tha pertormance ell eovonnnl�end eprenmenl
<br /> of 8ortawnreetlo�t�he�ein:and(d)e0�ndebtednese�nd obligatione ot Borrowor to l.an0or whother tluect.tnG�reN,aDSOtute o�conlingenl end whethereriyln�by note.
<br /> puu�n�y.oreMretl c+atherwbe
<br /> Borrpwer,t0 DrolECt Ih16eCUrlty ol l�fe Ueed a1 Truaf.covonanis ontl epree!wlih Lnnder ee lollow�:
<br /> 1. I�ynKM 01M�inelpN w�(nla��t.f�anower ehall promptiy pay when duo the principel ol nnd Intoresl on.and any leo�or chargn!proalCad In,the Note or in IM�
<br /> Os�d of Trutt.
<br /> 7.. TnIi.90rrowArHtnRO�n[roltneProporly,hestharightandeuthorltytoconveytheProperly.endwarranl�tAnllhellencreetedhorebylealirelendpriorllenon I
<br /> thv!'roperty,except n1 moy otlterwls�bo eal lo�►h hereln.end Il�o oxecution end dellvery o�Ihln Deed ot Truei doee nol rio!a�o eny contract or othe►obtig�UOn to which
<br /> 8e�rowee i�eub�eet
<br /> 9. T�r�f,ANM�nMnl�.7u Day when due ell InMe�,speclel esse»ment�and etl olhe�cherpee egafnet the Property end,upon wriiten domend by Lender,to pay to
<br /> L�nd�r�uch�mounl��m�Y W autllci�nl lo�nnbl�Ih�Lendar to p�y such t�x��.��s���m�nt�or oth�r chuq��u thoy Oeeom�du�.
<br /> • Inwrr�a�.To kMp Ih�Property Inaured�pnlns�Aomape by��ls,haxertle tr:clutled w�thln It�e tarm"exlendod covorape",snd tuch nthtr hai�rdf�s LanC�r may �
<br /> rpu�a.ln�meunl�Mnd wiln eanpent���cc�pnC4 to L�nCer,�n0 w��n io�s p�y�bte ro m�L�ntler.in c���ol ibsf untler euen potieiee.�ha�eneer��authoAi�d fo�tl1uH. I
<br /> cct:;;,t:r,Gco;s,;;a�•�aa.:llcir6�tielhnraunderandehnnhevelhooptlonolnpplyinqellorpartolthe�naunneeproeeed�(qtoanytnde�ICdneaeeecure0herebyendlneueh 4
<br /> Utt1f��!I.Rnd�►m�ydlltrminl,(I1)tOlhe BOnowEr t0 be uSad�or lh0 repalr O�rC3lOrEllOn ol lha�ropetty Ot(l:l)10►Cny Othet purp0�e Or cb�act se�I�IeCto�y t011ndRr I
<br /> wll�out�IIlCtln�Ih�itldil nl lhtf UteA o1 Tru71 tpr Ihe tull amount aecured hereby beiore 6uCh psyme:N ev�r tooN plece.Any apC��calfon OI proceed�to Indebtedne7nlhali
<br /> nat�xtend or po�lpc�ne Ihe du�de�e ut eny paymenli w�der Ihe Noto.or cure eny deieult thereunder or hemunder.
<br /> 5. M�Mlfrt�wc�11��ein md Corry�H�ne�wllh L�w�.Eiorrower e�atl keep Ihe Property In gvod conB�tion anJ rapalr:ehnll promptly ropei�,o�rcplece any �
<br /> impror�menlwhl�AmayDed�mcpedordeetrayed;�hat�naleommnorpermitenywa�tnordelerloretlonollhaProperly.ehnlinolremnve,demm�ehoraub�tsNialtynqar i
<br /> Itny ollhf Improvem�nta on th�Pro0�rly;ehall not rommll,dul�er or permtt eny ect to be done In or upon Iho Properl/In violfstion ol eny law,ordlnrnca,o�reguleUOn:end
<br /> �►+���D�Y�nd P��mD��Y d��charp��1 kSOrrower'e coft�nd e■prnae Nl lien�.ancumbrancaf end charpea lerled.impo�ed or eesessed egainst lhe Proper�y or eny part thsreot. I
<br /> , f
<br /> ..�..... .. .. _... ._ . .. . .. .. ._. . ... .... .. .. .. . .. ...._. .. ,------ ..-- �.. --_ . ..._ ... '
<br /> ., ,ti. -. . .. --r. ,,.,K+z�--�cc...1v:�«h::..
<br /> +� . . _,. . �� " . �' .\�'�.�: � .
<br /> ,•
<br /> . �
<br />