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. ... . i'��`°� Y' . ..:i�� :�'f'�, %iie .'. .M�MMI�it'.i'�+(I�F!.e,;;� n NMynr' '-i. 1_ _ . __,-.—:,_.. <br />- - r `.�' ,. :� . .�.��b:;�:3i►u...._. r� �_ <br /> :?,4�lCYuAi w� '• ...6., - . ��M.s_—� ""........ <br /> . t� ���rr� . .. - '-- �. - :.._.^.'7/�_'\�.f'.1},�j,��N;I^<._ ..,. . � . , . .r'..1+.c:E -�i�.yS�.!�— -�-�-�r --- <br /> � - � �{�_ [ `:1 i:ti iY-are� �...- . — <br /> ` ' �� �r .��,..��:•,p�°;. ��:�� ='�;= ������.���.�-- _ <br /> ..�,.W,w�,r�w..!+{�Y,� ��n w�;.niP�F�a ,v...� �� _ .r,...._....���,""'•--• .....R„T�.-- <br /> �_ _ . . .,......�..d. -::LwA�.ti+a+% . .. _ . <br /> _ _ <br /> ....... —_-___ <br /> ____ _ ..___ . <br /> _ <br />..', ,a..:.� � ""' ^ W �_�• '�'�rl�_ <br /> , �' �"`7�� •.`�,�1�.,`��°�S n ^�?�t,y::'- --- -- <br /> � (� ^dc n(tar ficd��nliii tl�ner�fro�» �r� ' <br />__,��;;�;�,�;;�� j tekari ar'deihi�ad,�dndar�h�ll have ths optlon Iro ito solo cnd auaolute dfucroUOn,to cpply nll cuch Proco.. , R � _ ___ -�� <br /> •-���.1 0ll co�U�nd oxp�nsis ineurreJ by if in aonn�oHon v+,lth cuch Proceede, ���on eny trtdebtedneta�ecured haroby and in cuati ordor nn : _ ___,_ <br /> _ � LM:dn rn�y d�tsrmV`�,or to app►y�0�uch Froee�d�,�fta�uch d�duotfon�,io th�r�atoration of ths Prop�rty upnn suah o4nditinnn ae �,�.,_ <br /> ,. ,-�-''�� Lv�id�r m�y d�tutmin�.Any�ppiio�sion o}Proc��d+to Md�htedn��a�h�ll nat�utc+�d ar po�tpon�ths dua d�te o( n�y pnVmonto undur �^�* Y <br /> th�I�ota,or cur��ny d�}�uit th�rwndv or h�r�under.Any unapplied lund�si�all bo pald te Truotor. ,., _;_ '�'�- <br /> a 1+ <br /> � �;�'� 8.PKferm�na� by LMdw.Upon th� oocurnno�of �n Ev�nt nf D�iwit h�nundu, or i} any aot io tekan ot IupN prnnnndhtp �'�,�;�_ — <br /> --�-� oommenced which materidly�tf�ot�L�ndar'�iMere�t In tko Prope►ty,Lender may In IU own ditcrotfon,but withaut obii�ntian to do so, � ,r +7 ��. <br /> �nd without notfa�40 or d�n�nd upon Tru�eor�nd without re��mnp i ruotor from�ny oblin�tio��,do zny cct��Hfch Tructnr han oaraad <br /> - but f�ii�to du�nd m�y�I�o do any ath�r�ot it d��+ne n�cwa�ry to protwt th���curity h�naf.Trwtor ehoil,Immedl�tnl}�upnn d�„nend ��?�-� � <br /> '�:,;,,�:.: .- <br /> - - thenfor by Lmdor, p�y to L�ndu�fl oo�t�md �xpenas�Incurnd�nd sums axpended by Lendor In aonneodon with �hn euominn by �Y';.r..,�:,�?T.��by�;�.,,__, <br /> l.endsr o} th�forogohp ripht�, tapstha wtth intere�t th�reon et the defaull ate provided In the Note, urhlch sA�ll I��oddaA to the ,�_ �� ,�}-; <br />"�=�� indebt�dne���ecund hereb�.Lender�hall�ot(ncw sny U�biiity bscaure of anythinp it m�y do or omit to do harounder. f;, ,, � �ia! },�. � <br />--,�,�`I� 0.H�=ardou�Mataidu.Tn�etor�h�!I keeR the Propsrty tn compliance with all applioable lewe,ordinence�end rapuletiq�n rolntinp to �.• ,.f• .' � '�:.��,:,:- :�,�.s <br />-=�,,:'!�`,�� Indu�trld hypiene or envimmm�ntnl proteotion (colleotively roferrod to heroin a�"Environmentel Lawa"1.Tru�tor efiall keep thn Rropr,rty �� .,�`, •Y��'� __ <br /> -''" froe trom alt oubstanoe�deamed to bs haz�rdaw or toxio under eny E�vlronm¢ntal Lc��n Icolleotivety roferred to hnrein an"19nzord�un , ,.• �. <br /> -`''f--o.`^ M�tuid�'!. Trustor hereby worront�end ropro�ersb io Lender thet thore are no Hezardow 6lnterlsl on or under tho Ptopnrty.Truntor 1�,':�, �,'�: <br /> _ ',_ henby apreo�ta indemnify end hold humless Lender, it�dirootore, oNlcen, employeea end npent�, end sny suaaoeanm ta I.endnr's ?�;:.•<;�•'•-,Y•'.'�*'�T:'. <br /> .c �!�. <br /> :� intere�t,irom�nd spain�t eny ond elI claim�, damep�es, losse�end liabllitie�erisinp in co�nection wfth tha preeonoe, uno, dleponel or � <br /> trm�port�i�ny H�zardow M�terlels on,under,frcm or ebout the Proporty.THF.fOREtiO1N(i WARRANTI63 AND RtiPFF.8EN7ATI0N8, . ���� r,yy�^r=- <br /> �`'�.�:� AND TRUSTOA'S mE3LIt3AT10NS PURSUANT TO 7'HE POAEGa1Nt3 INDEMNITY,SNALL�URVIVE RECONVEYANGF. OF TF118 DEGD OF ;: ,1 : '��.,� <br /> .�'�`• TRUST. i �,' I�r'�' --� <br /> c,�;;?;��� 90.As�ipnr»�nt oG Rent�.Tmatnr heroby assi�n�to Londer tfie ront�,iswao and protit�ot the Property;provtdod thet'frustor�hnll, � :, ° ^ <br /> :'' _ <br />'Q "''''•� ',_ until the oocurronce of an Evant o}Uefoult hereunder,heve tha riplit to collaat snd rotain tuch rente,ieeuee encl profite Ae thcy bocome .*,..�A___ __ <br /> ,�L';%Y�;,c, due end pay�ble.Upon the occurrence of e�Event of Dafault, l.onder mey,aither in pereon or by e�ent,with ar withaut brinpinp any • r �+� ,_,, <br /> � f ectlon or procoadinq,or by a rooeiver appolnted hy e eourt and without reyatd to the adequeoy of ite toaurity, entar upan and t�ke �' �,�� +<<�� <br /> �_;;�;, possesdon ol the PropeRy, or eny pM theroo4, in its own name or in the namn of the Tru�tee, and da nnq nato whiah it doems �' +►yr`r <br />--.�,.�._ I��.. :�'�t -:' <br />�,;:..�, . n�rse�s�ry or ds�inblA to pro�erve th�v+�lue,merket�bility or rentebility of thm Property,or sny psrt thereof or inturoM thotein,inaronna ,����c�:=�' <br />^ �"r �� the ineume therofrom or protant the security hereof end,with or wlthout tekinp posee�don of the P�operty,euo Mr ar otherwinn collor,t •� •�;.-;,__ <br /> ',�'�� th�ront�,iuuss md profit�th�nof,includinp tho�e past due enrl unp+�id,and epply the�ams,lese cost�and onponn�o of aperetinn end •.j; r^�� <br /> �":=L�, <br /> ��. collection includinp attorney�'Pea�,upon eny indebtedness secured hereby,ell in�uch order as Lender may datormina.The enterinp upon ; . � <br />"=_�'"_!�'� �nd takinp po�su�ion ot th�Pr�p��ty, th�colleotion of wch rent�,iswe�cnd profit�and the eppliaatian tharaof en ntoreanfd,�hnll not + .�. - <br /> _.„�.. cure or w�iv�any def�ult or notico of defeult herounder or invulldnte e�y aot dono In re�ponee to cuch deFmilt ar purnunnt to such notics ,f�;;'�_ <br /> -�°`'• of detault�nd,notwith�tmdlnp the continuence in pos�nwion oi the Property or the colleotlon,rooeipt�nd appliootfan af rontr,inouee or •�� <br /> .., c�f,::�. <br /> '��'' proflt�,end Tru�tee�nd Lender�hall be entltled to exerc(oe every rlyht provlded /or in eny ot the Loan Inotrum�nta or by Inw upon ,s�, <br />-, `,�.� ' � occutrencs of any Eve�t ot Def�ult, inoludlnp wfthout Ilmit�tlon the ripht to exeroi�e the power of ocln. Furthnr, Lender'�riflht� and <br /> i„.,;, rwnodiN und�r ini. p:�ry�.v�� r�_ �� �s�'��=�"^= �'=!�•� 'ra •� ^^ way e limitatlon on. Lenderb riqhto anA remodioo undor eny - <br /> • ���ipnm�nt oi le�Qa�esnd rents recotded ap�inat the Property.Lander,Tru�tee and ths recaiver�hsll bn liahlu to e000unt onty(or tho�e �,; . � <br /> '°•�� � ront��otwlly roceNod. <br /> "'"' 1 1.Bv�nt�04 Detwk.Thb foNow(np�th�ll conntitute an Event of De}ault under thl�Dead ot Trust: �`' �' <br /> litf � : <br /> �:���. ta) F�iluro to pey�ny instd!m�nt ot princlpal or�ntere�t of eny other wm seaured heroby when due; <br />'��`,� Ib)A bro�ch of or defnult under eny providon oonteined in the Note,this Daed of Trutt,any of the Loen Inatrumonto,or eny k • <br />'�-��.>t othe►lien or encumbr�nce upon the Property: • . ' <br /> �"�tiSC, , lo)A writ of exscutlon nr ett�chmant or any similar proce��ahell be entered eya(nst Truetor whiah ohall b000me e lion on tho > <br /> -���t� 'f fhoparty o►my portlon th�r�of or int�rost th�nin; �,.�' <br />- -'�'a�.-s (d)Th�ru ehall b�fil�d by or�p�imt Tru�4or or Borrowsr an eotion under any proaent or tuturo(�dutal,etate or othar otetuo,low �, �� : <br /> �.t�� <br /> _ � or r�pul�tlon nlstinp to b�nkruptoy, imolvsncy or other reliet for debton;or there ah�ll be epWaintod any tn�ntoo, roneivor or , ,� <br /> ':����1�t4 tlquid�tor of Tru�tor or Borrower or of dl or eny part of the Porperty,o�the ront�,Icwea ar profita tNeraof,or Truator or Banower � <br /> �:• �hall m�k�any penenl�u:pnment for the benetit of oroditore; ,. � ,�_ <br /> ""'"�' ' le)The�ale,tremfe►,Is�tn,euipnment,conveysnce or turther eneumbrence of ell or any pert of ar eny intorr�nt in thn Property. __ <br /> _:;;,.�r.,•,t�. <br /> -`:;� " either volunt�rfty or involunt�rily,without the�up►e��v�rittan aonsent of Lendar;provided thet Tru�tor shnll be pormitted to ex�cute �, yi'� Jy�" <br /> . � '' ,;•/• . .� <br /> -.:,;-•i.�o;.;: s leua of th�Property th�t doe�not contain an option to purchem end the term ot which doo�not er.aeud urto yoar, i; <br /> .�, � If) Abandonment of ths Propaty;or � . � <br /> �cr..�s�� ; �� <br /> -'�- Ip)(}Tru�tor I�not an indivfdud,the lasuence, �ele,trander,nsoipnment, conveyance or encnembmn�a of mnro thnn a totel + <br />���.`�,� ot Y/A._pe►cent of IiP�cotpontion)h�i�oued end outstandinp atock or(i}e pertnership)a total af N/A pmoent of - <br /> � �, pertnsrohlp intersst�durinp th�psrfod thi�Oaed of Truat remalnt r lien on tF�e Property. �• , , <br /> �, �y,R�t»�di�r,Aoa�tbn Upon Dwfwk.In ths svent of�ny Event of Detoult Lendar may,without nntiaa enoopt eo roquired by lew, ` <br /> �``� dect�rs�II indebtedne���ecured hereby to be due end pey�ble and the �ame�hall thereupon bocoma dun cnd peyabin without eny � , <br /> '�:���� � pre�entment,d�m�nd,prote�t or notice o}any kind.Thersaiter Lender mey: f '� <br /> -'-�'. •�,.-'"•'' (�)D�mend that Tru�tee exerclse the PONfER OF SALL• qnnted horein, end Truotee ahell theroeftor anueo Truot�r'a Interoat <br /> 'y'""'"�" in ths Property to b�sold e�d the procaed�to be di�tributed,all in the mannor p►ovided in the Nebra�ko Truot Or�ndo Aot; � <br /> :.n��... •..- I <br />'_�- `'"'"",' (b)Exerci�e erry end all riphta providad (or in eny of the Loen Instrumant� or by lew upnn ac:oumn�n of any Evont of <br />'�+r'";1.';�^�'; Def�ult;end <br /> '��+`*' •'• (o)Commonoe an�otion to foreclote thic Qead of Tru�t e� e mortyape, eppolnt e receiver,ar opooifiuolly anforaa eny of tho � <br />_�°�:�•.'`'�:;..� covenant�hereo}. <br /> � �' A No temedy h�nin contarred upon or re�orved to Ttu�tes or Lender i�intended to be exclutfve of any otNar ronmdy herein, in tho Loan � <br /> �� ��� lnatrum�nt�or b{Iew provlded or permited,but e�cfi�hell be cumuletive,ohall be in�ddltlon to every other ramody pivon hereunder,in � <br />:�%�*;�!�;;,�•;• the Loan Imtrummt�or now or hero�fter exi�tinp ot law or in equlry ot by ctetute,end mey be exoralesd concurrontly,inclependently or I� <br />--•,,��.��.Y�',a tUCC�Ol11/�I�f. � .. <br />�-r,ia.i-�ir��..�.� - . <br /> ::.�.'.:'�'"�t:'•7;i 13� Ttu�tN�Ths Tru�tee may rotiyn et eny time without ceuse,�nd Lender may ot any time and�vitAout anunn eppoint e euaa0000r ` <br />:::'nY)'„'..,..�:.�;,; <br /> ,...;r.:{�;-� o►�ub�titut�7ruttes, Trust���htll not b�liablb to any party,ineludinp without limitation Lender, Dorrower,Trustor or eny purehortor of � <br /> �s a�r.;="�i, ,:; th� 9roperty, tor any lo�� or d�,n�pe unle�� due to rooklos� or williul miuoonduob ond chell not bo mquired to take nny aotion in <br /> 3c i p,� ctlnneution with th�enforcansnt of thl�Deed of Tru�t unlos�I�demnified,in writt�p,for all cost�,compen�ation o�eHpantet whiah muy `�it, <br /> F ,�?`�''� ` be auocfated thve�vith. In�dditlon,Tru�ter mey beaome�purchaser ot eny uls of the Property Qudicial or undor tha power of eolu <br /> ,���'�L�p.`�°J���t'�' p►anted h�rofnl;po�tpono tNe ealn of sll o►eny portfon of the Property,a�provided by law;or tell the Property a�e wholo,or in ooparate ,•� <br />�_.,�.;A"ri}.��p <br />."�l�i�'.`A�Y��.�::� �' <br /> S„t;; p�mel�or lot�st 7'euetne'r dUorotlon. ,. <br /> '-�t�'�:t•..� 14.F���nd�xpK►tw�.�n the event Truatoe eo11u tho Property by exercise of povler of�ele,Tru�tee�hall be ontitlnd to npnly ony oalo � <br /> " - '•'�• � .. ..�..,....;.�,.,.,�W..ef arlo.includinn ell Tru�tea's foe�,end Lendur's and 7ruuteo'e � <br />- --, • • - -._.�__�_��_..__....� <br /> � - procs�as nn�w p.j7rT.oni o��......�..�....�..r�.."--. _.._._._....�-� _=_--= __� : .._ . - <br /> ''iv;•wrY� etturntry'�tou,wtunlly incurred to extent permitted by applic�bls la�v.In the event Dorrower or Tru�tor oxeroi�er uny riplit pra�id�d by <br /> - ' luiv tn ouro�n Evont of Defeuit,Lender�hall be entftled to rocover from Trustor all coat��nd oxpemss aotually inau�rod ao o msult of <br />`�b�';��; Tru�tor'r doteult,inoludinp without limit�tlon all Truatss'�md attotney'�fee�:to the extent permitted by applin�ble lew. ' <br /> =" 4 r_ 16,Futur�Adv��.Upon request of Bnrrower,Lender mey,et it�option,meke edditional end tuturo cdvenae�end rondvanae�to <br />`f�'Y:lr^'��' B u t r o�v e r. S u e h e d v e n c n� e n d rondvonce�, viith inten�t therson, �hall be eecuroJ by thb beed of Truot. At no time ahall the p�i�aipul <br /> ='�'��`� amount of the Indebtedn���secured by thle Oeod of 1'rurt, not includlnp eum�edvenced to protoot the security of thl�Deod of'Truot, ; <br /> -"�'" ' oxeesd the oripind prinelpal�mount�teted Nerein,or 0 S12.Ob8.50,wnichev�xr i�proeter. �' <br /> . `s:� I. <br />-_:''X�M"r�.' ji <br /> _- '�z"' i� <br /> i ' `.ty'.��� <br /> .� � __ ' <br />