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<br />_ a�; '�., . THL��DEEU OF TRUST�s made on Fe6ruary 1, I195. The'1'ivstor is�aternet, Inc., ' � .��' ;
<br /> -�� ',�,}'Y � a Nebraska Corporaiioa ('Borrow�er'). 'I�e,Tkvstee is John R.Brow�cell, Attorney ai Iaw, . .. � . -. -
<br />-� •`�' �. ��. ' . ('Trnstee"}. The bsneficIary is E&L Fartnersbip,c!o Larry Huwatdt,BSd3 S. I.oeust, . � � �.` '_� '.=_�-'.�.
<br /> , `���;3�'��`__...' � Graa�.Island, NE 688Q1 ("I�ender'}. Boaower awes Lender the pimcipal sntn of Four • � �;r``'�';;'i'•�=`=``�---
<br /> ,�-s�� . � . � Hundmd Twenty�Tvvo Tbtousand Douars($422,000.00). 'I'his debt�is evidenced by . Y �`:� ,�"°"�
<br /> _ �:..��¢. �Borrower' note dated the same date as tdiis Sea�rity Instn�ment(°Noie"), wluch provides for , > �-:���-
<br /> -:. ;.�;; � monttily payments beginning Marci� 1, 1995. The Se�urity Instre�ment seGUr�s m l.ender. :,:-:,:.:�_';-�=.�r•°- -
<br /> _ :��.;� � ;•-` (a) the repayment of�e debt evidenced by th� Note, wit6 interest,aad'all renewals, � t'� �- -_�
<br /> _��,-- extensions aad modifications; (b)the payucent of aU other sums,wid� interest,advanced. : � =—
<br /> J�•.y.-.;sic.•�4. . �:�!z_-.-- __�_--
<br />_�_: ��., -�:.� ..
<br /> under paragraptn 5 ta prhiect the sec��rity of this Se�urity,Inswment; and (c)the perfornaance `,;��:-`--;�-�,�.—
<br /> . . , of B�rrawer' coverta�its and agreement�.. For this purpose,_Borrower irr�vacably grants and -y`� _—
<br /> .---------�--�-�-------- ----------�--- --� `
<br /> . . . ..._r --
<br /> : oonveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the followiag descn'6ed progerty located in^�------------- ,.�`',�,:-„�.
<br />_ :��'.-- -�f�� Hall County, Nebraska: . ..'"'�'-.t�"'_
<br /> „ . _.... .� r..
<br /> . . ,;,. _
<br />� �• �-?�- _ - - - I.at.Three.(3)_and Lot.Four.(4), NU Vt�W SUjTtIIV�SIOA, Grand Island,_HaU �
<br /> .. . .y
<br /> �;_ .' . t: COUIIL31, N�IaS�Cd, � ' _ . ._.. . .---.. . �;�° -
<br /> -',_� .-
<br /> :. . . . . �
<br /> _:;_•
<br />_• .. r.':' L.ot Five(S�and Loi Suc (�, Nn Vxew Subdivision, Grand Island, Hall ���;.
<br /> . ::..,.:
<br /> - •�. , � . ., County, Nebraska,�and -�;�1.
<br /> "i�. . -. . . e,�'�.
<br />_ 'T�e East Thirty Feet(E30'}af Lot Five (5)and all of Lot Six (�, Black �:�` ..'�: �
<br /> �, ��'t`•�~ � Fourteen(l4), Lambert Addition w the City of Grand Island, Hall Counry, ;�f� . �
<br /> Nebraska, ansl �L �
<br /> �.,~ � . . . - -
<br />-'�� �� � �, Lot Seven (�and Lot Eight(8), Btock Fourteen(14), Lambert Additi�n t,o the � - -�
<br />� ys.��� � ,. • �, . City of Grand Island, Hal� Co�nty, Nebraska. .. . ° �`:'
<br />_� �,= ..�.;�,.. . . :`. _�%'�/�`;"�i.
<br /> .•:..�-:. ,. ` � . ..,;`,}��
<br />- ,� ,7'�y �u�;• The ma�7ing addres�of the Borrower is Box 139, Graud lsland, NE 68802. `'�" .
<br />-_-����.•4 a1 { • . ' • � • • '�.•�.��''�'
<br />���.���... . • .
<br /> _-. . - TOGETHER N1ITH alt the impravements aaw or hereafter erected on the property, . . .�-��:.����`
<br /> � � and all easements, rights, apPurtenances, rents, and fixtur�s hereafter a part of the praperty. . .
<br />�:� �:�� � � • �''r1r:.'-..
<br />=���-- �. �- ��. � All replacements and additions shall aLsa be covered by this Securiry Instrument. �All of the � �_.. �
<br /> � :.�.;
<br /> , - foregoing is referred to in this Security lnstrument as the "Progeety"-
<br /> �� '� .:,� � � � . .
<br /> ��.�-�� � BORROWER.COVENAI�PI'S that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby . . .
<br /> � .-� � conve ed and has the ri t w t and conve the Pr+a and that the Pro is �
<br />�-���' �� . _ � unencumbered,except for encu bm ranoes of reaord. Bo�rro er warrants and wil defend �. . . . ' .
<br /> - ��J: �. - _ ' _
<br />=�� �' � generaliy the tide to the Prope.ny against all claims and demands, subject to any _ . • •. '.
<br /> �'�' � � encumbrano�s of recurd.
<br />�i: . ' fE � _ ..'_;
<br /> �'��'`���� ' .COVENAN7'S. Borrower and Lender cavenant and agee as follows: } �
<br /> ° ._.�::_z • , .
<br /> T�,.-.=�
<br />���: -_- . � � �1� . . '
<br /> -_ . . , .. .,.
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<br />= ti ; ' . . . , � . � � . . �. ' . • : '. . .
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<br />-_.>.__ _ - . _.` -_-- =__ - __ ,-____. - - -- -- ----- :� -_ - _---_ _---_,. --- - -- -�--___:_-�-- --�.---, __ - - -_,�,
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