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<br /> - - . . .'�-+F"` . . .. ` . ..� . .. 7r r � � � . .. .. . d--. •. . ,
<br /> 4 . L _
<br /> � ``• `C,_t� _ �� � .� ,r .` � .� .: _ , ` _ - , t �_.... ' . . ; ` � ' �L �
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<br /> . . . � � �.7 � ' � r('. t
<br /> �,�. . .` ._' . . . ' . �`'� ' .-.� f'•
<br /> . .- ._ a►CKdI��Al1.EDQEi11iENT OF DEED OF TRI�I' ' , • . �:: . -
<br /> ° '. •,�� . ��. -- =
<br /> ` .. ' TRUSTOR RFAD.77itS BEFORE SIGNiNG: y`:�,� < ` i.9 .�P q. '.OQ�t�~I � . ^ r . -
<br /> �
<br /> ' ,. . � . . �'rwtor uadaistands thet the doeument that Trustor is nbout to mcasute is a Qeed of Trust and r�t'e mortpape and that the powar • � �- , • �
<br /> � � < � of sale providad tes in the Daad of T�ust provida�subtta�tially diHerent riphto and oblip�ians to Truetor th�a mortyape in the event of � � � ' • --
<br /> � " e daiwitar breaeh af obGQation undar ffie Oeed of Trust,tnetud'o�p,but not limked to,the Lende►'�ri�t to have the Propmty aotd by the . : ... . _
<br /> h ` �. � Trttstae without:ny judicisi pmceedmg.Tnrstar ropretenU and wa�an that this ae(mowiedpem t as ad by Trunor betoro the ` f`' � _
<br /> exeeutian nf ffie Deed of Tru�t. � •; � •
<br /> � . � ' � �� � ,j ,. .
<br /> -- � DANI J NZTZSL : ` .
<br /> ._ TRUSTOR �
<br /> ,.. ._.. . ..- - � - -- -
<br /> _.._ ._.__. :�,.. . . ._ .._.._ ..
<br /> � . � . . .
<br /> „_ . . , .<. _. .
<br /> - -- --=--=� _�_..., :
<br /> �. . . , ----- -
<br /> _ _
<br />- :S•. • . ` TRUSTOR � . .s•�
<br /> . � F�
<br /> s ° � -����r`-:--� DEED OF TRUST lNiTH Ft�3t/RE AE�'►!A.l1lCF.S �` ' '
<br /> - . - -- �,• -� . . -
<br /> • - . , ,�t . - .
<br />- ; . THIS DEED OF TRUST,is made as of the 2�� day of Jsnuary _.1895_„6y mtd arnonp • .
<br /> , � • . . . � :
<br /> . theTrustor, DANISL J NZTZBL A SZI�IC�LB PSRS09 _ , � , ' _
<br /> ; eii x r�cQST ��rm sss.a� � r�e8�i- .
<br /> "•� .� :- - -� � ` � whosa maila�y addross is eran ruata,'whether ane or morel. r �"
<br /> i�if�- - � theTntatee. A�BND S.nACR , _ . }•� L
<br /> . ��-r�� � . - � .. � • . " • .� � " �rN:•�:
<br />- "t, `• , whose me�'mp address is�na u ww�x�.ust (3RA1�ID ISLAND DiB 68801 {hereu�'T�wtee'!.and � . .. � _
<br /> i _'a- . - � . � � . . � � a • -
<br /> - TF� OVS_Ai nt�D HIfTI0ia1L HANR OP GRAND ZSLAftD ,-�; :
<br /> � " . � ' the B�efiaiary, • �
<br /> __ . : r _ -:�.-:'-
<br /> = ---°�c---..��`--._ ..._ _ ..--- ... _-�--�----- --� --�--. ...-�---�--. ..--- �-- -... __ .... .. ... ...-- �---- ---�--- - -----�-- - - -�- . - -
<br /> . .. whoae mait'mp address b P O�OX 1688 (�RAI���ISI,AND NS GB�b�- - -(harem•Lender'), . �'��`;�r �
<br /> ' � : WA VAtt/ABLE CONS(DBiATION,ir�alud'rnp Lender'e extansion ot oredit identifiad here�to. DANIBL J NI�' ZSL :•�:�':�'
<br /> ., svr%^i•,�.
<br /> ;: � . . ' ` .., �.
<br /> .. . . . . . (heree�'Bortower',vrhether ans or mare)and th�trust haree►�r�at�d,ths .. �.r.��
<br /> _ __:•�_ ._ . .- -
<br /> � • ,. � receipt of whid�is here6y aoimowladQed,Tru�tor hereby iirevacably prant�,transfeta,convsy�and assipris W Triistee;IN TRUST,VIfiTH- � ,
<br /> a
<br /> • , �, POL'VER QF SALE,for the benefit end ceeurity of Lander,under end aubjact to td�e lesm�end condition�hereinaftar aat forth,the rs�i '. ���i�
<br /> ' . •• properRy,dascribed ei followr. - � _� .
<br /> - -- '� 4� NOFtTHSRI,Y FZPTY FODR (54I FBST OH LOT SIg (6) IN SLOCK •
<br /> - _ ;. ,�•�.. . .•: . 528 i6) EN RII888LL W�SLSR'S ADDITIOA TO Z� CITY OF iiRAtID ,. - ;:.`' ,
<br /> • . �,., :.�:
<br /> . ��
<br />- - .. . '.n�-
<br /> � ToQether with a(1 buitdinps,improvamatta,fbcturas,atreats,al[ays,passaQeways,aa�ements,riphts, privifeQas and aypurtanances �
<br /> loaated thereon or 6�enywise peRaininp thereta,and the rant�,iaruaa and profit�.�cversions and r�naindan theraof,and such pmsonal •- •� yij�
<br /> _._.-_.�_. _.,-.__ pmperty that is attached to the imytavemeMS so as to constitute s fature,a�chid�np.6ut not lunitad to.hesttnp and eoolin�equipment: -- . .._ :'•�;;:t
<br /> � ' : • . end toQather with the homestaad or merital intereats,if arry,which�tereato ere heroby rolaased and waivad;ail of wfii�h,mctudinQ , :,'L :
<br />� , replaaanenta and addittons thereto,ia hereby deelsrad to be a part of the real eatete aecurad by the lien of this Oead of Trust end all of �
<br /> - . , the forapoinp 6sinp roferted to herem as the'PropeRy'. � .. . .,- �:_
<br />-• � Thi�Daed o!Trast�hali sacuro(e)the payment of the principai cum �d Intara�t evidenced by e prom'usory nots or erodit " '"''
<br /> . , ,>'��
<br /> � '. _ •• _ eproemantdated ei/�5/9a ,havinQematuritydateoi Oi/19/00 , • .•� - •
<br /> _ � ' . � o�the odpind principa)amount of 1� ��,�� �n ,and any and eil moditIcatium,extenaions and renswaf� � ' . , <.`
<br /> , . ..:
<br /> ' '� ~ ` tharoof ot thaMo�nd any and all future advartan and readvance�to Bortowet tor eny ot tham if more than ane)hersunder punuant to �'
<br /> `� �� one or more promit�ory note�or wedit apraements(herem catted'Note');Ib)the paymant ot other�um�advencad by La�dac to protect • .
<br /> • � � the�eturity oi the 11�ots;(c)ths performmce of eil covenaMa and apreementr o!Truator aet forth harein;and(d)all prarent and tuturo • '� . �
<br /> - . , indebtedne��and obGpations ot Borrowes(or any o!them if more than one)to Lenae�whether di�act,indirect,eb�otute or aorttinyent � '�. "•
<br />�- • • end whethet erltinp 6y note,puaranty,werdrett or otherwice.The Note,thi4 Qeed of Truot and any and nil other documant�that�ecure . ' �
<br /> ' � � the Note or otfierwise mcecutad in conneation therewith,.includinp withaut limitatlon Quarantae�,sewrity apreamant�and assi9nmant�
<br /> - - - of Inase�and rort2�,�hdl be refsnad to herofi as tho'Loen Inthumant�°. .
<br /> � t . � T�ustor covm+ants and epree�wiih Lender e�fa(tow�: ' � _' .
<br /> ' '' `' t.Payrswrit of Ind�bL�dn�p.All indebtednen sacured hereby�hali be paid when due. •
<br /> } ' . � 2.ftti�.T�ustor b the owner o}the Property,has tfia ripht and euthotity to eonvay the Froperty,and warronta that the lien croatad - •�- -'
<br /> - ' , . . hmeby b s fim end p�lor lia�on ths Property,except for liens and encumbtanees set torth Ay Trustor in writmp end deliveted to Lender : •
<br /> � � bafare exeeutlon of this Deed of Trust, and the execu2ion and delivery o1 this Oeed of trust does not violate eny contraat or othar ,
<br /> . _. oblipstion to wNich TruKor b aubjaat. ' . �
<br /> - � 3.Tu��,Asa�sam�nt�.To pay belore delinquency all taxes,speciai erae�srnante and afl othor charpea epamet the Property rtoW or
<br /> � t �' ° i} , ' hare�iter ievled.
<br /> � ��. . 4.Inwr�a�.To keep the Ptoperty inmued aaainat damapo by tire,hateids,inefudad within tho tertn'extanded coverepe',end `
<br /> aieM other hassrds as Lendm may roquire,in amount�and witl�compania aeeepteble to Lendm,naminq Londer aa an additionai named i
<br /> ' `� . .• .. - . ireaured,with lou peyahle to,tfie Lender.tn case of loei�nder such policies,the Londer ie euthoraed to edju�t,collact and compromise, �
<br /> � � �, _ " aU c!aim�th�rwnder and�hall have the opHon o!applyinp aU or pan of the inwrance praceed�i�i to any indebtedneas iecurod hereby j � •
<br /> � � � " � and in wefi ordar��Lander may detmmine, u to the Truator to be used tor the tepair or restarallon of the Ptopetty or(iii)tor any other I '.
<br /> � .: • � purpose ot obJaet�atMactory to Lander withaut eHactinp the tien o!thi�daed ot Trust tor the tull amount eeeured hereby ba�ore euch t. • -�
<br /> paym�ft eve►took ptaee.My epplie�tion o}proceeds to indebtedneas shall not extend ot pastpone the due dete of any paymants under �
<br /> � . • the Note,o�cure eny deteult thereunder or haraurtder. E
<br />_ � " • � 6.Esorow.Upon written demand by Lendm,Trustor efiall pay to Lender,in avch menner ea Lmtdor may deaipnete,suftleient sums � �
<br /> . � � ta anable Lender to pey es they 6acome due one or ntoro of the fot'rowtnp:(i1 ell tpxer,aseessments and olher charpes apaina!the ; . �• . •
<br /> �;� , ' '. Property,(i1 the premium�on the property insuranee raquirod hereunder,and(ii7 the premiume on eny mortqeae insurence requirad by � ,
<br /> .• : . ., �ander. • �
<br /> �,: r -, - . . 8.M�htmanc�,R�irs�tfA Compfi�ne�wilH Lsw�.Trustor ehall kaep the Property in pood condition and ropalr;shail pramptiy �
<br /> ___: _._. rapair,or roplaee any 6nprovanant which may be dama{�ed or deatroyad;ehell eot eommit or permit eny waote or daterioration of the i
<br /> • . . Properdy;�a(1 not remnve,damotuh or substentialty aker arty of the improvamenta on the Proparty;sfiell not commit,euifer or permit �
<br /> •• eny nol to be done in or upon the Property in viotation oi eny law,ordinanco,ot rapu�ation;and shall pay and promptly diafiarp0 at i
<br /> ' Yruetor's coat end expense all liem,aneumbranoee and eh�rQes fa�iad,impaaed or asseasad opainet tha Property or any part thoraof. �
<br /> :' i` ' • 7. Ert�Trtuit Dom�h. Landar ie hereby asdpned all compeneation,awards, damapas and othor paymentb or refie� (hereineftot • . . � '
<br /> �� � f � � 'Proceeds'i in connaotion with conQomnaUon or othor takine of tho Porporty or part thorcof,or for canveyanoo in liou o!eondemnation. ; �
<br /> •' C�_ _�_..— . � ; Lendei ahail be entiNed at ito option to commanee,appaar in arsd prosacute in ite own�ame any action or proceadmpa,end shall atso bo !
<br /> _------- . .. ..... . . . .....
<br /> � ' ' � antitted to mako eny compromiee or eiehtomant in connaation with sueh tokinp or damoQo.ln tho avant any portion oi the Properfy is so '-"--- "��-�-�- - �
<br /> . j
<br /> � . i
<br /> � ,
<br /> ' � NSC36B7 INa+uyleidtutl Om�itev.1018t1 j
<br /> � � Q 1088f�tJattl QW at CammereeTnns W SevinO�Aoiaelouan.IL�eM.Nehre� � �
<br /> �
<br /> . � .
<br />