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<br /> WARF2ANTY DEELI � e�A � � --
<br /> q ,�1�D0'73� 6`'
<br /> Chri.?�t�an S. Mehra.ng, a ain37.e peroox�, �R1�W7�OR, in coxiRicle��at3.on af a
<br /> establa.sk�ment o£ a Crust, conveys Co Do:�ald D. Mehxi.ng, m�:ustee oE
<br /> Ct�r.ist�.am S. Mehring Truet, GRANTEG, the followinq deQCr�ibed re�l
<br /> e�tate (:�s defined in Neb. Rev. S�at. 76-2011 :
<br /> Undivid�d one-eighth intereet in a tract of land comprie-
<br /> ing �:41 of Lote Eight (6) and Nine (9) , GoneeCoga Narth
<br /> Subd3vxoion, Crand Iolar.d, :Iall County, NPbraoka; amd ..._..
<br /> that part of Block One (1) , Caneetoga Nor�h Second
<br /> Subdivieiono Grand Ialand, IHaI] C'ounty, Nebraeka, more
<br /> particula�ly� deacrib�d ae Eollowe: B�ginning at the
<br /> SautFn�;�et corner oE Lo� PJine (9) , Conep�oga North
<br /> �u�clivisian, thence eaeter�.y along the South line of Loto
<br /> Nin� (�) and Eight (B) , Conestoga North Subdivisi,on, a
<br /> distance of �hree Hund:�ed �'set (300.0' ) ta Che eouthea�t
<br /> COYIl�Y' OI ScZ.3Ci LOL r:l JI1C l�j i L�1Ct16:C n`�i.i�lici i j% �3c'�i a.�..�.�.�
<br /> to tk�e west line of eaid I,ot One (1? , to a point One
<br /> Hund�e�lNinety-ftve Feet (195.0') north of the eouLh line
<br /> of said Lot One (1) ; thence weaterly parallel to �he
<br /> south 1inP o� eaid Lot One (1.) , a dietance o£ Orie Hundred
<br /> Fifty Feet (�50.0) ; thence southerly pa.rallel to the West �
<br /> lin� of eaid Lot One (1) , a diet�nce of One Hunc�z•ed ___
<br /> Nin��y-five �'eet (195.0' ) , to the south line of said Lot R
<br /> One t1) ; thence we9terly along oaid soutti line of Lot One =_
<br /> (1) , a dietance of One Hundred Fi.Ety Feet (150.0' ) ; ��"=_
<br /> thence nor�herly parallel to the west line of aaid Lot ;�:;�
<br /> One (1) to the place of beginning.
<br /> ��:_.
<br /> Pg::r.
<br /> GRAN'�'0� covenants (jointly aild sevexally, if more tY�an one) with �.>_
<br /> �RANTEE that GRANTOR:
<br /> (1) ie lawfully aeised af auch real estate and that it i� � .
<br /> free from encumbrances except for covenants, restrictione .
<br /> and eaaemente of record, and except for obligations of '
<br /> record duP the Overland National Bank, Grana Ieland,
<br /> Nelaraska;
<br />- (2) has legal power and la•�vful authority to cnnvey the same;
<br />- (3} waz�rant� and wi7.1 4efend title to th� real e�tate against
<br /> the ].avaf_u1 claime of all persons.
<br />- E:cccuted January 20, 1995.
<br /> CI�i�.+,��. �• /�'�►� ..
<br />�- Chr.i�tian S. MQhrin
<br /> STAT� ON NL�BI2�SKA �
<br /> ��:
<br />_ 7'he for�3oing inaY.rument wa� acknowledged before me on January i
<br /> �C, 1°O5, �y Ch�i�tian c, tv�Ahr•;n�r, a Pinale nereon. �
<br /> r �
<br /> �
<br /> ������1�hMMNr� � �Iotary 1 c �
<br />= JAMES 1-5HAMBEflO �
<br /> M'y CYn�m.�0.SeDt.3.1991 j
<br /> I.
<br /> I
<br /> G.
<br /> - I
<br /> ��
<br />