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SI�CONU�FA1.�;��n,rr: t�oc��cac� �;��M�,�l��'a�;;�$ �== : <br /> , ,��_�;�'.�,�:. _..._ .._. .. o�, <br /> --- ----� KNUW nt.l.ME:N DY THI?SG PRL'SEN'Y'S: 1'NA'f t ar W�, Gharleo I,. & I,inda A. PorkinA, i�ueband and <br /> -Y.x„rr.°;:�4,'�•a! H i f o <br /> _'c�'_��� �p ���L County und St+etc of Nebraeku,in coriaidcration of ttu sum of���*�$J,018.QO���kline <br /> J �� Z'houdand 6lghteen und no�100**+�+�+�#*+�+� <br /> _,���,,,�,:� UOI.I.�lR,in hand paid,do hereby S I.1.�nd CqNVI:Y unta AM G�RICAN FAMII.Y�INANCIA�.S�RVIC�S,INC..(mar�aaqee),of <br />..,;:��,��rr.�u:� Douglas C�unty,sna tiince oP Ncbraeko,tr�e following descritx.d prcuiises situated in Hnll County,nnd St�to af <br />-===-- — NtDfAS1lN,!0•wll; <br /> � LaC 14 Scho�ls Sub klall CounCy Nebr.ueka <br /> ��r`� <br /> - -:� <br /> -_.....e....:.�J� <br /> _ �-�_,. <br /> ��s��. <br />-�����,� <br />: .a <br /> —_,��`�� ThIS fllOrt$p$C t9)Uq{QT IA: <br /> .:,;����;�� _ <br /> �_��� <br /> • "''"�' A first morCgage with Home Federal <br /> •a,;.'r�irti�';�r tNB(Bl(Ni!!Nl Homatcad Property. <br /> '"'��'�"�' The intention befng ro convey hereby nn absolute tille in fee simple including all the right�uf home�tead sr��dower. `� <br />��'°, ' TO HAVE AN D TO k�OLD ttic premises abave described,with all¢he appurtenanas thcreunto belonging unto the�ud mort�Eee or <br /> ^��!����, mongagecs and tp his.hcr or their heirs and assigns,forcver,provided uAways,ond these pnsents are upon the exprus candition tha�t if the <br />•;,'��(� stud mortgagor or mortgagors.hie,her ortheir heirs.executars,administratora or assigus shall pay orcauu to be paid to►he s�id mortaa�ee — <br /> or mortgagces und to his,her or thain c�irs,executore,ndminis.ators ar assigns.tha sum of�***+►�q,018.00�*�Nine Thoueund <br />''�';��s;��'' Ei hCeen and no/100***�** <br />- . Dol�ars,payable as follows,to-wir '('�,renky-kour (24) payraents aF s416.58 each <br /> = r ,'-i.x with interest thereon at 9.79 per cent per nnnum according to tha ter.or and effect of the on� proinis�ory note with intercst <br /> „-:-:��.fi -- coupons attacned oi saia iviongagors.bcaring evtn oaic wiin ihcsc prescnu,unu anali psy u11 isnca,i�i�u ioy ii�tcic9i c.i�,a,:��,:�u.-;tig <br /> n� - install�nents of principal,due on any prior mortgage and avsessments levicd upon said rcal estatc and all other tutes,levies an�t eacssmcnts <br />��' °i`'';�, levied upon this mortgagr,or thc note which this mortgege is�iven to secure,beforc the same becoma delinquent ard keep the 6uildinp oF <br /> eeid premises insured for the sum� 13,000.00�*** ,lose,if aoy.payable to such fitst mortgageea or this mort�aga,ox both. <br /> ��T �'.�.'� then thesc prcsenu bc void,otl�et� to he and remain in full force. <br /> -�••* :�n;r IT IS FURTHER AGR�ED(q That if the suid mongagor shall feil to pay such taxes and such interest on,or maturing installment�af <br /> '-�;�����;� ,..� principal,due on any prior mortgege�tnd prceure�uch insurance,then this mongagee may pny such taxes and such interest on.or mawrity <br />•T�;�,f:�,__�;_ installments of principal,due on such prior mortgngc nnd procurc such insurance;und the sum so advencod with interest at 9.79 Ixr- <br />";�;�?"•?;�a� ar�t ehall lx paid by eaid mortgogor,ond this mortgage shall stund ns security for the eame.(2)That n failure to pay c►ny of said money,eitBer <br /> _�_;'::•�__; pri�cipal or interest on this or nny other prioe�nortgagc,when the same becomea due or n fnilurc ta comply with any of the foregoing <br /> � -� ' agrcements,shnll cause tho whole sum of money hatiin secu►r.t1 to become due nnd coll:.ctibla nt once nt the option of the mortg�ga. _ <br />-�;�,;,':.'"�"'.-�.t. IT iS FURTHEk AGRCED That said mortgag-e,pendin4a foreclosure of thie mortga�e�nd after decrce nnd pending stay thes�on or ---. <br /> �' . <br /> . •:�,*� nppealtherefromandpendingsaleofpremisesmo►�tgnged,muypaysuchta.Xe.gandmnturin�interestormaturinginstnllmentsofprincipal,oA ;r,� <br /> - �••x�, �•y prior moRgxges,prooure such insurance nnd such sums sholl be udded to die umount duc on dccree nnd upon confirmt�tion of sale by tttc �`_� <br /> -"''�`" 'r�',.':''� court ordered taken out of proceeds of snle;or if redeemed durinp stay,appeal or sale,such amountsshall be collected the same uthoughit w <br />.=T;��•��«��r3?f wtre a pnrt of such decree. ",� <br /> ''�"*:' + �• ITISFURTHERA(iREED'tttatinthecventofdefaultof�nyofthccovennntsorcunditiunsofthisinstrumenttherenwotthepremi�e9 ��,'�: <br />::,r�, "� <br />�;y���;tir �� ate hereby atsigned to the Mortgngee as security for the payment of the indeUtedncss securad by this agrcement. :,i`� <br />;:�`��.� IT IS CURTHER A(1REED That diis Mortpage Notc shnll be Auc ond payablc if the property subject to tliia mong�ge is conveyed awayor r.'_ <br /> ;r.�•�,-. , if tide thercto sh++ll be vested in any other. ": <br /> r; �••- Signed tlus 2nd dny oi I'ebruary .19 95 % �•-•. <br /> � . in pr�sence of <br /> � � r <br /> i` �� j�.f� 7 ��• <br />,�'1R' '�•�,,•�,,.r ......���. ........................�..�.�..... �\��0��!••••• • • •••• .��............ �JEAI.� ., <br /> . .. . . ....... <br />___ WITNESS (Charlea L. Perki <br /> ,r � . <br />��� :�'.'�`+ ' _✓ <br /> _ -:`-�. �.� ........................................................ .. . .............. .............. ... (SF:ALI <br />.,���:-��,t;.:" (Lin a B. Perkins) <br /> :,,,� •,t� — <br /> ' STATE QF .....�lebx�slca... .. ...........County of........Hu1.1...................... � <br /> ��- � Before me,u notery public qualified for said county,personully cnmc Charles L. � Lindn B. Yerkina� huaband nnd <br /> � � -.. wif e (`" <br /> °"' ""� known to nte to be tlie identical person or persons who signcd thc foregoing instrument and ncknowlcdged thc execution thei•eof to bc his,hcr j <br /> '=°''r;=',`, or tAeir volunt4ry act and decd. �. i � <br />_�=F;;'t•v�.T.'�- � Z �f . <br /> ........c;., �, n ................/.�.�.,......... 19" .... <br /> =��,:����:^i:� GFME1tAlN0TAAYStttoof MeltHk� .S�/�r,19,..I..� .� <br />:k�i' !„ .... . . .... . .... • <br />_ -_ ---�� co tssi���s':`OtiVHODE•ii. ......... ry Public. <br />-'."`�- a�r I�yCOm.n iy� !!tl�2.1891 i <br /> . �- <br /> � __.----� - _. -- <br />, � ;.• - �. , <br />...:i.�}�'� <br />;,^:, : -: STATE UF ........................... � Entemd on num¢ index und filcd for rccord ' <br />�. ..:°'• � s9. m tbe gi ter of Dcecla OfGce of smd Cou y he � <br />'��,�'i�:; ,", County ........ ' Re 'e ' nt t <br /> , :�y ......... dav uf ...................... .19.....nt ..................... o'clock and ............,...minutcs........ M11., ' <br />--:. �." . nnd recordsdinf3onk ......................... of......................... atpagc ............... , <br />- � ......................................................................................................... Rcg.of Decds <br /> � <br /> .., <br />_,.. <br /> . .. By........... . bepuly <br /> �,���; � •�J T1#ISIIVS�'RUMENTDRAFTEDBY: .. <br /> -:;��ti:LL.`�� —. <br /> � � <br /> FS-05628(NE1 Ci_OS[D GNb.9�9t <br />