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<br /> � p. H�dow NI��.Tsustor a»all k�sp ths Property In complinnce wlfh aU eppllcnbte I�ws+,ardinancas and ny�I�OoflD °-�-_°�--
<br /> - rNNNnp to lndr��hl�l hyy{�nd o�onvlronm�nt�l prot�otion(coll�cllv�ly relsn�d to h�eNn��"�nvlronmental I�w�'�.Tnirbr rh�l1
<br />._ k�cp fh�Pr4pety frM from atl�ut►aNrncw d�m�d to b�h�:�rdou�ar 9oxlc und�r�ny Emlronm�nWl Law�(coll�ctivel}+c�lernd W __
<br /> hwNn�"Hu#rdou�M�t�rU�1�"1.Tru�Wr iHnby warrenh�nct r�pnNnu to Lrnd�r th�!ther��n no H�xardou�MMWrikis on or
<br /> _� uRCferths O�rop�rty.Tru�br Mr�by�yra�ta�nd�m�iry Mnd hosd harml�a�L�nd�r,Ib dlrrcton,ofNc�n,�rnploy�and�nb,u�d
<br />';, r.ny r��r-ae�e b!anA�r'�IrtW�rNt,trom�nd ay�inat any and oll cliima dAm�ye�,lossuss and IlablUtlee arl�in9 In connecUon wfth e���� -
<br /> th�pr�snc�,uM,dl��I a tran�port a1 my Ha�rduue AA�t�riat�on, undar,lrom or ebout tAs psop�rty.YH�Ft�H�f301�10
<br />- tp. AM{pn�ni ol 19�.Tru�t��h�r�Cy a�tlyn�to L�nd�r ths rente,Istues�nd protita ot the Pra�rry;providwd thnt Trurtar =-- -�—
<br /> -- �hail,until th�xcurnna o1�n Evant ot ON�ult h�raunder,havs the ripht to collact end reWln�uah nnts,lesua�end prafde M�ntt►y �.:,�,�_
<br /> - b�come du��nd WyRbl�.Upon th�accurrtn�e of an Event ol DNaulf,Lender m• ,elther In r�n or b a nf,with ht wtlhmit �"'=-
<br /> Y Pe Y � �:+:,-�--
<br /> b�InQInQ sny�cbore nr procNdinq,or by�r�celvar�ppolnted by e couA and wlthout rs�rd to tfi�e�d�qwcy of Ib s�cuNtp,Ontar -�_—
<br /> � upwt�nd qk�postNtlan ol dre Rrop�try,or eny panthsreo4,in Ib own ntr�ie or{n the na���e Qf ihe Tr�stev,and do an �cta wbiph It "'"'"'� -
<br /> Y �,°°_-__-_�
<br /> , d�em�n�cesu�ry or deNr�bt�to pr�ns the volue,m�rketabllity ar rentabllity of the prop�rty,or�ny put tM►eof or Intsrs�t therMn, =�=_ '- - - �
<br /> InC��e the Inc.oma thestrom ar Grotect Ih+s aecurity h�reol and,with or wlthout taking poa�ealon o1 the Properry,�ue fnr or -`°`°'-'-_�
<br /> ' othsrwts*cofl�ct M�rsnta,Istias�and profltn thereul,Includlnfl those pasi due end unpald,end apply lhe a�me,I�cuxto a�nA ��,��__ ---
<br />- �xp�nsfs of opsration��d collecUon Includin�attorneye'fee�,upon eny Indebtedneaa secured hereby,sll In e�ch order e9 Randur ��-"�`°
<br /> m�y dNarmin�.The��terinq upan end taklnfl poasestton of the Froperry,ihe collectlon oi auch ronti,laaus�an�proti4s snd thFl ��t•��:?���;w�
<br /> �pp1lc�Gon therwf u�furetald,ihall not cure or walvm eny detault or notice of detauit herounder or Inve�id�ts�ny Aot dan�In "�":�'T.�'_��. _
<br /> r��ponM to such def�ult or purwant to 4uch notice of deleult nnd,no1wlM�tanding the contlnuanco In possesslon o1 tho 6Tr�perty or .a r -_"'"'°
<br /> ths culiectimn,recolpt�nd aAR��catlon n1 rente.isauea or profit9,anc�Truaief►e�d Lender shall be entiiled to exr��tt�'�atian►ri�ht "" ��°���' � -
<br /> ��y.''.:�—
<br /> - provkNdtaln�nyollt�Lo�nOocumsnUOebyl�wuponoccarrencaofanyEventolDefauit,ir!cludinywithoutlirnitulianthflrl�ht3o , ,,;____:
<br /> sxerciw ths power of�a.b.Furthw,Lender's rights and remerJiea under this paregreph nhall be cumuttrtive wltii,and In nc�wny a <+`� �:.:�--
<br /> � Ilmlfttianon,Lendersrl+�hteandremedieaunderanyaaglgnmontoflessea�ndrBntsracordedeyainsttht�FrAporty.�.onAtir,Tn�stae ���"��RT
<br /> :t,. se.r�x,� :,�.�-
<br /> 1�nd ItN raafvw�hall M Ilabls to�cco�nt only thoae renta aCtuatly raceived. : _._%+�.���--�-
<br /> .� 1/. Ewc�M M�tauK.Th�followlnQ shell Constitute en Event of�elnuit under this Oeed oi Truac "i '�r-�<____
<br /> u�- `
<br /> _ (�) Fefluro to pay any InaLtiment ot pdnclpel or Interaat of eny other eum csecured Aereby when duo: i �����
<br />�� (b) A brs�ch ot or detaufrt ur�cler any proviaion contetned in tha Note,thia[)eed of T►ust,any of the Loan I:a�cumonto,nr any
<br /> otAer Ilsn or encumbrsnce upon the Properhr: (
<br />�!�! (c) A wrlt��}execution or attachment or any slmliar procesa sf�all be entered agalnot Truetor whlch ahnll @ocom�a Ilon Qn .° 't ' u
<br />-�� fhe Property or any portlon thereot or Interost thereln; �� � �-,,
<br /> ,� (d) There ehall be file�d by or npaln�t Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or tuture tucltiml,stata o►othar r;;�
<br /> eWtute,law or reyulatlon retatlnp to hankruptcy,Inaolvency or other relle}!or debtoro;or there ahall be eppatfltuA an��tructne, ' •
<br /> _ ��wi�vi Tii i=�u�'��lar a!T:'.::SL`!M L..^lrQWOf n�nl g!1 nr wn��an�}�hw Prnnw�ty;or tha�rAnta,issuee or nrotltn tf��renf.or TruEtar . .
<br /> or Borroww shall make any general ansignment tor the beneiit ot creditora; { � -;
<br /> (e) The,sale,tr�nater,lease,assignrt:e:.t,conveyance or(u�ther encumbrence o}ell or eny pnrt ot or Any fntur�st In tha �'�
<br /> �
<br /> Pro�erty, elMer volunterily or Involuntarily,without the expre�s written cansent ot Lender, pro�•iclt►ct thnt Tructor shflll be
<br /> permlttod to execute e Ieaae of 4he Properiy that does not conmin en eptlon to purChase and the 4erm�1 wnlah�a�a nat�xceed ,•
<br /> :, one year,' , f' '
<br />.; (� Abendonment o1 Me Property:w ' �
<br /> (p) II Trustor le not en Indivtdual,the issuance,sete,trannfar,assignment,cor►veyance or encumqrnnce of maro th�n a total � ���
<br /> <.�, ,,
<br />� otr---Percent ol(i!s corporatlon)if�Issuecl end outOtBndiny stock or(if e pertnership)�taiul of porcent of ' ' �,°
<br /> {wrtnership intereata dJrinq the perlod this Ueed of Trunt remelns e Ilon on the Prope►ty. + r ,�,
<br /> � 12. R�nNelMs;AccN�ndion Upon DMauil.In the event of any Event of Default Lendor may,without notSt:o UKCAnt aa roqulrotl by
<br /> law,doctare etl Indebtecinesa eecured hereby to be due ar.d payable and the same ehall thereupon bHr.omfl duv and peyablo � �,.--
<br /> � w(lhout any presentment,demand,protest or notice of eny kEnd.Theroafter Lender may: • r • !��"`
<br /> �! (e) Qemand that 7ruatee exercise the POWEH OF SALE granted he��oln, csnd Trustee shall thenr�aftnr c�tuso Truotor's .�,'�'t•f j:•��
<br /> .� Intere�t in the PropeAy to be sotd and tho proceeds to b�distributed,all In the manner provided in ihc��uUrnok,a Trust Daedo I �,,,;,...ra
<br /> Act
<br /> � (b) Exercise any and ell rights providod tor fn nny ot tho Lo�n Documents or by Isw upon occurrence niuny�wint of l7et�ulh, I y
<br /> end
<br /> (c) Comme��ce a�e2:t�csr to forciclose thla Deod of T►ust as a mortgage,appofnt a receiver,or spoclficaly oniorco any oi tho ;� ,.
<br /> covenants her�ea}. I '
<br /> No remedy hereln conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or lender is i�tonded 4o be exclusive ol eny other rnrn�dy heroln,In tho :j' ' �.
<br /> _ Loan Documents or by law provlded ar permitted,but oech shall bo cumulAtive,ahall be In eddltlon to ovary other r►�mody givor� I ��.`
<br /> herounder,In the Loan Documonta or now or horeaner exlsting et Inw or in equfty or by statute,end may be oxaroia�ed concurcontly, I �� '
<br /> Indept�ndentiy or ou�cessively. '�f�
<br /> � a3. T1rwIM.The Truatee may resfgn at any time wft�:�.�t cause,and Lender may et any time and withaut cfluao appol�t a I
<br /> suc+cESSOr or subatitute Trustee.Trustee shell not be Ilable to eny party.Including without Ilmitation Lender,F3urrawfir,Yvyutor or uny '
<br />' puscttnser ot ttte�roperty,for uny losa or damage unless due to reckless or wflllul misconduct,and shnll not be roqulrc►d to mko any �
<br /> aCOon In connec4lon wlth the enforoement of thia Oeod of Trust untess Indemnitled, In writing,for alf coet0.aompenc�ntlon or �
<br /> eix9ensee whlcN may be assoclated therewith.In additlon,7rustee may bee:ome a purchaser et eny sale oi tho Proparty Qudloffll oe ;
<br /> under the pnwer of sale yranted hereln);poutpono the salo of ail or any portlon o!the Property,as provlduct bl�la�w;or sell the �
<br /> Prope►ty em a whoie,or In sepnrate parcels or lots et Trus���'s dlscretion. �• :
<br /> 14. F�a�d Exp�nsN.In the event Truatee sella tho�rapertyr by exerclse of pow�r of att18,Trustee shail bt�mntitlud to apply
<br /> any 881e proCeeds tlrot to payment ot all costs and oxpenses of exercising power ot saio,IncludlnA all Trustao's toow and Londor'a . • �' ,
<br /> ond T�ustee's attomoy's toes,nctually Incurred to extont pHrmltted by ap�lic�Die law.in tfie ovon2 Borrowor or T1UStor oxvrol9c�s any ',.
<br /> .;¢} ripht provided by It�w to curo pn Event of Default Lender shall be oMI11eG 4o recover irom Trustor all coats and�xpensos aotunliy •�" . . .
<br /> � Incurrod aa a rosult o}Trustore dotautt, Includtng withos.^s::mitatlon all Tru�toe's an9 attornoy's faes,ta tho oxtvnt pormfttod by ,
<br /> � �►�f)Caibld 18w. °..
<br /> 15. FuWn Adr�nc�s.Upon requeat ot Borrower, LRr.dar mey,at ita option,meke addltlonal and tuturp uchnnco�nnd ro-
<br /> advancea to Borrower.Such advnnces ctnd readvances,with Interost thoreun,shell be secured by tht3 i2oed of Tn�Lt.At no tlmo shell . "
<br /> � the principa!emount of tl�e Indebte�dnos9 secured by this Deed of Trust nc:aRl�I�1��s advancad to protect thfl sacurity o1 thlo
<br /> nY�..�T..... �,......���n.i.,�nn�n�ln�lrwl omnunt ntnted hartala or S_ "._— —whichF»!�t 18 a�OBtCf.
<br /> ,-,.`� w�....��.�'��..e.._�...._.�._._..___' "'_ '_ ' _ • • - - __ 'r...--.- .
<br /> 16. HIMc�lOan�u�Provi�ion�.
<br /> (o) Baroxlr NM Rii�aNd.Extension of the timo tor paymont or modification o}omortization of the sumn svcurad by thl�
<br /> " Deed o1 T�ust pra�ted by Lender to any auccossor in Intarest o}Borrower shall not operoto to release,In eny mannwr,thu Ifflbitity
<br /> ot the or�gtnal�orro/ver and Borrower's successors In fnterest Londor shnll not bo reyulreci to commence procondin�ci ac�c�inat
<br />� auch succeasor or retuse to extend time tor payment or otherwlsrs modily artio�tlzotlon of tho 3ums aocured by this Duc�d al 71•u�t
<br />- by reason o}any demande mado by the odglnel Borrower and Borrower's succassors in interest
<br />: (b) L�ndlr'�Pow�ro.Without elteCting the Ilablllty ot eny othor pereon Ifnblo lor the peyment of eny obllgatlon herofn
<br /> mentlonod,and wlthout attecting the tlen or chArdo of thl3 Deed ot Truzt upon nny portlon o4 tho property not then or therotoforo
<br /> releaaac)a�seaurlty tor lhe tull e�mount a}ell unpald oblfgatlan�,Lendar may,from tlme to tlrrse and without notico(1)rotease eny
<br />' pereon so Ilable,(fl)extend the mn:urlty or elter any o}the torms o}any such obllgatlons.(III)grant otl�or Indutgonccss,(Iv)roleaso
<br /> or rECOnvefy,or caus�i to be retea�ed or reconveyed at any tlme nt Lender's optton eny parcel,portfan or nll ot tho Praperty,
<br /> - (v)take or releaee nny other or ed�lltlonal aecurlty for any obllgatlon horoln mentloned,or(vq mako composlUons ot cthor
<br />-- ereanpemencs with debtoro In ret�tlon therato. "
<br />- ''
<br /> .:� `
<br /> v'.� .
<br /> •
<br /> '� .. .. .. ........... ... .... ... . . _ 1 _'
<br /> .. . . .. ..
<br /> . ._ , .. . ., .
<br />