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<br /> ° ' CQYEf1lAW'fu �.�:.:
<br /> �Q,rj..�,�,���� ;'�?�G:-
<br /> - 9� pFq��:t:�:o. Cr,rraelcr cpraan 4o moko nP pnymcntA on the r.eeurcA dout whe� due. Unloae niSVi��an ondae �rUr utherwian, nny
<br /> paymanto L�ndm rocolvea Prorn Uurrawot a� lor Uorrot•+r,r'o G�naRt rn!I h� oppllod tirp4 to r.ny cntnunfn Lurvurlcr or1a� on ti�a c�ciuCtt cl�P,t ,,...
<br /> ° oxctu�lve oP InlMrnyi ur princlpoi,eecond to intcrqat,ond thnn to principal.If partlal propayr�ient of the aecurad d9bt oacuro for eny roanon,IY wiil . . _ •� •�.-w-_
<br /> •�• .� not rsducs n�excu�n any�chedutad pmyment uniil the secured oeht lo pald In fu{!. . � .;-
<br /> �j� •'•���..-. ,
<br /> `�.', ti�'�• • 2.Ci�kn�A�dr�at T�tN.8orrowsr wlll p�y oll t�xe�,Rate�omsnts,and o�hsr ch�rpe��ttrlbutabla to the prap�rty when due end wfll d�tend tlde _ , ��r,h+ :
<br /> � tU lFl�(N6rEff1��pdmt�ny ct�im�whfch would Impnir ths Ilan of thl�deed of trwt.Lander m�y require Borrower to attlpn�ny ripht�,sldm�or . �-�
<br />��:r�y,,.__- .
<br /> _-�.x;:,.. ;�_ detanaf whicti E3orrowar may have�prin�t p�nla who�upply I�bor or m�terlah to im{xova or mdnt�ln tM property. .:_
<br />.-',�"" `;:, ,•_.�;.
<br /> 3.Muunncr.Aorrowe�will kxep the property inaurod undar te►ms ncceptebie to Lender et Borrower'e expenae end(or Lendar'e benetit.All
<br /> v inewence po�icio:ch:tt titiclutio a stcnd°rd nortp�a�cicusc in fov�r�}I.endcr.I.endes uriil be nemed ne lose pa�+ee or ea the in�ur�d on�ny eueh —
<br /> -,:��t�r�,°, ,_; � Imurana�►olicy. Any insurancs procssd�m•y be�ppti�d,within Lando�'�discrotlon,to efther the rottoratlon�r rop�ir o}the d�m�psd prop�ny , �,�� ��
<br /> . , . ,�, r � or to the�ecured dnbt.If I.andor roqukes mortpape Innurance,Borrower nprrtes to molntsin�uch Insurence for es lane ee Lender roqulros. � '���.t�!�;�:.'.,,;•
<br /> r����„�� 4.(hopKty.Borrower w111 keep the proporty in pood condition and make ell repaire reasonnbly nacassary, 4'
<br /> �,,,.,. �.f'�'�' 6.Exp�nWS.Borrower agreee to pey ell I.ander's expensea Includinp reaeonablo attorneyo'fees,li sorrowor broaks any covenante In this deed –
<br /> ' of truat or in sny oblipation�tecurod by thia deod of trust.�orrower will pay tfiene emaunte to Lander os provided in Covenent 9 of th(s deed of
<br />� � . tfll6t. � '
<br /> 8.Ptia S�curity k1tM�q.Untaec Borrower fu�t obWinn Londor's writt4n consent, Oorrowar will not maka or p�rmft nny chanpes to any prior '"�
<br /> � � � eecwity Intenets.Borrower wiit psaiarm sil oi Bc�rower's obligatlons undnr any prlor mortpepe, deed of trust or other security ayreement, �a
<br /> .. . inctudinp Borrower'o covenanta to meke psymenta when due. ,
<br /> 7.AtNawn«'it of R�nt�M�d iho8►A.Oarrowor osalgna to Londer the rente end protito of the�xoperty.Ur�fesa k3ortowar end Lender hevo egreed " _ , , w�
<br /> othnrwfa�In wrltfng, Bwrower may collect �nd retaln the renu aa lony ne 8orrower ie not tn default, If Bo►rowet defeulte, 4ender, Lender'e
<br />.,1,;, apent,or a court sppolnted receivor may take poasenaion and manapo the property and collr,ct tha rents.Any reTEa Lender collocts shall be ' "'�'" . -
<br /> spplled Hnt to the costt of msnayl.�p the proy�erty, I�cludlng court coate ond attorneye' feea,wommisslons to rovnal agonte, end any other . r
<br /> _ ' neces�W rel�ted exuancn�.The romafnlnp amount of ronts will then epply to paymnnte on the cecured de6t as provlded I�Covona�t 1. � : .t�w,�: -.�; �_
<br /> . a.�;�;��•C�r�!��•:m�:pknne�f Untt p�vdo��m�nu•Borrowur eproes to comply wlth tha provlalons ot eny tease If thls deed of truet la on �_. �.����-:����
<br /> — � a Iaasshold. I�thi�deed of ttuat 1�on e u�it In a condominlum or e planned u�ft development,8orrower wii9 perform eII of Borrowor'e dutiaN ,.,.�.�.�.�::
<br /> under tFw cownant�,bylawa,or repu!atlana of tha condominium or plenned unit devotapment. , • ,,� •
<br /> � :.•,
<br /> 9.Authodty nf La�d�r to P�rfa�m ta Borroww. If @orrower feils top arform eny of Borrovear's dutlea und�st thla doed of trwt, Lender may ��, ,� ' ,
<br />� , , perform the dutieo or cause tham to be perfunned. Lander mey slpn 8orrower's namo or pay ony amount If nocessary for performanco. If any � -
<br /> consNUCtton on thep�oporty��discontlnued or not cerriad on In a reaionebte manner,Lender may do whutevar Ix neceatery to protect Lender's
<br /> ' sacurity Interett In t6e property.Thia may includa complat�ng the constructlon. • '��'•�`'
<br /> • :`!�, ' Lendar'o t�iluro eo t�o�Torm w�ll not{xeclude Lenclnv 4com oxero�sing eny of 140 ottior rtghte under thu law or this deed of trust. j . ���'T--
<br /> � :.� p `� y
<br /> „ •'.� AnY emounte psid by Lender to protact Loe��er'e sacurlty interost will ha sacured by this deed ot uuat. Suah emounte wttl ba duo on demend !;l`.��,,. �rl• '
<br /> enU will bear Interest trom the date of the payment untll paid In full et tho Intereat rste In ettaat on tho secured dabt. �=,`:j�;::,
<br /> ��!�1,1
<br /> � 10. D�twlt�nd Aecq�rWon. If Borrower f�lls to make eny payment when due or breako uny covenanin under thle deed of truat or eny . � �,;,
<br /> • .-('y . oblipatlon secured by thla detrd of truat or any prior mQrtgepe or deed of trust,Londor may uccalorete the maturlty of the secured debt nnd
<br /> . .'i��.: 5 demend Immedlate payment end mey invoke tha power of aele and any other remadioa permitted by appllaaLle law.
<br /> � � - -•1- �.u��J �y 1 h.o p/��aatwd tha}��n�w.�f the noticos of dofauh ond anla be aont to onch porson wha is o part�' �,�_, ..��
<br /> _ ��;yS.i L I��f/t1�11��\IM VYM�Y. �-i..L��..�..�i S�y.�
<br /> , ` �, heroto,et tho addreaa of each sucn parson, as sct f�r4h h�ieln. l.
<br /> jr;'.i . •-.
<br /> �;;I, 12.PAWM 6}SaN.If the Lande►invoke�the powar of sde,the Truatee shsll Hret roeord In tho oNicu of the rcglator cf doocla of each county ���'� ��„
<br /> whereln ths truat property or some patt or parcef thereot le sltuated e notice of default contatnlnp the Inlormatlon requlred by tew.The Trustee �!�;'.;;,� ' i�{,.
<br /> `�����- shail also m�il coples of tha notice of default 4o The Borrower, to oec7�person who Is a party f�oro�o, and tm other peisona aa preacrlbed by .� �;• *� -
<br /> � ' � epptic�ble law. Not Ies�than one month afro� the Tru�tea rocard�the notice o} dotault or two montha if tho truet property le not in any "�� � . �, M�
<br /> ' ..'�!ti:;f Inca{xx�tsd clty or vfll�ye and Is u:ed fn fo�mtnq oVeratlom csrrled on by the trustor,the frustee tshall pive public nodce of aata to tM poreuns ( ` 5�
<br /> L;::.
<br /> and In the mtnner prsscribed by eyppllceble law.Trusteo,without demond on Borrower,ehall aell tho properly at publlo euctlon to 1t�e hldhoot : k���.-.
<br /> ' � Wddst.I}requlred by ths Farm Homaste�d Protectlon Act,Tro�tee�hnll of(er thn prope►ty In two separato ealee ea requlrod by appNcsble law. "•� '� � ' •�
<br /> � TrwLt��may poatpone qie af eIl or eny parcel of the property by pn6lic announcement at the time and place of eny provlously achodulad ealo. �,.;",.;;�,. �i �
<br /> �� ��� • Londsr or Its d�signss m�y purchase the property at eny eale.
<br /> �.::sd:.' ,; �, �
<br /> Upon roc�lpt ot payment of the prlce bfd,Truetao shsll dellver to tho purchaaer Truatee's deed convaylnD the property.The recitlals contalnod In I
<br /> �� ' Trustee s deed shatl be prime fecle evldiencb of the truth of the 6tatemente contelned theroln.Trustee ehell eppty the proceeds of the eate in the � M•
<br /> followlnfl arder: le) to sll axpenaea of the eale, inc!udlnQ, Uut not Umltod to, roaaonabte Truatea's tees, reacona6te ettomey'e feos end I , � �� , �
<br /> relnstatement tees;lb)to ell suma secured by thla deed of truat, end Ic)tho balenco,ff any,to tho poreons lepaly onEit!ed to recelve it, F �''`
<br /> 13.Foraclor.w�. At Lender'e option,thle deed nf trust may be forocloaed in the menner provide by appUcable law for fureclosure ot mortgapea I •� -i' � `�
<br /> •• � . �n real property ! '�;';; , ~i'f�
<br /> .. � � :.,1,., . a
<br /> , „ ,,y„ ,; 14.Intp�edon.Londor may ontor tho proporty to Inspoct It It Londor plvoa Borrowor notico boforehond. Tho notico must etntn tho roosonnblo � ��; �
<br /> • cause tor lender's inspectfon. �
<br /> . . ; ��.:`,� ,
<br /> " �.:�: ,
<br /> ' 16.Condenn�tJon.Borrower asaiQ�na to Londer tho rocseda of eny ewerd or ctafm for damapaa connected wiih a condomnatlon or other taking
<br /> •� � ,�4�- o}all or eny part of the proporty.Such proceada wiP be epplled as provlded In Covenant 1.Thla esslpnmom lo subjoct to 4ho tnrms ot any prlor �
<br /> sucurity aproement. r :
<br /> . � 16.WMvK.By oxorcislnp any romady evaflu6lo to l.endor, Londor daoa not O�va up uny rightc to lotor uso any othn►romedy. 8y not oxorcislnp I `\,
<br /> eny�emedy upon Bortowor's deteult,Lender doea not wolve any rlpht to IAtor consldor tho ovont a dofault If it happons npnin. �
<br /> • 17. Jolnt �nd 5�vard LI�bNity• Co•slpn�n; Succ�sson �nd Astlpn� Bound. AII datloe under this dood o7 trust ora �ofnt and sevoral. Any � , �
<br /> " Borrower who co-alAns thls deed of trus: but doe� not co-slpn tho underlyIng dobt Instrument(sl does so only to grant and convoy tfint
<br /> ' ' Bnrrower's intetest I�tho propertY to the Truatoo undor the terma of thls deed of trust. In oddltion, such n Borrowor agroos that tho Londor and � ,
<br /> • �� ony other Borrower under thla doed of trust mey oxtond, modif�or mako ony other chenges Io tho turms of thle dood ot truet or tho nocurod ,
<br /> debt wlthout that Borrowa►'s consant end without roleasing that orrower irom tho terme of tnia doed of trust. +
<br /> y,s3'
<br /> Tho dutlos and benetlte oi thls daed o!trust eholl bind end benafit tho succoasors and osalqres o4 Lnnder and Borrowor, '' �
<br /> � '" - 19.FlotlCO.Unless otherwfso requfrod by law,nny notico to Borrowar shall bo pivnn by dalivorinp it or by mailing it by cortlflad mnll addrossod to �
<br /> ' Oorrower at tho praperry eddreas or eny other eddreas that Oorrowar has pIven to Londer. Borrnwe�r wflt givv any notico to Lendor by ccrt�:iad
<br /> � ' mall to Lender's adAreta on paye 1 of thla dned of truat,or to uny other addrese whlch Londer has doslgnetad.Any othor nutice to Lundo�ah�ll '
<br /> .;;�.;: ' be sant to Lender'e eddrese a�atated on page 1 of thla dodd o}trust, '
<br /> • �. Any rwtice nhell he deamed to have been plven to Borrower or Londor whun Qlvon In tho mar,nor etotad nbovo. �
<br /> 18.Tr�fK of the G►rup�rtY or�B�Hcld IM�rat(n the Borrowrr.If oll or ony pnrt of tho proparty or any intorost In It la cold or tron�fc�rr�d
<br /> " � � w(thout lo�xbr'��:•inr writton con�ont, Landor may demand immediete payrnar!t of tho secured debt. Lender mey elso domend immadiota
<br /> ",'.'':' denlendtpiyinintintl��aEove sltu�tlon��if ii Is prohtb ed by ederel law os of th daterof thes deed�ottrust nsierced. Howevor, Londor moy not
<br /> V
<br /> � � 20.ItKaw�y�nc�.When the oNepution oecurad by thls deed of tru�t haa been pald, and Lond�r h�s no turthe►obllgation to make edvencoa
<br /> unws�the In�tn�menu or eproementa eecurod by thls deod of truat,the Trustee shall, upon wrktan reque�t Ay tho lendor,raconvey the trust
<br /> �,y f�'� proparty.TM Lender ehell dellvar to the Borra�ver,or to Borrower'e succossor In Intorest.tho truct deed ond the note or othor ovldenco o}tho
<br /> -- 0�.........�1..11..u,r.�u ra�wAatleuf rnata .
<br /> ...�=4:.,_—__-___T- — wr.puvr.v w.v.....�........�.�..�..�,�..,.�"'___"'"_." � . .
<br /> Z9. Succ�atw Ttu�te�. Londor, at Londor'e o tlon, moy romovo Trustae nnd oppolnt e succoocor trustoo by flrst, malllnp a copy ot tho
<br /> � substltuttan of trustao os►oqulrod by applicablo Pow,nnd thon,by filln�tho aubstitutlon of t►uctoe foi rocord In tho oftico of tho ropfstor ot doods
<br /> of vech county in whlch the trust proparty,or como part tharoof, Ia sftueted.Tho auccosso�tructee,without convoyanco of tho proporty, shall
<br /> succeeA to e!!the pawer,dutlea,authonry and Yltlo of tho Truatoe namad in the doed of trust ond of ony succosso�truatoo.
<br /> . .. „
<br /> .. ` .�
<br /> ' . . Ipap�7 0/21
<br /> � J � eM7K[NS BV6TE5.15.WC..GT.Ci0U0.MN 60301 11•eOP797•I7�11(OitM OCNMt6-NL B/10101
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