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<br /> _ . ....-° � '..;. . .. . <. �.
<br /> -. .` ..��� � . � PREFACE TO DEED OF TRU�7'� T __ .�_.. _ ..: ,
<br />- �. � , � : � U{�iDER FARM HOMESTEAD PROTECTION ACT x. , � . . . � _ .
<br /> 5 � . . : �, . DiSCLA1MER , ��� ._.. . _. � � � ..
<br /> �
<br /> - :. . �^�' . J
<br /> i• ,�i� .. • � . �, • �1�� . . .. -.' � << �:
<br /> � 4 � Timdthy J. Sahi�aer Timothy J. Schi�ar, Husbaan . `, � •.' -
<br /> .:� :c , . SussII 8. Schis�mer . Sueaa S� SChimmes. 9Pife .
<br /> Selea S. Scbimmees. ]1u Qasamisrind �Pidowr ._ . f.. ; '
<br /> q.F ' � '
<br /> .. ' . . . .. . . __•'-.- `3r.. '
<br /> _ •' �_��_,— . . . -,
<br /> ' —' '_ . _'._ ._,_... ..'_"'.... _ .. . .... . . ... '.-�;
<br /> " ' . ,•. ' �QA� ' - " - ��.�. ' . � . . � . - I . . . .._ ,-.+.
<br /> , 3611 South Stul�r Road 3611 South $tuhr Road '�—
<br /> h 6raad I41aa8, t� 68801
<br /> t � 6raad Isiaad. N!3 68801 � . . . , . �s ,' �.�`
<br /> _ . .. .. ,. - -- Y�PlppNBSp�, �11pRIli� . �1R[PHONHtI?' , �� - - - :�a .
<br /> . ' ' . : ` ntus�IIaioa Hank 1►a8 Tsuat Co�paaY ; .��'
<br /> � 3543 Sauth 48Th Strnst, Lincola. HS 68506 � - _.
<br /> ,� .. DtSCLAlMER ' '';�' .
<br /> . , � ,� ..',-.
<br /> � � in accordan the rov sio s of the Nebraska Farm Homestoad Protectlon Act,UGarianior prior to exeaning�eat���e$d���ddof �• ���.s.;
<br /> . � - Tmst dated��� 0�• �995 ,by and becween Grantor and on $oaa, iaa. , � ;. •
<br /> ' ' � �tr��t 1Camrae NB 68847 '� �� �.
<br /> "� , Lender,hereby states and actmawtedgaa • �
<br /> ' �. .�;_.."_"_._�.._�-...' . . . . - � t:��'�.� .
<br /> T ' ' � t. Thai no part of the hom�siead ot Grantor is presentty or will bo in the fu[iue,situated on the foilowing desaibed re�J estate(the , �
<br /> . + �•��-� • Froperry).not era there any fouildings sufflciem to 6e designated as a homestead presernfy loc�ed on the Property. .
<br />- .t t ,�f . ; -•�:�-`
<br /> �i Th� bTorth HaIP of tihe Southeast Quarter (Nl/aS81/s) oP Ssctioa Thirey-lour (3�). ia ..
<br /> � �� . To�biy 8levea tii) Rosth. �age Htae (9) 9veet of the 6th B.�S., ia Hail Couaty. . �,.` rc' ��'i., :.
<br /> , .,' ttabra�lu. • • :.. `_-��-+_
<br /> • . •,�:.�
<br /> . Th�1f�/t 8a1P Of bhA HOltbxaet Quatte! (oPl/2H9i1/�i) O� SaCtio3 T131=ty-£iv� (35l� a;� .'�`.''••:z
<br /> `�' !a Townahip iilw�a Ili) �orth, Raage Aias (9) Wsst o! the 6th B.l6., ia Saii � � - �"'�;.
<br /> ;?�<;-a:. . . : ' ;::,:;. ,.�_
<br /> ' .��,_�___.
<br /> . , . �. Couaty. H�bra�ks. e7�aeptiag th�t�from t1�st part th�rsof coavsyad eo !h� 8t.�t�� ''??.t:��.�=�r
<br />- otltebtsako, as shaxa by Dead reaordad ia eook 71, at 8age Z43 ot th� Dt�d &acords _ -
<br /> ��� ` . .. . ,`..� o! Sali Couaty. N�bra�ka, aad also, excsp tiag th�rsfram that ysrt thoraof � ���
<br /> �. • coavsyad to Otto 8abimmar by 9�arsaat]I Dee� rncorded ia 800k 73 a! Page 582 of Ehe � , � . �,..,�,: .��
<br /> !� � Di�d saeord� oP Sall Coua�y, H�braska. A1eo e�caeptiag theretrom a tract of laad conve
<br /> T,_.,aJ .,,�.: .
<br /> � � �� h ys� to tia� 8tat� o! Hebra�1�a ia Warsaaty DeeB reeordad as nocumeat No. ' . � ��.=:_
<br /> �`• � 80-OOf767. 111�o aaceptiag a Traet o� 3aad camprieiag the 9Pmsterly Hive SuaQraB (500 , "�':,
<br /> ' � ) fa�t o! th� 8outherly 8ight Hun8se8 Seven oao aad tKO-teatha (871.Z} fast O� th6 , . •!�'�:'�
<br /> � � �` Horth��s! tar (Lif41/4) oP Seatioa Tbirty�ive (35), ToMashi Elevea (11) North, R . , • .�
<br /> �.� . - • � aags Hias 9) Mest of the 6th B.M. ia Sail Co�saty, Nebsaka, eai� tsaat eoataia�ag 10. . � ,
<br /> . � 00 aes�e mos� or ies�. . •
<br /> j. . .
<br /> . 1 _� ' . ;,. -. . � . .�<(, . . t '
<br /> , ;. . . . .. / . . .
<br /> - . . . . . . ' �� . .
<br /> � r .' ` �
<br /> �. .
<br /> � 2. Orarttor ackno+Medgea that whi►e this Deed of Trust ia unsatisfied and a lien remains on the Rroperty, Grantor shail have no rigM "
<br /> � 13 �� ._ presentty ot in the Mure t0 make e designatlon ot homesiead on tha Properry,including,vWthout limitation,in tho event of a mist69 s sate � � .,
<br /> • . . . , under the Qeed of Trust. { �
<br /> _ 3. atamnr acknowtedges that N.corttrary to this O(sdalmer.Grantor establishes a homestead on the Property during the time the Deed 1.
<br /> ' � 0}TNS!19 tlfi98ti9fled Afld 8 lien remains on the PropeRy.arantor shall have no rigM to makA a designafion of homestead in tfie evem af � �
<br /> �� �- . ;"�" � • e m,stee'o eata under the Oeed of Tast �
<br /> � � 4. ararnot etates thm this acknowtedgmer�t is Grar�ofs knowing and voturrtary aa and deed,and constitutes a written disGaimer and � � �
<br /> � � acknouvtedgmer►t under tho Nebraaka Fum Homestead ProtecUon Act and Gramor hereby disciaims any right to deslgnate a homestead i: . ,; .
<br /> . �. �• In tho overtiof a trustes e sals undar the Deed of Trust ;� .
<br /> , _ � g. (3raucr tunher undarstande and agteea th�t this acknawledgmerrt end 01�c1a1mer shali ba fiied as a Preface to and become a part of � _.�• _
<br /> ,_ • . � � ._._.�.�
<br /> . � . tho Ooed ot 7rus� �^. . —- `
<br /> �.,.. , lFNE040 m iamAlloR iC.nnolop;r0.tn0.(9I11�1(�7�737C9 't , •
<br /> .
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