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<br /> (1,507.2)fi�et to the nor�hwest corner af Busboom Subdivisian and
<br /> Ueing tlae ACTUAL point of beginning; thence deflecting left 88°
<br /> 00' a�ed ninning southeasterly a distance of'Twa Hun�red Forty
<br /> Five an�i Ninety Eight Hund��eciths (245.98) feee to tU�� southwest
<br /> comer af saia4 Busboom 5ubdivision; thence south���sterly at right -
<br /> angles t� tt�e: 1.-st descri�ed course atr�n� and upon t�;,�e
<br /> no�tha�esterly lin� of Secand Street, a dist��nce of�Four Hundr�cl --
<br /> Fiftg� �t�uu anr� Fifty Slx H�n�lrcciths �asa.56� fe�t; thence
<br /> a�e��hzv�r,�te??}���t�ght a�gles to said northwesterly line of 5econd
<br /> Utr�:ei a distan� of Tr,vo Hundred Thirty and Two Hurtdredths
<br /> (23U.(�2) feet to a point an said southerly praperty line of t19e
<br /> Uniom Pa�ific Railroad Company; thence northeastcrly along and
<br /> upan saicl property line which is parallel with and Two Hundred
<br /> (200.U) feet distant southeastsrly, as measured at right angles�
<br /> from the centerline of aforesaid�ast bound nyain track� a distance
<br /> of Four Hundred Fifty Four and 5sventy Ei�ht Hundredths
<br /> (454.78) fcet to th�ACTUAL paint of beginning and containing
<br /> 2.A83 aeres, more or less;
<br /> desires to have subdivided 1s a subdivision the foregoing tract of land locatai within the
<br /> carporate limits of thv City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and hereby submits to the City Ccruncil
<br /> of such City for acc�ptance as provided by li�w an accurate map ar� plat of sueh proFo.xcl
<br /> subdivision, to be known as HOCH SUBDIVISYON, designating explicitly the land to be l:�cd �
<br />, out and pa+rticularly describing the lots, easements,and street belonging ta s«ch su(�division,with
<br />- the lot designat�zl�y number, easements�ry dimensions, and street by name, and pr�ses to
<br /> cause the plat of such subdivision when finally approved by the Regional Planning Commission
<br /> and the City Cme�c��.i9 to be acknowledged by such owner, certi��ca as to aacura�y of�urvey by
<br /> a regi�t�red land surveyor, and to contain a dedicatian of the easements to the use and benefit
<br /> of public utilities, and of the street ro the use of the public for�ever. In consideradon of the ,
<br /> acceptance of the plat of said Hl�CH SUDDIVI5ION,the Subdivider hereby consents and agrees .
<br /> with the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, that it will install or provide at its expense t�te
<br /> folluwing improvemGnts:
<br /> 2
<br />_
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