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<br /> - - . . IItQRUif�BF BAl1�K IVE6RASKA.IVAT/ONAL ASSQ�f�4TJON , ASSl�NIG9ElVt UF �. .. .,. ' � ` -
<br /> 'st �,. � � , � ' � LEASESAAIDRFNT . � ' � �-
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<br /> r • - � . , ' � . !• ' . <� �
<br /> � ... .. , . '� ` � - . . i ., � • .. ,
<br /> : • � � This Assignmen,t,rrrade this 3�th day of 3anuarg , t$ 9� by and � ` _ , .: :
<br /> • ��; ';,`. tr8tween Doug�las F. aad BarDara 1, Sutmachsr Husband and Wife _ �� ' ,
<br /> , �''�',- (,i4stigner••1,a�td NORWESF BAIVI�1t(EBRASKA,NAT/ONAC r4SSQC/AT/ON f'Assi9i►eE''1. �, ` .. � .. .
<br /> -�-�— ..
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<br /> - = — ` = - '= =-.
<br /> . . . . � -
<br /> • . �E . .UYITAtESSETtt: �" ' •
<br /> • � '� . , - •
<br />_. � � � ' tr is.agreed as faltouvs: , ._ .. �
<br /> . _ . � . �, .- � �
<br /> � , � ,
<br /> � � � . . �.;;�- � !_ Oefinitiorw'. As used in tAis Agreement: . . -
<br /> " � � . q, 'IN4rtgaga"shall mean thar cefiain aeer�of Trust 3anua rin 3pQaf sum , tg 95 . f . �
<br /> rv "
<br /> . . . o�tg T8 400.�0 , ctated . . . ._..
<br /> ' � exeeutedb�t_�u&�a� � and Barbara .I &utmacher as Trustoi,to/t[Ql�WESfBANK � . ,
<br /> ' � NfB�iASKA,iVAFtp1VAL ASSOC�ATtOt1t,as Berre�ciary,e►f.�on ihe�ea!estateand improverr,rents ,
<br /> A
<br /> .. • . tfeseribed in Ext►ibit",4':,which is attached hereto and bIr this referenCe incor�orated herein. � . , , `
<br /> . _`� , B. "Nota"shaU rrrean thar c2riain note secure�by the$ 78 400.OQ _ ,•� .
<br /> ^ .
<br /> . .� _:
<br /> . `' `.. .:.. _.....-.---..-.----D�B�.Qf_T�tlst..executedeontemporaneous! therewitteby Bou I� as F—and Barbara 1T. �' : . . �,_._ �
<br /> , • .
<br /> -- ..__._.. ���c - -�-�- -...------�--�-__ as�'i�ker;and�IUORWES-T$AlVK-NEBRASKA;
<br />- : '. Huem<.....°�^ . .._.. . _.�.-.--- ., :j
<br /> � NAglp11i�4L ASSE�IA�tQN,as payee,and secured by ih�Deed of Tiust. ��.,.
<br /> � . � • y �
<br /> - . . • • . � .•Loar�"as hereinafter t�sed,shal!mean if►e/oan ia the amount of "� 4Q0 OU �• . :._; �" �
<br />_ ..� . .:_. ,.� .,,_ �_.
<br /> � � � � - -, as erridenced h�the�oie and secureaf by ctre tTee�of Frusr as wel!as any other •' � � _
<br />_ - -
<br /> . .. . . __ ._.. .c .
<br /> � . � � � .. .• secetrinq irrstrttmenis • . '_
<br /> � � � � " lilQW,.THEREFORE,for and in cvnsideration of the making anrf funding of said Loan,and for . . �
<br /> - �-- -. - . , � QtAergQad and valuabte consideraiiorr,the receipi whereoP is he�eby acknowledged,Assigrror,fvr itself, ', � ;
<br /> � ,' • �. � �� its sereeessors,personal represeniaLives he/rs arrd assigns,has bargained,so/d,transferred,assigned, •„ #
<br /> eonveyed,set avar and delivered,and by these presents does hereby bargain,sell, transfer,assfgp►,and � � ' �.r
<br /> . . , . :;.:. �_ .
<br /> � eomrey as see�rity for tRe repayment af the above described�ndebtedness and the paymeni and per- , • , ,,..
<br /> �` � forrrranee of aft nf the Lerms and coadrrions of the Ittore and R�lortgage evidencing the same,and any
<br /> ,:::.,�;
<br /> - ' � � � � - and alf amerrdsnenis,ext�nsiarrs.and rene�vals rhereof,a/t leases now or hereafter exe�uted.affecting �_:._ ..__.�:_�-. :;_ ..
<br /> � � t�ta pdvngagecE Premises,and ald renf5t issues,profits and income ancf sums of money which may now . , �
<br /> � � ` or hereafrer be or become due and owing under and by virtue of said leases,r;t being the intentiorr
<br /> ° � ' • �ere8y to esia6lisA a comp/ete iransfer and assignment of the leases hereb�(assig»ed and al!the avails • ; :::�
<br /> � . � . ihereundec vnro ihe Assignee,its successors and assigns,together with ihe right but wirhoui iit� ,✓,J,-:"--
<br />- :;'� � �: : � obl�gatiorr,rv ralteci a!10�rhe said rents,issues,profits and income arising or aecruing,or which may , . _
<br /> ' �r ` Deeome due at any iim.e during the life of this L6ss�gnment.Assignor further agrees,upon demand ,,
<br /> - �' . - . :� Yhereaf,ro deliver ro and depasit said�eases vor'th Assignee. �
<br /> � �• � . . � . � �^ Assignor Ae�eby designates,constitates and appoinrs Assignee,its successors and assigns,wirh � � - ,� : �
<br /> � '�S•� fult power of substitudon,its rru�and/awfu/ariomey�witR p.awer for it and in its name,place and F ,.,w.. .
<br /> stea�f for in tRe name of Assigrree,to ask,demand,colleci,receivv receipt andgrve ful!and com- 4
<br /> ,. � � ' plete acquirtances for any and all rents,issues,Arofi ts and income hereby assigned which ma�r become ; •
<br /> � due arraf payabJs by lessees vr otRer accupants of the Mortgaqed Prem;ses;and ar iis discretion io fiJe E . .
<br /> , . t- -.� .
<br /> � . arxy elainr or take any other aetion or proceedr'ng to make any sett/emeni of any c/aim,either in its � ., �
<br /> • awrr name or in tRe name af Assrgnor,vr othenrtr+se, which ihe�lssigaee,or,any successar may deem
<br />- � desiraDie irr order ro collecr and enforce the payment of any anaF ap rents,issues,profi�s and ir�come � �
<br /> �� •> Aereirr assigrted.7f►e tessees and occupanrs af the lirtortgaged Premises,or any part hereof,are he�eby j . _
<br /> � � �� � exp�ty autAorized arrct directecf to pau all rents and sums herein assigned which would be paYable f
<br /> '�,. . � • '.. tQ Assiqnor,excepi for this Rssignmenf,to!he Assignee,and to rransmit and de/iver such paymeni r , � .
<br /> � ' tQ tRe Assigrree or�stteh nominee as rt may designata in writing,delive�ed to and received by such
<br />- � . . • /essea or occuQartt,wPro is exprossly relieved of any and all duty,liabi/iry or obligation to the �; .
<br /> ' ,4ssi�ror in respect of alf paymants sv r�ade. ` � �
<br /> , • •• . . � �ssignee shall be,and her.ehy 1s,vested with ful/pornrer ro use a1/such measures,lega/and
<br /> : ; ;�:: . . ' e�uit�b!o,as in its disaetion may Be d2emett necessary vr propor ro enforce this Agreemenc ana
<br /> � to Co/%L tAe renis,issues,profits and income assign6d hereunder,including tAe right iv enter upon
<br /> -'� � tRe premises an�tQ take passe�siorr thereof,and Assignor hereby grants fuli power and authoriry �
<br /> • � ro ihe Assigner�ta exercisa a/.1 rig/►ts,prrvileges and powers herein granted at any and al1 tr'mes here-
<br /> - . � � BffEr,wrt�lQltt!►OtrCB t0�4SS�gf►Or,v�rirh full power to us�t anct app/y al!of tlte re»ts,issues,profits and . : .
<br />'- ; .. ,� � • income herein assig�ced iQ tha pa�tments of any indebtednass or liability of the�4ssignor to Yhe �
<br />_ _ , . • . Assignee,in such order as Assiqnee may deie�mine. _
<br /> .
<br /> . .� ' . , .
<br /> - ..- s.�..__ .__._..:_._. ___ . .
<br /> . . ,. wrertaz�dmnossaa�zm ' ,
<br /> .. +r-� , . :
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