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<br /> f�HESEAS, the unders4gned, Five Pviats. Bank, as Trustee, under the Deed of � :: - ��:�,.�'.__
<br /> .,._.r,-�.
<br /> Truat dated �ctober 2, 1993, executed by Charles Morse & Darcilla Morse, -''.�',.�� r< :;�y;,_=_^�
<br /> hushand and wife, as Trnstors, in which Five Points Bank is. named as � ':�,'-�: �.`>� s
<br /> Beaef�ciary, . and the �dersigaed aa �Tra�Cee, ah3clz tiras recorde@ .in the . .. '-- r<-.::,
<br /> office o£ the ReSiater' of Deeds° of Hall Cauaty, Nebraska, as Document - ..,.r;.>.``j.li=:;n:;,:,;.:_-
<br /> � , �93-Ia8b74, and ` � , . � ��:``"-
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<br /> 6THS8EAS, said undersigasd, Five Pointe Hank, as Truatee, has received from . "_ 4 -���_�_
<br />�� , � Five Points Bank, as Beasfic3ery, �vritten reqnest to recoavep the resl ;��-_�y'_"�,s�_�.
<br /> _;�.�--_--°--�_
<br />� estate descrfbe8 in the Deed of Trust abone�meationed as follows: =_-�_---_=
<br />'� ' THE SOUTB HALP 4S1E2) OB LOT ONE C1)s EXCEPT THE t1QSTH SEO@1 FEST (N-7') �''�-"'�.------
<br /> '� OF THE SOtTTB HALF (Si/2) OF LOTS TiTO (2) ADiD T�EE (3), ALL IN BLOCR �'����� --
<br /> � . THEB� . . 6'�'rr�.= --
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<br /> � _ eafd �eques� to recoavey recitfng that all sums secured bp euch Deed of . �_�____
<br /> Trust have been fnlly paid; - -- -
<br /> � . ... __...----- --�--... --- -----------------�----------- --�---•.__ _...- ----�----------�----:----�-----------� -- �-
<br /> �� KOiI TSEREFORE, .�a accordaace witti such request aad the provisions of such — _=---� _-
<br /> ' .Deed of Trust, the uaderaigned, as Truatee, does hereby reconn�y, withnut . _�,.�
<br /> ] warsaaity, to the pesson or persans legaliy entitled thereto, the;estate nor� ���__
<br /> ' held bp sald Trustee hereunder. .. . _ _ _ _-- -
<br /> iN . pIT1iESS WHE[tEOF, tba uudersLgned has executed thie Beed ` of -
<br /> xeconveyance, at Grand Islaad, Nebrasks, thie lst day of Aebruarg,. �995. � _
<br /> .
<br /> F INTS BA , OS ,
<br /> • � .�
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<br /> � � y Jon F Luebba . �
<br /> • t1e: Executive Vice Presideat -•i ��`�`�a
<br /> , � '%_,�«�rl�
<br /> -�� STATE OF•t1L�K�$KA) ���''�f'-=-
<br /> , � 88 � . ��.�"�j;,.�-
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<br /> � The foregaing Deed of Reeoaveyaace was ac owledged befose me tbis lat day a, .,��:---_ ---=
<br /> �;.. �:.'__.-
<br /> i of Pebruary. , 199 , b '10�t � �S � - - '� � �
<br /> ° ���i l�P �l�E� ��'pS1 L�en�l-- of Five Points Bank, a Nebraska & ,
<br /> .: �t'
<br /> - ' corporatioa, oa behalf of said corporation as Trustee. . ' -`'� .. �'s';-
<br /> • 'Y�'' �'�
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