[ ` . }4., R. .. � . . ` . . .. . . . . . . � ' , •'t - •dl
<br /> ' . . ._' . . ' ` ` � '� �` . � � � _ . � •l ' `, ' ��i.�_
<br />' ' •-. .'�..�' . " i . ._ ..� . . . . , . . , •• . � --��--yy •• _
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<br /> � • . '• - • � �� �� , ` . ` _
<br /> g,j{�do�l�Iak�r�fA.Trustar shall keep the Property in compliance vritA all applicabte Isws.ordinancas aad regutatlons ., f.��-
<br /> � ,; �, , relating tn Industriat hygien�or�vironmenta!prartection(coliectivety reterred to herein as"Environmental Laws'}.Truatpr Shail � �. , .
<br /> � keeptheProperiytreetromaUaub�ffirtc6sdeemedtobehatardoasortoxicunderanyEnvironmeniail.aws(colfecUvetyrreforredl� ' � -t `.
<br /> - � �'� • � herein as°Ha�rdous Meteriats').TastOr heretry vrarrants and represenb ta Lender that there ara oo Hazardous Matsri�ta on or �: ` '• -. ,.�•, �, i
<br /> � ° undarthe Propercy.Truator hereDy agreesto indamnitys�d hoid harmtess 1 ertder,its direcwrs.officers,emptoyees and agenta,and ;•`�� •:
<br /> � • � ariy successora to Lendsr's Interest,ttom and against any and atl ctatc�dsmage�losses end liebilities arising in connecUOn witt� � ,_ , ,
<br /> �� �` the presence.us�.disppsal or trartsport ot any H�sardous Mat@rials on, under,from or about the Property.TME FOREQOENG j,. __•
<br /> .. _ -.- ;•-,'-_"';';� SUR1/NE RECONYEYMICE OF THIS p�EQ QP TFIUST. � ABr�Y P • ' •
<br /> _ � 10. Afr�Qnmenf ot Renb.Trustor her�by assigns to Lend+er tf�s rents,issues and protits a!the Pro fOVttSBd�ISZ TNStOf � ` - �_
<br /> shali,untitUieoccuneacaofanf�rec�iolDefauithereunder.Aav�therighttQCO!leciandretalnsuchrents,issue9andproUisas4hey�
<br /> `�� become due and payabte.Upon the occurrence of an Event o?0@fault,Lerrler may,e�ther in person o�by agsn�witt►or�v it ho u t •
<br /> ` � prirtgin�any action or proceeding,or by e receiver appoi�ted by a ccuRand�vithout regard tothe adequacy of ifs security.en!er . � . �
<br /> - � upon and take pa9session of the Property.or any part thereoL in its O�un name or in the nama oi the Truste9.and do any acts whtah it :
<br /> - daemsneCessarltafdesirabletopreseivethevalue,marketabitityorrflntabitit�oftheproperty.oranypaRthereotorinteresitheceU►. . , .
<br /> � � � increass the incom8 th8retrom or protect the seCUriry hereaf and,.with or withput taking possebsion Ot the ProPert!►.g�@�or or . • _ •
<br /> �. � . • oth.erwise cvtlect the rent�issuss as�d profita thereof,inctudiqg those past Cue and unpaid,anQ appty the same.tSSS wsts and . . . �.
<br /> dnpenses of opa►a6on and cvitectton including attomeys'fees,upon any irtdeb:edness secured hereby.all in such order as Lender . ��;k
<br /> • may determine.The entering upon and taking possession of the Propeny.the coltection of sucb rents,issues and profits acsd the
<br /> • � 8pplicauon thereof as atoresaid.sha{I not cure or waive any default or notica of deisuli hereunder or invaitdate any act done in �`.' `<_:•_
<br /> responss ta sucA deiault orpurauant W such no8ce ot detauttand,nobarithstanding the contlnuance!n possesslon of iha Properry 0r �:4_,,_�--..�
<br /> � Uta colfection,recatpt and apptication ot rents,issues ar profita,and Trust+ea and lender sha11 be entitled to exercise every�ight � �^�,_,
<br /> � � � • � providedtorinanyottheLoanOocumentsotDylawupanoccurrenceoganyEventofDetau[t,inGudingwithoutlimitationthorightW ,.:�>T.___
<br /> " exercise the pow►er ot sa!e.Further,Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph shatl be cumulativa with,and in no way a " ;:�;;;�,���
<br /> - � . �. �-. Iimitationon.Lendetsrightsandremedi�sunderanyassignmentofteasesandrentsrecordedagairistthePrapeRyr.l.endar.Tnastgci :•_���=:
<br /> � anQ the receiver shall be liableta aCCOUnt oaly Mose renLs actually recetsred. � '�„`:�__�_-—
<br /> � ' 11. �vw►ts pf QefautL The toitowing shail constitute an Event of Detault under this Daed of Trust '-.�:�__
<br /> _ �`S � •�` :� (a)Faiture t0 pay anY installment of principa[or interest at aAy O�her sum seCUred hereby when due; ��._`; _ --
<br /> � (b)AbreacholoideiaulTunder�yptovisio�rrcantainedintheNote.-thisQeedotTrust,anYofU+�LoanDocuments,4tenY--.-...----- �y._
<br /> ' other lien or encumbrance upon the ProAertv: '' -
<br /> � ' �� (c) AwritofexecutionorattachmentoranysimitarprocessshailbeenteredagainstTrusltorwhfat►shallbecomealtenor►
<br /> � � • the Praperly or any portion thereof or interest therein; �`,�
<br /> ,. . . (d)�h8re shall ba�fed by or against 1'►ugtor or Borrower a�action under any present or future tederal.sffite or ott�er
<br />• � ' statute-Iaua or re ulation retating to bankruptcy,insolvenoy 9r other retief for debtor�or there shall be appointed,any Uus46er -��'_�
<br /> . 9 ..
<br /> ' • receiver or�iquidator Of Trustor 0r Borrower or of a!I or any part of the Property,or fhe rents,issuesor piofitatp�reol.or Trustor L•' �
<br /> • � � or Borrower shaU make any general assignmant for ths benefit of creditors; ' 'Y�'"',.
<br /> ' ' (ej Th��s�le.tranafer,lease.assEgnmenC conveyance or further encumbran�e of all or any paR of or any inisrast in the .
<br /> ' Property,e{U�er voluntartly or involuntariiy,without the expres.g written consent ot Lender.provided tfiat Trustor ahall ba .
<br /> � � permitted to execute�a leasa ot the Prope�ty thatdoes not contain an opttonto purchase and thatsrm of whtch d0es notexcsed ,,
<br /> one year,' ` �'••�
<br /> , ' . .; (�Abandonment of the Property;or �`�`��''�
<br /> � � . , • ' (g)ltTrustor ia notan indlvidual,ttte issuance,sala,transfer,assignment conveyance or encumbrance of morethan atotal
<br /> � of....--percent of(ii a corporation)its issued and ouistanding stock or(if a partnership)a tofal ot percent o! ,,�� �
<br /> � � � p8rtnersAip interests diiring the period this Deed of Tru&t�emains a i;en on th�Property. .
<br /> rt�
<br /> � 12. Ramedtaa;Acceter.Wc�UPo�►Oetault In the event of any Eventof Default Lender may,without notice exceplas r�quired by
<br /> !. • � law.declare all indebtednes3 secured heceby to be du9 and payable and the sama shail thereupon become due Fand payabte
<br /> � � � wttho�any presenUnen�demand,protest or notica ot any klnd.Thereatter Lender may. Y �"_ t
<br />� • � � (a) Qsmand that Truste0 exerCisa the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustea sha11 thereafter cause 7rustors ��".�.
<br /> - � interest in the Prpperry tp be sold and tha proCeeds to be distributed.ail in the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Oeeds `•.��_
<br /> . . A� � • '. .�.� -:
<br /> , ' (D) Exercis9anyandallrightsprouidedforinanyoftheLoanDocumentsorbylawupono�currertceotanyEventolOefautt: . � � { ; •:
<br /> . • . � . and .
<br /> �� (c)Commence an ec6on to torectosethis DBed of Trust as e mortgage,appointa r�tr,eiYer,or speclficalty enbrce any of the :-;.•{�� .:`.,:
<br /> �. ,-.:�.a
<br /> ��� ' � Cbvenants hereot : •� •
<br /> � No�emedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Truste9 or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein.in tfle
<br /> � � Lpan Documents or by.law provided or permitted,but ea�b shutt De cumutative,shatt be in aOdition to eYery other remedy gtven , ;riL' `'�
<br /> - '� � hereunder,in the Loan DoCUments or now or hereaftet existing at taw or in eQuiry or by statut9,and may beexerCised concumenUy. _ �
<br /> , � independenUy or successi�ety. -
<br /> - 13. TrufU+i.The Trusies may reslgn at any time�vithout cause.and Lender may at any time and witt�out causa appoint e .
<br /> �� suCCessot or substitute Trustee.TrusLee shall not be liabte to any party,includirtg v�ithout I�mifaUon Lender.Borrower.Trustor or any . . ,
<br /> � ' }Ut Pro ,for en toss or damaga unless due to recktessor witlfu!misconduct,and shall nqt be required to take any � �.' � .
<br /> , .. . purchasaro e PenY Y �
<br /> {•� � aCtion in connection with the eniorcement of this Deed of Trusi unless indemrof�ed,in writing,for aQ Cosffi,compensation or .
<br /> ` � gxpenses whicb may be assoCiated therewith.In addition.Trustee may becom9 a parChaser at any sale ot the PropeRy�udicial or . •
<br /> � '� . . under th ��rec of sala granted hereiny:postpone the sale of all or any portlon of the Property,as provided by law:or sell tAe . .
<br /> ; .�• � Proporty�sa whole.or id separate parcBis or lots at Trustea's disCretion. �
<br /> � � •14, F�ss and Exp�nwa.in the�vent Trustee selts the Property by exercise ot power of sate.Trusfee shait be entiUed to apA�Y � •
<br /> � � � any sala proceeds first ta payment o!all costs and expanses ot exercising power of saie.�S+clud�rtg all Trustee's fees,and Lender's i:
<br /> : .,• � " �and Trustee'settorney's tees,actuatty iriCUrred to extent p9rmitted by appliCable(aw•In the event Borrower or Yrustot exarct,es any. �
<br /> ,;,. •. ' right provtded by taw to cure an Event of Oetault lender shall be eniiUed to recover from Trustor alt costs and.expenses actually
<br /> •�t . � inCUrred t1s e result ot Trustor's deteult,including without UmitBUOr►all Trusteas and ettorney's fees,to th9 extent permit�ed by
<br /> , epplicabte law. ' � •
<br /> � • 15. Futut�Rdvanc��.Upon reauest o}Borrower,i.ender may,at its oAtlon,make additlonal an0 future advances and re- .
<br /> '� � advanCes to Borrower.SuCh advances end readvanCes.witA interest th�reon,shall 48 seCUred by this Oeed ot Truat At no tlme snalt
<br /> � '� thp psincipal amount of Na indebtedness secured by this De2d of Truat,not In�Ju�ir�,syrt�s advartced to protect thesecuriry ot this •
<br />_=' Qped of Trust,BxCBed the origlnal prinCiAal amount atated herein,or$� "-' whichever is greater.
<br /> '�.�:� • .° ... � . 16. MIiG�11an/OtJi.Dt0Y111G(1�. .
<br /> � i � • (r� Borrow�r Hot R�taaNd.Extqnsi0n of tha time�or paymBnt or madiitcaUOn of emOrtizaUon of the sums seCUred by lhia
<br /> p . . �. . Deed ot�rust grantOd by Londar to uny succassCr in intgrest ot Borrower ahafl not opRrateto release.in any manner,the��abiliry
<br /> .:S'. • • . ot tha origina►Borrower end Borrower's succossors in inteies�Lend9r shail not be reQuired to comrttenco proeeedings aqamst
<br /> � s�ch successor or rotusoto oxtend Gme for paymant or othervdso moddy emortizaUon o}the sums secured by this Oeed ot Trust
<br />. � tyy reason ot arry demantls macte by tho orig�nal Borrovre�and Barrowar's successors in�nterest
<br /> �•._.�, (b) Lendae'a Po��n.WiU►eut eftvctin�the Iiabi6ry ut eny other person ItaDto for the payment ot any obt�petion herein . . .
<br /> , ' � � mentione0,and without afieCUng thp I�on or char�e oi this Dead ot Trust upon any portion o1 tho Property noi then or theretofore
<br /> � : ' rctleasedassecunty(orthetu�lamountofaU�unpaidobligations,Lendermay,fromtimetotimeandwithoutnotice(Qreleasaany .
<br /> , � person so Iiable.(�i)extend the maNrity or altor any ot tha terms a!any sach obligations,pii►grant other indutgences,pv►retease .
<br /> ' �� ' • • • or reconvdy,or caus9 to be reteased or reconveyed at any time et Gender's option any parCOl.Portion er all ot tAe Froperty.
<br /> � ' (v)take or re�easo any other or additior+�1 secunry tor any ohl�gaUon herein mentioned.or(vi)make compositions or other
<br /> ___ F• _..�' Fu�angemente with debmrs�n rolation th3►eio.
<br /> �' � : � , a ... -, . .
<br /> �� , . . •
<br /> � . � ' .
<br /> ••• • . ... - . . _.
<br /> . .
<br /> -----•-•--
<br /> --- ---
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