J,n,4 4c�r� , . . ..r..'.r•.i-.....,. . . - 1: •7�uy � _.
<br /> �, ' ' ' ..�,.... -soci 1��.-1'ti: . . . . ._..
<br /> . .�, , . ����� ��...........,..... .. . . .. -__ — ____ ...
<br /> +wW�14uo.:r.v•.. •.,n« .... . .. � -- - - . . __. . .. ------—
<br /> . . . .
<br /> , ...! ' -. - . '. - . _..._._. . -- -
<br /> ��� :�... . __ sMl��l��'���.�.= ._�_�.�..
<br /> .-_. ;F�'-�'Sr�!ilY�T•�'u'----— -=^'�-�-'°--
<br /> _ . .. __ T-- -
<br /> -- ��-- �c�a� .
<br /> "�±�;: .. " - '� � 17. Tr�nstnr af th� Prnp�rty or • Ben�ellclwl itrNne# in BarrnMn�r. M �a+np ww't ot th�' Prap°'ty r�' _ _--- - __�
<br /> ,=:��,':?����:4 •: eny Int�r�l In N Is ecid c�r tr�nsterTtd(cr H�benefld�i fntxset fn Basnwar Is aold a traneforrscf rnd f3araw�r ts not p na4�ifn3 _-
<br /> ,,.
<br /> � ��ers�n}wflhau4 Londae�H(11�OP WfI1t611 G�i19LW11, LEn�ar rnxy,�!f[s�L'on�recuwa 6��:�cil:ta pYyu��,�i qe fuR c:f aH e,u�:�a�a�c�un,!r�p ,�'- ""-`.-_-'.`;F�
<br /> �/.-Y9qr„z._...�;.::_:- .....�_� .-�
<br /> thle Secuiiry InaUume+�t. t•tawrior. liila o�timi ehGA nut Do vx���.+scci t►y I.c�i�icr U c.c,�:��l3 6,::�t;,,":_]L;r t�:...a}I.�:1 c::c,t i�;.� ,,:_.��,.,�::
<br /> -`'�.!'•'.'-.;}�`�i�::��� �te ol thia Gacurity in�trummG �--�
<br /> -------�;, II Lend�r ucercia�s this opt{an, I.endw fh�N pk�Bunow�►nodc� ot�cc�nHocs. Th�noHc�shM provld��p�rkxi or r+nt�
<br />-„�.�,,,.:�;',�„'':� lane thb►nn 90 d�ys ham th• cMt� the radc� N ddiwrad or m�Mad wkAtn whbcfi Borrowa must paY pll wra ��axod bY t�rdu
<br /> ""'°"'""_v�!° Secudty Inthummt. H B�xrowK WI+ to pay tAos�sunw {xior to th� uipk�Uon ol tMf�tb�1. L�nd�r m�y fnvokr e►y rNn�c?�la
<br /> ------Y permttt�d by tha S�c:urity Inehumw�t without NAhw notlw a durNnd on Bartower.
<br />.....�_' ___-._. -S`� . __. ... ..
<br /> •'' ,`Irl5�4:2x:.Y�.,. q =-- —
<br /> _ . ,n n
<br /> �..�:;.--- 76. earr-�ww-�� R€��. .�..�.�. _....., ._.. ._ _ -_ _. __
<br /> rr d �� A�,.�.c.»a. ti t3a:�.,..w r�.._,.� c:rtra c¢1�"s_i�. Br.tre::Y ch-._ h�^ th7 fh►:!tn .w
<br />-- -_----�-r; entotcwn�nt of t�b 3aax�ty in�qwn�nt �sr.onikw�d�t tny Hm�pr�for to tM wI1K oh (�j 3 d�ys (a wcA oN►�r pyiod �
<br /> _ .:��,��;.�.,-�"� �Mat►la lax rrMy epscMy ta rMnet�tun�e►t)6Non eil�of th�Propaly purewc�t to wiy powK ol�ab oontNn�d In thw 9�cwNy �_ .
<br /> _-�---,,;J;r,�r:��. Inatrumenfi ar h,� entry o1�judpn»nt entarohp tAis&aaxltY Instrument.Thaa condidon��ro thd Bamww: (�) P�ri l.�ndor�i
<br /> -�+�� auma which tnon wou(d tre due unda this Seauiiy In��n►ment�nd ths Not�as M no�ccMuRtlon had ocaar�d; {tty,curM�ny
<br /> ,_:�r��fi y dd�uk of u►y other covsnuit or egreemente; (c) paya �11 expertaaa fncuRed In eniordnp tha S�aitky Inttrurr�nt,NiCttiidYtp,but
<br /> . __. _.N'[�'iir�t. .
<br /> '--�=:���-:,�; not IiMted to, re�aomble attumoya'feee;and(�take�such acUun aa lender rruy ��on�Dty roquk+to+�eeucn thnt H�n fhm ot
<br /> w�`�'�`�� thta Seeurfry Inatrume�t, lsnder's riQhta In ths Propertyr and Bortowvi a obYp�tiore to �`- "'
<br /> _.,.,,,,,,,,,_,o.v�u�.' p�y the eum� eecc�rsd b��th��Sesu�rMY -- - __
<br /> ----- -".,...,.
<br /> �'�"�3�;�.'�"�"" Inatrument ehaA continue unchanped. Upon rdnstatament by Borrower, thln Saa�rfty IneWmenl �nd tM oF�Y�►t'nntt s�cura!
<br /> "� '�"'g�'�'`�� �. herel�y shall remnk�tuMy etfectNs�s M no accelnraUon had occurted. Howeva. thia �tgh4 to rdnsUete aM�N not�p{Nyki tho aaa
<br /> :a°:��r'��� of eccelenpon unckr p�nynph 17.
<br /> �±-_.�,;,t::'ra���1?��� 19. SaIY Of NOt�; Chi�tg� Of LO�D S�rvIC��. The Niote or s a parlMl Interest in iho Note(ti�q�hf�wytl� thb
<br /> _�,..:
<br /> -"'�='���.�':�` . Securfly InaUuQnent)m�y be aoki one or moro tknea wilfiout p�lor noUce to Borrower.A aab rtw�y rssuk in� chm�M iri tGn enLlry
<br /> :'t�r 9:�'�r .:i,
<br /> .��;,.�,� . ; . (known ea tha'Loan Savkxr`)that coW�cte monthly payments due under tha Nota�nd thla 8scu�ity Inatnw►�t4 ThKn�nc�m�y
<br /> - �• ,�'• � be one or moro chang.a of the Laan 3uvicer unrei�tsd t� a s�fro ot the Note. 11 thero is �n clwiy� 04 Eho L�ann 9s�rriax, _ �
<br /> � •;��'}�'. � Borrower wiM be plven wrkten naUce ut the chanpe In eccorcM►►�sac�wilh panqnph 14�bove�n�9�+nYcabM►lun. Yho nMti:�wit
<br />.= 1`.• _ _
<br /> sWte the name end addresa oi the new Loan 3e�vlu.'�r ar.�t`.o a:hlresa to whtch paymer►ts ohould be trudr: Thfl n�tS:�Ni�l Mso —
<br /> ^ . •�' , contaki any other Inbrm�tlon rsquked by apptiab;e�ev. —
<br /> 20. Hazardous SubstanCtDA. Borrowa ehai not cau-sa oT�nrnft the presence,use, asposaf, nimaqn,nr mtas,sa vi -__—_- —
<br /> , yf:,. any Hxzardou� Substanaes on w�n ihe F'roperty. Borrower 9�nil nnt do, nor aYow nnyone elss to do,anyh�Up ai't�cSktp tho _
<br /> ��. � � ' Propaty that Is in vbktion of any E�vl�onmental Law. The pr:cpd�ng iwo sentencea shaN nut eppty to tht+presmc.�,u��, a - �
<br /> '. �,�' stora�e on the Property ot smell QuanUtlea ot Haze:dous Substanaes thnt are generaNy recupnized to be epprorfkSU ta nnrmY ^-�-_ _
<br /> resldentlel uaea end to mainten�nce of the Property.
<br /> � � Borrower nhati prompty give Lender wrftton noUca ot any Investlg�Uon, daim, demand. Irwauk a other e��han by any "'°'—"''"�'°''�'�'�-
<br /> " govemmenlal or repuktory agency or prhiato party involving the Pev�erty and my Hazudoue Substance or Envkorrnmt�l�..w of ______
<br /> _ _ � which E►arrower haa actual knowie.9�a. ti Borrowor leems, a L.q�;�titied by any go�•emmentad or►egubtory suthnrri)�, thAt any ___ —`�
<br /> _ -•-
<br /> '°` ' rcrrtavnl a ather remedieUon of eny Hazardous Substence efMact�g Propdty► Is necessrry, Botrower an�il prornGmf t�ICe �i � �� �
<br /> neces�ry reme�ial acUona In nccortknce wfth EnviranmeniN law. _
<br /> , ;' ' Aa uaed In thle psragruph 20, 'Hazardoua SuDalancas' are those subst�rtces defned ae toxla or harec�iai+s suhstrr�r�es by �, `'--
<br /> ' � Env'a�.nmmtel Lew and the foHowing substancas: f}asoena, kxroseno, other flamnabie or taxic petraleum prochir.t•�, taxlo #,� ' � `
<br /> pestfci�oa�nd herbiddes,voktNe snA;ants, materiah� cont3lnfig esbrstoa or tortneldehyde,and redtaacWe rrwte�luls. A�usod In .
<br /> ' parngraph 20, 'Envkonmentd Law• menna tederel la+va and laws o1 tho ju�isdictlon whara the Pco{pe�ty Is locatod titnt ralatu ro ��, u,; .;U'
<br /> heaRh, safely or envhonmaitd protectlon. �,•" `��� ,���.
<br /> NON•UNIFOHM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lmder iurth2r covenant and agree as}ollowe: i�4::..i'�.���.•
<br /> 21. Accd�ratlon; R�m�dl�s. l.ondor ahall glvo notlse to Borrawor prlor to aaaoloratt4n ���'" � �t �
<br /> �r w
<br /> ��� following �orrowor's broach of any covonant or �greement In this Sscur�y Inatrament (but nM � _,�_�__
<br /> !%;;s;��� prlor to accsloratlon und�r paragnph 17 unless �ppUcabl� I�w providor otherwlae). 7rt�o nctttc� "a'�'�:
<br /> ;����- � ah�ll appclfy: (�) th� d�fautt; (b) th� actton requlr�d to au�� th� d�t�uft; (c) a date, �ot lune than ��.�'"�
<br /> ,��r�; . � 30 d�►ys from th� dAt� tho natico Is givan to Horrower, by whlch tho default muot b� aurod; and �`_'�--
<br />: ' . - (d� tt�at fallur� Ro cur� the dshult on or brforo !ho data spociflod in the notico �nny roouft in �. ,c,�„J°"�._;�,
<br /> ,:��;`�• eccol;c+r�tlon of tho sums escurad by thls Socurfty Onstrum�nt�nd ar�l�of the Property. Ttr�o rtn4��e �;i . ..;, �-
<br /> .;��, shal� f�rthor Inform Borrowar of th� rlght to r�lna�ate �ft�r accelaratlon and tho rlght tn b�tn� � ;j` +�.,-�.��'`.
<br /> court actlon to as�art tha non-exi3tence of a default or any other defonoo af BitrR��vor to ;� l •�:'.;�a;
<br /> � ' � �ccoler�tlon and �s�le. If ths dafault Is not cu�ed o� or before the dato speaffted In 4ho nMt�o, z:,� ;� �
<br /> • • ,�!�f• L.onder �t tte op�ion may require immediate qayneant In full o? ail sums seeured by tttla SoQUriiy ��' '
<br /> �` Instru�ant without further c3�mand anrf may Invoko ti�e power of eo6a� and any othFir rr�modlua i ' ' �
<br />. ' ''i ''� perrra�2tod by applicable law. Lender nhall be ero3i��•ed to collect all oxp�TSea (naurrsd in puraulnp
<br /> � ' tho ramodlaa provided In thia paragraph 21, in�luding, but not Ilmtted to. ronsonaUlo attnrnoys'
<br /> teea And coata of title ev(dee�ca.
<br /> • I� th� powor of salo Is Invoked, Tr�stes sf�aS] ►ecard a r�otica of rlefauit in enn{t county In �.�
<br /> �� wh7cM e�y pa�t of tho Proporty te locaied ar�d �'h�ll ma0 coplos of cuch notiae In thc� mann�r
<br />_ , prosc�lbad by applicablo law to Bor�owar and 3� 4'faio other poreons pr��aribed by opplit:ebl�� Itnv.
<br />- , Aftor tNe tim� requlred by applicabfe Da�v, Trust�e shall glve public notice of salo ta tho porsonu
<br /> and {n thp mannoe proacribod by app9ica'bla law. Trustee, wi3fi�out demand on Bonu�vor� ahnll s�ll `�
<br />_ the Property► at public auctaan to tho hlghest bldder at tha timo awd placo and a�ndur tho torme '�
<br />- desl�a�at�rl In the nottco of sala in ona or moro parcels and In any ordar Tvuato�� d�torminos.
<br /> Truata� may postpnno sale ot a[I or any pa�cel of the Propsrty by publla announQAmont at the
<br /> • tlma and plac� of any previausly echoduloc0 sal�e. Lendor or Its doslgnoe may �su�hsso tt�e
<br />-' Proporty at any salo.
<br /> ' Upon rocoip2 of paymont of tha pric� bid. Trusteo shall daliver to the puraNuno�• Tvauitoo'�
<br />_' ".-` � deed conv�yi�g tha Property. Th� rocitala tn the Trustao�e ais�a snaii oo pviona t�oin evi�iunae ot
<br /> the t�uth of tho statomonta mado thoroln. T�ustea ghall apply the procoeds of thn anlu In tt�o
<br />_' j foliowlnp order: (�) to all costs and �xpensos of exercising tho powor of e�la, an�! th� salo,
<br /> � Including tho peymont of tho Trustee'$iaes actually Incurred, not to oxcood throe
<br /> � Yo of the p�incip�l amaunt of thn
<br /> - noto et tho time of the declara�tion mf ¢�afautt, aMS� reasonable attorney's teea as perrnittod �v liav;
<br /> (b) to all �v�na $ecured �y tt�js Seccnriiy Instrurro�t; and (c) uny s�c�as to tha peroon ar poroona
<br />- � legelly entitlecl tm it.
<br />� � �,�'
<br />� - F131C�.LMtl(tORd) Pngc 4 of 5 ��r
<br /> . / "
<br /> i`! .
<br />'I �
<br />�1 . - 44ttt .
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<br />