� ` "if�{',',n:�' .�"�'��' . �y��i�t`� i Y�, ww ,7�r�,� �� . , .p: M S�i --_
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<br /> ,t�ir't!.:ti��.:�.'!TTi;RC:.�� .— —_°-�—.�,�:.—_—=,_-_r_-- —_----- —
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<br /> � ------------ . ...--- _ .. . ....._ . _.
<br /> "- -- - — ------_.
<br /> . . � a�- ia�a�8 -
<br /> .�.;;��j''�:'�'"` M TOC�YFIER WiTN �11 the Improtixnente n�w or herafter erested o�i lhe�+��!mty, mid aN ecaemente, appudert�ncea, and __
<br /> . >•�, ,
<br /> •��� '�'•��`"��" flxtaroe nnw ar iisreatter e part al tha propsrty./�9 repMicKnente�nd�ddttione eh�N otoa be eovereel by ihla 6sourky Ins►rummt. -
<br /> . , AH u1 U�e t�ren�h��I�r�fKeed ta In thie SeciuHy(��ot7�mnn4 s�the°i'ropery.° `-
<br /> f3Ui�R�iWr.li �OYr,NAfV'i(� tliet Elotiowa�I� 4:KS�6y seizzd uf lhe asl.iu lu;r�ijy costvcy:.c1�;nc� h�a Uta �[�Id f� y,t.�t c„r� �. ' .-==
<br /> �.:M � �. • __ _..
<br /> _:_-�._u.,._'��. r.onvoy th• Ftopsrty and that ih9 Fropaty It us��nc��mb�rnd, e�;cwpt (ar encumbrenr.aa ot rrccxcf. BorrowaT wu�r�nts �nd wql �_�
<br /> .� iSMmd q�n�r M�ti1N tm thi Ropwty�p�lnrt MI cMilm�rutd d�nwuk,tubj�cl to�ny�ncumbr�+cN of ncord,
<br /> _�.��,��;'" THIB BECUAf1Y IN8TRUMF.NT com6MiM unMorm cov�nti for n�donef uer �nd non�unl(orm cov�nl� wFlh Nrr�led
<br /> �!�� v�riMtkm�by Jwhdktlon ta con�tlttR��uM(cxm t�cutity k��trun►snt cowrk��r�l proqMty.
<br /> -- lJNIFOR;A CQYENANTB. BortowK rnd l.�nd�r oovm�nt�d aprN u IoNaw�:
<br /> �_�� �,�6�'�� Y. P�ym�¢►!oi Prtaafp�l Wne! Int�nd; Pr�prym�rrt �nd t.at� Char�f. 8orrawK sh�M prom�rBy p�y whm
<br /> - -_.� du�ih�p�r�ndpat ot�nd IntKNt on th�d�bt evltiuic�d by ih�Wot�Mnd�ny pr�pwy�riwii r.nd iato c�iwy::}c�+�:aH�t:�.:G:,rs�:�, --- - _
<br /> 7. Fund� tor T�xe� �d lowr�o�. 8ubj�ct to�ppMasbN Niw or lo�wrMlm wNN�r by LM�d�r,eonowK �hYM pW
<br /> _�,,,��„Q,,;��� to LqncHr on Ih� d�y mo�thy p�ym�nt� en du� und�r th�Not�,untN ths Pdob 1��k! fn fuM,���xn('FuntM')lor, (�)yenly
<br /> .._...__:,_- taxa �nd �etNSm�►t� whkh nwy �tt�fn pdorlty owr Ihl� Socurlty Insttum�nt u � M�n on th� prap+Mly; lbI Yary f�aa�hdd
<br /> �:,�.��, p+Ym�U a pround rento on th�Prop�ty�H�ny: (e)yMr1Y huud a prop�tty�fneuruiee pnrt�kKnr, (d1 YwtY Ao�d Inwrnna _
<br /> --=�,°"f�� pr�um�,Yl�rfy; (�)yMd1►ma1WW Insunnc�pramium�,H�ny;�nd (Q�ny�um�pay�bN by Bortaww to Lmda�i�ccorcMnc� --
<br /> �,...�.rea-/r. •
<br /> y s F�T��y� �- wi1� th� provi�lanw af p�rnpraph B, In q«i of the p�ymmt of mortp�pe Iniuronce pn�r�ium�. Thes�ft�ms �n call�d Escrow
<br /> ,.�,,: li�me.' Lendar nwy, �t ar�y Ums, cori�ct and hold Funda In an cmaunt not to exceed tha mrxlmum emount e lend�r fur■ i'_ _
<br /> R ,�;.;i�',t;+.+��. , I�dx�My related morty�g� Iwn m�y r�ike tor 8otrowx'a a�cxaw account under the tederal Ral Eetats Settiement Procadrues _ —
<br /> � •+• AH o1 1974�t uixad�:4�:,7 tM�to tkn�,12 U.9.C.g 2601 ot aeq. ('RI9&PA'►, unl�se �nother t�w that apptle� to the Funds
<br /> :��ri:��'�.. . , _
<br /> �-,__��s.,���,,,.,,, sats � leaser unount. If ao,Lender may, �t any time, coNect and hotd Fundn {n an emount m�t to exceed the le�ss►�mount.
<br /> ,•_�'.`:c;°:;;�Y,:,� ; Lender mny a�tNr�ate the�mount o1 Fund�duo on the bael�ot curtent data and roaeonabie e�timx'os of exRendRures o1 future
<br /> -�"'=,",,.y:�xr•;, .�. Eeaow Itwne or othawlae(n accordance w;lh y�pAc�ble kw. — �
<br /> -;�_��� 'fhe Fund�sh�N be held In�n IneNtutlon whoas deposfte�re Insured by e tedarsl�pency.Inalrumc�nt�Yty, or mtiry (IndudMiO
<br /> - =;;,�,;��^;:� Lender, H Lender Is such an InatiluUon) or fn eny Federal Homa Losn Bank. Lender theM�ppy ihe Funda to pay th�Esaxow
<br /> � . .,.
<br /> - ;�;,.:, • f itemti. Lun�er rr�oy noi ch�iFpe Borowsr for hotd;i6 znd aPpying tho Fund�, annuw'"�ench�ring tha escrotiy ancount,or vcilying -- -----
<br /> �:f r.,� the Eec•�w 'rema, ur �sa Lend�r rays Donoweo Intereat on the Funds end appYcable law patnita lender to m�ke eueh • —
<br /> • . charpe, HnY�hva, Lender m�y reyuir� BortoM � to pay s onatime charge tor an {ndepondent real estate tax teportinp eavke _ _
<br />— . used by Lender In connecUon with thls loen, unlesa appllcutrl� Inw providas otherv+lae. Unksa en agreement h rru�d� a �;�._,
<br /> ,_�.;; .;,.,:y; . appNcable I�w requkes k►tereat to be pald, Lenda sheN not be requked to pay Borraw�x�ny Interest or eamfnga on the Funds. _
<br />-�� , BoROwcr and Lender may ngree In w�itMp, howover, thai interest ehell be pald on the Fund�. l.ender shafl gke to Barowa, _
<br /> , ' wfthout ohar�e, an annual nccounUnp of tho Funds, showfng credlt9 an�debke to the Funda and the purpose lor whldn e�ch =�_.-__
<br /> - ��,_�� debft to the Funda wae mnde. The Funds aro piedped as additional eacurity tnr aH sums aecured by the 3e�x�dry Inatrumer►4. --_
<br /> - ,,;1� If th� Funds held by Lender exceed the omounta permitted to be hetd by eppWcable kw, Lender eh�01�ccount to Borrower �
<br /> tor the excesa Funds k� accordunae with the requlretnmta af sppHcabie law. If the emount of the Fund�hNd by Lender st my
<br /> ',. �.
<br /> ,. r,. tkne la not auMdent to pay the Eacrow Itema when due, Lmder may so notity Bortower ln w�iting,end, in au.ch case Borrawer __ _
<br /> �� • .;;,,' ehdl psy tu Lender the amount necnsaary to make up lhe deticlmcy. Borrower shall nxke up!he deflclency In no more th�n � —��
<br /> •'�;�,;,; .- , �_��,. .
<br /> ..,, �,� ,.: tweMe monthy paymenta,at I.ender'a eot�aleaeUon.
<br /> ' I in�R �+nymwnt In hdl of sY nums secured by thln Securlty InaVument. Lender ehaH prompty retund to Borrower eny Funds
<br /> '' �`'� �� hdd by Londer. It,under pMgnph 21,4ander ahali acquire or sdl the Properry, Lender,prior to the acqulaition a sale of the
<br /> ���"�" •'' Property, nhdl�pply any Funds hdd by Lenda et the time ot ncqulsiQon or ealo ae s C�edR ngelnat ihe suma eecurai by this � , �-
<br /> ;,.� .,, -
<br /> �,f� SeCUrity InSUumenl. +.. ;n
<br /> �'��• � •- �•��dt' 3. Appll�atlon O} Payrttents. Unlesa �ppiirable law provldea othwwlse, ell payments recefvad by Lender under ,, , �-•;�;
<br /> �,•`.`,;�,�� ' pua�rtipha 1 and 2 shall be appHesl: flrot, to eny prepayment charges due undar the Note; eecond,to emounte payable under ;r�H
<br /> "'"'� dn h 2;ihtrd,to Intxreat due;feurth,to princl • tiue; snd laot, to en late chnr ea due«nder the Note.
<br /> •�',��;��, , � .:.I P f#�P p� Y 9 �."�.
<br /> . f�-•,',' �. 4. Ch�rg�a; Uiftl. Borrower ahell pay etl texea, ensesamenta, charqea, fines and knpoakione attdbutable to ihe �5 '..
<br /> . •_ � ,'{� Roparty whlch may attain pdority over thia Securliy InsUumcnt, end IeQaehold paymanta or ground rents, H any, Sorrower eh�N •
<br /> pty theae obWpaUone In t�e manner provided In paragraph 2, or if not pald In thut manner, Bottower ahall �ay them on Ume ^��: �•.
<br /> �� � , dkectlyr to tiis person awad payment. Borro�xer shull promptty tumish to Lendcr atl notices o1 amounte to be pald under thla -n , ,
<br />, �i�.:::i;. :
<br /> `,,,_,: para9raQh. It Bortower makea these psymonto diteclly, BoROwer shall promptly fumish to Lender rocelpta evidencing the ; � ,
<br /> ,..�;r.'. P�ymente. �
<br /> �� �'"��. Borcowex ehaN prompliy diaoharc�e �ny ilen whlah has pdority over thls Securiry InaWment unlosa BoROwer: (e) sgreea In �
<br /> wrftlng to the puymont ot the obligation sacured by the tlen in a manner accepteble to Lender; (b) cAntesta In flood feftfi lha ���%�
<br /> ����
<br /> Ilen by, or defends egek►st entorcemenl of the Ilon In, legal proceedinga whlch In tho Lendor's apinlon operato to prment tha ;,' ';;'��;�.ia4.c-.
<br /> '' . � ,,, entorcament o1 the Ilen; or(o) secures trom tho hold:r of the Ilen an ugraement setlsiactory to Lender aubordlnatlnp tho Ilen Io �{,r�������:�;-�
<br /> �"'"'•'•;• thls Securfty Instrument. If Lender determinos that eny pnrt of tho Property la subJect to a uen whlch mny attatn priorily over this {, � S'"� �7,
<br /> �..a�
<br /> �`�'•� " Security InsUument, Lender msy glvo Borrower a noUce Identitying the Ilen. Bortower shall eatlsty the Ilen or take ono or more of 4':.',��. � • 4.��: �
<br /> `' the ectlone set forth ebove wRhin 10 days of the glving of nottce. r�;'l� .'�;',{°��.�
<br /> � 5� 5. H�z�rd or Proportyr In�suranaa. Borrower ehall keep tho Improvements now oxlsting or hereafter erected on tho � ' � y�'� i
<br /> � " ,� Properry Inaured agalnat losa by flre, hazerda Included within the tertn 'extondod coverege' and eny o11�er liezards, hctud�ng
<br /> •• - �>`'� Aoods or Aoading,for which Lender requlres Insurence. Thls Inaumnco ahall be mnintelned In the amounte and tor tho perlods ,•.? �`�� •
<br /> � •, ° thnt Lender requlros. The Insurenco cartler providing the Insurence ehall be chosan by Bonower subJect to Lender's approval k � �
<br /> which shsll not be unreasonabty wlthheld. If BoROwer fails to mainta!n coverago dascribad above, Lender may, at Lender's ;'
<br /> optlon,obtnin coverage to protect Lender'e rights in the Prnpeity In accordance wilh paragreph 7. � �•
<br /> , AN insuranco pollcles end renownla ehall be accepteble to Lender and ahnll includo a standard mortpago clause. Lender .
<br /> ohaN hava the right to hold the pollcles and renewals. If Lender raqulres, 9orrower shali promptly gNe to Lender all reccipts ot i „ � .
<br /> „ pnld premlume and renawal notices. In iha went o1 Ioss, Borrower shnll givo prompt noUce to thu Insumnco cartler and Lender.
<br /> Lender may make proof oi loss I}not made promptAj by Bortower. �
<br />_ : Uniess Lender end Borrower othenvise e�roo In wdting, InsurAnco proceed� shnll bo epplied to rostomtton or rapalr of tho �
<br /> Property dameged,li the restcratlon or repair Is aconomtcally {eeelblo and I.ender'o secu�iry Is not Iessened. It tha roatoretlon or
<br /> �� repair la not aconomlcalry teaalblo or 4ender's oocudty would bo lessenad,the inouranco procooda sh�'I bo nppued to tho r.ums '
<br />_ secured by thls Security InsVUrntnt, whothar or not tNen duo, with any oxcass pnld ta Bortower. N 8orrowm nbandons the �
<br /> Property, or doos not nnswer within 30 daya a noUca from Lender that tho Insuranco esrrier hns oftared to oottlo n elnlm, then I� .
<br /> Lender tney co{lect tho tnsurnnoo praceeds. Lendrr mzy uae the proceeds to repa4 or rastorn tho Property or to pey sums
<br /> secured by this 3ecuriry InaVurnent,whether or not then due. Thr 30�day perlod wili bogn whon tho notica Is gHen. �
<br /> Un�esa Lender and Burrower otherw;�e ngree In writing, eny epplicatlon ot proceeds to principnl ehnil not extond or
<br /> � poatpone the due date of the monthty paymente rotmed to In peregrephe 1 and Z or chnnge the amount of the peymente. If ; .
<br /> • under p�rcpnph 21 the P►operty Is acquked by Lender, BOITOWC►'e right to eny Inounnce pollclos end proceeda resulUng irom ,
<br /> ' d�rrtepe to the Property pdor to the nrqulsNinn ehaY pass to Lendcr to the extent oi tho sums by thls 9ecudty Inatrument
<br /> 1�W�
<br /> - .-.----_ ..-- = entitoVlGio7 Niriri iv aw L"vy�i�unrvu. . �
<br /> f,. Oocup�ncy, Preaorvatlon� Malntonanco and Proteatton of the Property; Bvrrawor'o Loan
<br />- Applleatlon; LAVRYhOIdo. Dortower ohnu occupy, ostobllsh, and uaa tho Properry as Borrowcr'a princlpal rosldenco withln
<br /> • eixry days eRer the executlon ol thla Secu�ity Inatrummt nnd ehat{ contlnue to occupy the Property ao Bortower's prindpal
<br /> rosfdenCe tor Rt least ono year etter the dete of occupancy, unlese Lender othonvino ugraes In writlng, whlch consent ohell not
<br /> � , 6e unreaaonabty wfthheld, or unlosa oMenuating Grcumstences exlst wtdcN uro boyond Borrower's control. Borrov�er ohall not
<br /> , destroy, damapo or Impalr tho Property, sllow the Property to dateriorata, or commlt wa3tu on tho Propertyr. klortowor shnll bo In
<br /> doteuit II nny torlNlure actlon or procPeding, rvhether clvft or criminal, Is bogun tlint In Lender's good lnith Judgment could rosult
<br /> ����, In forfelture ol the Property or othenvlse meteitelly Im�alr the Ilen created by Ihls Sacurily h�strument or Lender's aacurity Interost.
<br />� , • F1J1�.lMO(10/D{) Papo 7 ot y �-�.�
<br />—. `� �
<br /> i�
<br /> r
<br /> L
<br /> 34111
<br /> � �
<br />