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I n�mc to pay you�hc Amount Financcd in accordanre with ihc p�Nmcnt sc ic u c�:t �z-+�� <br /> ,..p..n.r �- --- - - - <br /> -�"�'?. forlh btlow,tu�ether wfth Intrrc�l ih:reon at thc�enu+�l�rtrce�W�e r�le dfsclo<.cc��bclow. <br />,�"°�� SUM&fARX OF SA�I.E:oa�:�a�.n����s��v•�+�:►x..A...4�.._ :.� g.���• � -- - <br /> 6�ov.vo �_��-----— <br /> .° -..." T�NaI cuh{xicc 3 �!.Z�:-- Cocb�tntaq down�.�ynxnt S-�.+$-C2....Z�-- ° Uupaid halancc of S „ --_ _ � <br />-- ��� ITFMI�ATI�N OF THE AMOUNT EINANCEU OF S�R'��-�•� � .�-� •- �'°�.�_ <br /> �,a.,1..,.:s ,� � <br /> � � � <br /> ���• S � ��Anwunt crcditcd tii ihis c�ntract(S�me amount nc tAo"Unpaid Cal:mcc.") � --- ---- <br /> �,z$����� S__ � ��O Anwunt paid on nat b��an«from pnnr rnntmct with you.(ejs ,��� to orisination fcc - --_ -_ <br />�-'.��'�' , '•'",�� Amount Fl paid to Mhtn an my bchsif: _ <br />•..���°*na��: ,� Od to ublic nfficials for�linglrcc�[ding ftcs �""° - - <br />--..; �'-: . S�,7 ....�,(�to insurance compai�y for CrcQit A.ife ins��mrtec ��•---- P � <br /> j;°�!� �*-� §��to insunncc company for Accidcm nnJ Hc;dih insurancc S�..�+-�-�o(Spccify) �-�.-.�����- <br /> �.,r.�::..�,�h�.>�{u�` v= <br /> - �`'.;:�ir:2,i��+1 � <br /> -��"� NN�JA1�. Amount�inanced Total oi Paymonts Total Sale PricE► -- - - <br /> .� <br /> �°=�`� pFFtC�NTAGE CHARGE 71ie amount�f crcdit 'R�e mm�unt 1 will ha�•c The total cust of my purchasc <br /> - ��p-�._�,: provid.�to mc or on paiA nRa�I ha�•c m�de ell on crcdit. incl�ing my dox•n __�_ <br /> '.,i��,�;ry� p�j'� iix�iallur cunuunl ltk n� beh�lf. payments ns schedulcd. __ <br /> r.,�., � •.� � Y ment of S_�S�,�k <br /> .�: ,,�.:_,�i rnedit will cost mc. 1'aY �7�-.�_=- <br /> -�-,,.,,.� 'IlK cust of my credit os u ,___ <br /> :�:;�:�.�°� y��y�«. � 3 , 2 s � �ry7.9.� $ � / C�39a �� q� -_- <br />_._ . :.�. � s, y �,a Jraa��. �o • ��>,»_-�. <br />-�,:,t,i�:a:�,..,�. . `.;�- - <br /> __.,.,�,.:.- Secu�ry:l.nm givins you: <br /> _.�.__.--_.,�C My psymcnt schrlvic will h�� —._.. _ <br /> ,;•...- — I. �secunty irtcttst In the g�ds,scrviccs and property ��_,-_: <br /> •.,.'�_;�^��,y� NmnberutP,pmenu Anwuntutf'aym�ni� WACn1'uymentsurcAr� btingpU�clt�secl.und �T <br /> �IS'=c__''_" <br /> ??�'a;;?:, Ist Payment � /�'� p First payn�em Qac np�roximately 30 days 2. a moctgage on my real cstate ai my"AnDRESS"below <br /> . �� aRer datc of installanon. and legally descdl�cd on page 3 hercof. !�-3�� <br /> :,r'•F»�i Fliin ecordln [ccsS ��� �� - <br />" ` All subscqucnt instnllmtnts on thc samc day of P� B -I�=Y— �� <br /> �+�<^�,� ��� - 7 q � ��� 3 cach conxcutive mcmth until paid in Pull. l.ete Chsrgr: If a payment is mote than(i(teCtl (15)Sayo <br />�'�•�''��••�•k-�. IIVSURANCF, latc. 1 wi!1 bc chargcd ,�i;U of thc installment pay��nt or - ��_ <br />>�'i��:�.;y_� Crc+fit life insuranee�nd credit tilsabW�y inwrance�rc Y�AT,rtquired to obtatn credit.o�id f 25A0 whichc�•cr is laser. <br />`::r�'_ , wil)aol 1►e pro�rlded unitso I s(���rtd�Rree to psy the wldidond cosl. prcp�yment: 1(I D�y off carly. 1 will,noi hace to{+��y,a <br /> �==�^'���, rype Prcmium Tcrm Sign�curc penal�y, and t may be coUUed to a mtuna of pan oi me <br /> .r r'-+ — � financt chnrge. <br /> ,,;,.;� crcaic r+rw� �� 1 want crcdit lite <br /> ,;. '�- . '.,.. insuranca s� •- ,��� . <br /> . :-., $ • r �, ---�► I will rcvictiv othcr ponions of this concrrct } <br /> � ...`:i,;,._� <br />^_,--?�.,'•%• +::, �7�,/� Q �����r for additionnl inforrtu�tion about non-pnyment,dcfnult,uny �q�y, ,;F. <br /> _,.,_�� .� requircJ rcpayment in futl bcforc thc schcduled datc,ami i �.�� <br /> ,���•� Cttidit Accident l want ctcdit nccide prcpayment refunds nnA penaltics. ,y,�;, <br /> _���� 1�Henl�h S ? /� und healsh insunn � .;��€; <br /> �.�"• �p �:�� - ��« 0[Rt�[19 YII!SN[I11It. �'� •����; �.� <br /> - ::ti•-� <br />.�i!Yf:�t;�-��.. _. , •,,"; '. <br /> „�. :r . `t=:� . <br /> MORTGACC:l hercby grant,bargr�in,sell,canvey and mongage to you,as Mortgogee, m�real estate at my 'Addrcs.s"below and as morc particulndy described 'a�� ""'� �' <br />�,."a.�.��t;r,' ' en page 3 (rcvtrse side)of this wntnct av sectmry for nll amounu duc tu you undcr th�s Installment Sales Contrac�und �iongage. I hcrcby grant to you a � �wi�' <br />���y�, power of attamey to inscrt the Iegal descriptioi�of my mal estate tse�eon nt a later time. �+� <br />'F'���s•' � ���-� '` AEyERSE SiOE: I UNDERSTAND TH�T THE ADpITIOMAI TERAIS AMD PROYIStONS PRIPi1E0 ON PABES 1 3 AND 4 OF THIS IN5fAl11MfMi SALES COt�TRNiB ,�•��p �r;` <br /> ` -``"�'°"'�"� �!!1 6 M O R I C A B� A N E A P A R T O F T H I S I M S T R I I M E N Y S A L E S C O N i R A C T AND MORT6A6E IUlD THRT 1 Alll DOt1ND BY THEIN. NOTICE: PROYtS{ONS Plti'Nfl1:C+ ��`J':f, <br /> .__,:,r:.:-. <br />'+e�'ti'r'i�'°"�" OM PACES 1. 9 AMO 4 C9M�RISE AOQITIOMIIL TERMS LIMITIN6 SELLER'S WARRANTY OBU6ATION. '�,�f .'j" <br /> 1z{��;�;,;,q�,��;�C?` ! NOTICE�CA BUYER � " <br />'�"`'��!%�'�"� 1. 00 NQT SICN 1lIIS COOiTRACT BEFORE READIM� IY OR IF IT COMTA9NS B�AlIK SPACES. 2. I AM Elf71T+lED TO A COPY OF THE COIVY�RACT 1 S16NE0. . •.}� .• • <br />'�'��"`''• ,' �. 1 MAY PAr OiF TNE FUU. BIUIINCE DUE UNDER THIS �OMTtGCT AT ANY TIME, AAD 11i SO AO1N� I IiAAY Bf E1�TITLED TO A REBATE OF TIIE • `. ,. <br />=�"t�'#'�t.-:� -U!YFJIRMEO FINANCE AND IMSURAMCE CHAR6ES (II ANrI. 4. 9 yNOERSTANC YNAT iNIS 1N5RR11�IEMT �� �ASED UP0�1 GA •11�ME SOUCITJITIQN 51LE AIID <br /> � ' ` THAT THiS IMSTRUMENT IS NOT NE60TIA8LE. 5. IT SNAII NOT BE IECIlL FOA YOU TO E�1?".E�R Mr PSt�MISfS URIAWF�J11'� OR COMMIT �M� BREIICN OF �� <br />_'+ f,-',:'"..� 111E �EACE TO REPOSSESS 6000S PIlRCHIISED UNDER THIS COl�TRACT. � � <br /> `�"`;�a;;.:u-�� BUYER'S RiG�T TO CANCEL �"'� <br /> -.:,�...:.:�.,. '��`�`�: .. <br /> ����.��:._�. . DATE OFeTH S TRAMSACTIONS(�AYE REIID 78E ACCO PAN IN6 NO ICE OF R 6NT�M0 C�!lCEI FORM FOR�AN EflPU1MAT OM OF THIS RI6HT)��ER TNE ! ... • ,.> <br /> -��""'�' COPY RfiCEIVEU: 1 ucknowJ�dge receip!of a completely filled in copy nf this contract along with t�vo (Z) copies of the Not�ce of Right to Cancel Forn. � <br /> .�'���'�._�s'k. p� . <br /> f-y,.`�r.;?,�.,�:�, _ <br /> ;x,:�,{,;;�;�q �: !N WITNL'S5 �9i18REOF, this Installment Sales Contrect and Mo�tgagc hns been signcd en this �� day of �fi� , �y L, <br /> , .,�;. ,;.:,k, .,2 I�J S � }�C�/►� /3 RL,S,�— ��� ��'f}� �S'L I'�•c' i'1�� z�p 8'�D . ,. <br /> .. BUYIfiK'S"ADDRfSS•• y Statc � <br /> . .�.�__.;� - . � ��� � <br />_... �� .�.� _ _ <br />_�_ ..y:y��� <br /> . ':�r?-" THE PACESETTER COHPOMTION�sr.u�- n�oxrc.�c�t:� <br />.._- .•T ..}y' IIUYER MORTOA(iUR I <br /> >. <br />- , ..,�.. ,� � e sn.� �Qs _ � <br />_ ;. .� BY� ��- i - � vaitrttoNnn�c <br /> . .:;.. � <br /> � � i <br />�-�'i'f�t . .....:.:r� i.� — . <br /> .:.��- . �RY Nt AriYf:) t RTG.� � .. <br /> .:;:;:•,. . " /M IRR-�' �' cS 1'r'�. Q13/�5 � .. <br /> -��, �. tt co-ouYen-vut+nw dnntc � ; <br /> ---�d- 1� �---. . . <br /> .-_� _—'__"'_ . <br /> aT- - sM•iui•N��onn PAGB 2 ORIGINAL FINAtvC1AL INSTITl7710N <br /> - k -'Yt�iq�..i� . . <br /> 4 �af •. �. " _ __.'_ _ _' '_ _'-�. .. __�,.__"........._ ' "'_..__. ._ . ... .. <br /> .� .. 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