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.ns' R•�,+.t � �. ^�.'t '� � ... - . .. <br /> . <br /> "..u. ..,. . - . _____ -.. <br /> Nss!Y.... ___' _ _--_-- <br /> � . __..._. . .__ . .-- <br /> �:>>_. <br /> ��•N- <br /> (��a-�1(�t�°y�� � -_. <br /> (�. RS.SIGNIN�:N'1'pF I.M:AtiEti. U�xin I.endcr's rcquc�t.tkurowcr�h�ti atisign to I.cixlcr:dl leasrs af tyio <br /> Pr�i��•ty;and cJl sccurity dc�x�sits uwdc in cunncctia►n with Ica�cs uf ihc P�operty. Up��n tNc assignmcut. Lcixlel <br /> �h;ili irwc ti�C riFht to m�Mlify,cxtc�xi ar tcrmin:llC III�1R1511t1�,' IC�SCS Eli1fl(U L'YCCUI{:I1CW IC:1tiCti, in I.c�xlcr's u�le <br /> diw.rc�iuu. A,u,i�J in U�is��:u,�gr.q�l�G,ihu ti.orJ"I::a:.c" shall m�3n":�ublca�;e"if�hc i�YUrity htsinintcnt i�;�,n _ <br /> n Icu�chold. <br /> 11. A�tiIi:NR1F:h9' QF REN'!'S; API''OlNTD1FN'i OF ItEI:[:1VER; !.�''.`:�FR 1N POS,SFSSIRN. ___ <br /> Ikurowcr ahwlut�ly a�xl uncaiNlitiunally astiigns mxi transfen tu I.e�xlcr aU tlic rcnts utxi mvcnucs("Rcnts")crf <br /> tl�c Pruperqy, rcbanlictis of to wiioni t0�c Rcnts o` thc Property :►rc p�y:�bie. Iiorrawcr ,wthorizes Lendcr or <br /> I.�+wicr'�a�cnts to collcct titc Rcnts,and agrccs that cach tcn,int uf'thc Properry ,ha10 pay �hc Rcnts to I.andcr c�r <br /> �A:I�I'Y��l l��t'.�1�h. OI0�46'L�CT, L'c�rmucr�:tiall mirivc Uic l�ents until!i)Lciidcr IiaS bivcn Fiorrowcr naticc of default .._,_,._, <br /> pur,uant a�parrgr,:nli 21��f thc Sccurity Insirumcnt:ncd liil l.�:ndcr has given nnticc to thc tcnantls)that thc Rcnts <br /> nrc�n M:paid ai Lc�xlcr or [.cnder's agent. 1 his assignmcnt oi'Rcnts constitutcs an absulute �►ssignnxnt und�xit <br /> aa a�signmcnt fur:Klditii�n:il�ecurity only. <br /> If l.c�xler givc,nutice of breach to Bano�ver:(i)al! Rcnts r�cciva:J by Borrower�hnll ttc held by t3ormwsr <br /> as trutitce fr�r thc benefit of Lcndcr only,to bc applicd to tBe sums��ccure+!by thc Sccurety Instn�ment;(ii)I.e�lder <br /> ,haill I�c cntitled w collect und receivc all of thc Rents of the Propcny:liiil���µ•�r agrces that cach tcnant�f tGc <br /> PmpeRy s?�all pay all IdcN, due and unpaid to [.ender or L.cndcr'�ascnts upun Lc:ader'� wiitic.n demand.o tha <br /> Icnant; livl unlcss t�pplie:th!•i.�v providcs othcrwise. all Rcnts collcctcd by L.ender nr l.�:ncier's agcnts shall t�e <br /> applic�i �ini to the costs oC ta:.�".� c�ntrol of and ntanaging thc Pmpeny and colleceing the Rents, including, but <br /> ix►t limited tu. uunmeys' fees n�xi�•er's fces, premium� on rccciver's bands, repair und maintenance costs, _ <br /> in,ur.►nce prcmiums,taxes, a�sc. -ments and oUier charges un the Praperty,aad then to the sums secured by tha <br /> Sccuriry Insn•ument;(v)Le�xlcr.Lender's agents ur any judici:►ily appointed rcceivcr shall b� liable to.tccuunt for --- <br /> only tho,c Rcnts uc[uslly received: and ivil I.cndcr si�all f►c cntiQcd iu i�a��c a receiti�cr appointod to ta{,a <br /> �ssc,siun uf anci managc thc Property and rnUcct thc Rents and profcts�3criva!from d�c Propcny withnut an�r <br /> ,hoN�in�:�s tu thc inadequa�y of thc Pmperiy as security. <br /> li'the Itents uf thc Property are nnt �ufficien[ tu coeer �he co�ty of'taking conaol of and ni�nagin� thc: . <br /> Pmperty:uxl of�v►Ilecting the Rents any funds expended by Leixler for such pu�u:s shall ttecome indebte�dnc:ss <br /> ...•�._.._.._.___.� <br /> OT BOTIUK'CP[O L.CIIUC�SCCUh'tl by[IIC JCI:UfIIy IR�IN(Tll'Rl pUi�U:tltl lV Vttuunu�.t�vc�wm �. _ <br /> &�rrow�er�rpresents and warr.ints that Bormu•er has not exccutai any prior as5ignmcnt of the Rents and has <br /> nut atxl will not Rcrfann any art that��•ould prevcnt Lcnder 1'rum cxcrci,ing it,nghts undcr this paragraph. --- <br /> [.etxier, ur Lendcr's agenls or a judicially appointed recei�•er, �hall nut be rcquircd to enter upnn, ta{;e. � <br /> m�nrol of or nraintain thc Pntipeny bcfor or aftcr giving r.oticc of dcfuult to Bormwer. Huucvcr. Letxicr, or <br /> Lender's agents or a jucficially appointed receiver,n2ay do so at any timc�chen a default occun. Any appli�:ation <br /> of Rcnts shall not curc or�vai��c:."ny dcfault or invalidatc any iilhc�riglit or rcmcdy of l.cndcr.This assignmcnt Rf l� <br /> Rcnts of tlic Property shall�cmiinatc whcn all thc sums�ccumd by thc Sccurity In�trument arc:p:iid in full. ;:, <br /> I.CitOSS-DEFAIII.,T PROV[SIaN. Borro�ccr's default or bm:►ch under any notc or agreement in which kx...:.. <br /> Le�ider h�s an intere�t shall be�bmach under the Securiry Irotrument and Ixncler may invoke any of the remediea� �_�" <br /> perntittcd by thc Securiry Instrument. 6�`_"�` <br /> BY S[GNWG BFLOW, Borrow•er acccpts and agmr.ti to the tenn` and provisions containcd in this 1-4 �y.:;. <br /> F:unily Ridcr. ��': <br /> n ������ � . . <br /> _����� v ������- —(3cal) � ��/��:ti'v� (Se',:.1) :. <br /> �.�. <br /> K�'10 D �'AlMRT -f3onm�cr N1C�111@I C �i`elll� �l3rnu��cr <br /> � - <br /> _ _ lSCall IS+:a!► •�, <br /> H�ttn���er •6�:rrn�rci <br /> � Form 31i0 319a <br /> �..�.Y�....._.. -- - __ sus�..cruws°�•�;'t�6;at,w.^..-.�. .. <br /> __ rq. .-_ . _ <br /> ...�.. - <br /> . �•- <br /> 7�:`,� �,7t� I Il r +� _— — - � <br /> 1 '7 � ':� <br /> .. _--_-..-."�^�_+JI�M�'�t1�T ��L�4 .. r4.�4�Y �S.t � , , ' .. <br /> -'�:7�cr{n�' s�-�'c-� r���r�'cw'..,i.t�G�..., .n _'-'-_ .. 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