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<br /> :,:�:; >��:�. Y Y ; • �
<br />-�•-3�`���, of the Register of D�eds of� the:Couaty of Ha?:I AIlD TH� State of � �
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<br /> ' , --;�; Deect o� 3�ta� par�ia�3.ar�g described, reEereuce to �bsc� ss� hereby made . , � „
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<br /> . . The foregaSag fastslameat v�as acknow2edged befose a�e, a Notary PuDlic, ,
<br />~�''��"� -' on tSao 23sd day of Januasy, I995 by Rus.sell R. Jeasep, Preaid�nt, o� � E ���� � ' � � �
<br /> �� .�'�, � the Boelus 3tate.. Bank� a Nebraska Haakiag Corporatzoa on De h a l f o f easd ' �� �
<br />'-'��.;°� . � cos�ration. � k - . �
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