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<br /> � a ,�,� . �_', �J. TntsLa�und�tida tRat the doc�enant thft T�usiar ia a�out to mca�ute is�OsaJ af Twt�d nat�mottasgs�id thri the Ra�er � �,;_�w.:
<br /> ` ot�sat�Cra�tidad te�io the Q�ad af Tnist providas avDsiantie�y d'dfera►t�ts�d oEliqst'�ons to Ycustot flean a mcttQ�e in tN srant of f � :. ''"�:
<br /> =;, , .. r�� �d�autt or Er�of oeliQatioa�dar ttn Qt�ot Zrost.ncRsQ'i�eQ.hut not��d to.ttis i�ders tipM to ths Ptopt�ig�atd Ey t!� ; t .•:�'�f� �_..
<br /> ; • � T�ust�s h1�7liaut anY Iadieiai P Wcsed'�Q.Tncsiar�pre�ant$and�sttants that ar.fo�otrt�dQ ! ed D�1'ntttas 6�tat�the = ' <i^ - .
<br /> -, . - �. ,.Y�.�_`��•�.-_
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<br /> , �. - �f� _
<br />=�_' ' � �� . � � QFED OF TRUST WITH FUTUEiE ADYANCES . _ � -��� �`y;--"�
<br /> �s . ., � ...-`x s.,i;,,:��
<br /> _ ?HIS OF.ED OF TRiiST,i�mads a�of ths dtY of `.`.+r,. • 'S:�g:,;',t
<br />"` ' 3�tf► Janu3rv .189� 6y and at�anQ �,: -:�_��,=`�.��
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<br />� � . � tRe Tntstur. Gl1AY P� PITCE� A SINGLE PBRSOti • ��f�_
<br />'�. . �'. � _ whoss ma�n�addrasa is 33�3 W. C11PI��1L AV8 GRAND ISLAND I� fi8a�8- , ,-.,'� -
<br /> a�en cwtor.'�rhaths an�ar mor�.
<br />�l � . : ,tR�TtttstN . ARBND Bl�AQt - • � y�•,���-- _
<br />_��. ' ,
<br /> � • wA�s mml'np addrex�ia P O ROR ?9fl GRAND 2SLAND HS 68802 (h�ain Tcustee9,atd � _':.��=
<br />� �- '+''..`.,'��+�'•-
<br /> .:` " • - tA_Bat ' TAE OtlERLlIl1D H l 1 T I DN7IL H P I N K O GR11tJD ISLAHD � ` ���"
<br /> ..
<br /> .. . -- ---------. a...... -�-�-� '- --°----� --. .._. .----�--- --. _. -.—_ —. ..... --- -------- ----�-°--�-- ------._.. ---- s
<br /> - � - whossinaifnpedd�s.+isP O SOX 1�88 --�-.�-----. aRAND ISt.a�JD NS 68802 Q��ein'Lan$u'i. . �: -��
<br />_�'. � . �_���' � FCR VALUA8IE CONSI�EHATtON.adud�p i.andefs eYta�sion of credit idant'rfitd Axae�to-Gl�RY !� FITCH ` ,���
<br /> ,..
<br />�' ' > • • ' • _..
<br /> ' '_.•,� -
<br /> - . .. _. . _ • _ .. _.. __ ....---- . - --- - . ---U►ereh'Bcrmwar',whether orte or moral�d Ute trost heni►c�ted,th� . ... . -.•�.''s
<br /> _ ' ' ree�t ot krhit3�b haseby nelatowSsdsad.Tiustor hereby imavaeabty prmte.tmnsfera.caaveYs a�d assi�s ta Ttuatae.IN TEiUST.YYfTH F . . . ��±
<br /> e
<br /> �• � • ppyyER pp SA1,E,for the 6enefit and aearity of I.aqder,undm and subject to tAe terms end wnditione hare�after ttet tartA,the ra+l
<br />'� ,. � � : : . ProputV.��ribed o toIlowr. • ' . ,t�
<br /> 3ee Attdendum A � '�'-�
<br /> � ' . . .. ;.�:�'
<br /> ,,' �;,�;. .
<br /> .,��� �.
<br />�. . . ' • ' - � -- tl•G,r�'!
<br /> �. -. � '. . . Topethe�witfi en 6u�7dinps.imArwar�ente.fatures.streets,eiteys.Dassaseways,eeaaments.�iphte.OrivdeIIs9 end appurta�scea • .,'i f:'r
<br />, •�� . • tacatad tharaan or�anywise PeRa3nin0 tha*eto.�d the�ente,issues end profrts.�eversios�s and ranai�dere thereof.and such D�d �..�
<br /> • property that is attncAed to the imptovamante so as to canatitute e fixhue,ine9idmp,but not IQnitad to,haate�y and cool'rtp epu�yma�fi •� �� "•�;
<br /> �• • � . ' and toaether with the homeatead or marital mtmeste,if any, whicb intaraste ere hemby ceteesed md w�ived:�11 of which,inctud�p � �}�
<br /> raplacern�nts and adQitinna thareto,fa hme4y daciared to be e paR of the rm1 estete securetl by the Gen oi thu Oeed ot Ttust md ail of - . .�
<br />--i�. .. • the forepoinp beinp reterred to haroa�es the'Piropaty'. '�;
<br /> � .-. . . .. . -._.. .-'-<
<br />-- � � . ' � . Thi�Da�d of�'ast shaU tscun W the psY+a�nt of the principd eum sid inturast evid�nc�d b1l a pramissory not�or cr�d'A :';�'`.•
<br /> �� . ..
<br />�°� : .. :°r± . apre�na�t datsd �1��0 f 95 ,haviny�maturity dats of�.:5,L35,I�� � , � � . :
<br /> °_�•. ' - :.:_'r-...�.--r . . .
<br /> � `: „ in the oripnd prineip�l unount ot � a���»_�a ,and any end eIl mnditimtfena,mctana'�ans and rmsraair � . .
<br /> ' 1 � thereof o�th�eto enA�ny and all futura aGvanees ar►d readvancaa to Borrower tar any of them ff mus than ons)�e►eunda purauant to �� • _ � •
<br /> � • ane or mors promissory�otea or credit apreementp(herein ce4ad'Note9;(b)the OsV�+«►t of other aum��vanced by Le�Qa to pcotoct �
<br /> `• . ;, '. f_. . ths securiN of th�Note;tc)tt�e p�farmance of ail covaunts ind ayraementa of Trustor eet torth h�eir,and�d)aU pre�rnt�nd future ,' .�j� ;-'
<br /> � - indabtadness and oblipaUans of 8orrower(oi anY uf them il more Ma�one)to lmder wAetAet direct,hdirect,eh.w�ts or continQant
<br /> � � en6 whethe�uisinp bY note,puaranty.overdnft m otherwise.The Note,tAt9 Oeed ot Twt s►d eny�d ail other daeumente thrt aec�tro • •
<br /> � •. ths Note or oth�tvrbs exeaitad b caanection the►ewith,inetud'np vvithout lenitation qwrantees,aecurity apreamenta�d usianmenta � '
<br />- � • ' of teases�nd nnis,eha11 bs►aterred to hman av the'Laen Irtstrummta'. '
<br /> � . T�ustor covenante and eyreea with Landar aa follows: ��• �•
<br /> _- 1.Paymnt ot fnd�bt�drs�u.AO inQebteQnesa sacureA hereby shall be paid when due.
<br />' 2.Titt�.Tartat ia the ownar of ths Property.haa tR�e apAt and wtfiorityr to canvey the Proaerty,and wanants thst ehe 1'�an creatad !
<br /> . : ' haraEy i9�tirst�rfd prinp lien on the Property,mccept tor 6ena anA e�cumbronceo set fonh by Tnistot in writinp and daGveral to lmder F�
<br /> ' � � 6dors ex�cution of this Caed of 4ruat,�d ths e�ceeutior+anA d�'nrary o1 tfii:Ceed of ttuat dues not violate�y centnct or.aYher . . ' • .
<br /> -'' ' ' � o66patron to vrhicn Truetor i�aubjact. ` � .
<br />_' . � ' � 8.TnM,A�wn�nt�.To pay batore del'etauency etl toxe�,syeciat easessmante�d ell other cheraas apa's�st the PrapeAy novr or (� ' � � '
<br /> _ . . < heteaftef levied. � '.
<br />- ' � . 4.tnwu�e�.To ke�p the Proparty'e�surad apainst damaps by fire,hazards.incluQad within the tetm'extendsd eovaaQe'.end � .
<br />-�� " � � � sud�othet har�tds u den4er m�}►reauire.�unounta end with eomp�iea acceptebb to lmder,namnp Laaider a�an�dditionaf nemed -
<br /> insurad,�xrth ktr peyebls to tho Land�r.Pn case o!los�unda►sucl�goScIm.the Lender ta authoraed to edjust.molfeot and oompromise. .
<br />� � �• .�. ..' _ aA ct�ias th�r�under and shafl havs the option o!eDply�p etl or part of ths insurenee proeeeQs W to s�y indeb2edne�s secursd Aeraby � .
<br /> . end'e�eueh order ea Lendsr may determine,Gil to the Trustor to be usad iot th+teptir ot tastontion of tfis Praperty ot U�ter�ny othe► '
<br /> - ��+? purposs or object tatistactoty to Landar whhuuYafQectinp the lian o!thia Oeed ot Trust tor ths fu0 emount eeraued A�aby befote aurA • .
<br /> . e
<br /> .. ,�,.�s i
<br />- � ;�.+� . paymrnt avat took pl�c�.My aDR�icrtio�af Proceed�to e�deblednese ehell not extmA or postpone ths duo dats ot any piymmta under • •
<br />- �`�'�' . M�Not�,or cure eny defwk tharwrndar or harounder. .
<br /> �
<br />_ '��: ; ' . . . 6rE�aow.Upon w►itten damand by Lander,Trustor nhetl pey to Lander,in such mennar aa LanQer may desiqnats,euHieimt sum� •
<br /> 3`;. to ertabh Lendar to pay a�the�becoms dus o�s or mare o!the toUowing:l'J eU tmcea,ass�unmts artd oth�chaa��airtat Ne . .
<br />-- ,. . Property,(ii)tMs pramiums on ths propertY�sur�ce repuired hereunder,and Cii�the promiums an eny mortpaps insur+nce requued Ey � ' �
<br /> _ . ' lcndex. ; ,
<br /> '•t=:�-• - 8.Matnt�nanc�.R�p1rs nd Confptiane�with t�es.Trustar shafl fceep the i�operty in paod dondition en6�air,shaU p[ocnptly : : .
<br />=� �' . ' • repm.ot tepiacs ary enpro�r�nent whicA mey be d�n�ed or dastroyed:sl�all not commit a!D�nit�y waste oi deterioratian of ihe i .' .
<br /> _ - � .� • Property;shsU nat�ernove,demniish ot eubstmti�4y sttar eny oi the unDrovements on tine P�opnty;ehell not cammit,auffet or permit ; �
<br /> . . any aet to be Qane�or upon the PropeRy in viotrtion of any taw,ordin�co,or�esui�Yron;and ahaN pay and promptt�disharae at • � .
<br /> . • . Tastoi'e eest end exp�se efl liine,a�cumbr�nee�eaid chuQes fevied,imposed ar asaesaed eIIa�st the Proyerty or�►y pert thereot. � ,
<br /> ' . 7. Er�inu�t Oomain. Landa i9 hereby assigned ell eompensation, awardn, damapee m�d other Daymonto or talie! Q�maineite► � � �
<br /> � .a� � �. . 'Froeende'i�eoru�eotian with candamnstion o�othe�tnk�g of the Forperty or pers thmaof,or far convayaa�ee in liau ot eondamnation. : �
<br /> . - . . . ,.:
<br /> -- _,..... __•__�_.._.
<br /> . , . Een6ar ai�rdi i,s��4iiia�et i.s o�,:i;,�.tr,ca,:�..a:.ca�m3p:,�r as msC�ra�xta as it:a�a ss�sssa�;r.�i�or psos�is��n��elso De ?--- -___•-_-
<br /> ;. ` � � entitted to meice eny compromise or aattt�n�nt in connection witA su�tekinp m dmr►age.ln tho evnnt eny poRion of tho Peoparty i9 so • � �
<br /> ...
<br /> �_ , . . .
<br /> t.- , . ,
<br />_ ' . � � n�roeaas�aar+�,Axruex��,..�oraa �
<br /> • • .. �Ha9emmwe.*aecacrnarnrn�fa+asseo�.Ax¢,men,ta+cw,.ectrm•
<br />