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4 . _ ' l. .. . ' , . . . _ a . _ . ., y_ <br /> -} . - � . .. . .i , ' •. M1 f . ' � ' . � � fr- <br /> •<`4 " ' ,. � ' . . �tl 4 L _ ' .�'' �`,.5 , � ' ` . �� ` � . - � <s � ..., � ! <br /> _ �' „r , . � � _ <br /> ��- . c •5 ' � � .� • . . , • M!�� ���I��� • _ . . ; � .�.. <br /> \�6� �+e <br /> - " :. .,'� • ����s � , . � . • �;_� � ..�� <br />�- � �`�` s� `. . 1. P�ym�. Bortower agreea to rttaica all paymenta on tRe seeured detit when dua. Urdess 8orrower and Landcr agres othenvise.•antic. _ : '. , � ��' <br /> ' • payma�rts Lende►rece[vea irorr Bauower or ior 8artower's benefit will bs eppGed first io any amnurta.8orrnwer owes an the saaired deti` <br /> ,. e� <br /> ` e�t u s i v e o f i n t e r e s t o r p r i n c i p a l.s e c on d i�i M er e s 4 an d t t�e n t o prin e i pal.If paRial pre pa y ment of tAe secured deDt nccurs tat a r ry wiU �. `�`. .�.. ,� <br /> �: . . rtat rodu�ar excuse any scheduled paYment uatil tRa secared d A b t is paid in fuli. � �: <br /> , . 2,t7alms Agalmt TI$�:Eorcaw�4`�rilt pay=aU Zazes,gasessmer�.and qther eharges amibutable to theproyarty whon due and inri�detenA titte '� . ' �,• �' ' - <br /> . to tho property e an�ctaims w�4Gt+wotdd.tfiDIIir the lien of this daed of trust.Lender maY reaufre Bonower to assign arry►19Ms,daims or • . . �< <br /> defanses wh[ch arrower tn3y haw pgeinsS{larties wbu suppiy(aDor or materiats to Improve or mair�tain ths Draparry• . ' <br /> � ` _��� , _ �, 3.Insuratee.BaROwor witl keep the praDerty insiued unde�terms acceptabte to Cendec at'Borrawer's e�anse and far lendePs tranetit All �: � ` <br /> ' - 'usraanca poGcfies shall induda a stan0ard mo�age etause{n tavor of Lender.lender+�ri0 Ea named as[oss payae or as tAa insurad on any su�h � • , , <br /> � � a�t to tt�ie se�cur�ad�L I�f Lenderic�ads may e appUed,witt�in Lender's 6iseteUan,to either ths�estoratinn or repair of the damaged propeny F , � . <br /> � . , • quires martgage mswance,Barrower agrees to mai�in such insuranee for as tong as Lender requUes. <br /> _ __y��_ 4.prayaty.Hartower will keep tho pfoperty in pood candition and make ail repairs reasonaD[y neeessary. . � _ ' . __ <br /> --. �� --- ='----- <br />_�'`., �. •. a6f��ro i�n a�rryROb�gaUon see�ured Oy�this d ed of trus�'t.e Hor�rower�w�l pay tltese mou�oeLend�s�pro�a a�ca��i s o�Ws deed of • , . ' ..` c. <br /> . trust <br /> - - � 8.PaTer Seaueiry htOtrasts.Untess Borrower first obtains Lende�'s written conser►t,Borrower will not make or permit any ehanges to any prior � �� - � <br /> -�� - .-� - - � seeur[ty iMerests. Bortawet wiU peiform ali of BattowaYs abtigatlons under am/prior mcrtgage, deed of Uust or othsr sewrity agreamertL _.._ _ ._. '_ _ .._... <br />- � ' , in�ding 8orcower's covenams to maTce payments when dua. . <br /> ; • 7.A�imun�rR ot RRCts m�d Pnoftb.Scnower assigns to Lender tAe rents an4 profits o!ffie property.Unless Bortowar and lender have agresd •. ' : <br /> ` , otherwre in writing, Borrowar may eolteet and retain the rertts as fang as Borrower ts not in defauit If Borrower detaults.LenQer,I.ender's , � <br />- � � ' agerrt,or e coiut appotnted reeeiver ma taYe pcssesstan and manage the property and coUect the rar►ts.Any rerfts lender eoltects shaD be . .'� �� ' � <br /> co u y <br /> •` apptied first to the cos�of managlng tha propsrty,indudi�+g eourt eosts and attomsys'fees, comrt:issians to rerttal agents,and any other • .. � . - <br /> ' ;' • • neeessary retated e�enses.The rcmasning artmunt of re�rts an"II then aapiy to paymertts on the sewred delrt as pmvided in Cavenart 1. �-Q°�-� � •- <br /> , , , _ ... •� <br /> '" 8,t�asehdGs;CandortJNrurss;P[amze4 Unit Qav�[apmacrp;Borrower agrees to compty with the provistans of a�ry lease if this deed of uust is on �• � ` <br />- � � � a leasehatd.{f thio tieed ot trust Fs on a unit in a condommlum or a planned unit devtstopment,Barrawer will pertorm a1i of Banowefs duUes � _ .. . <br /> ' • � under the covanalrts.6y-lawa,or regulations of the condominium ar planned unit devefopmern. ' <br /> , � .. <br />= ; 9 Authartiy af l�Qv to Parfam�far Barmwe►.lt Bortower fa�7s tope rtorm any of Bormwer's duties under this deed oP trust,Lender may • - <br /> ` �. � Pe�torm the duties ar eause tAem,w be porfortned. Lender may eign 9orrowers name or pay arry amaurtt if nacessary tor pertormartee.If any ' ,�; - • . <br /> ' • constructinn on the property ta discontinued or not eactisd on in a reasonabte manner.lender may do vuhatevar is neeessary to protaet LertdePs ` <br /> - ' , . se c u ri t y interest in the praperty.Tqis may inctude mmptatlog the canst�uetion. � � • � <br /> . � . ---••.-. <br />- - . ,.....�. ,.---- - -... ._..-- -�--------� ------ - - <br /> • � -�Leri�ei's 4a�Tuie to�perTvrm w�if not p�eciude Ceride"r Tiom ezeFei-s�ng arty of iTi iSftief�tg1iC5"rirfQ�rth�taw-ar�ihis ifeed�tsf vust. •- � <br /> amoums paid by Letsde►to proUact Lenders sacurity interest will de seeured by tttis�teed of Vust.Such amouats wiil foe due on deman0 .-.�� <br /> - ., � . , • . an vuill bear Urterest from the date af the paymerrt until paid in fult at the interest rate in effeet on the seeured debt. • ;' �F;•.� <br />- .. � _ � � �`, <br /> 10 QEfa�t�d Accduatlnn Ft Bonower faifs to make any paymertt when due or 6reatcs any cnvanants umter thLs deed af Vust at any : �:r <br /> obligarion seaued by Ws dee0 ot trust or atry priar mo�ge ar deed ot Lust,Lender may acceterate the maturity o f tlro se e u r e d de b t end � --- <br /> . - - demand immediate paymant and may invoke thayower of e and any other remedies permitted by app6cabte[aw. - - - - - - -• ,3�.�,r� <br /> � � 11.R�quest tot Iltatics of Ostudt it is hereby requested that copies of the aottces ot def2ult and sala be sezrt to each�erson who is a party " 1 ' �'' <br /> . . her8to,at the address ot each such person,as set forth hewin. . , <br /> •. 12.Pawar ot S�t�.IT tAa lender tnvokes the power of sate,tne Ttustee ShaO flist record in the o�ce of the regtster of deeds af each caunty �°. <br /> � �• � wtrerein the Vust property or some paR ar pareel titereof is situated a�otiee of detautt corrtatning tRe Information required by taw.The T�stee -- --- ��' � <br /> . . • aRatl also mai)copies of the notic0 of defautt to the Bortower,to each person who is a party hereto,and to otAer persons as prescribed by . <br /> app6cabte law.Not less than ane mortth after the Trustae records the nntice of defauft,or two momhs if the trust prapetty is nat in arty • .� � <br /> ' incorparated city or viitage and is used in tarming aperations cartied on ty the wstor,the Trustee shall give public noteee of saie to the Persons � ` � <br /> • � and in tAe manner presaiDad bY apppi"rcabte taw.Trustee,without demartd an Bortower,shall seil the property at pubtic suetion to the highast ' '= ' <br /> 6}dder.{f requued by tho Farm Homestead Protectian Act,Trustee shall ofter the property in two separate sates as�equired by appticahle Iaw. � • • � � <br /> Trustea m a y po s�ona sate of a0 or e�ry pazcel of the proyerty iry pubiic annourtcemerrt at the time and place of any previeusty seReduted saie. °' ��;�j�'{ <br /> - Lande►ar fts detignee may purehase tfie property at arry sate. �t. <br /> --- -. _ . -- �� <br /> Upon reeeipt of paym ent of ttte prite bid,Ttustee sha11 Qetiver to the purehaser Trustee's deed wnveying tha property.The reeidals cantained in � • <br /> � � tnistee's dBet1 bhaU 6e prima fac18 evidience of tha truth of tha aYatements coMained therein.Trustee shall appiy the proceeds of the sale in the <br /> ' foflowinfl arder. (a) to all e�enses ot the sale, inctuding, but not l�mited to, reasonable Tnutee's tees, reasansblo attomey's tees and ' � <br />_ . reinsrdtement teas;tb)m ati sums sewred by this dee0 of trust,and tW the Oalanee,if any,to the persons tegatty emitied to receive�t. � ,.+�ii'; <br /> ` '- . 13.Fandos�m.At Lender's optian,tnfs deed of trust may be fareclosed in the manner provida by applieable taw for fareetosure 6f martgages , � � <br /> ..-.,�� <br /> . _ . an real property. '.• . ' . <br /> • 14.t Lendar may erter the property to inspect it if Lender g'nres Bartawer noUce 4eforehand.The notice must state the reasonahle � • ( <br /> - � ' • cause r Lenders inspection. • � � � <br /> . � • 15.Con�umada�.Borrowar asai�n s to LenQes the�roceeds of any award or ctaim tor damages connected witA a conQemnation or other taking j� <br />- - -� �� . of ell a atty part of the praperty.Such pmceeds v�r31 be aDptied as provided'm Covenartt 1.This assi{fnmertt is subject ta the terms ot aRy prior � : . .. _ <br />- � � . securityagreemem. + ;' ._` <br /> . � • i _ <br /> � i6.Wait�By ezerCising atry remed�(availabte to Lender,Lendur�es not give up arry rights to Iater uss ariy ather remady.By noi exereising ;. 'iM: � <br /> * - � � . arry reme upon Bonowar's detauR,�enQer doos not waive any ri t to later consyder the event a defauit if it happsns agam. i� . : <br /> e. 17. Jofnt and S�ven1Liapyt�;Co-aigMrs: Suceesaoro and 6lssigna Buutb. All Quties under this deed of itust ere joim and several.My � ' <br /> � ' ' . Borrower�vho eo-signs this deed of trust hut doas not co-sign the underiving dobt instrumerKfs) does so onry to gram end cortvey that i- _ ' <br /> � '-" � BortoweY9 interest in the property to the Trusteo unde►the torms o!t►ds deed ot Vu5t.In additlon,sucA a Banower agrees�that the Lend�r and � • <br /> x" �' � any other Borrowor under this deed of trust may extend,madiTy or make any other changos in ths terms of this daed o!trust or tho seatred � ' <br /> ,- Qebt withoui that Borrawar's eonsent and without reTeasing that Bortower i►om the terms of this Qeed of trust. . <br />- � - . - The dutias and benefits of thls deed af trust sfiall6ind and banefit the successors and assigns of Lender end Borrower. f ' <br /> . 18.Ku$ee.lJnfess otherwiso requirod by law,any notlee to Banower sh�ll be given 6y detivering it ar by maiiing it 6y certifiud mail addressed to . ' <br /> ' Bortower at 4he pmperty address or arry�other address that Horrowae Aaspnron to Lender.Bonower�nnil givo any rtotiee to Lender by certified ' <br /> �-�. �.. � � � � �_ maii to Lender'6 address on page 1 of thfs deed of trust,or to cny othor aCdross whict�LenQer has Qesignated.Any other notice to Lendet sha0 ; . . <br /> . �- - �e sent to Lertde�'s aQ�ess as stafed on paga t of thls deod of�trust. <br /> � � My notice shail Eo deemed to have bean ghren to BaROwer or Lender wRen given in tho manner stated aLove. i � .� <br /> � � 19.Trmfn of tM Propnty��Ban�ftctai fntx�st fn th�Botrowtr.It ffiI or arry part ot the propertv ur any interest in it is aotd oi vansferred • <br /> °U ' _ withart Le►sder's prtor w►itten wnsortL Lender may Qamand imrrtediato paymern of the seaued dedt. Lender m8y atso Qemand immediate • <br /> �.' . � paymeu!if the Barrower is nflt a naeua!persan and s treriefidal interest in ttee Barrower is sald ar vansterred. However. ten4er may not � • <br /> � :�- • � demand payment in the above s;tuatians if rt is prohibited by tederal taw as of the date o!thls dead of trust. . � - <br /> �� ' " 20.Raeanvsyrc�.When tho otrlig�8an seeeuca by tNs dced of trust h,�s trcvn paid,and Lcnder has no furtl►er o6Ggatian to make adv0nces <br /> ;Y unQer tfi9 irtstnununts ar agroema�socured Ay Mis Qaod of trust,tAo Trustao shatl,uppn written reattest bY the lender,reeenvey the trust <br /> '� � . o6Lg�au'on so sav.�sfiod6B rtowei sh�)p��eny recuidation Cottsts er's eueeessor in interest,the trust deed end the note or other eviQence of the • . <br /> 21:Suetassw Tn�stas.Landa►, at Lendei's option, may romovo Trustee and eppoint a successor ttustee by fust mai�ing a copy of the <br /> . :. . --- suDstitutfon o!trusuo as tequUed Gy o�lietsbte Iarf and tRnn,by(it'Mg tho suDstitution ottrustcfl far racard in the offiee ot tha register af deeds � � <br /> , of eacA coimty in wtueh tho Uiist property,or sbrtio art iAareof,:s srtuazad:The succassor trusSee,without eemreyance of tho pwpeny,sAall � •� <br /> Ui st p <br /> • suc�ed m aU tAe power,duties,authority and titto of tha Teusteo named in tho deed of trust end ot any successor trustee. <br /> • � . �pa,,�v 2 ot 21 . � <br /> • f_� nua�ssrs��p03972JO��i0R�A0CPitT6hc6�19.91 <br /> ----_-- .----- --� � _ -_._-.. -. _. <br /> . � � <br /> . i • <br /> ' t <br /> � . � • ' <br /> . � <br />