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<br /> 9, Pr.;,-�:�nza. �orrov�ar r.prc:s to moho oll psymcntn on tho cocurcd dobt whon duo. Unloco Oorrav.�c and l.an cr c•�rco tf��rvr•Iso, any � • ���,
<br /> � � paymente 4ondar reooivoo trom Qorrowor qr tor 6ormwor'o bon3flt wi5¢�n nppllad firot to nny omounto Barrmvcr ovles on tho cocurod dcht � „�,
<br /> exeivatve of intereet or prinrip@„�tecapd.tq I.nts�p�1,N{�d lt►�fn to pelncipal. If pnrtle)prepaymont of tho a�curod dabt occuro tar ony rooson,it will •. _-
<br /> � � � ' nat reduco or oxsuno rny ei �Od�YA��i W1t",��,l�.�ured debt ie palA in full,
<br /> �-��•-..�� ,._r ' Z.CI�M1u ApNrut Tltte.Bcrlowar wi(F�pdy'ell ti�S'b11;eRSes�monte,end other charpeo attdbutable ao tho propti►ty when duo and wlll de}end tltte � „ -
<br /> T�'"`rr'� �' to 1he property apalnst eny cfalm�'+Nhkfi'wqulA�Y+p�M'che Ilen of thle deed af trwt.Lender may requ:ro Borrowar to eaalpn any r�phte,clefms o�
<br /> . defonsea whlch Uarrowot may hevo�talnat partlss who cupply Inbo►or matorlals to Improvo or malntaln tho proporty. _
<br /> ;_';,'' ;' �•;� 3.M�w�ne�.Borrower wlll keep the proporry Insured under terms acceptable to Lender at k3orrower's expenae and tor Lendnr'e henePlt.All _
<br /> � insurAnco pnllcles shall Include e stenderd mnrtgepe clau�e In favor of Lender.Lender wlll ho namad en losn paYoo or as tha insured on any such
<br /> � In�urance pollcy.Any Insurence�roceede may he epp11ed,wlthln Londe�r's dlserotlon,to aither the rastoretlon or repelr of the darnnaad proporry
<br /> :,, ,;��;;��. or to the Rncured 6ebx.If Lendnr requlroa mortflepe Insuranco,Borrowor egroas to malntaln auch insuranr,o tor c+o lonp ns Loetdar�aquiros.
<br />_ • • , :•„1„^L.
<br /> . �"�,V;;: 4.Prapety.Rorrowar wlll kaop tho property In pood cnndltlon and make oll ropalre reosonably rt0000sary. .
<br /> ,� � . '", S.Ex�ntas.BorroriAr oflrens ta pny all Londor's oxponses,Includlnp roasanahla ettomeys'foaA,If Horrov�ar brcake ony covanants in thls daAd •
<br /> ' of ttuet or In uny nbtl�atlan socurad by thls dned o}trust.Borrower will pay these emount�3 to lnnAor a�providod In Covonant 9 ot thl�deod of .
<br /> trwt.
<br /> � 8.Pdvr S�cudty(rKHatr.Unleas 8orrowor firet obtalna Londnr's wrtttcn consont,Borrnwar will not mako or parmit Hny chanpoa ta eny prlor •�
<br />_ • secutiry IntQroote. Korrov�or will porform ell ot Qorrowor's o6llpatlone u�rlor ony prlor mortfle�o, dnad ot t�uat or other :.ocurlty nflreomont, ` ••
<br /> includlnp Rorrowar's covenante to makte pnymonts whon due.
<br /> ' 7.AaaI�mnnt of R�t�U snd PraFb.[iorrowot eastpno to Lond�r tho ronts and proflts of the property.Un!oss Oorrower end Landor Aave apread
<br />-,; y . • • othqtwfte In writinfl, Qorrowor rt�sy colleat end reteln the ronte as�onp as Borrowar Is not In defnult. It Dotrower dafeulte,Londar, Londur'e _ .;����.•
<br /> -.e•r, • apent, ar o caurt appolntnd recelver mo take possesalon end mnnepe the proporty and callact the rento.Any rents lsnder collncts ahall be r,F*�'c_
<br /> __'�- � applta�first to the toato of mamBln9 t e prope�ty, includlnp coun coata end etrorrtaYO' teea, commlaslona m rem�f a ente, and eny other �.�•�'h���������
<br /> — _ • �acosaary ratatod ox�cn�as.F�a rem�Intn�amount of rents ulll thsn apply to peqments an the�ecured debt 9�providuJ•�nQCavenant 1. �.•::.� "�"��
<br /> '"=-±----
<br /> —. .: -� �r:t�u�..—
<br /> ,"'-'�-�---_-
<br /> ' 0.lo��ohdd�s CondamlNuma;Pl�nn�d Unit Dev�Fopm�nt�.8orrower egrees to compIy with the provlslons of any loase•�t ihia doed of trust fa on ��,�_�----.
<br /> -- ' e leeaehold.�Y 9h1a deed of truat Ie on e unit In a condominlum or o plenned unit tlevolopment, Borrowot witl pe19arm �SI oT Borrowcr's dullea r"�'t't`01�"�°�== ----
<br /> •�- " under tho covananta, by-lawa,or roputatlons of the condominlum or plenned unit dovetapmant. f-
<br /> :�' .. .^�f,�:.. -
<br /> — � " , 9.liuthority at L�nd�r to P�rform tor Bortowsr. It Botrower falls tope rfarm eny of Boerower's dutiox undei this dr.!of Vust, Len�er may '�'~t"�"'`�"°-'`
<br /> � perform the dutloa or causo thom to be pe�formed.Londer may sfpn 8orrower's nama or pay eny omount ft necessary for periormanco.If any ^.ry��r.,,:=.
<br /> constructlan on tho Rragnrty es dlscontlnuod or not carried on in e roasonabto manaor, Lantlor moy do whutovar le nucesaary to protoct Londer's .- • �"',�;,,r�;`r' �;
<br /> - � • sec�uity Intereat in the propur+ty.Thla may Inclu4a completlnp the const�¢ctlan. •,�,�,-,T_^:'a°—�1��'L-
<br /> ``�+' l.ender'e failure to perform will not proclude Londor from exercising any of iYe other rlghte undor tho low ar thls deod of trust. -'��-�-__ ______
<br />� �:i�'M rtir�..�.. .._ _.--�
<br />` �7 Any ameunte paid 6y Lendar to protect Lendor's socurlty Intorost witl bo socured by thla daed o}trust. Suci�amouMS w111 bo eluo an den�enJ �.�„_�.. --�—�
<br /> � , � � and wlll t�ear InYOrast from Me deto of the paymont until pnid In tull et the interest rato In eNect on the aecured debt. �, W , -
<br /> 10. D�f�c►ft �nd Accal�r�Uon.If Bonowor falls to mako any pnyment when due o► broake em�cavanenis undor thin deed of trust or eny `j;, ,f c�••
<br /> U
<br /> � �x� obllqatlan socurnd by thlz��t�ad ot trust or eny prlor mortgego or doed of trust, Lender may eccetarete the mnturiry ot the securod dobt end r,�
<br /> . . domand immodini6 pny��i�i�i�,■i�.-�ar ir.���o i:�e�::ar a!ssla as:,!s:t;�.°�^..s r,:.:.�,.'-�'�-.stst!!'.es!b;epp!!^.:!=!e!s:�. - --- ''�R
<br /> . �',
<br /> � � '�T 11.R�qa�st fo1 Nodce of D�t�ult.It Is hereby requostod thet copias of the notices of defeult end sate 6e sant to each pareon wh��is a parry S°
<br /> , hareto,at tho addrese ot eacn such person,aa set torth hereln. '
<br /> J, 12.Pow�r of 8do.If the Lender invokes the power of eate,the Trus2ee shall first racard In the oitice of Me ropister ot deed� of enoh cbunty '.
<br />- � whcrotn tho trwt property or aoma part or parcel thereof la cltuetzd e notice of daisslt cos�tolnln0 tha Infarmation raquhcd by law.'{'he 7ru�ted
<br />, �f ah�Il alao mail coples of tho�orica of deteult to the Barrowev,to each pe�s4n who fe a parry hereto, end to other peuon�ss proscrlbed 6y
<br /> . . applicabte law.Not less t�an ono mo�ith aftar the T►ustee rer,crde the notico af dofiiuti or two montha ff the trust p►opeKy is�nat In eny
<br /> incwporsted city or village end la usotl in Pinnlnp operatlone caraiad on by tha itu�tnr,the��ustee 6he11 pive puMia�otice at eete to tfi�opersone
<br /> and In the menner prescribed by appp11c1ibtn lew. Yrustee, wlthout demnnd on E�reower,shall sell the pro�serty et publio auctlon to t1w Alyhest � �
<br /> blAder.If requlred by the Farm Homestead P��otectlon Act, Trustee sliall n4ttt the property In two aeparate salea ea requlrad by oppl(c�bte law. �
<br /> • , 7iustee may postpone eale of eIl or eny parcel of the propeny by public annauncement et the tlme end pleca ot�ny prevlouely schoduled eale.
<br /> � Lendsr or its dotf�nae may purchase the properYy at eny seto. '
<br /> Upon recelpt of payment oi thn prlea hfd,Truatee shall dolivar to the purchaser Trustaes'd dead eor�veyinp the praperry.Tha recltfala contalned ire +
<br />_ � " Truatee's deed shdl bs prlmo fecle ovldlence uf the truth of tha atatemenQe contalned therefn.Trustea ehall epply the p►ocesda of the sete In the
<br /> ' iollowlnp order (e) to all expensea of the eelo. including, but noY Ilmlled to. reaeanable Truatee'e fens, raasona6le attorney'e tees end �� .
<br /> �. � reinctatomont fees;(bl to all suma socurod by this deed of truat,und(c)the batence,iP eny,to tho pe►sons legally entittod to rocelve(t. —
<br /> •� ' 13.Fonclosun.At Londar's optton,thls daed of truct may be foraclased In the manner provlde by eppllcable law for foraclosure of vnortgagas ���.q4:.�: "'"�-`-
<br /> , . .. on resl property. ,.�...r.i1.' %.%i�r� -
<br />_. r; ; 14.In�osctton.Londer mav�nter the prope►ty to Inspont it if I.ender plves Borrowor �otiau beforohand. Tha ootfce muet ateto the reasonab�e ,�:�IY•'�' � �
<br /> �t.,; cauae rtnr Lender'e Inapootion. "-` �r ��'`�"�
<br /> . ."-..��'l h
<br /> `���;:1%;� ' '' „��
<br /> ;y�.,,;�. 1ti.Cond�mn�tlon.Borrowar assi0rs to l.ondor tho�rocoods of eny nwerd or clalm for domnpos connoatad with e condomnatlon or other taklnD t�� {.;
<br /> ot nll or eny part of tho properry.Such proceedo wi I be epplled as provlded In Covenant 1.7hls oasipnmont Is subjoct to the terms at`uny prlor ..•.;:.�;;,
<br /> r socurity egreement. .,;';�;��'��
<br /> ��'::
<br /> ��. �,'i :�i .
<br /> -�, tE.W�ivK.By exercislnp eny remedy availablo to Lendar, Londar doea not pive u eny riphte to later use any other remndy.By not exnrclslnfl �� •
<br /> � �� ,�y,�',', eny ramedy upon Borrower's detault,Londer dooa not weiva an�right to lat�r consPdor tho ovent a dofault f}it heppone apaln. �""
<br /> .. ?'�y:'
<br /> • 17.Jdnt�nd &�wr�!llibiRtv Ca�lpne�; Succ�saon �nd Anty�s Bound. All dutios undor th�s dood of trust oro�oint and cr.var91. Any � °'°��,. -
<br /> ' ' Borrower who co•slpns thls deed of trusx but doos not co•sfpn tho urtdorl�In dobt instrumont(s1 doos so only to prant and canvey that ��
<br /> ., . .' Qorrower's intorest In tho proporty to tho Trustee undor tho terene o}thls�Joad o�trust.In additlon,auch o Dorrawer eprees that the t:cmder and �; � • .
<br /> eny other Borrowar undar thfs dnod of truct may oxtend, mo�iiW or makn any other changea in tha torma of thls daud o} trust or 4I�o secured ,
<br /> � . � debt without that Borrower's consent end wtthouY roloaslnp thot Borrowor from tho tarms of thls deod of trust. � . ,
<br /> ,
<br /> - Tho dutles end benefita oi thi�dned ot nuat shnll bind end benetit the succossore end essinna o}Londer and Borrower. ,.
<br />� �� , . 18.Notict.Unlesa oifiarwfso rapulred by law,eny notico to Borrowor sholl bo pfven by delivering it or by melling It by cnrtified mail eddrmesod to
<br /> � [iorrorror at tho properry addresa or nny other eddress that Borrower has Ivnn to Londer.Dorrowor wfll flfve eny notice to Lendar by ccrtffind
<br /> ��� mall tu londo►'e eddree9 on pege 1 ot thfs deed of Vuat,or to any athor s�drose whlch Lendor haa dosfgnated.Any other notice m innde►shall '
<br />_ be eent to l.ondor's addreea as statod on pago 1 of tAla doed of trust. I •�
<br /> /1ny noUco shill bu doomnA to heve b000 p(ven to Eonmwor w Mndor whon piven in tha mennor stetod above. i �
<br /> 18.Tr�ttK of tM Prqrerty a m HN��tic1�E Maro�t Iro��i4onn.�ra.I}t!1 or any parc of ttm p��opony or eny Interoot a��t'sc unld�w tra-ufarrod • ..
<br /> wlthairt lendor'm prior vnitttn o�naant, l.Endar nUy �emand irmnodietu p�ymont ot tlte securad debt. Lender may u1aa� demnnA lrmnoAleto
<br /> demandtpoy�rv na n�ttie ebove sltuatlo o�it fQlo�oN btad hy f odeiel law sa a}YM dotu ot thls deed of o��nnsforrod.Howovar, f_andnr ma� not .
<br />- ., _ �..,�• 2Q.P.�eonve�ratce.When ths oblipotton secured by this dced ot trust hn�baun pald,end londOr hns no furthcr o�liflatlon to mnke eQvancos
<br /> - -- - — -�-�--°-�----------- --------- --__.....��_ y_���.... .� �_._._._ �_., ___..Y. .....��_._.,__ .r__...._�.�
<br /> �- tmVm um nmu�n��mn�v� wu�m�w avuv�w aq uno v. uua• a.m ..voa -' .-a'�:'- vyvw• .o. .w. .v..v. � •.�v • i�-- - -- -
<br /> va m�m.�..__.i.. o... ..v a.vo
<br />- •,:��•"� property.7he Lcndar ahall�elivar to the Barcowar,or to Borrawc�'s succos5or In Inroros�,�tho truat doed ond t�e noto or othor avldonco of tho
<br />_ •• obliyatlon co satintled�Uorrower shall pay�ny rocardntlon toate.
<br />— �
<br /> 21. Succ��sor Ttutts�. Lander, et Le�Mer'e optlun, mey romovo Trustuo nnd appolnt o euccnssot trustoo by firet, mailinp o copy ot tho , �
<br />- � • substitutton of trustee ea raQutred by eupliceble Inw,end thon,Dv(ilinfl Uto suUstftutlon ot truata�a for rocord In the oifice of tAe raglstcr of doeds
<br /> _-'---, --, _.,. • „ � o!_==h ccsaty En Wt�kh t?te t�es!�:�;,�:C�.o:curss�Rsrt ttscrcof,i��ftttC*.°Q.Y1!°=s=L:9=n�erpatnn, yrithmit rnnynYnnrn n}thn nrnnnrtY, chnll � •
<br /> cucceed to nll the povrer,dutiee,authonty end titla of the Trustee named�n tho doed of tru�t ond of ony sueeaaeo►trustee. ,
<br /> iin �
<br /> s• . �
<br /> i5[. � .
<br /> IQ� tJ
<br />� o . Ipege?o17I ,
<br /> � . ' -' �lUlHEf14 GYST[M9.�RC.,3t.ClOUD,hW EOJ01 It•800437�23�11 FOfIN O�v.femm e;.�d; �
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