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<br /> .. Tmatc'surtderatandsthaltheQcsumet►tNatTnis�r IsaCoutto oxeeu4eisa ETeedaf Tnestertdaols�rtocpaagear.dthatthe gawer . .
<br /> _ , '`',, ' otsataprcvid�torEntR9R�dotTnsstpriavldessuDsffintizaltydifSerent�igRfsandc8liQaticne2sTn�YOrthanemar4g�eUtle��vent .
<br /> ����� _� 4.r- . . oladefautter�eachof�DtigaHanuadertheDcedatTiusLinctudin�butncttimitedto.tl:etenda�'srfgtittohaveeneProperrysat0 � . ° °
<br /> - '..,�. .. � • by ths Trt[�e�ritRasit�nY Iud%r•iai Draaeeding.TtuSicr regrese�ls and warrants tt►at this aefu[ptertedge�rsrt�ras 8�cecutQd Dy .. -
<br /> � �� . : , Triistca QeTare�fa BxeCUtICn Ct tJte Qeed ol7rust . . , •
<br /> .. .. • ' �� � �� -
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<br /> � ` . �Ah..�xetiV.¢�.sa/�IIE�flh�k'Jt.a� � '. ' , -
<br /> , . ' tdORI4A JEA HAADEF�S Thtsto: 41ife 4
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<br /> . - . . . `'��rf- `",. ^i:,.'.,� .. _
<br /> - . a�.�}r,ii�Wi�.��.:'.
<br /> < . COMPtEfE ffita portion ONLY if tRe reat proAerty descriDfld �'�;�'�,�-�-°�-_
<br /> � , consists ot!NDlNfQUA1LY.01NNED AGAICU W RAL LANR , . '�'�'''�'":?_•,�,�'.
<br /> _ . . . . sT.ia.��'.�ra_ - __
<br /> ^' If 8ppliCaEt�GGmPIBte ONLY CNE either/�Q Ct G s ':�,:°_-------.
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<br /> � ' '� O A 04SCIA(MEA OF RIt3HT 70 QESIGNATE NOMESTfA� ��=•�
<br /> .. • TrustoracknoertedgesinatTrustorisahoitttoe�cecutathetoUa�ingQeedafTrustup6�th9RroDerty.TruStQr,�ndeaGhplt�n �.�_-
<br /> ° if mare tnan unQ Aeraby dis�aims 7rustafs rigflt to Qesignafe a Rorteesflead an satd reat estate.Na part at Trust�e homa5L98d ts �:'_
<br /> - ,• , pcesentty or wiq in tRetuture ba situated upon sald real es�ta Tiustur undersfanda that it Tnis�►�Ofi.Mes a homesfea�d on arty --- --
<br /> , �' � partotsaEdreafesffiteduringthetimett�eDeedalTru�;tremainsunsa�sfiedandatlenupcnsaidraafesta�tlz8�shaU�ena�phtta =
<br /> -. -_-�;::...�..,...� -�
<br /> ' -. ° - --�..- - -maks a desig*tatien of hemestEad tn tles e�rerrt af a fafectcsure er'trustees s�te with resIIeet to said Dee�d ot Tntst � ---. _ . ..__.. .-_---. .�
<br /> ,. � ----
<br /> '� . . ;��� III a 1NNVER OF R[GHT TQ DESIGtYATE HOtAFSTEAOc . --- —
<br /> ' . ' '" '• TnuforacknowtadgestfiaETnuturisabouttoexecutethefaltowingQaedufTrustupantRePropesty.T�ustut.andear,t�oithem - -
<br /> .'� . 4 �� it mar8 th3n o�hBrebY w�eS TrustGr'S right to designate a hotrsestea�on said rnat eshafe.Trustor unde�ds thatTle�LCr has -
<br /> „ .
<br /> � ...�. —--
<br /> � ` "''.:",-.". . .,, • right tq make 8 design�tiCn af hctrteste3d 2nd;tlat Dy executing t�is waiuer,TnutCr Is waIving rIghb ogterwise ava�laD[p tcr Hse
<br /> , - purpose ot affording Uf$m th�opgoRunity to retain Tnistor's homestead in the esrent ot a defauit u�on the Qee�oi Tru�f. -
<br />- ' . �' ��.•:�• �G DESIGNATiON OF HOMESTEA� • , -
<br /> , ' " Pursuant to the Farm Flcmestead Protection Act(Section T6-1901 et seq.Revised Sffitutes u1 tAe Sta�a C�[�raska).Tnts�or -
<br /> ' - hereby desl�atesthe real estate described in t4►8°tieslgnadfan of Hartsesiead"at�ched hereto and incarperated heteln by tNs
<br /> • �eterence.
<br /> : �� � ����,r�T��� _
<br /> � ' .`'+'. RO�NEY H RDrRS Tnistor He�saand
<br />�- ' _ ` � �ta.,� ��t�� ���
<br /> . . ' 2dORPIA JEAt HARDERS TnuLor Wfte
<br /> : ���� < • •
<br /> " .. ��� � �� AGRtCULTURAL OgED OF TRUST WiTH FliTURE A�YANCES � � - -_
<br /> � � ��
<br /> • , ._ Tl�S OEED OF TRUST,is made as ot the.�sL day of z�n- ,t9.�.i�by 8110 a'mmOn� �
<br /> } '_ , � " �' BODhEY H HAAD:AS 8 HORHA JEAlt HARDEAS . hvaband and vife
<br /> ,r.: .,.,. the Tntsmr. � �
<br />; � � "�:�;' l067b W 13TH 5T?$ET KOOD RIVER t�� 6 8 3-9?A9 -_-
<br /> - , ., • �hose mailing adQre�Is (herein'"Tiustar.��one or more� • �s�
<br /> ;-. . 1, � f�:',r:��.
<br />-� '' . '. • . �4 ' trteTrus�e. Five Pointa Bank, a NebzasKa CorRar�tion � r�r.�— _
<br /> '�� `'•;r� P.(3. 9ux lS�T Grand island. t�E 686�Z = ��= -�V
<br /> ,; • whnse mailing address ts (herein'Truste9'?.eM � �,_�.Y...;1�'.:�`
<br />_ ` .. ,'�. tfie QenereE� Five Points 6ank � . _ .� "-; � ti
<br /> . . . ..;�r.
<br /> . • whOSe maiiing 8ddres9 i� Z0I5 N. Broadvell Grand Island. HE. 688�2-2507 (h�(n"t�ndef� ' '�;e. .
<br />�`� FOA VAldlA81E CONSIDEFt�TtQ[V.inctud?n Lereder's e�ension o1 credit:���tit�ed herein tnRQDNEY H kAfiD�IiS ,'.$
<br /> �_ . . .. $ .
<br /> t�" • � S t�ORHA �EAN HARDERS � � � �
<br /> , . . (heretn Borrower,"whether one or mare/artd tne trust rtereln creat�g4 . . • .
<br /> the recetpt o!whtcA ls RereDy ackrtawiadge�Trusfor herebyr irrevacaLfy grantA transters,eomeye and assigns to Trust�IN �
<br /> TRUST.WlTH POWER OF SALE.forthe bertefitand security ofl.entfer,underand s�jectwthetertnsend eandItions herelnatflar set •
<br /> � � tOrth.tlte real pr�perly.deseribed as lottowsc �.' . .' ,.� '
<br />=��; � SEE ATTAC�3ED EHHIBT 'A•: . � . '
<br />_•�, � .
<br />_ . �. � ;
<br />�a.�, ' . _ . �f - , .
<br />- - . . E � �
<br />_ _ � � ` - Tpgether with eli buitdings,impr�vemenL�fi�turea,streets,alteya pass�qeways.easements.�tghis.priviteges and appwts- r� '
<br /> �'. .� ,,�,.�• . nanees toeated thereon or ln anywtse peria;ning thereto,artd the rents,issues and profib.�eversions and remainGeis thereo�and � . • � -
<br />-i_- such peraonal proAerty th0t is flttache0 ro the(mprovemanfs so a9 to canstituis a fixture.inctuding,bu!not UmUed to.heafing and '
<br />� .� eoo6ngeQuipmentandtogetherwitrithohomesteadormarit3linterests,ifany,whichinteresbareheredyre�easedendwaiveri;all � _ �
<br /> - . ' af which.irrcluding roDtacemefl�en0 Sdaittons U►eteto,is hereby deatared to be a part of tfle reat estate secured by the pen ot this � �
<br />-_ .;''. . Oeed of Trust and ell of the toregoing DeUig reterred ta haretn es the.,ProysRy.. P , ,
<br />_ � , . ' • }. . • .
<br /> : - Tt�i��oi Tnist shali secure(e)the paymenf of the prineipat sum and lnterest 6vtQertC80 Dy e pramis5ory rtota or credtt s ' - .
<br /> _ - . � , agreernent QaLed .�n:s�rys�3lct 39g5 .haviog e maturiry dateat 3aa�sari• i5ttti :nh� . � '
<br /> � � ' : . . M tire artgtnat palnctp8l emour!o!S ��-2;fi_n�r .and any ar.d al1 modifica�orrA e�Renslorts and renawata • .
<br /> . � � �. ' . thersof ar thereLO•entl arty and afl tuwre sQvances and readvances tfl Bosrower(or any of them tt mare thnn ono)hereunder
<br /> ' � '' Ov►��►t to on0 or mara p�omtssory noie�or credit agreement9(hsrein ealled•'Hota"►;(C�th9 p8ytnent o!otRer sum9 e4vatuBQ Dy `��
<br /> �-----_--:_...-. -, ..
<br /> . . � :. , . . b�a.�a��t�nm.�msn�.�ec�a�u�.►r�rm, ' S
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