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<br /> k���,�� I B»rro•rver may cur� auch e dataull and iainaw.e, ae pr�vidcd lo p�ngraph 1U, b�c�Lal�g the acUnn or proci►edlnp to bn ., ;_=_��_
<br />-.- .f,... ,
<br /> ��n;l�snA v:N.h n rudnp thnL!n l.rnAer'a(3ood tdih detemihiatton, preciudea toddturo ot the F3arto�rx'o in:ereet k►tha Pf�opWty or � _�
<br /> � ot:i�r.�,t�,1-.1 L����i,r�;crt o11ho 1'ca crc�tcd 6y th:s ^xurEry In.imrr�ant or Lendpie eecudty Ii1t81'ASI. COi76NU/FIIpa�IdO(tfl�0 . �:r--:;;.y-`-"_��-�-- -
<br />--._��,:�1,�c_ detaak H Baroww, during the tuan applicatMn�roc�us,{�ve�r�ata�Ry fdsd or fnuccu��ta Iniarr�;atic�a r�r ctat���.�;�ta tu Lc�uicr(cr ��Y_�1_._.,,.._�:b..
<br /> �=�° MRad to {xo�iM l.snd�r wNh Mny met�l In(orr+�llan)k� connecUo� wrih fhs lorn �ider,csd ky tiie N�te, In�.'udlnp, kut nol F�:.,.._.;:._��.-_._ -
<br /> - - = Iknit�d to� roproaan3rtlone conoeminp BorrowK's accupancy o1 th� Proparty �� � prir�dRa1 rylMnu. H lhb 8�curtty - m�_
<br /> --�:-� Inatniment Is un n le�aafiold, Dortower ehaN comMy wllh nN the pravUions o} the te�ss. If Horrow«ecquk�s le�tlii� ta thn i�`,;f,,_,#^�_��
<br /> , Pi�,Kty,th�Naeshokl u�d th�/�tNla stu�M not m�rp�uAtat Lrnder�preee to ths rnuqa fn writin�. ��
<br /> _ 7. P�ot�otlan of l.�nd�r'�Rights in th�Prapsrty. li eoROwK 1eNs lo p�rtortn th� cw.nante�nd apram«�t� _
<br /> , �_ �
<br /> _ , .,d.
<br /> - � e:.:�1µ:r:;i Gi t�a 2.r..^u,yr Inctrei;�t:nt, or th:ro ta e 1-±�•I nrocr.�!n� thet me�y a{�Mennty rttecl Lender'e dqhte in 9ho FroRarty �:c - --
<br /> r�.�,d.,. - - - -_
<br /> =- (such���procwdn0 in t�r+fwP►o1►�Prob�te,ta cand�nxiatiai or twbiture w to eniorce kwa or r�uWtlony, then Und�r m�y -� _
<br /> �.' - do enc9 p�y tor wP�atever Is nac�eauy to protect ths v�Y�s a1 ths Property and Lender'e tfphte In the RcpeAy. l�ndK's�cdon� _.��,_;;.,v
<br /> `;� ma�y indu� P�Y�9 �ny aurra eecur�d by ■ Nen whic� hto p�iorky over thlo S�curfty Inatrument aPPeuhp fn court, p�YlnQ y ";�'_-�:_•�.:�-__-
<br /> ��"�"�1� ru��onabN ettomaya'feee �nd entolnp on the Propaty to make repako.Afthouph Lender mey Wce adbn undx thla pu�pnph -.Y �----
<br /> u �"=~=��
<br /> _-- y, Lendet dooa not have ta do so. �`��' ''�� --
<br /> ' �}A,;�.
<br /> --- - Any�mounts daburoed by Lender unchr puaphph 7 shall become cddtferuJ deb! of Borrowar aecured by ihh► Security � . ,..,�,"t�•>�,714a._„
<br /> Inatrumar0. Un{e�s Dorrower and L¢ndar aQrco to otha terma o!payment, these emounts shaY bear htarest irom the d�te o1 '`'�';r�'�''�: _
<br /> --� � �
<br /> _�--R,�; c+lebu�aaner�t at tha Nota rnte and slkN be pryabte,wNh fntereat, upon noUce trom Lendx ta 6orrower requeaUnp peymen4 �; .,��:x�� �-
<br /> -;,���Y. 8. M�rtyt�� Insuranc�. I} Lender requked mort�fle inaunnce ae ■ wnditlon of �g lhe loan so�xrred by this ; �. ���4-�,���:•;--
<br /> -=�;�i^' S�ecudty Instn.+mnnx, Borrnwer shaA pay theµre�mlumn requked to m�Mtsln the mo►tgapn insurnnce tn ef(ect. 11,tor�ny reaaon,the �ff.��•.�,•�-�''rt#:,::•' �
<br /> -- z:r mart,age k►�uronce co�erag�requtred by Londa►I�psee ar ceaaes to be M eNxt, BortoNx shdl psy the premiums requked ta �jJ;:, "p:� ���:�i°
<br /> -��`� obtdn coven9e aubstan Nabnt to the murt e(�surance revlous fn ettRCt, at e cost subatanUa equlv�lmt to the ,1 , ;;
<br /> � � �s � �r � '�''� - �'-=_=
<br /> �.�_S. . y4'�-Sa-!.-r.:.:-
<br /> -- --- cost to floROwar oi the mortysye Insur�nce preubusy in ettect,fram on dtemate mortpepe Inaurer tpproved by Lender. I} � , _' �:��•-
<br /> ��1.:
<br />