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<br /> , .. . 1. Raymaet�. Botrawer a�ees m mahe af!paymer�an tho seaued dobt when dve. Un[ass 8orto�ver artd Lendar a�ee oNe+ve:se. +any l :% . � � ,_
<br /> :<�+, . paym�ttte Lendnt rocehras trom Bortower or for 6arrowara bsna£rt w�71 be appllad tUst m any amaarta Borrower owes on the soc+aed Qaht : , •�
<br /> ��� . , oxetushs,of irtereaf a�GrindPal.seeornl�o intemsL�and then to O�+ciPal.H P��R�QOaYment of tha seQUed debt aecurs inr anY reason.it wllt S. . .
<br /> not feduee or�a�se anY sbt►iQuleQDaYrt!mrt urRtl the eewrid debt ta paid in full. - € , �
<br />— r•
<br /> . . 2.dai�Ap�Gu!Tit[�B�r��erar ptl t�ss�.iisesurserrt�and other chargea atv�utablA to theproperty whan duo and wi0 datend tiUe f . .
<br /> • to th0 proyerty e8ainst any ctefms�woutd impair iheutian et�thts deed of trust Lender maq reauire Bortower to assign anY ri9hts,ciaims ot � , . .� , ..-
<br /> � deteRSes whicA Bormwer may have egainst pmUes wtw suppry tabar or matariats to UnArove w maertain tris property. • •
<br /> ' � 3.tnsursnce.Bortower witi keap the properry insured under tertns acceptabte to LenQer at Borrower's exyense arid tor Londer's benafit.All � , �
<br /> — • '� ` insurance polietes st�aU Inctude a BtertQard mort9age ctause in tavcr ot Lender.Lender wUl be namad as fass payfle or as the Insur�d o any sueh �
<br /> � ins�uance poUey.Any insurance praceeds may 6a applted.within Leade�s diseretion.to either the restorati�n ur repair of the d�mag�d propeny .�,.
<br /> -•• = �.r=--`� or to the seacred debt 1?Lender requires marcgage msurance,Borrower egtees to mai�suet+insuranco tor as tong as lertdar requues. . �. •
<br /> L .�.°.• .,•
<br /> . - , - -��� 4.Prop*rty.Harrower�nn11 keep the pmperty In gcod eondition ensi make all rejsairs reasanaDTy neeessary. -- � �. - ,
<br /> � 6.Eipansa.Bortower.agrecs to p�y.all Lenders e�anses,i�tuding reasonahte ettameys'ieea.if 6arrpwer breaks any ccvenartte in Nis daed• • . . '
<br /> . . � . of Vust or in aml ohCgavon seatred by this deed of trus�Bottower wiU pay tttese amowrts to Lender as'Prahded in CovenarA 9 01 this dead of �
<br /> - � t�vst. , ' ' ' t'
<br />- � . � � B�euuiN i��.�H Ro�inreiJw�l per�fortmi ali of Bartoinwaefs�$ob getioWnseunder am►P or�mort�gage deed o trustP or a�eYt eanrauitY a{geemerrt. _�_•4_..--:.:. :__ . .;-
<br /> inc(uding Borrower's covenants to make payme�when Qua.
<br /> ' 7.As:t�un�af R:z�ts and PratNa.BoRarver assigns to Lendar the reMS and profRs af the property.Untess Bcrtower end Lendar have agreed • . : �
<br /> othenivTo in writing.Borrawar may caReet and reta�n the rerts as fong as Borrower is not tn defautt.it Borrower defautts,lender,Lenders .. � •
<br /> • ' agani,o�a court appointed receIver may take possassion end managa thB proyeny and coilect the re[ns.Arry rents Lender eopeeta shall'he ��� .
<br /> • � eppiied fissi to the costa of managin9 the.property,inctudin�couR ensts and attomeys'tees,eammissions to reMal a ems, and arry othet •
<br /> � necessary retated expensea The remaining amaw►t of rertm vinll then appty to paymertts on the secured dabt as provided in�venanc t. � •• `
<br /> .. • ,.. , i
<br /> � �� . ' 8.L�asshalQa•Candnmintums;Ptanned UNt Oavr!^�.Bortower egrees to eompty with the provisiorts of arry lease if this Qaed of uust Is on � -
<br /> - . _,.� unQet�ths covenetrte,bWlaws,�or togulation.�s o ths�ndoml fi n or piannedeun�it�d9velopment�8armwer vn'tl perform all of 8arrowers dutiea , .
<br /> ` a. � g.Autleority of Lsnder yo Faitone�tor BoROwer.H Barrower faits to perfortn any of Borrowet's Qutiea under this deed of bust,Lender may '` .' ' y� � � .
<br /> ! � �..
<br /> . . , ; _: • • pertorm the duNes or cause them to be pertom:ed.lender rnay sign Borrower's name or p ay any a�r.aunt if necessary tor perfortnance.tE any r . ,
<br /> �� '• construction on the property ia disco r rt inue d ar rwt earr ie d on in s reasa n e 6 ia m m n rt e r,L e n d e r m a y do whateveo Is Recess a ry to protact Lenders � ,; . 4 ,: __ .
<br /> -- :. . _.. .secu►tty-inmrestintna-pro�rty:�fiisinayindude�ompletingthecor�smiuion.. --..._ ..- --- ----.... -
<br /> , .. .. _..._ _,.....---- --�--- - -.__...._..- -�---------�
<br /> �v�
<br /> � ' ' � ' Lsnder's fai'ture to perform w311 not preetude 4ender t�om exarcisiog eny of(ta other rigMs under the law or this deed of trust. .","��
<br /> • � , . . � •!,�lr.
<br /> � � Any amaurtm paid by Lendar to protect lendera security trtoerest will6e seeured by this deed�af trust.Such amounts wiU be due en demand - . �,,,�'`—
<br /> ' ' and wiil Dear irtterest fram the date of the payment uniii paid in tuil at ths irterest rate in eHact on the seeured Qebt. �,',�%' .
<br /> - -'y , 70,Qstauit and Aee�taratian.lf 8onowar.lafts Lo-ma&e.any.pa;rment when due or_breaks eny eovenants under_thTa_Qoed of Vust ot arty ' _��'_`�_ '��.-r a; y
<br /> ' QemSa�nd immedieetae pay m�ont and may�okeeMe power�f sate and am other�temBdiesdpermitt d DyFappli ble a�ot the secured Eebt and - ��. . •
<br /> . �
<br /> . 77.Rsqu�sf tar Nottcs ot DsfadL It is hereby requested that eoptea of the noticea of dafautt and sate be sent tn each person who ia a party . � �
<br /> � ' hereto,at the addresa of each such persan,as set torth herein. ' " " , �
<br /> :. .�_
<br /> 12.Power of 8af�.'M�ffie Lender invokea the power of sala,the Trustee shau flrst rACnrd In the offiee ot the register of deada oi oaoh eounty - � . - , -.�': =
<br /> � • wherein the trust property or some part or Oarcef thsreof is situated a notice of detault containing the intormaUon requfred by taw.TAe Ttustee •
<br /> sha11 also mafl capies of tfie noUee ot default to the Bonawer,to each psrson who is a party hereto,and to other persons ea presafbed by � ��, :
<br /> applicahte law.Not lesa than one month after the Trustee recards the notiee of default,or two mo�fis if tha Vust property ls not in any � • �fi..� ,
<br /> ' � incarporated eity or vIDage and is used in farmi�g opereUons carried on by the uustor,the 7rustee shall give public�otiee of sate to the persans_ :.
<br /> _�, .• . • and in the manner prescrlDed by apppllcabte taw.Tru&tee,w�thout demand on Bortower,shall sell the proparty at publia auetion to the hlghest : ;,[f_�_ �
<br /> bidder.If required by the Farm Hamestead Protecdon Aa,Ttustee shall offer the property in two separete sales as required by applicahle law.
<br /> � - ' Tnistee may postpone sate of all a any parcel of the property by public announcamer►t at the tims and ptace of any prevtausly scheduled eata. „-._ _ ���•
<br /> ' � LenQer or fts dosignee may purchase the property at eny sa1e. _
<br /> ' Upon recelOt flf payment of the price bid,Trustee shali delivar to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveylng the property.Tha recltlats contained in . �_ •;�.��
<br /> � � Trustea's daed shail pe pflma tacte evldience of the trutt�07 the statementa contalned tAereln.Trustee ahall appty tha procoeds of tha sate in the .�� ;.�;
<br /> - eIlnst toment teese1tbf to all sums e re d by s t T e i is dee d a fin t u s t an d(c j i t h e ba ta n c e I f a n y.�t o h e p e r s o n s I e g a t l y e n t U e d t o(e�edeme��.fees and : • : .
<br /> . . �"s_"��/, �',��.
<br /> 13.Fonetostu�.At Lender's option,thts deed of uust may be forectased in the mannat provide by applicabfe taw for toreclosure of mortgages � �
<br /> y . � on real ptopert}►.
<br /> � i
<br /> 14.{nsy�atlon.LenAer may enter the property to tnspect it if Londer glves Borrower noUce beforehand.TAe notEce must stete the roasana6te .
<br /> ' causo for Lender8 tnapectton. , . � �
<br /> � 16.Ccnd�mnaUen.Boirower asarg�ns to Lerfder the proceeda ot arry award or c(aim tor damagea conrrected with e wndemnetton ar othei taklr�g � � ' • • ��-.
<br /> - " • o!atl or any peR of the property.5uch proeeeds wlll be applied as provided in Covenant 1.Thls essignment Is subject to the terma of eny prlar
<br /> ; � security agreament. i •tia ..
<br /> � `�. any rem dy up n Bortowers's detauh,Lendeti does not waive eny right to IategiconsPdai t t�9,ehv�er t a�Qefault if rt heppena 8gainY B�not exercising � � .
<br /> � �. .
<br /> � • • � 1?.Joint and Sware!L1�M, Co�si��n; Suec�saon end AssTgns BounA. All duUea under this Qeed of trust are joint and several. Any � �
<br /> � Borrower who caatgo�thia deed of trust but dooa not easlg� tho unde ing debt inatrumenttsl doea so onty to grant and comrey that � .
<br /> � Bortower's Interest In the property to the Trustee under the terms of thla dee�of truat.In addition sueh a Bonower agreoe that the tander and � .
<br /> � any other Bonower undar thla Qeed of truat may extend,mod�or make any other changes in t�e terma of thls deed of trust or tho secured �
<br /> � QeDt wlthout that BarroweYs consent an0 wlthout releasing that ortower bom the terms of this deed of uuat. '
<br /> � • The dutlea and banefita of thla deed of trust chall bind and benefit the succeasora and assigna of Lender end Borrower. �
<br /> �' � .
<br /> ' � 18.NoUc�.UNess oiherwlse repulred by lew,any noUce to Borrower shatl be glven by delivering It or by mailtng it by eertifted mail addressed to , � '
<br /> � ��� � ' Borrower at the property addrese or anv other adQress thet Borrower has qiven to Lendar.Bonower witt give any noUce to lender by certifled ;.
<br /> ' mail to Lender's aQCress on pege 1 ot thls daed of trust,ar to any other ed�reas whlcb Lender has destgnated.Any other notice to Lender shatl I '
<br /> . be ser�t to LenQer'a adQresa as stated on page 1 of thla deed of trus�t. , ;
<br /> � Amr noUce sha0 6e QeemeO to have been glven 4o Bartower or Lender whan given tn the msnner atated ebove. �
<br /> 79.4nn�tg of tlf�Fe�rty or�B�n�fleh0 trtmst In th�Bortower.tf all or any Oart of the property or any lntetest in it(a sotd or transtenad• .
<br /> � wltheut Lendere OTtor writtan consent, Lender mey Qemand Immediate peyment af the secured dobt. Londor may also demand immedioto
<br /> . do�rtd p ymentln t�he ebove sftuaUon.�9 H�k Is p chihtad by t deie law as of th9 data of twhels deed o4��t r.steRed. However, Lendor may not .
<br /> r. Z0.Rtconv�Y�nc�.When the obOgatton secured by thla deed of truat has bean pald and Lender ha�no turther ob8gation to mako advancea �
<br /> � �� � � � unQef the Instrumente or agreements secured by thia deed of Vust,the Trustea shat�upon writton raqueat by tna Lender,reconvey the trust �
<br /> � pruperty.Ths lender shall deliver to the Borrowor,or to BonowePa successar In interaet,tfio trusf dead and the noto or otAer evtdence of the
<br /> - , , obligaUon eo saUsfled.Borrower shall pay erry reeordatton caste. , �
<br /> ` Z1.Sueuttm Trvstt�. Lender. at LenQer's opUon;may removo Truatoa and appoint a successor vustee by flret, malling o copy of the
<br /> .t �;:. , . � suEstitutlon of truatoo as requlred DY apylicabta Iaw,end then,bV filin�tife su6stituUon of bustee tor reenrd tr.the o4flce of the reglster o!deeds
<br /> � ot eaeh eounty(n whleh tho trust praperty,ot some Dart theraol.Is sttuated.The successor truatee,without conveyanco of tho property,shatl
<br /> _ ...f�. . , suceeed to etl tho power,Qutiea,authorlry and tltle oithe Trustee named in the deed of trust and of any suecossor Vuatee.
<br /> , ;"_
<br /> ,. � ' � , �
<br /> � • • .
<br /> 3.' . . ' .
<br /> y .� . . . .
<br /> , �� ' �� � � mipo?0121
<br /> -���-- - QANKER9SYSTEM9.IFlC..bT.EtOUD.MN6890i(1�806357•1St11i0itMOC7•MTWtCEtt8/81 ; - .
<br /> �. • .. ' � � •
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